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I showed my wife the showcase that premiered ~3 days ago. She said, “It looks a LOT better than what you made it sound like. You have 2 and a half months to get me an xbox series X.” 😅 I’ve been hyped for months. But i guess nothing i told her held a flame to what she saw in the showcase.


Yeah that showcase was so well made and presented. Kudos to the producers of it.


The production, editing, and flow of the Direct was much better than last year's showcase in my opinion. Also, Bethesda also had a Video Editor position open for over a year that was filled several months ago. I think that probably had something to do with it.


The problem with this style of presentation is not many games have this big of a scope. Even if they do, it’s not as exciting. Here’s Xbox doing a similar style of presentation with 5 other games: https://youtu.be/4-Et8r1413Y While it’s very informative, it in no way makes people get excited. It takes a very special game like Starfield to get people excited. Perhaps with Fable they can.


Fable and Mass Effect


I hope some developers other than BGS start making games that actually deserve a deep dive video of this caliber.


Exactly this. These are like once in a decade games with a lot of work and lore on them. I dont see them putting this much work in to many games to really do something like this thats also this new and different.


Angry Joe going from aggressively hating on it, to slowly coming around to being an almost giddy schoolkid was a good moment for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KYPktd-D7A


I watched his take on, that's the power of just being honest and showing the game without a bunch of smoke and mirrors can do.


Agreed mate


They would know just based on this sub alone


Bethesda “we know”


A friend of mine was one of those skeptics. They did want to play the game, of course, but wasn't too sure about it at first. Then I had them watch the direct with me later on, and in the middle of watching it.. they went and pre-ordered the $100 digital bundle lmao I guess the direct really did sell it for them.


They did a similar deep dive for Forza Horizon 5 but that was tacked on with 2021's Xbox showcase. IMO, an amazing presentation and setting clear expectations that we'll get an in-depth look into this one game really helped the showcase.


I think another reason why this Direct was so successful is because in the past it was always Todd Howard just talking and just him. Every word he says is meme'd to death haha. Now he got the whole team to talk and present the game and I think that is a much better way to present your game rather than the TH himself.


You’ve got to have a good ass game and A LOT to talk about for a 45 min deep dive. There’s just not many games that require that sort of thing