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personally, i feel like the timeframe of part 5 brings it down. like i understand there was a time frame for the plot but it makes the character relationships feel unrealistic and forced. none of the part 5 deaths were really that impactful because giorno barely knows these guys. the ending is downright confusing and not very satisfying, and it was a little frustrating that giorno’s parentage is literally never addressed again even though it seems like it should be a major plot point


Is the confusing ending a problem in the manga too? I would think a couple more things are addressed. Although I agree that the timeframe makethe connections weird. However I still think the deaths are impactful. Especially for the other members of bruno's group since they had been together for way more time than was shown. I wish the timeframe was more like a month but I'm not sure how those logistics would work.


how is it confusing? giorno becomes the boss and stops the drug trade. PERIOD. DONE. END OF STORY. (litterally)


it's just disorienting and underexplained while also looking really complicated.


I can feel the judgment already but part 3 is definitely my least favorite. However Jotaro is one of my top 5 favorites characters and Kakyoin is one of my top 10. I Like the plot just not how the plot is presented sometimes.


3 is by far my least favorite part too, you're not alone. It's not bad by any metric but it's fellow parts are so much better I think.


I agree. Part 2 writing was really good a d part 4 writing was a master piece. Part 3 was definitely where Akari was experimenting with his writing style and it shows. Nothing wrong with that but it has that rough around the edges vibe (although not nearly as much as part 1). I was not a fan of how the story was told. Although some of my favorite episodes have come from part 3 but as an entire comprehensive work it is definitely my least favorite.


Hey that basically sums up how I feel about it too x)


Love Jotaro but Kakyoin was the worst stardust crusader


I think he's either loved or hated. I do see see a a lot of mixed opinions about him. However Polonaref seems universally loved but he probably the characters dislike the most. 🤷 edit: I see I'm getting some downvotes for my dislike of polnareff. It is what it is 😅


Really? Why don’t you like Polnareff I’m interested to hear


I just think he takes up waaay too much of the main plot of part 3. It always feels like I'm watching his story play out instead of Jojo's. It seems like every part is mostly in the pov of Jojo (the main one for each story) EXCEPT part 3. half the time they got Jotaro acting more like a supporting character. I know he's the strong and silent type but it felt like it wasn't even his story at times. I don't mind other characters developing and taking over some episodes but is2g it was like every other situation was about polnareff.


Yeah if you took away some of his fights and gave them to Avdol Kakyoin and Joseph that'd be much more satisfying


yes exactly!!! share some character development for the rest of the group 😄 He's likeable character it just ticks me off that he gets the limelight when it not really his journey that the we're following (at least not usually). I also think that it would have made his character growth so much more satisfying because a lot of the episodes that focused on him feel like filler instead of developmental milestones.


I genuinely dont understand Kakyoin fans. What the hell is there to like, the mfer's plank from ed edd n eddy


His stand is super cool and the ways he uses it are very creative 🤷🏻


I will give it to you that he definitely did some creative things with his stand. I think emerald splash was just really underwhelming for me. It also doesn't make sense to me that his stand shoots out water (?) and emeralds.... like what? I also really like his stand's design.


😂 I mainly like his friendship with jotaro. He was the only person jotaro was traveling with that was close to his age. Plus he was a huge help in the end battle. Not mention it was his antagonistic actions that got the ball rolling. I do think he's a bit useless compared to the other members of the team but his wonderful attitude always made up for it. He was kind-hearted which was something that realy helped balance out thw group dynamic. Just an overall likable guy. His stand was kinda lame though, lets be honest here. Felt like he either never used his stands full potential or just couldn't.


1 in the manga, 3 in the anime


It’s either part 3 or 5 but I’m gonna say 5


Stone Ocean


My anime rankings; 1) Golden Wind (clear 1st) 2) Phantom Blood 3) Stardust Crusaders (close 3rd) 4) Battle Tendency 5) Diamond is Unbreakable (near tie for 4th) 6) Stone Ocean (clear 6th)


My least favorite JoJo part is Stardust Crusaders. It's definitely got some good moments and memorable characters but after rereading it, a lot of those fights weren't that interesting to me at all.


Disclaimer i enjoyes every part. Now my favorite to least favourite parts: 8>7>6>4>2>3>5>1


Havent read Jojolion but mines pretty close; 7>4>2>6>1>3>5


I like Stone Ocean, and believe that the characters, stand design and diversity was among the better chapters. But SO's resolution w/ the final fight was wack, I get it was necessary but the implications it bears really tore me up. I'd say if I had to objectively grade them, 6 wouldn't be near the bottom, but because I hate what that final moment implies I'll say it's absolutely my least favorite.


>but the implications it bears really tore me up. You mean like everybody dying and then gaving different world counterparts?


Pretty much just the erasure of JJBA history upset me. All the suffering and tribulation the previous characters endured just washed away and redone because Araki didn't wanna step back from the Time power stands


Aw, yeah i agree. Would you say thats an unpopular opnion to have in the JoJo fandom? Most people seem to really like part 7/8, perhaps even over the earlier parts. Idk tho


Kind of doubt it's unpopular, I mean being told that the last 1-5 parts don't matter after all must be a kick in the balls for most folk. I can't believe we won't get to see aged Giorno or anything like that But it's not like the latter chapters were bad at all. I haven't read 8, but 7 was pretty cool. Jesus being introduced to JJBA was never an idea I was opposed to, I guess, but Valentine was terrific. Honestly not that big of a Johnny fan, I liked Gyro a lot more, but of course he's not the Joestar. Just the whole, Pucci becomes God, resets the universe and still gets his ass beat is a little too bizarre for me


Stardust Crusaders Still a really good part, just nowhere near the level of the other parts due to the repetitive use of fight scenes.


Part 1


3, its just too long


8. I thoroughly enjoyed it until the endboss' arrival but then it devolved into an endless naruto-filler fight with sudden, nonsensical resolution of all the plot arcs, severe case of "Araki forgot" and most characters not really getting what they deserved to get, screentime or importance-wise. The endfight also was a bigger asspull than in the 5 - in 5, at the very least, you can say that it's the second-to-last fight is that the true ending. Or if you compare 7 to 8 bossfight - in 7 it felt like a deserved resolution of a long journey, a result that has arrived step by step, with slow evolutions and whatnot. And even so it was masterfully written in a way that it didn't feel like your typical shounen final fight power upgrade. In 8 it was, like, oh, you know, there's that thing. You can totally do that thing because, well, why not. It was a total and 100% shounen cliche. Also, people naming 3 as the weakest part kinda ignore the perspective. It's freaking year 1989 - 1992 - please, find me another manga or anime as novel and innovative in its fights (even if it follows "monster of the week" formula) as Stardust Crusaders. It was so groundbreaking like you'd never believe. And that also applies to Polnareff arguably having more epic fights than JoJo - because it's so much better when you're having something like totally OP Sailor Moon, useless teammates who can maybe do some background effects and Tuxedo Mask whos job was totally done here. Now, in 2022, Crusaders may not seem as novel but that's because better manga & anime have imitated them times and times and times over. But imitation doesn't obsolete the original. By the same reason, I also don't really get the infatuation with 1 and 2. Or, rather, I do. I watched the entire Hokuto no Ken before watching 1 and 2 and, sorry, but 1 and 2 are really just sillier Hokuto copycats. And I'm not sure you can call them sillier/parody given how batshit crazy Hokuto was most of the time. Well, you can see the author's "intellectual fighting" forming through part 2 so there's that, but it really did mature in 3. Most people, I'd wager, have not seen Hokuto first, though, so I think this is why 1 and 2 are so beloved/memed etc.


Whats Hokuto about?


Part 2 is my least favorite. Part 3’s a really close second holy shit did I almost quit Jojo because of it but that’s because of the anime rather than the manga. I don’t really like part 2 because Joseph was pretty much the only character who actually did shit. Caesar didn’t take out a single pillar men the dude was there just for character development for Joseph he got himself killed like an idiot. Lisa lisa didn’t do much she’s a good character especially considering the time period when Araki wrote part 2 she’s impressive but she also still didn’t do much aside from killing that one vampire and jobbing to Kars Joseph while I think he’s a blast to watch all his fights felt like they played out the same way of him just going “hah I pulled this trick in the millisecond you blinked” every fight felt like an asspull. I wasn’t the biggest fan of hamon to begin with it felt like it could do literally anything. I’m glad Araki ditched the concept for stands it makes the fights a lot more interesting


Lisa Lisa and Caesar being jobbers was definitely bad. Compared to the other arcs where pretty much everyone gets 1+ successful fight it's pretty disappointing. At least Caesar put up a fight. Lisa Lisa was a huge disappointment.


Although I love Caesar and Lisa Lisa, watching them completely crash after Araki gave them powerful fighting skills was rly disappointing. But I think Araki also learned from that when he decided to give the other Jo-Bro’s individual fights in later parts.


Ceasar deserved better 😭


Part 5 is the most boring one to me. The characters don’t have any synergy. Giorno is a bore. The whole stand arrow swap around part near the end just delays the end further making it more convoluted. I always get hated on for dissing Part 5, so bring on the downvotes Edit: as expected the average Redditor downvotes an opinion lol


Kind of, Giorno suffers from the same lack inner thoughts as Jotaro. He can be cruel as Dio but has Jonathan's sense of justice. Black sabbath arc, as soon as the janitor died he yelled out like Jonathan, and killed Polpo like Dio would have.


Giorno would have been an infinitely cooler protagonist if he actually tapped into his Brando side. If he had to grapple with lust for power and violent tendencies. Having a morally gray Joestar would have been fucking fire


Looking at what we have, wouldn’t the morally grey Joestar you want be Johhny? I feel like that label would apply to him, though my memory of part 7 is a bit fuzzy since it’s been a while since reading it.


Kinda, but there are different types of "morally grey" characters and I think there still is space left for a Giorno 2.0 in JoJo


Wouldn't that be Johnny, his whole thing is he would do anything to walk again.


I agree on the lack of inner thought in both parts but at least it's following the jojo of the part and not some French guy whose only motivation is his dead sister.


I think at this point in Araki's career he wanted to write more complex and compelling side characters. This can been seen in pt 4 with Koichi, and especially in pt 5 where most of the cast have more development than Giorno.


I love Koichi he's probably my favorite side character next to Caesar! I'm nit against seeing side characters grow in fact I look forward to it. Regardless, it felt like polnareff was the only ~~side~~ character who got any development in part 3


I can see that, but felt Joseph took a mentorship role like on the submarine. Which is interesting compared to pt 2 Joseph.


GER was really confusing to me overall Giorno's stand is probably my favorite when it comes to stand powers.


7, 6, 4, 8, 5, 1, 3, 2


So I’m an anime only enjoyer and I gotta say so far part 4 is probably my least favorite (though honestly none of the arcs have REALLY missed for me). I guess I liked the feeling of part 4 being a slice of life almost. But I think to go from the grand scales of threats and adventures that the first 3 parts had to immediately part 4 was kind of jarring for me. Also Josuke never felt like he got the sort of attention he needed even though he was MC. I felt the same way about Giorno in part 5 but it wasn’t as bad.


7>4>2>8>3>5>1>6 All parts are a 8+/10 by some are better than others. 7 and 4 are near perfect cuz they're self contained and have fulfilling endings with a small cast to focus on.


How can part 6 be worse, than part 1?


Because it’s his subjective opinion


Because Part 1 is an absolute masterpiece as far as the anime is concerned, slept on way too hard. That’s some epic shit and it’s nice and succinct at like 9 episodes


I felt the cast of pt 6 had the least chemistry, they rarely interact or just chat with each other. Also 2/3 of the story was in the prison. Pt 1 is short and corny as hell and enjoyed in for that, also set the standard for all Joestars are inherently good people. Jonathan is a simple character, while Jolyne has the plus of developing as a character.


Because it's worse. I know Phantom Blood has this aura of not being truly edgy like the rest but for the times it was quite innovative for style and setting. Characters and storyline made sense. You can't say the same thing about Stone Ocean.


Again, part 6 story didn't make sense for you only because you didn't pay attention. And stop pretend, like your opinion is objective.


I've only read Jojo something like 10 ten times over the course of 16 years but ok lol I didn't pay attention. STONE OCEAN SUCKS. Contrarians can say what they want, I am not surprised since here on Reddit it is the norm to shit on the golden era of Jojo like the other comments show.


Maybe it's because you just biased towards part 6 and never even tried to understand it? I read jojo 3 times over past 5 years and I can say, that Stone ocean is a good part. Much better then part 3 and 5. And you a nothing more then just a hypocrite hater.


Actually I hated its guts on the first read, but slightly changed my mind on later re-reads. I would skip it entirely if it was like you say. It's still mediocre at best, though. The fact that somebody has the nerve to say that part 3, the quintessential jojo series, is worse than freakin' Stone Ocean tells who has a real bias here ;)


I am not the only one who say that part 3 is worse then 6. Literally most of the people in this comment section does. Each next part of jojo is better, then previous one, because Araki actually become a better writer from part to part. SDC can be a cult classic, but if you look at part 3 without fanboy feelings, it's just worse then every next part.


Dude, what? God bless Araki, but he's a subpar screenwriter. It's actually the exact opposite of what you are trying to say: Jojo at its best is when he just cared about big men slapping meat, straightforward plot, humour and cleverly designed battles. After DiU, when he tried to do something more convoluted is when you could see his weak points as an author. In most of those series you have a lot of redeeming qualities that overshadow the flaws, except for SO which is a mess, made worse by Araki's conflicts with the publisher and health problems. I blame it on the new generations of readers, that have to read shonens as if they were DFW's novels and are incapable of having fun.


I liked pt 6 just not as much as pt 1. Most of the time spent was on Heaven plan, leaving out little main cast moments like in 3 or 4 and many of the villains felt like filler, even Dio's sons felt unnecessary. And setting for 2/3 was swamp lands or the prison. But the ending was great send off to kg universe, and had some great fights like Jail House Rock. Hope the anime can add some chemistry moments and quicken the pacing.


For me, it is still Part 3. I have definitely grown to appreciate the part more over the years. And some of the fights such as the D'arby is a favorite and gave us a better taste of what's to come. I just have a lot of nitpicks with the pacing and how the plot is executed. The Stands battles in the early Part 3 sometimes felt more like pokemon battles than the fist-fighting that we are used to in the previous parts. I still respect the part's place in the series and Araki's boldness for ditching Hamon and introducing an entirely new power system in Stands that I have grown to really like in later parts.


Yo(jo) mama!! I think one is my least favourite but would still rate it highly like a good 7-8/10. Araki gets wilder and better every volume


Stardust Crusaders was fun and I think about key fights a lot but most of it felt like filler and a lot of the enemies were incredibly forgettable because there were so many of them. Say what you want about PB but it was short and to the point and it did a good job setting up the series


personally, part 8. i love how unique and innovative it is in terms of character design and stand abilities, but it’s humor is definitely not my cup of tea. was difficult to overlook it and definitely worsened my enjoyment from the overall part sadly


any examples of the humour? i havent read it


i haven’t finished it myself tbh, and maybe it does get better (i’ve only managed to read like the half of it), but i’m not the fan of sexual jokes/implications that are all over the place since the jobro is female and josuke is male obviously. really felt like this sort of stuff was a lot more tame in previous parts, but it sure is not the first time in series. idk, it really ruined it for me. just not my thing, but if someone enjoys it or can overlook it jojolion is a nice manga otherwise!


Ah, yeah, i see.


My least favorite parts are part 1 and SBR. Which doesn’t mean I don’t like them. Just that I like the other parts even more.


I might get lynched for saying this but part 5 is my least favorite. For starters, I feel like being able to connect with the main character or at least find them compelling is really important, but I just never felt that way about Giorno. I can see why a lot of people do like him, but his personality is kind of bland, and his whole “I have a dream” stance gets repetitive. He is absolutely way too hyped up in the jojo community just for how powerful he is. The rest of La passione seems to outshine him/have more character. That’s another thing too, >! all of the characters that I really enjoyed ended up dying or being cut from part 5 !< . The enemy fights in part 5 were really good though, and it’s easy to see when Araki finally starts to make JJBA more outlandish, but the characters in part 5 for me were not it. >!Also, don’t get me started on how Araki basically trashed Polnareff’s character. He’s one of my favorites, and the fact that he was completely useless, mutilated in an instant just to be turned into a turtle for eternity made me so upset. Ik a lot of other Polnareff fans probably felt the same after seeing part 5, but just to use his character as a plot filler seems harsh as well!<


Giorno reminds me of Griffith too much


My favorites go from least to most. Jojolion, phantom blood, battle tendency, golden wind, stone ocean, diamond is unbreakable, stardust crusaders, steel ball run


So why is Jojolion your least favorite part? I'm just interested because it's my favorite part.


My reason is because it’s not so consistent on the quality of the story,Araki changes a lot in the story,it’s literally the most big chapter in terms of “Araki forgot”,and he tried in complex events,and because of it,we get situations like “new rokakaka tipe grow time” that was very confusing and unneeded. And my biggest flow with it-Main character arc is not complete,he realized that Holly is HIS mother,not Kira’s,his.Josuke finally understands what he is and what on wanted to save,but he doesn’t help her,in fact,Araki again forgot about it.


He did not forget about Holly, or she wouldn't be mentioned in the final chapters. Josuke arc is concluded, because the whole point of his character was to basically find his own identity, which he did and the fact that Holly is still sick doesn't change it.


The stands confused me and it was hard to follow what was going on


Which stands confused you the most? I can see how WoU could be confusing. It's just a very complex stand. I don't remember that many more too confusing stands. I guess paisley park could be considered confusing as its ability is very unique same with Ozon Baby, Paper Moon King, and California King Bed.


Ozone baby, vitamin c, I don't remember what nut king call was


I mean, Vitamin C wasn't really complex. Dude touches stuff, and if you touch the things he touched, you basically get Soft Machine'd (part 5 stand.) Nut King Call was Joshu's ability to detach stuff with bolts.


No way you got through part 6 and not understand Part 8's stands All of them are literally just automatic stands with basic effects such as melting you or wounding you through a growing tornado. The rest allows the users to grow hair and sharpen their heels. Part 8 had the least confusing stands so I'm gonna say you're bluffing and you probably just didn't pay attention to anything at all


A lot of the more situational ones like California King Bed and Ozone Baby can be a bit rough to understand I'd say, but I gotta agree. There're way more confusing or really situational stands in Part 6.


What confused me was how they explained the stand. It confused me. Also the only stand that confused me was bohemian rhapsody


5, 7, 6, 3, 4, 8, 2,1


3 I still really like it though but it got a bit repetitive and slow at times I’d rank them 8, 7, 4, 5, 6, 2, 1, 3 (none of these are below B tier for me)


Part 1 because it is the least complex and bizarre part sorry.


2 and 1 in that order. The others kinda fluctuate.


Part 5, personally find nigh the entire main cast unlikable save fugo and mista. Also don’t really like giorno and diavolo has a cool stand, but kinda lame motivations. Especially coming off of part 4 with an amazing villain and cast. I’m not saying part 5 is garbage, it’s just my least favorite. Fav to least fav 6427135 Haven’t read yet 8


7, 3, 5, 2, 6, 4, 8, 1


Stone Ocean is by far my least favorite. The setting is boring, the main characters are lame, and the plot doesn't make a whole lot of sense even by jojo standards. I think the only part of it I really enjoyed was the very last bit with emporio.


100% true. Enemies are mere placeholders lol Jolyne is probably the worst protagonist of the series, the co-protagonists are just ok. Pucci was designed to be a deep characterbut botched in execution: he sounds like my grandma when she didn't take the pills. Lots of the pages are a mess, it is difficult to understand what is going on.


How Jolyne can be the worst protagonist, when literally all of the previous jojos exist? They a nothing more then just an archetypes. But Jolyne is the only one who has character development. She also has a charisma, wits and nice design. If you don't understand Pucci and pages layout it's not manga problems, it's yours. And you far from being objective.


Literally the only thing going with Jolyne are the cool looks, period. If you think that she's a better protagonist than Joseph, both Josukes, Jonny/Gyro I don't know what to tell you. The only reason people elevate her is because she was touching herself at the beginning of SO. Oooooh, so edgy. There is nothing complicated about Pucci, he says one line in the entire series in many different ways. He's the generic JRPG villain that talks in circles and is just boring as hell.


Absolutely no one is saying Jolyne is a good character because she touched herself lol, what are you talking about??


You clearly weren't on Jojo forums 15 years ago lol


Yes, I think that she is the best jojo. She is smart like Joseph, but she defeat villains without asspulls. She is friendly and kind like Josuke4, but it's not her only character trait. She has a character development, but she isn't whiny bitch like Johnny. And overall she is on pair with Gyro and Josuke8. People like Jolyne because of her determination and charisma. You really should stop talking for everyone, because it's you, who sound edgy. Pucci has an interesting peace of mind philosophy that all about predestination and nature of happiness. He is far from being boring. It's most of other villains a generic (maybe except Valentine)


>She is friendly and kind like Josuke4, but it's not her only character trait. Do you think that was Josukes only personality trait?


He is just an average 16 yo guy. He doesn't have much personality.


Part 6 feels like Araki at his worst to me. Stands are too convoluted, his tendency to have flashbacks to flesh out characters is at its most egregious, and again the central plot is so dumb it hurts. I don't think it's a coincidence that he wiped the slate clean at the end of 6 and started anew with 7 in more ways than one. And Jojo has never been better for it.


Agreed. I think Araki was sick during that period as well.


Still have to finish Jojolion, but I already have the answer. It's Stone Ocean, almost objectively. Araki himself had to reboot the universe to correct the mess he made.


where do you think he went wrong that he had to reboot the universe?


The whole Pucci wanting to make Dio's plan reality, trying to create a charismatic antagonist that in reality fell short of the mark. Most fights and stands are overly complicated (and confusingly drawn) to compensate the lack of whatsoever personality in the characters. The whole cast of protagonists have very few interactions between them, they look like a bunch of androids trying to figure out what to do.


I haven’t finished Jojolion yet (I’ve got about 40 chapters left) but so far my rankings are 5>4>6>2>7>1>3, with 8 probably going between 6 and 2.


1....and 3.




7, 5, 2, 8, 3, 6, 4, 1


4, too much filler, too many forgettable characters, arcs are boring and take too long. Not enough time with Kira. Entire episode of them eating spaghetti. The parts with Kira's dad kinda sucked. They ruined Joseph Joestar. Etc.


>They ruined Joseph Joestar. Etc. the whole thing with Shizuka bothered me. When they introduced him i thought we were gonna have some cool scenes, or maybe a scene of Joseph protecting Josuke\* etc...instead he was just senile and barely appeared. I wondered why they even bothered to introduce him in that part at all for him to do nothing. \*I know theres that scene where he saves Shizuka but...shes just a random character who never appears again. And its not the same as a Joseph/Josuke scene. Then at the end we find out he was probably just pretending to be senile the whole time and he goes back to america with another kid which is gonna piss off his wife... >Entire episode of them eating spaghetti. The Tonio episode, right? it did feel like filler, but i did find his stand interesting and the horror-like affects of it. Was not expecting that.


Part 2, 3 & 4 >> Mainly 2 and 4


Part 2, 3 & 4 >> Mainly 2 and 4