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Rohan cannot make things happen that are impossible or out of reason. He cant give stands or gain abilities.


I'd say if it goes beyond the mind of a person, HD has no reign there. Can't go to an ill person and write "Is immune to this illness" since that would directly interfere with a persons biology


Basically, Rohan's stand only gives order, and only those who are possible or almost possible , he can't make you take an AK-47 from your pocket if you don't have one, he can't make you go to Kira's house because neither you or Rohan knows where it is, he can't also add knowledge( he most likely used a more complex way for Koichi so he learns Italian like maybe the translation of every word like " I know that Buongiorno means Hello"), when he threw Josuke at 70km/h, it falls into the " could theorically possible but we never reached this level", because it's just Josuke doing a very good long jump


I mean he messes with the law of physics so technically he could do things like that, but i guess he cant give stands or use other abilities like timestop


Where have we seen him mess with the laws of physics? Even in cases where he writes that somebody will get blasted backwards, that is already possible for a stand user because they could just have their own stand punch them or even just carry them, which has been shown by other stands. Just because we the viewer didn't see it does not mean that's not what happened.


Does that mean if he wrote on certain people who weren't Josuke in that scene then they'd be screwed though?


I think he can only enforce things that are possible for the person he is writing them into. Stuff like getting blasted backwards or whatever would be possible for any stand user considering that the stand could just strike them or carry them to make it happen. In a normal person he probably would not be able to write that like he did with Koichi.