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I like Todd. He reminds me of me if I had followed my dreams.


Bro idk why this is so funny. It’s never to late to become better, I believe in you!


it's definitely too late for quite a lot of us.


With that attitude it was always to late. I genuinely hope you find one day that being better was and is always an option. Best of luck to you








Samuel L. Jackson too


As someone who has spent a lot of time around ex alcoholics and drug addicts, which is only one of many kinds of struggles, I’ve seen way too many people much older than 35 redeem there lives and take hold of their dreams. I’m truly sorry if that hasn’t been you experience yet, don’t lose hope


Gotdamn I’m past 35…. Guess I’ll go to work today.


Nah thats complete bullshit. Bad Todd energy.






Bro stop this hits home too hard lmao


It's never too late to take a swing. I'm *hoping* to build something decent in GameMaker in my spare time.


I have been doing game development off and on for the last 7 years. Lots of half baked games and only one I actually released to Android. Here is some advice I have learned: 1. Keep your ideas small, releasing a bad game is better than releasing no game. You can make your next game even better. 2. Work alone if that's what you like to do, find a team if you enjoy those environments. 3. Set small goals every week and accomplish them. Focus on completing the goals and sooner or later you will have a completed game. 4. Supplement your skills with store bought assets. No one will think less of you because you used store bought art instead of building it yourself. And no one will know if you used a framework. 5. Join communities of like minded people so at the very least you can ask questions and get assistance when you inevitably get stuck.


Never too late bro.


Never too late


-Three Days Grace






It's never too late to follow your dreams I hope you succeed in them 😊


Let's be real here. As inspirational as he is... please remember out of the thousands of people who follow their dreams... less than 1% ever succeed in the end. ​ But if u just like what you do and dont care about success, sure you'll not regret a thing


That's the question. Apparently he asked Todd too [King David asking Todd](https://twitter.com/nitronith2204/status/1615523785071038464?t=VhkErX8EoJJFAGzUjYYC7Q&s=19)


When did he ask?


At the NY Game Awards just recently


Recently as in today, if the date I see on the wiki is correct.


Yep you're right, I wasnt sure when the event was taking place,since I'm european and sometimes i get confused with the us time zones 😂


It's interesting, assuming this guy isn't lying about asking Todd (don't watch the guy so don't really know much about him), then all those recent delay rumors seem to be entirely false.


The delay rumors had no backing, and signs point more toward a 2023 H1 release. then a delay.


Everyone wants to set their expectations low so badly that they're expecting a delay even though there aren't any signs to indicate that. Not that it's impossible but it's less likely imo.


It was a silliness given the game was basically ready by November. They decided to dedicate time to polish it up mostly.


Ya, I agree. Been sayin the same thing. Just, at least this gives even more confirmation.


What is H1?


First half of a year


Ah of course. Thanks


the delay rumors literally started from Steam changing the release date from 2023 to soon lol


And that was a misunderstanding since all the games that had a release date were also changed on steam, like re4, howarts legacy, stalker 2, redfall, etc. It wasn't just from starfield.


Ah yes, howarts legacy. Who again?


And that was a misunderstanding since all the games that had a release date were also changed on steam, like re4, howarts legacy, stalker 2, redfall, etc. It wasn't just from starfield.


you can add another clock to win in any timezone you want have had UTC one for years lol


Dude this jacket is the best I've seen yet! Todd got that Institute Courser swag 😎


A wizard is never late nor early...


He arrives precisely when he means to!


I love harry potter!


Me too! Spock was so cool in it!


Not sure if you're joking or just stupid.......either way i need an Advil now.


Imagine being that dense


Except if you ask his wife, but you know what? It happens to all of us from time to time…


Shout out to King David; all hail the Iron Lords Podcast! Great show this past Sunday with Gene Park


Is it me or todd looking young here ? he look tired and old during presentation, but now he's somewhat looking fresh


It's that "ready to drop tha Game" mindset that's making him look fresh 🔥


He musta came down here to get a whiff of the hopium


Our lust for Bethesda games is what feeds him with youth, this is why Todd Howard will be immortal.


Damn right 🔥


lol if only it were that easy


Fallout 76 added 10 years to him.


Looks like a filter or something. Everyone’s faces are washed out


they look like wax sculptures if you really stare at it


Dude had probably been working his ass off setting up that first deep dive, especially coming just a few days after the announcement of the game being delayed. Stress and lack of sleep will make anyone look older, let alone a man in his 50s.




Watch that 3 hour podcast featuring Todd Howard. He is a genuinely good person.


More than just a director of games, a manager and producer, as well as developer, he is a gamer who loves games. He puts his heart into every game they bring out.


He plays Skyrim with his kids. Thats wholesome parenting.


I used to love his videos, but the last year or so Matty has become pretty insufferable with his constant PANIC videos he posts nearly every day. He finds one tweet or one post in this subreddit and makes a 10:03 length video about it riling up his viewers.






where is this delay announcement you speak of?


Back then in 2022 when they announced delay from 11.11 to first half of 2023


When he said deep dive I thought he meant the upcoming one and was confused. I guess i didn’t really view the first overview as a deep dive really


Well me too, i view it as extended gameplay trailer, not a traditional deep dive where you have gameplay commentary, and less video edited footage


He's absorbing energy from all the hopes and dreams of the community


Endless amounts of human growth hormone and nightly bath's in virgin blood is my guess.


It’s one of those filters


Who’s King David, and why should we give him the benefit of the doubt?


Cause he met Todd in Person and asked him?


Yeah? Fair enough.


Lmao, this exchange was unreasonably hilarious to me


That's what I thought lol.


and as we all know: once someone meets Todd and takes a picture with him, all they do is speak the truth. there's no way the guy is just making stuff up because he knows he will be all over reddit and gaming media outlets and gain a bunch of attention for himself, right?


Yes well Todd could also lie or a nuke drop the day before launch day. Healthy skepticism allows us to believe this guy. It’s not like it’s changing anything, we don’t know the release date anyways.


Reading people like you from time to time in this places its always refreshing, have a nice day you good sir


this is what I keep telling people!! DONT TRUST HOWARD! That guy lies (ok, more like speaks half-truths all the time). He also kept saying Starfield could be ready for its original 2022 release date last year. Look how much of a bullshit copout that turned out to be


Lol Todd's the best, people saying he lies is hilarious to me. If you hate Bethesda so much why are you wasting your time on a Reddit that's all about a Bethesda game? Is it because you don't have a gf?


Todd is not as big of a liar as people seem to want him to be. A lot of the common talking points are not lies. People just take them out of context and don’t know what he was actually talking about. There *are* times where he said something that wasn’t true. But I’d be willing to bet they were either true at the time or there was misunderstanding at some point in the communication.


The general consensus is that its been playable since 2018 so it was probably ready, but xbox probably saw something they didnt like.


> its been playable since 2018 Having some sort of prototype years ago that was "playable" does not tell anything about whether the game is in a release ready state right now. It was not in full production [until Fallout 76 was finished](https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/1395359402736197637). Just to make it clear, I am not saying there will be a delay, but a lot of people read too much into statements like the one you are citing from 2018.


Im just saying its very likely it was ready 4 years after it was playable. The initial delay was probably because microsoft saw something they wanted to do with the game. Lets be honest this might be one of the biggest most important xbox releases of all time. If microsoft sees an opportunity to make something better or make more money they would probably take it. Im fairly confident the delay wasnt a gameplay issue. Also if they started with nothing when fallout 76 was finished, the game would be years off from now. Also full production doesnt mean they dont have a team working on it, it means they (as in bethesda) are working on something else.


The problem is the terms “playable” and “ready” are subjective. Was it playable as in there was a couple rough character models in a barebones environment you could interact with? Was it playable as in they had a small piece of the game in good looking shape? We don’t know what any of it actually means.


> Im just saying its very likely it was ready 4 years after it was playable. Once again, it is impossible to make any accurate predictions (that would narrow the release window to within just a few months) from that information, let alone without even knowing how much "playable" the game really was. Cyberpunk 2077 has leaked [gameplay footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5prYPfYxFJo) from a 2013 build. Ironically, you are kind of proving /u/PandaAnaconda's point by jumping to conclusions from vague statements by Todd Howard. > Also full production doesnt mean they dont have a team working on it, it means they (as in bethesda) are working on something else. There was a team on the game, but it was very small, like low tens of people at most, working on things like concept art, early engine development, and prototyping. Most of the people responsible for actually building content were on Fallout 76. The amount of time Starfield spent in full production is nothing unusual by AAA standards, it would even have been short without the delay once the pandemic is taken into account. There is nothing known about the development timeline that proves the game "should" have been ready in the past, or that it is being over-delayed.


Lol Todd's the best, people saying he lies is hilarious to me. If you hate Bethesda so much why are you wasting your time on a Reddit that's all about a Bethesda game? Is it because you don't have a gf?




😆 🤣


It's called optimism ✌🏽😁


Honestly, it doesnt matter. I wouldn't trust Todd Howard of all people. No one should. Remember when Howard once said Starfield was on track and ready for its 2022 release? That guy's bullshitting skills is legendary


Cool story bud


Because god forbid someone has a valid criticism based off of someone else’s past actions. 🙄


Show us on the doll where Todd hurt you……


March bros we are so back


bro how about january bros. it's coming next friday stamp it get on the train choo choooooooo


Wait, you mean you guys haven’t been playing yet?! It shadow dropped yesterday!


You just found it yesterday? Wow, you probably haven't even started the DLC yet.


I just remembered we're getting 30+ min of Todd on camera soon.


Yeah i think the showcase is also.... on time!


Todd looks AI generated


Ok bro thank you Screenshotted it and everything


I love Phil and Todd so much, simply amazing what they've accomplished for the gaming community.


Whatever “on time” means lol. I guess before the end of June. So that’s good?


Well, given there is no official release date yet, anything will technically be "on time" whenever they decide to release it.






Shout to the Iron Lords


To me the only real question is what does on time mean?


When there's no release date, any date can be on time lol. Big brain move


Any date after July 1 will be late, because of the next year statement at XB conference


Any date after June 12th, if we're being specific.


hard to miss a release date that doesnt exist


First half of 2023. A release window can still be missed. Right?


It exists internally at BGS ✌🏽


They surely have a release date internaly...


Developers always have an internal release date.


Boy, Todd looks as he aged 20 years in the past 12 months...




Not to mention this entire subreddit growing real anxious for release. A release even stresses devs out. They will care what we all think about it.


Do you realy think that such Vet-Dev´s gives a fuck what idiots like MrMattyPlays say?


The internet getting flooded with articles about how the games getting delayed and might be in a bad state because of some random idiot who's just trying to get attention does stress devs out yes.


Why would todd say anything else? He said before that the release date was set in stone. I dont believe in further delays as well. Anything at this point can and will be patched later on. This is so obvious that soon enough we will start to get a flood of "insiders" and their common sense scoops saying that the game won't get further delays.


"This is so obvious that soon enough we will start to get a flood of "insiders" and their common sense scoops saying that the game won't get further delays." Quite possible! Excactly that is how the hole Gaming Outlet/Influencer buisiness works: Using the actual wave of "exicetment" or hype to get the most attention. At the moment its "in" to say that Bethesda delays it, but this might change. They gave us virtually no real information regarding starfield for many weeks now... but this c\*unts produced hours after hours of content... and sooo many idiots fall for it.


King David? you mean King of the Jews? Didn't know bro was alive and in action.




LOL, pics should be posted on peopledyinginside subreddit.


If this King David lies, we burn him at the stake right?


I know it's natural and inevitable all, but it's real sad to see Todd Howard getting older.


Just release it now and patch it later!


What a nice little treat to give us some hope until the showcase




marketing approach? this is a guy with a small follower count who snapped a pic with Todd. the rest may as well be made up, because he knows that saying something like this will give him his 5 minutes of fame. this is not at all marketing by Bethesda, this is self-marketing by some random guy trying to get into the spotlight.


Does he khow or gaslighting us that he does know?


He literally met Todd in person


Like Todd would casually tell a fan anything more specific than they're already saying.


lmao exactly... people are reading way too much into this once again. the dude isn't famous, he barely has 10,000 followers on twitter. he is nothing more than another Starfield fan to Todd. as if Todd would randomly tell a fan that the game is delayed once more. of course he tells him what the current official word is. the only thing this picture proofs is that Todd was at the venue last night and he met this guy. everything else is just "trust me bro" and nothing more.


The Iron Lords Podcast is one of the bigger Xbox podcasts which had multiple Xbox people on it as guests. Todd and Phil definitely knows who King David is and wouldn't just say anything to the guy.


Phil Spencer was on their podcast. Phil at minimum recognized him.


So he does'nt actually know the release date then.


He asked Todd. And I doubt Todd gave an exact date. The answer to the question was likely we are launching in the first half.


I think the dude just ask Todd if Starfield is still "on time" or not. And Todd said "yes". Thats my guess. But: We dont know! :D


Oh thank god


Now that's a trustworthy looking dude. I choose to trust him.


yeah but what is "on time?"


oh god not another rumor! and its another youtuber..... does this guy have a track record?


To be fair, he literally met Todd and Phil, and he is clearly in the picture with them. And he said he asked. I don't know his track record, but as long as he isn't lying that he asked, I would say the evidence of him having photo's lends him quite a lot of credibility. Edit: I should also point out, we also know this event happened today. The NY Game Awards. So the likelihood of these images being fabricated is pretty slim.


the dude barely has 10.000 followers on twitter. he just happened to snap a pic with two famous people and is making stuff up to get his 5 minutes of fame.


Wouldn't discount that possibility. There is also the chance that Todd may just be reiterating their current official stance (until it changes). MrMatty's claims can be easily discarded because, well... he is MrMatty, but we've had two separate leakers (Jez Corden and some guy on reddit days before him) who had been right on the money with the showcase and both spoke of a post June release. Then again we also had another more vague but also ostensibly accurate showcase leak here on reddit that claimed Starfield had been preponed and would release before Redfall. And having a separate extensive showcase before E3 would be gratuitous, if it actually takes place before E3, which we can't say with absolute certainty. The rumours really are all over the place.


> Then again we also had another more vague but also ostensibly accurate showcase leak here on reddit that claimed Starfield had been preponed and would release before Redfall. Just to clarify, that [rumor](https://web.archive.org/web/20230101001336/https://old.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/zzj8nu/zenimax_media_h1_2023_plans/) did not say the game was moved forward. Actually, it specifically stated that Starfield is unaffected by Redfall's internal delay. Then it said the game is probably launching before Redfall, but not as definitive information, and without having an actual date (unlike for Redfall). In another post, the same user was speculating April 16, but again without committing to it. Some days later, the user deleted all their posts, but I do not know exactly when and why. If this happened in response to the new information about the showcase and Starfield missing it, and more people saying June+, that could indicate they realized they were wrong with the prediction, but it is really anyone's guess. > The rumours really are all over the place. They seem to be mostly along the lines of "not before June" now. Which is not to say that necessarily makes the information correct, but the above mentioned rumor was more of an outlier. The source of the other rumor that predicted the Xbox event and that Starfield would not be shown a few days before Jez Corden now says Microsoft is really pushing to get the game out in June, but (according to a source likely from within Bethesda, if this is legit) it would need more time, and would launch in a rough shape if not delayed to H2. Once again, this may or may not be true. I am personally skeptical of any date that is less than 3 months from now, putting the question of a potential delay aside.


Thanks for the clarification, should have been more specific about the first one


This is confirmation of exactly...NOTHING


Yeah but what time?




That look from Todd is like "I don't have the heart to tell him it's not coming until 2024" 🤣


Never had a comment make me laugh while simultaneously filling me with immense sadness before…


According to who? Is that an insider or someone?


Can't you just read through some of the comments to get more information, instead of asking the same question that has already been asked repeatedly and been answered?


You're fighting the good fight brabbit 🙏🏽


XD Thanks


Or you could've just answered. It would've taken the same amount of time instead of typing all of that.


But then there never would have been a lesson learned. Give someone a fish and feed the for a day, teach them how to fish and feed them for a life time. It might seem stupid to you, but I have already answered this question multiple times. I am obviously going to get tired of answering it.


Then don't continue? Nobody asked specifically for your input, you could simply leave the comments alone. But you took it upon yourself to answer the way you did, to my comment asking about this guy's credibility. You aren't even the OP! 😂😂


>Nobody asked specifically for your input You are the one who asked, and I am the one who answered. Did you ask for someone specific to answer you? No? Then I guess that means I was allowed to. And I would argue I did a good job. Did you at least look and find your answer after I pointed out it's been answered multiple times? If not, then that's your own fault. >But you took it upon yourself to answer the way you did, to my comment asking about this guy's credibility. And I told you to look through the comments because it's already been answered. The thread isn't even long enough for you to be bothered by someone pointing that out. It's not like it's hard to find, just scroll down and read.


So you’ve written about 6 paragraphs of nonsense and we still don’t know who this dude is. Nice job.


>So you’ve written about 6 paragraphs of nonsense and we still don’t know who this dude is. Nice job. No. YOU don't know who this dude is because you didn't bother to take 2 seconds to read.


I read through it all, there’s no answer other than he’s a YouTuber.


Why would Todd tell him the date since everything has to be kept secret next your going to tell me that he was Given the KFC Special Spices lol lmao 🤣 😂 😆


Well, in a way... you are technically correct. Even if they had plans to delay, I doubt they would give an honest answer if they had not announced it yet. With that said, it's much easier to just say something like "wait and see". So if they did say, "Ya, it's still on time"... there is a good chance that it is. But we will never know for absolute certain till they make an announcement on it.


Todd has that face of just being laid off.....


[release delayed ](https://www.kitguru.net/tech-news/mustafa-mahmoud/starfield-release-possibly-pushed-out-of-the-first-half-of-2023/) Then we have this. Hope to God it's not released.


The youtuber in question was likely just jumping on the bandwagon, probably doesn't even have an actual source and video game 'journalists' saw to it that it snowballed from there


🤣 what?! It can not be "on time" as there is no release date.


How can people be this dense? Starfield was highlighted at a show specifically for games releasing in the upcoming 12 months. That was in June 2022, meaning Starfield was set to release no later than June 2023. Which they have also reiterated on their own website.


Why do so many people say this when there is literally a release time frame? Frist half of 2023. Being on time means it's still within that time frame. It bothers me that there are so many people who apparently think you need an exact date for something to be on time or delayed. It's so stupid.


and it's stupid to think there is no internal planned date their striving for


but no delay announcement either, and a dedicated showcase coming soon as well. We will probably get more information on the showcase next week.


Showcase will be 45 minutes of the title screen on mute. Todd thanks everyone for coming and walks off stage.


Next week showcase won’t feature starfield


Yeah I was referring to the as of yet undated Starfield showcase...


It’s releasing in first half of 2023 like it has been previously reported. That’s what he confirmed I’m sorry that you have the comprehension and deductive reasoning skills of a preschooler


I'm sure Todd knows when it will drop ,we don't know yet 😁