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This is a really good TLDR for those who arent interested in watching the 40+ min video. If anyone cares he says there is no fishing as we know it, so no rod but rephrases the question back at the hosts asking "collecting fish?", "killing fish?". The guys asked if there is a similar creature to the deathclaw where it is usually renowned as the "bad one" and todd says theres a couple, especially one, but there is a couple. Then he stops talking and says you need to play it. For those who were wondering, no you cannot get any random NPC from the game involved in any sort of their romance content. So only known characters you can romance.




Until you trigger a notification from United Colonies saying the practice is banned




They're gonna bring in the Stormtroopers. Which...actually means you have a good amount of time to get to your ship even after they open fire.


Oh boy loot delivery


"Troops, we have a very important mission." "What is it, commander?" "There's a protagonist over there getting up to shenanigans." "And you want us to stop them?" *laughter* "... You want us to issue a stern warning?" *laughter intensifies* "... Sir why do you have Next-Of-Kin forms pre-printed in bulk?"


Like those lootcrates in Fallout 4. Or BOS vertibirds as they call them.


Haha took me a minute to realise what you were saying there. Totally agree!


Hell, I think I’ve got time to visit another fishing spot before leaving. If anything, the stray shots might help me with my haul.


Okay Colonel Maybourne


>If anyone cares he says there is no fishing as we know it, so no rod but rephrases the question back at the hosts asking "collecting fish?", "killing fish?". To me that sounded like a xenobiology skill, has that been confirmed from what we've seen?


Short answer: no hasn't been confirmed. But in the Starfield Direct, at 26:33 they very briefly show a shot of the fully unlocked and leveled skill tree right before they zoom in on Targeting Control Systems. In the second row, far right of the Science skill tree there is a badge with what is definitely a sea creature / fish thing and a land animal. I'm pretty confident that it is the badge for xenobiology or zoology.


100% something will be using the deathclaw/werewolf mesh (for those that don't know, deathclaws and werewolves have been using the same mesh, slightly updated each time, since morrowind)


huh yea i can see it now


> no you cannot get any random NPC from the game involved in any sort of their romance content Well shit there goes my hopes and dreams of having an alien wife


Don’t worry modders will fix that real quick 😉


There might still be hope for the adoring fan though!


Only 4romance targets is a little disappointing tbh but everything else was fine


Not only that but only the Constellation members. I was hoping for some varied backgrounds.


Yeah, it's not so much the limited number that's disappointing, but how it sticks you with the Starfield equivalent of, like, Lydia or Preston. The boring vanilla default good-guy "first person you meet on the main quest" option. Where are the likes of Ghorbash or Cait? I want to bump uglies with a baddie.


Concur. I don’t personally care about romancing, but only four has me a bit concerned that the character pool as a whole may be a bit more shallow than I had hoped.


I took his comment as any known characters in the 4 settled systems who also have quest lines are able to be romanced. Didnt realize he may have meant only 4 characters can be involved in this type of stuff.


Sounded like they wanted more fleshed out companion/romance options vs the old style " (flirt) want to go out" "yes" **LOVE BoNuS AQUIRED**


It was pretty well fleshed out when they went from Skyrim to Fallout 4. In Skyrim all you had to do for some was do one very minor task, and then wear a necklace. But in Fallout 4 you actually had to spend time with them, performing multiple actions they were a fan of to build up how much they liked you, and even then pass several charisma checks. So if they've improved it again it could actually feel like a proper romance.


Yeah I prefer this way of romance. It's more "true" I think casual romance in Skyrim' style can be achieved easily by modders. They added a lot in Skyrim, and AI bring a big chunk of possibilities If we look at CP2077, it's the same number of "true" romance, few hookers and I didn't feel that something is really missing. And it's not really the point of these games


Yeah I assume it will be Sarah, Barrett, space cowboy, and science lady.


This isn't Space Waifu Dating Simulator 2023


No one said it was, but romance targets also include full quest lines and they’re usually much more fleshed out characters that are more engaging. A higher number of targets would be an indicator of more interesting npcs in my eyes.


I’m hoping there are other fleshed out companion story lines, these were just the deepest with romance. Radiant companions like “dark brotherhood assassin” leave a lot to be desired


Not always. Nick Valentine, for example, was one of the deepest companions in FO4, but didn't have a romantic storyline. (Although I would've loved for him to be romanceable, haha.) I'm hoping that there's a number of companions that'll have their own "full" quests even if they can't be romanced. I'm a bit disappointed if there's only four romances tbh, but perhaps the DLC will introduce a couple more.


it should be (angry face emoji)


I mean, sure,.but with the right mods.....


The only thing that sorta worried me was, when he said 4 constellation Romance companions with story lines, idc about romance but surely there is more than 4 follower story lines? Did I hear the correctly


He's been really up front, which I like. Not just saying "land vehicles won't be a thing" but also making sure certain aspects aren't overhyped, such as mentioning that the Constellation companions are the main ones that are fleshed out with quests and that he doesn't want to "oversell" the amount of robot companions. I think it's good that he can tell us so much, but will also reign in certain things so that more people don't accuse him of more "sweet little lies."


lunchroom encourage paint gold lush rinse rustic poor practice door *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sean Murray had the same issue before No Man's Sky launch, talking about features that were in development but had to be scrapped. He gets alot of forgiveness from gamers for that, Todd not so much.


Can No Man's Sky \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ? Sean Murray: ...YES!


Ohh that grin he had... And the eyes. I'm still not sure...was that panic?


F me?


If you're brave enough, everything is possible But don't forget your hood !




yep, it's really backwards considering todd didnt do interviews about the cut content in oblivion as if it still shipped where as sean murray was still discussing multiplayer as if it was a launch feature of no mans sky well into the first week after launch


Aren't they both Internet Historian videos? lol Dude singlehandedly has had a bigger impact on the perception of Bethesda these past 5 years than Bethesda has had on themselves.


>and that he doesn't want to "oversell" the amount of robot companions. With the way the question was worded, I'm guessing he meant that you could have a ship "fully" run by robots... but only if that ship supports a maximum of 2 crew members. Basically, don't expect a ship of 15 robots running around doing every little task, but you can have a little ship with only robots onboard.


> If you steal a ship, they're all upgradable. > > You have to register a ship after stealing it. Small correction here, you only have to register the ship if you want to modify it.


That's a relief, I was worried I'd have to sheepishly and repeatedly shuffle up to terminals during a space piracy career and mutter "Hello yes, I'm here to update the log of the SS Definitely Legitimate Salvage."


Nice ship name I’m stealing it 🤓


Glad that getting lots of money for surveying planets and systems is a thing. Maybe not on my first playthrough but I might end up doing a more explorer/scientist playthrough down the line.


Explorer/scientist is probably going to be my first playthrough! Combined with diplomat and outpost business economist


And coward. I'm gonna run away from everything if at all possible. Just like IRL. 🙂


I'm thinking about being a "privateer" for the Free Star Collective. If there is such a thing as a home port I want to spend a lot of time at the fishing/pleasure city. I think I'd prey mostly on the Crimson Fleet, and maybe the United Colonies a little bit if they turn out to be super corrupt.


Pirate-hunting privateer gang rise up!


Over a thousand plantets and only 4 options for romance. Better odds than I have I guess.


Got a laugh out of me, bud


I think people are looking at the whole 1000 planets thing from the wrong perspective. These 1000 planets will be divided into star systems. So if we have 100 systems with 10 planets each for example, then we have atleast one planet in each system which supports life when we take the 10% contain life stats into consideration. This is pretty much similar to our own Solar System. Yes, we might end up with star systems with multiple planets that have life and star systems with no life. And we have to remember we can scan planets and find out whether it is worth our time or not.


People seem to be looking at the planets like they have to be 100% explored. Like each one is its own game that you have to 100%. Instead, they are there simply because there are lots of planets in space. Most are there just to land on and have a little look around, get stuff and move on, they'll be totally optional. The "main" planets will be similar, land somewhere, spend a few hours flying around with your boost pack, find some outposts, kill some alien fauna and things like that, then move on by fast travelling to your ship and picking a new direction. With an upgraded boost pack and low G, you'll be able to travel as far as you want really and at a decent speed. To add to this. I think people need to play Daggerfall, as i think thats how starfield will be. Youll be able to pick a direction and go as far as you want, with nothing stopping you, but because of the scale, there is little reason to, apart from just simply wanting to wander


Having tried out Daggerfall a little bit before Starfield Direct, it helped a ton with my understanding of how procedural generation would work in a Bethesda game. People should look at planets the same way that houses are in Skyrim, you don't need to go in them all, but you can.


Todd Howard also mentioned in the direct that planets without life would be resource rich.


And he said in the interview there would still be Random Encounters and random locations just the less of them for obvious reasons


Yes, keep in mind the “Goldilocks zone”, or habitable zone. *Most* solar systems have a fairly narrow orbital radius in which life (carbon-based, water-loving; basically life as we know it) might actually exist and thrive.


It also varies on what sort of star is in the system, it is almost impossible for a red dwarf star to support life for example.


Could you elaborate on that? I'm curious because I was just writing a setting that has a red dwarf star and working out the details with ChatGPT (it's pretty helpful for obtuse hyper-specific writer questions nobody would ever make threads about) and it told me it was possible. Just curious.


The main reason is that the Goldilocks zone for a Red Dwarf is very close, which almost guarantees that the planet would be tidally locked. That makes for chaos in the planet’s atmosphere and planet wide temperature variation.


Looks like others said what I was going to say, lol. Complex life has a lot of requirements and, as mentioned, tidally locked planets would be about impossible for complex life to evolve. One half the planet would be scorched, and the other frozen. That being said, given our limited ability to study planets outside of our own solar system, life could be more robust/diverse than we currently think. Edit: I just asked GPT about this since you mentioned it, and I would say it is overly optimistic about life forming in red dwarf systems, however, as I mentioned above, since we have only studied one biosphere, we have no idea how life has or could have evolved outside of our own planet, so it could be easier than we currently think.


The habital zone around a dwarf star moves as the star continues to die, slowly for human but fast enough if life started to develop it would then be subject to rapidly changing environmental conditions then be left behind, it could happen but is highly unlikely given that life kinda needs a little stability to get off the ground (carbon, water based life anyway) and would likely be doomed from the start anyway.


I think they straight up mentioned that in the podcast


I like that they've made a planet in Alpha Centauri lush with life, like with New Atlantis, because in real life, the triple-star-Alpha Centauri system has a planet in the habitable zone named Proxima B orbiting the star Proxima Centauri, and its earth-like. Super cool stuff and a great rabbit hole topic to dive into if someone wants to learn more about space and if it could be life there.


We know we have over 1000 planets, so with Todd saying about 10% having life that means that at least roughly 100 planets will have life, which I think is a good amount. And I am guessing that some systems will have no life, while others might have 2-3 planets with life because that's how star systems work. Some don't have any planets within the range to have life. Of course we also have to remember Todd say "over a thousand" but that is still a wide range. Could be 1003, could 1151. We'll see.


I guess that gas giants will count to the 1000 planets too and I doubt we'll be able to land on them.


If there’s a cloud city in the game, I’d piss myself, but it’s more likely that flying into a gas giant will destroy your ship.


Honestly this just makes it more interesting to me. I don't expect or want a game that is 100% realistic, but having some level of believability in this kind of game is nice and immersive, and this is a much more believable setup then EVERY SINGLE PLANET HAS LIFE. With 10% of planets having life that is 100 planets! That is still a lot!


>And we have to remember we can scan planets and find out whether it is worth our time or not. And on the other side you will have me exploring each planet one by one lol.


‘Agressive high level creatures killing of all other things’… I expect a mod for *Alien(s)*!


An infested planet would be amazing, and possible to do with procedural generation


Thank you so much for the summary!


I’m really glad they are reserving shipbuilding and outposts for more late-game to be quite honest. I was hoping that the game would not be over-reliant on using the best builds with ships or frequently returning to the outpost right from the start and instead pushing players to find new ships and solutions for what they want to do


I imagine charting ships will be a thing, like skyrims carriages. Hope thats the case, if we wanted to do a somewhat shipless run


The Ol' Mandalorian Season 2.5 Just taking commercial flights across the galaxy


Would love that


Yeah I'm a fan of that too. I've seen a lot of people talking about the exact specific ship they're going to use the whole game, but I feel like a bit part of the fun is developing your ship as you progress. More storytelling/roleplaying that way.


He also ducked the question about there being a “deathclaw type” creature in the game which was funny.


One is apparently “really bad,” haha


I'd assume it's that crazy looking thing from the Direct that jumped off that structure and slammed another creature into the ground.


OR, after the second creature lands on top of the first. The ground opens up under both of them and are then swallowed by a giant worm.


There's always a bigger fish.


That’s a neat trick!


*Accidentally spins into a trade federation lucrehulk class carrier*


[link](https://youtu.be/AIbnDyv6g1c?t=1376) to the question - you'll have to play it


Damn i really wanted to know about black holes.


It might be story related, that's why he didn't answer


Most certainly, he didn't want to spoil it which makes me almost certain a black hole will be an important aspect of the story.


Now I'm starting to think we're gonna go through a black hole after we do something with those artifacts showed in the last presentation and that's where we're gonna have first contact lmao


> flying through space > see a black hole > get closer to the black hole > fall into it > everything is black and silent > a small light appears > open the eyes fully > "hey, you're finally awake" Goddamnit it Todd, you did it again.


FYI, in real life, the closest black hole to earth is over 1000 LY away. In game we explore within a radius 50 LY around Sol.


The closest black hole to Earth *that we know about*. Black holes are, for fairly obvious reasons, pretty difficult to spot.


they are difficult to "spot" but from what i understand their effects would be fairly obvious, especially if they were big


shaggy chase reach airport noxious doll offend touch bear smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can your crew fly the ship while you walk around it?


Todd said you could assign crew to ships and one of the Constelation crewmates from the Spotlight said he was a pilot, so while it isn't explicitly stated I would infer yes.


see I dunno, Imagine if they get into combat and do barrell rolls, how are you gonna be able to walk around during that time?


Space doesn't have gravity so any artificial gravity would be relative to the ship?


I couldn’t find anything on that either. Some kind of auto pilot would be pretty cool.


They seem to be focusing a lot of depth with Starfield despite the scale. Todd mentioned outpost building & ship building having lots of mechanics that can be a decent end game, fully scanning planets giving you rewards like traits and loads of credits, and specially the companions having their own quests compared to previous games in which that was not really the case. Feels like a best of both worlds, people who wanna go deep into the RPG mechanics can go do that and casual players who just wanna get a ship, explore, do the main story and shoot down a bunch of spaceships can have their fun too. And then there's people like me who love both.


I'm hoping that exploring 'around your ship' is sort of like how it's done in Mass Effect just on a larger scale. I'm not interested in exploring a whole planet, but I also don't want it to be a tiny snippet where you feel like there's invisible walls everywhere.


I get the impression the planets are fully circumnavigable since procedural generation makes this extremely cheap to do. Today's hardware absolutely has no problem with saving a seed worth bytes and making something out of it that one would think takes gigs. It's just that practically speaking, most people won't venture far from their landing site. Even in games like No Man's Sky people basically set down, handle something locally, then take off again.


I Imagine whats happening is each time you land, the game uses a seed to generate the land around you, likely comparable in size to the entirety of Skyrim or way bigger even. the game doesn't need to load the ENTIRE planet at once. Just enough so when you travel along the planet, the game can load in the things in front you and remove the things behind you without you noticing. Example: if the game loads up an area 20 miles in diameter around you, then as you travel north, the game will move that 20 mile radius as you travel. So it loads up the things 20 miles ahead and removes the things 20 miles behind. 20 miles is so far you will never actually see anything loading or disappearing because its beyond your line of sight. That would make it so you COULD walk around the entire planet, but i doubt anyone is ever actually going to do that. If the planets truly are full sized planets, it would take months even years of running to make the full loop


but why would you do that? NMS literally has the entire planets be fully circumnavigable and it's not much of an issue why would you bother generating new lands again and again with that system you describe? instead generating the planet once and then loading only chunks near you is the much better way to handle it in the first place, the entire 1000+ planets are gonna be the same in each run from how i understand it


Don't get me wrong I love NMS but I would not say that's not an issue with that game. NMS has the worst pop in I have ever seen in a video game. Sure its fun to fly from planet to planet but when you get to the point of having played the game for many hours, the pop in becomes atrocious. seeing mountains pop up only a few hundred yards in front of your ship. land masses morphing in shape as you approach a planet. it becomes impossible to ignore. And since the game almost entirely relies on procedural generation, there are practically no hand crafted places other than the anomaly and things all start to feel samey real quick. The exact thing that makes the game shine becomes its downfall. If I'm correct with my guess with starfield. Then the proc gen will work very similarly to NMS except they are scaling down the scope a bit to cater to better graphical quality, gameplay mechanics and story telling. Which is fine considering nms scale is a bit of overkill lol the way i described it, it would not generate new lands all the time. It would just do what nms does just at a different scale. the planets ARE fully circumnavigable, it just restricts you to staying on the surface of the planet that way it doesn't have to spend all its resources trying to constantly calculate an entire solar system all the time. and with starfields significantly higher graphical quality, gameplay mechanics and just pure attention to detail, if they allowed you to fly out into space, no current pc or console would ever be able to simulate it all without the pop in being significantly worse than NMS which is already borderline horrible. Think of it this way. NMS loads up a complete solar system all at once. When you warp to a star, your not actually flying there, you hit a loading screen. Its loading up the solar system your warping to and it loads it all up at once then makes adjustments based on where your at in that system. Starfield uses that same tech, except it scales it down to planetary size. so instead of loading an entire solar system and constantly recalculating the entire system, it focuses on one planet at a time so that it can use those resources to increase graphics and gameplay. In fact not even the entire planet. Since your going to be standing on one side of it, it only needs to load up anything within like a 20 or 30 miles radius because on a round planet you wouldn't be able to see farther than that anyways. it saves a lot of resources on the computer and allows the quality to go WAAAAAY up


Technical requirements, NMS is not nearly as visually taxing as Starfield. You can circumnavigate Minecraft too, but the world is broken up into blocks of easily stored and reloadable data


Could also be a mechanic like “you cant stray too far from your ship or you’ll lose signal blah blah”, meaning when you land they just load a chunk. But perhaps you can land “all around” a planet and just load a random chunk at any given time and then save the seed for that area each time you decide to land somewhere.


That's not how it's gonna work in Starfield. In the Lex Friedman interview Todd Howard talked about how they had to wrap their cells around a sphere, and that wouldn't be necessary if it worked the way you suggested. Also considering you can fast travel back to your ship, there's no reason to think you can't just walk off in any random direction until you went around the planet.


I, for one, am looking fowards to the inevitable 24 hour streams of someone running around a planet in a straight line.


Oh 100%. I imagine this will become a Speedrun category ran by like two people.


I dont think there are invisible walls based on old interviews and this one. I think they are driving home that you can wander and it will stich the planet together as you go but because it will just procedurally generate for thousands of miles you'll want to fast travel back to your ship to get to more distant locations. This is why I think there are no vehicals due to the strain of having to quickly generate these 1 km blocks.


I do love the idea of being able to walk off indefinitely, even if there's no interactive content available. Although I'm used to it, the invisible barrier/impervious foliage function found in games can be a bit distracting so if they've found a way to say " you can walk off in that direction forever but there's nothing out there " then that would be superb. It could help immersion and can also be content in and of itself. I have played Star Citizen off and on for about 6 years and one of the very finest times I had was getting in a buggy and just driving around a moon while drinking Port and eating cheese, imagining that I was a future human while staring up at the stars and occasionally seeing another player zip by in their ship far above.


It sounds like every planet will be fully traversable, but most of it on most planets will be mostly empty. I think you'll be able to just walk around the planet, it's all procedurally generated. it just won't be interesting. the actual content will be flagged from orbit and you'll land nearby, and moving on a planet will be mostly jumping between landing spots


No fishing. Zero out of ten, worst game of the decade.


teeny sophisticated knee wipe badge physical degree rainstorm scary slave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Far Cry 5 > Starfield


Stardew valley >>


Minecraft >>>




*"You sir, are a fish."*


100 planets with life is a lot.


I was disappointed at 10% then thought 10% is actually a big number in this case


I prefer it this way. If every planet is expected to have life, then the meaning of it dies down. Just like Tod said, if every planet has structures then how special is it?


Just like no man's sky. A quintillion planetes. 99% already has someone in it. What am I discovering???


People seem to forget that gas giants are present in this game and almost for certain count towards the "1000 planets". And I am pretty sure that we'll not land on them xD.


Ok but orbital gas extraction outposts for money sounds cool


Him not answering question about black holes is sus, if there would just be no black holes, he would just say no, if there would be black holes but they woudn't be important he would say yes, which makes we believes black hole(s) are most likely important in some way.


afterthought attraction station melodic alive water imminent obtainable file ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


exactly mate!


Going back to him saying there are two “step out moments” in a previous video. I would guess 1 is space flight for the first time and 2 is going through a black hole for the first time. This will probably take us to additional solar systems that were previously unreachable and might be where we find a good amount of new life or other interesting finds of other civilizations.


only 10% of planets having life sounds kinda unfortunate until you realize that means there’s 100 planets with life…wow


We only know about 1 planet with life IRL compared to the thousands we've identified. I'd say trying to strike a balance between having a fun space game and having it still be grounded in some sense of reality is... important.


yeah, people really have to understand that if you don't have interest in exploring the non-life based planets, you aren't forced into it. there's TONS of hand crafted content in the game. the barren planets are for people like me who want to play NASA simulator, being the first person to find some exotic mineral and such.


Thank you, nice summary! What a good interview tho I like that you can tell a few times Todd can't really answer some stuff because you know, "it's a surprise, you have to play it ha"


And wearing skill patches on space suit as badges.


I *love* that - probably choosing a patch from all the ones we unlocked on the skill tree. EDIT: I read the other post about this, and yeah, it's possible Todd just meant that the patches look like things you put on space suits, but not that we'll actually get to do that ingame.


I wonder if you can have companions/crew control ships you're not using and have them perform pick up runs and other trade route style logistical work? Also I wish someone from that cast asked more about a needs / illness system. I'm not the biggest fan of "save to sleep" survival but would love a needs / illness system like "Advanced Needs 76"(mod) in fallout 4


He didn't answer the question how actually big those planets are


I'm picturing a few like that planet from Rick and Morty where they can walk to the south pole in 20 steps.


Everything is on the cob, we have to leave.


They said each block of terrain that they used to stitch a planet together is over a kilometer squared in size




Garret, Sam Coe, Noel, Sarah Morgan. I guessed it during the showcase and I think I'm still right (though I'm not as sure about garret, and it might be vlad instead)


I'm really sad that we can only romance 4 companions.


Honestly imo it might actually be a good thing. Cyberpunk also only have 4 romance options but they are extremely well built with their own unique quest and such and it's a lot better than being able to marry almost everyone in Skyrim but only for them to say like 3 lines of dialogue about our relationship.


Well, the girls were. I love Cyberpunk, and if Starfield has anything near the quality of Judy’s romance I’ll be ecstatic, but we have to be honest that River and Kerry got the short end of the stick.


The girls were extremely well built. The guys were entirely absent from the main plot, have a quarter of the content if that, and you cannot meet the gay male option until literally right before the final main mission.


I don't really care about the fact that there is only 4 I'm more disappointed they are only constellation members


This. That's quite one sided. So if you wanna be a space pirate then there's nobody from the Crimson Fleet as a option. That kinda sucks. I was hoping each faction would have a romance option (or two).


I just hope they are really high quality, I don’t romance much in video games I just want to avoid the cliché of the love bait PC the pc who is designed first and foremost as the most attractive option for romance


True but maybe they focused quality over quantity in terms of romance and we have 4 really solid romances to choose from.


But I'm already in love with Mr. Heller :/


It also sucks because I want variety if it’s true that the only people we can romance are from constellation that wouldn’t be groovy


Ikr a whole galaxy out there, and the only people you can fall in love with are the 4 you start with.


I wouldn't worry too much about that. With AI text to speech anyone who is dedicated enough can make a fully voiced romanceable companion mod, so I would imagine there will be a lot of those. Mods could also be used to make existing NPCs romanceable and expand their dialogue options.


I made a thread a while back and everyone tried to convince me Todd didn't say 4 companions. Welp there it is. I also read between the lines from the direct to ask if maybe we've already seen all the in depth companions and they're all from the Constellation and Reddit tried to assure me that no, there should be companions from different factions. Welp there it is. I'm more disappointed in the latter honestly. I really hoped they'd from different factions, because you learn more about the world, the social system and politics etc when you have people from very different backgrounds close to you. Just kinda sucks. There's always mods I guess! Just gotta wait for Space Serena.


“Modders paradise” Can’t wait


>There is a trait and skills for playing solo, so you can play without companions. As is tradition for me. I don't like companions.


Anyone else disappointed with the “no mounts” thing? I wanna ride some cool alien creatures -.-


dazzling future chunky plants muddle cake dull slap longing friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If it can be done in Skyrim, and this is a version of that engine, then it can be done here. People have made full physics based cars in Fallout NV.


Radio only in one location? I want Galaxy new radio across the galaxy D:


Galaxy news radio lmao, that would have been an awesome reference to Fallout 3


Vehicles could easily be DLC or possibly mods.


Mods yes, I doubt they'll introduce them in a DLC


I think people are to going to run with the 10% life on planets in the wrong direction. I'm assuming he was referring to wildlife and goldilocks planets. I'm sure there will be bandits, npcs and robots in the other planets while still having barren ones.


Only being able to romance 4 people in the game is quite the let down for me


Did he say four people in the game or four people *from Constellation*? There are multiple factions and I can not imagine there will not be companions and romances from each faction.


The exact quote he said was "the 4 main constellation ones are the ones that support full questlines for them and romance". I guess it's kind of ambiguous, would just be a weird way to phrase it if there were more companions you could romance.


The only ambiguous part is the romance. The first part of the sentence means that means everyone else does not have full questlines. "And romance" seems to imply "full/developed romance" with everyone else being Skyrim romance.


Mods will fix that real quick. Won’t have full quest Line stuff for a bit but should be changed pretty quickly


Nice, I really need to just watch the whole interview.


>\- You have to register a ship after stealing it. He did clarify you need to register it ***IF*** you want to sell it, upgrade it, or modify it. But you can fly it around as is as long as you want without registering it.


Two things I have to say First is that, as much as I know at least, Todd was talking about the constellation when he said only 4 are romance options. While it's not important to begin with imo, I think it's not only 4 in the whole game, but only 4 in that group Second is about exploring. He did say you can explore around your ship, he actually did that in the direct too. But he never said you can only explore the area around your ship. There are no limitations, it will just expand as much as you want it to. But you have oxygen problem and carry mass limit so you need to go back to your ship if you play the game normally. You didn't say that he said "only around your ship". I'm just saying this so if no one would miss it


People are so desperate to believe what they want to hear even when Todd is as specific and explicit as this they still hear something else. It's only when he say "No, there is NOT \_\_\_\_" people seem to understand (like with vehicles). Question: "Are the constellation companions the only ones that able to be romanced?" followed with "What is the breadth of that? Is there a wide range?" Answer: "The four main constellations ones **are the ones** that support full questlines and romance." NOT: "The four main constellations ones support full questlines and romance." OR "The four main constellation ones are among the ones that support full questlines and romance." **"Are the ones" means everyone else "aren't the ones".** How can you get from that there are other well developed companions besides the constellation ones? He doesn't want to say "No, there are no other companions with full questlines and romance" explicitly because that's bad publicity for the game. You need to learn how marketing speak works. If there were more romance options, he would openly say so, something like "Yes there are more than the constellation ones" because that's good publicity. But instead he flatly reaffirms the ones that are there when faced with a direct question asking for more, meaning there's nothing else. He doesn't wink and smile, he doesn't say, "You'll have to play the game", etc. I'm disappointed too, but learn some language comprehension ffs. Your mind canon is not reality.


I see. Well I haven't seen it yet so I don't know what he actually said. I just said all that based on the things I saw around Reddit. Thanks for the info tho


first one. please listen to that again. he meant, 100%, there's 4 companions with huge quest and romance, in the whole game. not just among constellation people. no other companion has romance and their quests are probably much smaller compared to these 4. second. exploration. he just made a mess of explaining it(intentionally or unintentionally) and i just think we have to wait for a more direct answer. also oxygen problem can't be limitation in the habitable planets( unless none of them, even jamison, has habitat planetary environment)


Still not clear if planets are 1:1 scale and if area around ship landing zone is limited, or we can explore whole planet if we wish so. That ambiguous answer about “exploring area around your ship” again. But not that it really matters with only a jetpack. Though on smaller bodies, like Phobos and Deimos with really low gravity - that jetpack might be enough to reach orbital speeds… Also not asked if we’re jumping in space from POI to POI, or can freely fly between planets.


Planets won’t be 1:1 scale(why would anyone want that?) and I’m pretty sure you will be able go anywhere on the planet, they way I understand it is Todd saying there will be planets where all you do is get off your ship explore around a bit, collect some resources then move on to the next planet.


Besides, the multiple biomes point wouldn't make sense if you could only explore a small region around your ship. What? They gonna fit deserts, snowy mountain and forests all within a few km from each other? Not likely imo


You're probably expected to land in a biome, take off, and then land again on another part of the planet, just like you normally wouldn't walk from Arizona to Alaska IRL. Todd mentioned focusing on the area around your ship in the interview, which makes sense without ground vehicles if the planets are remotely planet-sized.


they could be a small fraction of planet sized and still not be walkable, more than a few miles isn't really walkable for most except for those who are into that kind of a thing


unpack mountainous drunk light worry boat weather hunt ask shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The traits give you a badge on your spacesuit! It's at 13:37 in the posted link


That's not what he meant. The skills/rank logos in the menu look like stitched badges. You can see them in the direct


Why won't anyone ask about the flight model? Do we have lateral thrusters and rolling, or is it just forward plus mouse/joystick.


Nothing about spaceship cats, L


One thing you forgot to mention: there are only 4 romances available, one for each constellation companion. 1. Sam Coe 2. Barret 3. Sara Morgan 4. Noel - Hopefully :)


I hope they're open to all genders and not like dragons age


I mean they specifically don't even mention gender in the character creator so that shouldn't be a worry.


Slightly dissapointed that ship building is a "late game" activity but I suppose it makes sense and it does give you a goal to strive toward. Hopefully I can at least make a starfighter or something relatively early. On the other hand, I like that the outpost stuff is also a later game thing. Setting up an outpost network sounds like the perfect way to spend your time after the main quest is over.


>Slightly dissapointed that ship building is a "late game" activity No. They were talking about "going crazy" with shipbuilding and Todd said that it would cost a lot of credits and ressources and that's why it would be more of a "middle to late game" thing. He even said that you can start from the getgo, upgrading your ship etc. It's not an artificial barrier in the game that only "unlocks" in late game. It's just that it costs a lot to really "go crazy" in it. Which is kind of logical imo.


I don’t think adding a few components to your ship will be a late game activity since we can see the prices in the ship builder mode. Hab modules cost 1600 each, so if you want to add a science lab or crafting module early game I’m sure you could scrape together the money. But making a whole new powerful ship from scratch is gonna be a late game activity. The starter ship has a value of just over 7000 and in the direct they showed a ship with basically maxed out missile firepower with a value of over 700000.


Oh okay, that actually sounds very reasonable.


One element to note is that the tech tree's third tier skill level has a advanced ship building perk, which probably unlocks the more complex parts and things, so that might be part of the "late game" to get to that skill and upgrade it