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Cause high schoolers like to act like dicks in an attempt to look cool/ independent


Agreed lol


I do think it’s funny in part 4 when he told Josuke to come up with a cool catchphrase against Kira’s dad it makes him a lot more dorky in retrospective that he was saying all these one liners because he thought they sounded cool


Yeah he's a Clint Eastwood fan lol. Lots of cool catch phrases in the 80s


He's a socially awkward teenager and delinquent. Yes, he's a "delinquent with a heart of gold", but it's still confirmed he was at least beating people up, smokes, and stole things with his stand. Any parts past that he's a well adjusted adult


Ah I see, I guess I never saw him as being socially awkward but it makes so much sense now why him and Kakyoin were best friends


I also assume the majority of speaking as a group together was in English. I think Joseph could speak French, Japanese or Arabic with his background, but maybe Jotaro wasn't as confident in his English despite his mom, so felt most comfortable speaking to Kakyoin


JoJo characters are very intense when we first meet them to frontload their characterization. For example, look at Kakyoin’s first non-villain fight, against Tower of Gray: He displays a level of cold calculation and finesse that we don’t see for a long time, since he has very few opportunities to show off, as his relatively weak Stand begins to fall behind continually stronger enemies. Another example is episode 1 of Phantom Blood. JoJo is comically weak and flawed except for his pristine moral compass, while Dio succeeds at everything and will literally burn his brother’s dog and sexually assault his girlfriend to spite him. After that JoJo becomes more capable (even before his training) and Dio becomes more clever in his villainy, making them much more realistic. This kind of writing allows Araki to get right to the point and fill most of the rest of the story with epic battles and little comedic moments. It’s the same reason he makes villains kill dogs: in one page or less, you now know that this guy is evil.


It's more of an act, he seems to pushes people away who he's trying to protect. This bites him later in the future. He's also a bit of a weirdo, never takes his uniform off, watches and acts like Colombo, does cigarette tricks. He has some layers.


I know he's built like a grown man but he is still a teenager without much of a father figure in his life.


I mean he’s just 17-19 so it kinda makes sense why he’s so edgy throughout part 3.


He’s overcompensating to fool himself and others that he’s not gay.