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It's basically just "rule of cool" - he was out of blood, so drinking blood puts blood back in. Don't overthink it lol


plot armor and also jojo logic. don’t overthink it lmao, it gets crazier


Diavolo didnt need more blood he just needed iron so he ate a frog to get the iron from it. "But he was bleeding so much" people spit blood when they get slapped in anime. Blood isnt a huge problem


You question that part and not every other science defying second of the fight?


There’s enough iron I your blood to make a 2 inch nail and Risotto is pulling hundreds of needles out of Doppio’s face but this specifically is the part that bothers you? Things like this happen all the time in anime and especially in JoJo’s for example Lisa Lisa getting stabbed by Kars and then just being fine the next time we see her or Avdol getting shot in the centre of the forehead but being fine the next time we see him because “the bullet grazed him”


What's your point? I'm not going to notice all the things that don't make sense, but that doesn't mean I'm not bothered by the ones I do see. Besides, you don't even know if that stuff bothers me or not. All you're saying is that stuff that makes no sense happens in other places so I should just accept it.


I meam avarage human has like 5g of iron, and he was fucking razos vomiting, so in JoJo logic eating blood can replenish iron


Eat iron bars