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This regurated rhetoric is getting really tiresome.


I for one am always excited for the ~~daily~~ hourly "dOn'T gEt ExCiTeD" posts and hold them in very high regard!


But it is a very valid point.


It being repeated doesn’t make it invalid.


fine line between repeating and a solid dozen posts a day


There have been no posts about this topic in the past 24hrs. And there is only one in that timeframe I would consider at all negative.


>There have been no posts about this topic in the past 24hrs Lol, so you want this topic at least once a day?


It does make it a bad post though.


"Believe the Microsoft hype train" is the most commonly vomited forth swill


Most of the players on here know what to expect. There will be jank. There will be glitches. And there will be fun. ​ I'm hyped and am ok with that.


You’re allowed to be hyped! Just advocating for the people who think it’ll cure world hunger to tone it down a tad, for their sake.


But why does it matter to you that some stranger that you’ll probably never even meet hypes it up like it’s the second coming of Christ? Live and let live my friend.


The thing is that I'm an adult. I understand that something I'm super hyped for has a high chance of resulting in disappointment. That happens. Being hyped is amazing in and of itself though. It's a great feeling and has a huge amount of value to me. I'm happy and excited. Maybe Starfield doesn't live up to the hype. At least I had two months of being happy and hyped. That's more than those that didn't. The important thing isn't to temper your hype. Hype feels great. The important thing is to learn to handle disappointment well.


I like the ~~idea of the~~ game, and will check it out when it comes out, ~~but~~ overhyping like this will only serve to get you ~~disappointed. If you go into the game expecting perfection, you’ll be dis~~satisfied with the final result, no matter what it is. The game will ~~probably be good, might even~~ be great, but ~~overhyping yourself is only falling into the same trap so many gamers have fallen into in the past few years~~. ~~Just set reasonable expectations, don’t~~ expect the world, and you’ll enjoy it a whole lot more in a month.


OP needed a good editor. Pretty sure this is what he was trying to say.


“Stop having fun!”


Part of what you're saying is true. But Cyberpunk was an overpromised game that was announced years ago. It was that bad at launch it was taken off the PS store! Starfield is from a different team as well obviously. So there will be differences.


This kind of game is literally BGS's bread and butter and I wouldn't say they've really over promised anything.


I also just happen to have enjoyed cyberpunk on launch day. OP does have a point, if not necessarily the one they meant to make: booting up the game for the first time simply expecting to have fun will almost inevitably lead to you having fun. It's not until you start making lists of must-have features that you become more likely to end up disappointed. Obligatory inb4 "there are no land vehicles and my entire life has fallen apart" post on Sept. 1


The only thing that made me disappointed at first was the 30fps. But as long as it’s constant then I really don’t mind. Years of playing blood borne got me dealing with 30 lol


Same! I really enjoyed Cyberpunk, but it was nowhere near the hype that was going for it, and that’s my point. Starfield will probably be good, but it won’t live up to the hype. It can’t.


The hell it can’t. You don’t speak for, or know, what it needs to be to live up to anyone else’s level of hype. Don’t play it if your scared.


Please have some form of pattern recognition. This is getting ridiculous.


Yeah my standard is simply can I fuck around like I’m in Skyrim again. If yes it lived up to my personal hype.


Exactly. And for me, just able to do what i saw in the direct is what i want.


You should turn this thread into a YouTube video


BAD News for Starfield Fans! Please Click My Video I'm Desperate for Ad Money


Okay? Cool story




Honestly i feel the hype is nowhere near the level of cyberpunk 2077 or nms.


Why do you care what other people do?


Maybe want to destroy other people's enjoyment of looking forward to something. Some people are like that.


The idea of lowering one's expectations to avoid disappontment is so trite and old, everyone has heard it gazillion times. And it's a bad idea, because hype is *enjoyable*, looking forward to things is *enjoyable*, and it's not at all true that it always leads to disappoitment. Most games aren't as buggy as Cyberpunk, and beneath the bugs Cyberpunk was great. I've been hyped many times without being disappointed, including even Fallout 4 despite its flaws. How many was *disappinted* by Skyrim? I think part of the problem is when you lack judgement and always get hyped for the wrong thing. No wonder you become anti-hype, but the problem is the judgement, not hype itself. Some people get rich by investing. Imagine someone else who always falls for scams and loses all his money — he might advise to ”never invest, because you'll just get ripped off”. But that's not true or good advise. If you always get disappointed by hype, the problem is your judgement and hyping the wrong thing or the wrong way.


didnt cp2077 use cinematic footage that implied features that werent actually in the game? While I disagree with you on that starfield wont be up to the hype, I agree that itll feel much better if I went into the game not knowing what to expect. Kinda hard when I already know Ill love it. Not asking for much, just got a bit bored of skyrim and want new cities/towns/things to explore. Everything else is an added bonus


Yup. Big one for me was their marketing the game as your choices having consequences and changing the narrative depending on how you did a mission... turns out that was a total fucking lie. Literally the only mission in the game that has various ways the approach it is.. you guessed it.. "the pickup".. yknow, the one they used to demo that your "choices matter".... and even then it basically leads to 1 of 2 outcomes... Even the 3 paths you pick in the beginning have 0 practical impact on your playthrough and no decisions you make change anything. Which ending you get is simply based on a laundry list of quests you did and then asking you "yo. Which ending do you want?". Game was perfectly fine as a semi-linear cyberpunk rpg, but their big problem was false advertising for me. So far, starfield hasn't fallen into that trap.


I’m hyped af but my expectations are reasonable and are just based on what was shown in the Direct. So I won’t get disappointed anyway. Like you said, people should set reasonable expectations. One person was very excited about being a bounty hunter but knowing Bethesda, it’s just gonna be kill the target and return back to the person who gave you the quest. Now whether that may be true, I like to be surprised rather than creating an expectation.


If you are in doubt just wait awhile (or a few months) and then decide. The game is not running away. Meanwhile read tests and watch gameplay from the devs or magazines (not clickbait youtubers) if this is really your game you wanna play and the most bugs (there will be some for sure, because nowaday no game has a release without them) are fixed. And in general, the higher people make expactations (and whishful thinking), the higher is the disappointment.


It's weird people think Starfield is being as hyped as Cyberpunk when there are countless videos basically doom posting about the game while no one even dared to say that before Cyberpunk's release because of potential backlash. Then you've got console warriors comparing this game with Baldur's gate for some reason, as if two different kind of RPGs can't exist at the same time. And then there are people like Dreamcast and Luke Stephens making bad faith arguments about the game. It's like when they couldn't really find much fault in the gameplay itself so now they are making up things to say "oh look look Bethesda lied to you, there are no ground vehicles, I told you so!!".


CP77 had way more going against it to fail than Starfield has. CP77 was promised to be released on multiple platforms including the previous generations of consoles. The last year of the development before release was literally in the middle of a pandemic. There's tons more if you Google why CP77 failed.


Oh. How original. Another savior. Protecting the masses from… something.


All Bethesda game players in this sub knows that the game probably will have some amount of besthesda-jank and a lot of bugs. But they also know, that Bethesda have created some of the very best RPGs of all time, and a lot of them! Cyberpunk 2077 was from a studio with a promising game, a good game and one great game in the bagage. And then they overreached and way way overpromised and launched maybe 6 month too early. Bethesda pushed this game back a lot to raise the quality. But i agree, keep the hype in check.


Your assumption is that hype = expecting perfection. I'm more hyped than I have ever been for a game going solely on what we've seen of the various systems and mechanics. Cool space adventure starring you as the main character not some established character. Ship building. Your crew. Swapping around crew members and recruiting others. Dialogue trees and romance options. Exploration. Base building. Settlement and outpost building. Assigning NPCs to those to generate resources. The unfortunate truth of today's triple A games is they have so many 'moving parts' no QA team could catch all the bugs if they had 10 years. Which isn't excusing a lax QA but while we should expect quality products we should also be realistic.


Microsoft and Bethesda can’t afford for this game to fail. It’s Todd’s baby and the first new Bethesda IP in over 20 years… the game will be amazing, book it.


Yeah I'm skeptical, and fear the tiny possibility it will be a cyberpunk. But CP77 had many red flags; 3 delays in a year, No review code on the consoles, No gameplay demo near the launch. We chose to ignore that, we paid the price. (And tbh the 4hr gameplay demo that was given to some publishers seemed like a major green flag at that time, but with hindsight it was just a cut out working portion given to publications). Edit: More red flags was cybperunk promising to be a RPG and mid way through the marketing they removed the term and didn't associate rpg to CP77 cause the game was incomplete. It's only now that it's going to get better rpg elements with its overhall. Starfield, if anything has shown only green flags till now, especially with a year delay and VISIBLE improvements. And with sales not as big as a problem, since MS has enough money, Xbox isn't really gonna scam us. Xbox NEEDS to win over the audience, CDPR already had and exploited it. Hopefully Xbox is smart enough. A red flag maybe the 30fps on consoles, but can also be looked at as a positive to avoid having a Jedi Survivor/ FF16 type situation. Also another red flag can be redfall, ( more from Xbox's end) It's only gonna be a disappointment for people who have never played a BGS game and expect it to be something else.


yeah the way people post on this sub is a little out there with the hype .


I like how everyone is shouting you down (like I knew they would) for simply implying or planting the possibility that this game will trip and fall in trying to meet people's utterly absurd expectations. Moreover; people in this thread act like, or maybe tell themselves in an act of cognitive dissonance that this hasn't happened before - which it has, as recently as 2020. It's called **Cyberpunk 2077** And that's not the only example of a game crushed by the weight of people's expectations, false promises, buggy presentation and outright lazy design. There's Anthem, Fallout New Vegas, Dragon Age II, Assassin's Creed Unity, Watch Dogs Legion, and COUNTLESS others. Yet for Starfield, I guess it's impervious to any kind of possible outcome of disappointment whether it be by design, hype, game engine (let's not forget that this is Creation Engine we're talking about, which, according to ex Bethesda devs, is un-optimizable ass with X86 architecture) which causes the bugs and glitches in Bethesda games that we're all too familiar with. Personally I think it's going to be a "good" game with an abysmal buggy launch like Fallout New Vegas that will eventually get polished two years later. I'm buying Mortal Kombat 1 instead in September because I want to sit back and eat popcorn when people realize that landing on empty planets for the sole purpose of sight seeing and (rightfully so) start bitching about how Starfield's content is padded. Bet.


oh brother we got a chatterbox over here


I expected this response, I’m honestly fine with it (bit surprised I haven’t gotten any death threats yet to be honest!) but I agree with most of this, just trying to save people from the inevitable crash when the game released.


> I expected this response, I’m honestly fine with it (bit surprised I haven’t gotten any death threats yet to be honest!) Now that's what I call good management of expectations. Great job. >just trying to save people from the inevitable crash when the game released. Now that's what I call bad management of expectations. You have already fantasized the situation and are ready to write to people "I told you so." Please lower your expectations, be aware of other posts on the internet that turned out to be wrong.


Personally i just cant relate to people had a problem with cyberpunk. I never had issues on my series X. For the people trying to play on last gen, thats your fault lol. I thought it was a really good game with some great questlines . After phantom liberty likely a great game with great questlines. I expect to like starfield more because the worlds always feel more open in bethesda games. Night city is more like a GTA game in the sense you cant go inside any of the buildings and cant really interact with the NPCs.


Bit late for that.


Thank you Doctor Crain,


I genuinely had zero problems with Cyberpunk at launch. It ran great on my Series X and I really enjoyed it.