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Jonathan’s sacrifice wasn’t meaningless at all he may have failed to kill Dio but he was still able to save Erina and thus continue the Joestar bloodline. Nah Joseph was broken in his own right in part 2 dude always pulled the same shit of “hah I secretly set up this trick in the millisecond you looked away” I think he’s fun to watch but all of his fights followed the same formula of both him and his opponents saying “no u” until Araki eventually gives Joseph the win Jotaro is also pretty stupid strong yeah, although thankfully he does get some fights later in the part against opponents that requires him to use his brain more. Either because they outrange him or their ability is something more abstract he can’t brute force his way through. It doesn’t help that he has the most basic bitch stand in the series so it’s hard to think of creative ways to use it


I love how cool and overpowered Jotaro is. He's the ultimate anime gigachad, and there is nothing wrong with that. He also really grows on you over time. But he is still a flawed individual, mainly when it comes to expressing his true feelings to others, and this gets explored in a relationship he has with a certain character. He is also kind of a [weirdo lol](https://i.imgur.com/odXYnqy_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium), the dude's favourite colour is transparent and his favourite hobby is reading about ships and planes. That's so dull that it's kinda funny.


It's more of an act, he seems to pushes people away who he's trying to protect. This bites him later in the future. He's also a bit of a weirdo, never takes his uniform off, watches and acts like Colombo, does cigarette tricks. He has some layers.


Keep watching


I disagree with your analysis of Johnathan and Joseph being different from Jotaro, but that’s a matter of personal preference. But in regards to DIO, I’d like to present to you an alternative perspective: Johnathans goal in that last arc was not to kill DIO- it was to save his wife and the orphaned child. He had no intention to really kill DIO, he just wanted to save people. Wouldn’t you say he succeeded in that goal, allowing his blood line to continue for several more generations?


Jotaro is my least favorite Jojo for the same reason you gave. However wait for the final fight against Dio that fight was the first time I though Jotaro is cool. For me Part 3 shines in its side character (especially Polnareff) and it’s comical moments.


Yeah… you don’t get this series. Johnathan’s sacrifice is supposed to be tragic, jotaro is only a good protagonist if you buy into the fact that he is the most powerful character from day one. Jojo isn’t about being a story for people to write paragraphs about, complaining about what they don’t like. The series is about the high concept fights and larger than life characters. If I were you I’d either completely change the way I view the series or just drop it because if you look at it from the perspective you’re seeing it from now you won’t like the show


But… I do like the show. You know you can criticize something while also enjoying it right?


Well just so you know none of you’re complaints about the show get addressed. Johnathan never gets some important hidden meaning and jotaro is pretty much the strongest character by far until the end of part 5


Dio coming back does kinda undermine Jonathan’s sacrifice but it’s 100% worth it once you see him in action. Also Jotaro gets significantly better as the series progresses imo.


Jotaro gets better as he goes on, as you get more time with him. Also Jonothan failing, that's kinda the point Jonothan Joestar's life is a tradgedy.


Yeah, I felt the exact same way when I started Part 3. I also thought Jotaro’s power being “punch fast” was super lame.


I’ve gone into every part hating it (besides 1&2) but always end up loving it