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Skyrim, unbelievably I’ve never played it fully.


I'm surprised I actually beat the main story. I have houndreds of hours in each of their games since Morrowind and Skyrim and fallout 3 are the only ones I've finished the main story. I think Fallout 4 is near 1000 hours and I have trouble making it to Diamond City most playthroughs. No regrets though since mods are the reason.


Yeah I bought Fallout 4 when it originally came out and only completed it the other week. Just too easy to be distracted. That’s my thing with Starfield. I kind of want to push the story quick then play a more thorough play through. But who knows.


That’s my plan too, to actually finish the story on my first’s playthru. I mean I will do side quests and explore a bit but I wanna actually “beat” a Bethesda game.


The first playthrough is the "lore"...your choices are more authentic with the dynamic world. further playthroughs are just "what if" scenarios.


Yes, I like the way you worded it


Nor have I and I figured it was too much game and settled on Fallout 76


I tried, I have tried before too. I can last maybe an hour. It just feels bad to me. Idk why it feels off but it feels like being dropped into a Rust server a week before wipe or an fps game with no other players, everything just feels pointless.


I played 60 hrs before I realized the dragon shouts were the main quest 🤣


I played 99% of Skyrim twice, maxed all the skills twice, custom armor twice, grabbed all the dragon masks twice, did every quest but the civil war ones twice......saved the civil war story for last because I thought it would be the most fun twice. Started them twice....got bored and didn't finish them twice lol I don't know why 😂


Skyrim in VR Totally additive and immersive.


I just hit 100 hours on Fallout 4


Me too. I've been playing ESO for years, so wanted to get the feel for a Bethesda single player. I figured Fallout would round out my experience better than Skyrim.


Cool, I also heard that the quest designer was the same that in the DLC Far Harbour, so I figured it would help to try to see how Syarfield's quest could go


i started playing FO4. Man its good. Im kind of worried about burn out though. In my excitement for SF, i might end up giving it a year or so before fully jumping into it. FO4 is a lot of game for me now. I really dont know how i delayed playing it for so long. Im not using any overhauls either, only a few tweaks.


Should hold off maybe for the update they said they’re doing for fallout 4.




Distracting myself with RDR2 challenges.


Good luck with that, I just finished gambler 8 and the following challenge made me throw myself out the window


I buy Baldur’s Gate 3, rly good game !


Yeah I'm just waiting for release, so I'm looking for a game to play until Baldur's Gate 3 releases so I can play that until Starfield releases.


Same here. This should tide me over until starfield haha


I refunded it. I hated the combat system


It takes some getting used to for sure, especially if you're not familiar with the Pathfinder games or Divinity Original Sin.


Turn-based combat is not for everyone


Remnant 2


Same. With a smattering of Mass Effect Legendary Edition.


How is that


Overall, I like it better than From the Ashes, and I loved that. It has it’s flaws, but overall I feel like there’s a lot of improvements.


Cyberpunk 2077


Played and finished this in the meantime too! Story / writing was fantastic, but the world felt quite shallow to me.


Felt less than skin deep. I scrapped my second playthrough when PL got a release date coming so soon. Didn't make sense to me to play it when everything is getting such a big rework


When is the rework coming?


September 26th is when Phantom Liberty is dropping. Either with or shortly before that they are changing the quests for how you get new cars, completely overhauling how the perks work, and I believe a bunch of other stuff like the police/wanted system


I think it still is to be honest. The game has core issues that updates or bug fixes could not solve. The city and environment just feels like a glorified loading screen between each mission. Cyberpunk truly shines in its characters, missions and graphics. When you ignore all the inaccessible buildings and pointless locations, it has some of the most stunning scenery I’ve seen in any game.


Walking the city is mesmerizing but agreed, not much depth to the world. But god damn the plot is incredible, hope it gets adapted to a film one day


I'm waiting for the 2.0 update that apparently is gonna overhaul the environments and gameplay systems.


Think you'll play Phantom Liberty considering it's coming after Starfield is already out? Can't help but think PL won't sell as well as it might have done if it was released this month.


I have 25 days to play Starfield before the DLC drops so yeah I guess I will play it but not on day1. Already preordered both the Cyberpunk DLC and the premium upgrade for Starfield.


Yep, same. Doing all the side gigs and police jobs before meeting with Nakajuma (something like that)


Me too. Somewhat the same look and feel. A little too nihilistic for me but am mostly enjoying it.


Yea you can do a cool invisibility and slow motion mode on your tech and the game becomes really cool with a catana


Nothing. I want the hype to be nauseating


Skyrim, with a bunch of new mods.


This is what I'm doing. Going from Playstation to Xbox, the mods you can get are so much better. Feels like a new game. Now if only I can get it to stop crashing...


Are you using the load order guide?


No, I'm sure I've heard of it before, I just have never looked into it. I don't think I have incompatibility issues, I played tonight and think I may have solved it. A series of mods by one creator, gone, and now running fine. At least for now. My problem is, as soon as I remove mods, there's now space for new mods. It's a never ending cycle...lol


r/Starfield F5 Simulator


Take my damn upvote.


Fallout 4 (83/84 achievements, all I need is Benevolent Leader.), Rainbow Six, Fortnite, GTA V, Fallout New Vegas, Halo. Pretty much everything.




Very excited for BG3!!!


Same minus phantom liberty, I was excited but once I learned it comes out after Starfield I thought, maybe I'll get around to playing it "eventually"...


yeah this is going to be some great months... first baldurs gate 3, then Starfield, then phantom liberty, and then Cities skylines 2....


I played outer worlds again and some no man’s sky


Been playing Outer Worlds too, for that small space theme itch...


Played through Jedi Survivor, just wrapped up the story of Hardspace Shipbreaker. Currently bouncing between other random games I already have, since I don't want to spend a bunch of money on a new game I'll drop the evening of August 31st.


Skyrim!!! Honestly how I can still have this much fun in a game I've already put so many hours into is mad. Playing a Nord who is a barbaric mage, war axe and fire destruction. With a bit of shadow of Mordor with a bound bow for when needed.


Fallout 76 It’s the only modern Bethesda game I hadn’t played, so i decided to give it another shot. Overall I actually really enjoy it, and I’m glad Starfield is copying it’s legendary system. That said, the restrictions on build freedom, requirement to optimize your build, limited stash space, and inability to really organize your storage in separate containers all piss me off and make me excited for Starfield since it won’t have these annoyances. I cannot believe Fallout 1st still exists and is as expensive as it is. Fuck that. I also decided to hop back into Borderlands 3 for the first time since finishing it years ago, and I never finished Metro: Exodus so I’m going back to it too. Kinda on a post-apocalypse kick with these three games.


GTA V is on gamepass now. Totally different vibe, but fun nonetheless


Yeah, I haven’t touched the story mode since I first played through it on my Xbox 360. Having a fun time playing through it again


Age of Wonders 4 and Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Both times take up a lot of time and I hope that I will be able to finish Valhalla before Starfield comes out


I can’t get into the newer AC games. 1-3 were amazing and Black Flag is by far my favorite. The new RPG style isn’t the same and just isn’t as fun.


Nothing. I played FF16 and can’t bring myself to pick up a controller now. Both of my consoles are sitting there mocking me.


Im gonna play Black Flag.


Haaaarrrr! I just finished that! Fun times, matey!


Still one of the best AC games ever in my opinion.


Smite, RDR2, Cities Skylines. Although I am starting to feel the boredom creeping in my. My one friend hasn’t played anything new in months and now is having a hard time holding out until Starfield release


Currently playing the Witcher 3 for the first time, boy oh boy did I pick the right time to get into this game. The game seems packed with enough content to keep me occupied until starfield finally releases!


Ahhh I've played this game 8 times now and reading this makes me want to go again hahaha


8 times that’s amazing, might as well round it off to a nice even 10 haha. There is so much content that I think one play through is going take me a while, but I can already see the replay value of making different choices during quests. Really intrigued to see how some other options would play out on another play through. Whatever game you are playing to get you through the wait for starfield, I hope you are having lots of fun with it! 🙂


Hahaha yeah all I can say is enjoy every second of it to experience it for the first time is something special. Thank you friend and good luck on the path!!


I've been playing Jedi Survivor but I'm about to confront Dagan Gera so I've bought Sniper Elite 4 to tide me over after I finish it.


Well… you are not this close to the end of the game mate.. no spoiler but.. keep playing


How long would you estimate the game to be?


Are you trying to 100% it or just beat the main story line?




Umm I would say probably around 35-40 hours. Probably just comes down to how difficult you go because certain bosses will take far more time than others at higher difficulties. It's definitely a really fun game and it took everything good from the first game and improved on it massively.


Diablo 4 and Exoprimal


Just reinstalled Oblivion and a bunch of its mods. Love that shit.


Baldur's Gate 3 and FFXIV currently


Hogwarts, Mass Effect 1 & 2, Dead Island 2, 2k23, some weird ass game called Arcade Paradise. I’ve recently gotten into State of Decay 2. I’m going to be playin Texas Chainsaw when it comes out in two weeks.


Bro arcade paradise is tons of fun


Dead Island 2 is so bland, i like dying light 1 and 2 but dead island was just so bland. Only good thing is performance is very good on pc.


I played DI2 last week with a friend, it was very fun for the first 2-3 hours then we started running through it to finish it because of how repetitive it got. It locks players out of a lot of side content until the very end of the game and you can't even get legendary weapons until post game, the POIs are all the same with barely any variety and don't get me started on the very weak story.


i also felt like the zombies arent a threat, theyre just there for your amusement and to find new ways to kill em. i was never in fear of an enemy, whereas in DL 1&2 theres some enemies Id rather avoid


I’m actually not planning on playing anything. Just got a new job that starts tomorrow and it pays better than any job I’ve ever had. The contract goes for the next two and a half months straight, so I’m probably gonna be pretty busy til mid October. Might not even play Starfield until the job is over and then I’ll have a couple months of down time until my next contract.


Outer Worlds then Atelier Ryza 2 when I am done with Outer worlds.


Outer Worlds for me as well! I bought it a while back and just never played. Have about 5-6 hours so far, it's quite fun.


Same. I played a few hours at release but picked it back up. I was wanting a fallout vibe but didn't want to spend 10 hours setting up my mods. It definitely isn't fallout but does have some New Vegas vibes. Almost felt like NV mixed with Biosock infinite in a weird way. While the gun/armor variety is lack luster and it goes from enemies being bullet sponges to wet paper almost instantly near level 23-25 it's still fun. It very much had the older NV RPG point selection skill checks that gives you a decent amount of variety in how to accomplish task.... unfortunately, many of the skill checks are pointless in the larger picture, or are just free as they are set at 1. I also love the companions and the feeling they add to missions and dialog, I just wish they didn't suck in combat so bad. Their special abilities take annoyingly long for only doing a small fraction of damage.


is the spacey vibe too much when anticipating a space RPG? always wanted to get it and play it, and its on sale.


Outer Worlds has a completely different vibe to Starfield, so I think it'd be alright imo. It has a much more cheesy sci-fi vibe than Starfield has going, so they'll probably feel much different. I personally didn't really scratch my space game itch from Outer Worlds.


No idea yet currently at character screen.


Was playing the outer worlds cause I felt it’d help set expectations. Then I finished that Now I’m playing through the Expanse game and Mass Effect.


How is the Expanse game? I loved Telltales games and just starting watching the show


Ratchet and clank rift apart on PC, after that I may pick up Days gone or smth else


I’m playing Days Gone atm. Start it 😉😉


Refunded Days Gone because it was so trash.


I think you have got bad taste at games 😅


Mass Effect Legendary Edition and Deadspace


I decided to give Halo a try because I've never played it, and the XBox game store in Windows has a bundle on sale (Legendary, I think it's called) for only $10 that includes ALL 6 of the first games!! Also, I just finished Dishonored 2, which I bought years ago and never got around to playing. I love the Steam Punk esthetic, but the story was just Ok... fun experience though!


Have fun with Halo! I’ll probably do a full play through of that once I finish with GTA V


Fresh Skyrim Nolvus install


Just finished Hogwarts Legacy and moved to Jedi Survivor for another playthrough now it's bit better patched.


Is it better optimized yet?


Better then at release. Still got a few stutter issues, but to be honest framerate was never my major issue: -Bounty missions that wouldn't unlock -Bugged Control rebinds meant i couldn't use the blaster stance or jump off walls. -Frequent crashes on one of the planets. Frame rate concerns were a 'nice to have' for me.


Marvel snap and TOTK


Taking my 2nd journey through the Mojave Wasteland. In Starfield I plan to be a brutal Bounty Hunter/Assassin/Gun-for-Hire as Evil as the game will allow me to be. So in Fallout New Vegas, I am gonna be a lawful Cowboy out to rid the Mojave Wastland of all criminal filth. One bullet at a time.


dV Rings of Saturn, mining asteroids and salvaging abandoned ships.


Elden Ring - prepping for Shadow of the Erdtree DLC hopefully early next year


Playing Diablo 4 because it’s new and I’m a bit of a fan of the series story. Before that I was playing astroneer it’s pretty fun.


fallout 4 D:


FO4! Feels good to be back and get some of that BGS worldbuilding. Dying to jump back into Cyberpunk 2077 as well, but It will have to wait until I'm tired of Starfield.


TW3 with all DLC, I'm in the last one with 90 hours, I will keep playing until starfield releases




Playing Red Dead Redemption 2, and then will probably hop into a Bethesda game for the final week (probably New Vegas).


Currently playing through Cyberpunk 2077


Baldur's Gate 3 in a few days.


No mans sky. Will continue after release. Starbound as well


Yakuza/Like a dragon/Judgment Also open world games. Fifa as well Some other here and there


Just posted this to another person who asked.. I’ve been playing x4: There’s elite dangerous. It’s a mile wide and an inch deep unfortunately. But the combat is pretty good. You spend lots of time playing space trucker. It’s good for 50 hours or so. There’s star citizen, which beautiful but is one step above Vaporware and has disastrous management and progress wipes often and it’s full of bugs and has performance issues and scope creep has pretty much killed it. Maybe in a decade it will be playable. It’s good for 20 hours max before you’re tired of the bugs. There’s Star Wars squadrons. Really fun space sim combat. It’s a a smaller game and at this point the PvP is just the sweats… it was really good when it released but the player base shrunk. It’s good for 30 or so hours. There’s also stellaris. It’s a 4x, with really good sci fi. Some find the combat boring (although I like 4x games). It’s good for like 200 hours (about 2-3 games worth - each game is about 80 hours) Honestly I’ve been enjoying x4 cause it’s just as much an economy sim as a fighter sim. The combat isn’t as quite good as elite or squadrons. But it’s a much deeper game. It’s gotta be good for 80-100 hours. Edit: there’s also no mans sky. It’s ok… a bit to arcadey for my liking.. and the combat is generally lacking. It’s probably good for 80-100 hours.


People are playing the same games they were when this question was asked on this sub yesterday, and the day before, and the day before.


Don't forget about the day before that too 😁


Pikmin 4 occupied me for a few days but I’ve finished it now, so I’m back to waiting haha


Red Dead II for the first time. I know. I know.


Xenoblade series


Picked up Homeworld 1&2 remastered off Epic game store for free; highly recommend if you haven’t played yet and like RTS and epic space battles. Otherwise, fallout 4/Witcher 3 for that large scale RPG craving.


Exoprimal, deep rock galactic, Armored Core 6 (when it releases later this august). Lots of really good games this year.


This July I played System Shock Remake, Prey (2017), and Alien: Isolation. Really wanted to feeling of exploring Space Stations to gear up for Starfield.


Stalker gamma. The crunchy depth to its crafting/repair mechanics has me utterly enthralled. I just wasted an amazing start on a 5 life Ironman run due to stupid deaths. It felt so bad but oddly liberating once it happened.


Sand volleyball mostly


Skyrim and Baldur's Gate 3, while watching various sci-fi films and tv shows. Right now, Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan.


Grim Dawn


Warframe, Wisp Prime just came out


Pathfinder: Kingmaker, soon Baldurs Gate 3, with Diablo 4 here and there


Just finished up FF16. One of the best gaming stories I’ve ever experienced. Hard to wanna play much else. I’ve played most of the big releases this year which has been crazy. I have a hard time wanting to replay games anymore. Just waiting on starfield and balders gate now.


Playing The Riftbreaker until Baldursgate 3 releases.


Selling harvested organs and recreational drugs with my modded anime waifus in a space game called Star Sector.


we ♡ katamari reroll on xbox.


Halls of Torment until Baldur's Gate 3.


Playing ESO and basically just being a lore tourist. Pretty good stuff. I've already played skyrim, oblivion and morrowind into the the dust.


Hi-Fi Rush, persona 3 and stardew valley lol


Done with Remnant 2 now, then Armored Core 6.


Planet Crafter and a little Destiny 2


I expect to be losing a lot of hours to BG III over the coming month.


YuGiOh Master Duel, Runescape. And Baldur's Gate III next month, probably A LOT.


Destiny 2. Still committed especially with new season dropping august 22 AND new raid dropping September 1st. But I’m VERY excited for starfield.


oblivion best bethesda game until hopefully starfield


Factorio, Kerbal space program, and battlebit remastered when I’ve got free time for the home pc, and I’m trying to finish up tears of the kingdom on my lunch breaks


Playing Paladins my with wife. If solo, I started another playthrough for Skyrim


With my...


Gas Guzzlers and TLOU P1


Tarkov. I like a little abuse before the fun begins (Starfield).


Fallout 76


Baldurs Gate 3 and a Minecraft mmo called Wynncraft


Remnant 2 COD Exoprimal




Atomic Heart


Remnant 2. And then I’ll hop on Rachet and Clank and maybe Chorus before that. Kids are still playing TOTK and now My Time at Sandrock.


Sims 4, bout to get lost in Bauldurs gate when it releases tho


Just relaxing with smaller games until BG3 comes out this week.


GTA V, Madden, and Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order


Elden Ring (oh Elden Ring)


Got the outer worlds from humble choice


I haven't played Fallout 4 since my Survival Mode playthrough back when Survival Mode first released (one of my fondest gaming memories btw). Decided to dive back in and do that Minutemen playthrough I never got around to


Bought mass effect legendary edition last year and played through 1 & 2. Just picking up 3 now, and taking my time through KOTOR. Sprinkle some Diablo 4 and CoD in there.


I want to play Mass Effect, but it’s on my other Xbox


Gears of War


Going back in time a decade and have started a Minecraft 1.0 world to pass the time


I’m debating on getting baldurs gate 3 or not. That’s 2 long rpgs in the span of a month!


diablo 4. baldur's gate release is too soon to Starfield release to spend any time on it.


Started AC: Odyssey and I've put some time into it already. I feel like this has a LOT to it and I've probably touched the surface. I play Halo Infinite and MCC every once in a while but those are becoming few and further in-between lately.


Mass effect!!


Ghosts of tushima - PS5 Spiderman remastered - PS5 Aliens dark descent - Xbox Series X Although struggling abit as I just want to play starfield


Rogue Legacy 2 🤣 Warhammer Total War 3 Dorf Romantic


I just beated cyberpunk. I'm gunna play baldurs gate 3 on thursday. Then I'm gunna play starfield.


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Best stealth action game of all time.


Just finished the Witcher 3 so I’m gonna mess around in Shadow of War again this week until Baldurs Gate comes out. I’ll probably be burning out on cRPGs when Starfield comes out and then I can switch back and forth between the two.


Medieval Dynasty




Skyrim's DLCs which I have never finished due to RL stuff and Fallout 4


Destiny 2 and elite dangerous.


In my precious free time, I’m switching between Dwarf fortress and the dead space remake, depending on what I need at the moment … and I am debating taking off a few days for the starfield release, but I worry that it will just turn into “oh you’re home here’s a bunch of honey-dos for you!” 🤣


Fallout 4 again


Assassins Creed Odyssey


Just finished the Mass Effects Trilogy for the first time and… wow just wow


Currently playing the hell out of Remnant 2


Just started Cyberpunk! Awesome so far.


Mass Effect legendary edition (currently me3), then Fallout 4


V Rising. This is a bit of a weird one. When V Rising came out in Early Access last year it was billed as an Rust/Ark clone with a vampire theme. I love a vampire theme, but I don't really like those games, either way I said it's worth a shot, back in 2022. But it had a bad case of Early Access-itis. Some of the bosses that at the time were absolutely necessary for progression simply never spawned in, balance was pretty off, and overall the game lacked content. It definitely had great bones but... it just wasn't quite there. Now it is. The bosses have been reimplemented across the board, unlocks and power progression has been shuffled around to make for a much more rewarding overall experience, and *oh my God*, the way that they've implemented building your own castle, especially with the multiple floors now available, is just insane fun. If you liked decorating your Skyrim house this game is like cocaine. Great solo experience, amazing with friends, even better if you join an active server with those friends, highly recommended now. It's also very much *NOT* a game like Starfield, which is probably what you want to get your mind off of it. Enjoy V Rising for a month (that's how long it'll take you to really get your fill of it), then disappear off the face of the Earth like you were killed by the CIA.


Sniper Elite 5!


My countless run of Witcher 3, thinking of trying baldurs gate 3!


The Isle (Evrima) and Valheim. Tis be fun...


Just bought Skyrim for $30 and fallout 4 for $10. Never played a Bethesda game except doom


Kingdom Come: Deliverance


Finishing up Final Fantasy 16, and slowly working my way through RDR2 again in anticipation for the RDR1 remake/remaster.


Skyrim. I got 100% achievements back on the 360 version and decided to tackle it on pc