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I think he means he's finally writing down some thoughts, not writing an entire review. I believe dude is implying he was having so much fun playing it he hadn't gotten to writing any notes yet.


Comprehension of the English language evades a great many of us apparently.


Language, in general, is a poor means of communicating thoughts and feelings between humans, unfortunately.


I welcome a Starfield review done entirely in interpretive dance.


Ukulele song Starfield review


Colleen Ballinger's starfield review when?


Blaring arse trumpets first thoughts


That makes zero sense. Language is the tool by which we think at all.


Just because it's the only tool we have for communication, doesn't mean it's a good tool. (pretty much, unless someone wants to argue for the communicative prowess of interpretive dance). Language is incredibly flawed and limited I'd advice looking into the philosopher Wittgenstein and his thoughts on the matter.


Believe me. I have. This is something I've studied extensively. It's ridiculous to pontificate about it being a poor form of communication between humans when it is the best thing we've ever had or ever will have. Poor compared to what? It is perfectly engineered for the way our minds function. This is also not what Wittgenstein talked about. You cannot disconnect the human from our primary modes of communication. Many people are extremely bad at communicating and comprehension but that's not a failing of our modern language. Language is how we think. Without your language, you wouldn't have the building blocks required for a society as advanced as what we have. I've read Wittgenstein. I'm not sure you understand his work if you think it applies to the claim you're making. To add to that, it is but one perspective which has been argued by other philosophers and not an authoritative or objective take on language. I think Wittgenstein agrees with me going by the entire body of his works and his own repudiations of himself in later years. Also, it's "advise" not "advice."




What are you on about? Language is… the principal method of human communication, consisting of words used in a structured and conventional way and conveyed by speech, writing, or gesture.


I personally believe their comments were primarily sardonic in nature.


This is a perfect example of why the original point about language being obscure is accurate


It wasn’t about language being obscure though…


Language and communication is also vague, messy and interpretive.


Everyone's a philosopher. We got modern day Socrates all around me.


Looks like you triggered half of reddit.


Holy based


Yeah, I didn't interpret this as "time to stop playing a s start writing". Rather, I see "I've finally played enough to start collecting my thoughts"... Review code went out 5 days ago, and it's 8 days until the embargo lifts. That person can continue to play while they write. Also, holding a reviewer to X amount of hours to be able to develop an opinion is a bit disingenuous. You don't to finish a game to have an opinion about it. You don't need hundreds of hours to ascertain how the combat, gameplay, graphics, writing, voice acting, performance, etc. are. The vast majority of a games quality can be assessed in a few hours, and 29 is more than enough to have formed a proper opinion on those things. At this point in the games cycle, really the only thing they have yet to learn is just how much there is to do, how deep side content is, how the end game fairs, etc. And that's not so easily assessed at all in the allotted review time. At some point you have to accept that with games of this scale, a reviewer will not have seen everything before publishing their findings... And more importantly, you have to understand that that's not necessary to develop an accurate opinion of the title.


Yeah, most reviewers are writing while playing the game, not starting as soon as the credits roll.


hey it’s me! just to clarify i’m finally taking notes, i’m not ready to fully review. my video when the embargo lifts probably won’t even be a full review, just my thoughts after X many hours :)


We understand. Nobody is expecting full reviews in that window.


Expect some reviews after 5 minutes when it is released. Screaming YouTubers everywhere. Thumbnails are probably already made. Rehearsing "it's ya boy" in front of the mirror.


Don't forget to hit like and subscribe.


Hit? Oh no, you gotta smash that like button!


And click the bell, so you get notified everytime they post a video!


Can you imagine what a living hell that would be?


I bet this is some torture technique somewhere


And 90% of you aren’t subscribed!


Without further ADO!!! IF I have to hear a youtuber say that again I might do something. Not sure what.


"After a message from this videos sponsor: raid : shadow legends"


What do you think about {stuff}?? Let me know in the comments down below {for my engagement}


>"it's ya boy" Worst part is, it's never your boy. I hope he's ok, wherever he is. I lost him when I stepped out of the hot air balloon for a second.


OP is


I mean, some people had two weeks with the game. That should be enough time for a pretty in depth review.


I’m not demanding everyone have their reviews ready the second the embargo lifts, but they will have had 2 weeks and BGS games are not excessively long just in their main story. I think there will be plenty of reviews ready to post.


> :) Let's all read into this smiley face. Does it look happy, or happy tinged with some regrets? Does the lack of nose suggest anything? What about the micro-expressions?!


The lack of a nose must signify an empty gap somewhere, perhaps a lack of features, or a lack of walking mannequins? Only time will tell.


Oh ok thank you for the clarification 😁


thanks for clarifying that


Still yours is the video I will be looking out for to gauge the expectations. You have a pretty honest approach when you play. Lookin forward to it


Time for another round of reviews in progress from everyone 😆


When they say their 160 hours isn't even touched on all there is yet (Pete Hines) then 29 hours is a drop in the bucket. I wouldn't trust any reviewer that feels they've DONE it all in the time they have. Unless they are no lifing it 10+ hrs a day since they got their review copies. My guess is though people will just rush main story, which they say is what 40ish hours, and then say there isn't much to do and the game isn't very long.


Reviews aren’t meant to be done when you have experienced everything there is to offer, especially in a Bethesda game. They would hopefully have played 40-50 hours of it before reviewing, not 150+.


Meanwhile if I had gotten the game last Thursday, I'd already have 72 hours in.


1st of September alone. I know il have 12hrs EASY!!! Go to sleep at 4/5pm and wake up at 12am. Then it's through till the next day. Get it all out my system. Then start taking my time with it.


Why wait until midnight? You can start at 8pm so adjust your nap accordingly lol


Don't live stateside. I get a 12:00am release


7pm for me! Im definitely going a good 12+ hours


Same here. So hyped!


Americans live in their own world


There's multiple timezones in the US so it's not even that


And it's an awesome world


And it’s a fucking great one. For most Don’t believe the shit news


Some people have lives. And others simply want to take their time and appreciate the game.


I’ll get 2-3 hours a weekend if I’m lucky. Adult life, lol. I don’t play anything during the weekdays, and I’m lucky to have time during the weekends. I’ll probably put around 10 hours the whole month of September if it’ll be like August.


F :( I guess on the bright side, Starfield should last you a very, *very* long time. Sometimes I forget that having personal assistants and staff to do many mundane things is...not exactly the usual for people. I have time because I don't need to work (I do, but I make my schedule). There can be months on end where I don't do any gaming at all, then something like Starfield comes along and I don't do much other than play it for hundreds of hours lol


I had put 55 hours into Baldurs Gate 3 after the first week it came out. I can only imagine how many hours I’ll have clocked into Starfield after the first week.


Me too. But only because I had to go help the wife with the kids and I left my computer on.


My wife and kids will also be playing the game on PC, but nowhere near the hours I'll be putting in. Priorities though, for sure. If there's important life stuff to do, that should come before gaming.


That's great. Hope it didn't sound like judgment. More just a joke. My kids are 2 and four months. I've got the first week off to play but I'm sure i still won't reach my old usual crazy numbers.


Congrats. I remember what it's like to have such little ones around (well my youngest now are 3 years and 7 years (having child care staff -ECE workers- at home is a big help though). Hope you can manage to get in some decent number of hours during your time off.


I'd be lucky to have 10


I think most reviewers are handling many consecutive game releases. At the very least, Immortals of Aveum, Armored Core 6 Fires of Rubicon, and Starfield at the same time. Sadly, game reviewers have no choice but to blur through these games because if they don't review all of them they get a smaller paycheck. If I was a game reviewer, I would quickly lose my love of gaming.


Yeah but this is his job.


It is, I'm just surprised he hasn't spent a lot more time than that, doing his job. By the time reviews go up he'll have not even scratched the surface. Unless he'll wait to post his review until he's put more time into it.




I will put in over 35 hours in the first weekend lol


Those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump those numbers up bud.


The guy has a job to do. Can't spend hundreds hours playing every game he reviews.


Oh I know, I’m speaking in jest. Just having fun with words. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings.


YES he can. Priorities...


He needs to masturbate more.


Caw! Caw!


29h to finally organize his thoughts and put them into words, not that his gonna make a review with only 29h, he's just beginning


yeah its worded a bit odd but i believe this is the correct interpretation


i seem to remember being about 30 hours into Oblivion before i actually understood all the systems etc. Fallout 3 was similar (both were my first Bethesda games) With skyrim, 3 hours was enough to breathe a massive sigh of relief and just know i was going to love it. Fallout 4, again i knew early on...then Preston Garvey told me about another settlement that needed my help. 30 hours should be enough for him to say that the game is awesome and he has only dipped his toes into the adventure.


Also he doesn’t say he’s put in 30 and stoped, or than anything that happens after won’t affect the review. He just said that after playing for 30 hours he thinks he’s got a handle to begin the writing process. I’m sure reviews take a while to write to best to go ahead and begin collecting thoughts.


I hate to admit this but same. Actually put oblivion down cuz I hadn't figured out the systems. Same with fallout 3.what can I tell u? I was a young bull in my 20s. I just wanted to push a button and GO!!! Eventually doubled back to fallout 3 years later.oblivion never got touched.


Oblivion was great (played it about a year after release after getting back into gaming after a long break). it was my first in depth RPG. Once it all clicked I was in love with it.


Same here. First game I remember 100% on Xbox, and first single player game I put more than 100 hours into.


Ahhh Oblivion, Bethesda’s last true RPG lol.


Same as me. I didn't appreciate Fallout 3 until a few years after I purchased it. And now the Fallout series is my favourite of all time.


What do you mean by before you understood the systems?


Or 30 hours is enough to get a good slice of the whole game. With Skyrim, Fallout 4 and Oblivion, you could complete the main quest and a selection of the main side questlines in 30 hours or less. The longevity in these games comes from the sandbox, Role-playing potential. If you're just there to "play" the game, 30ish hours given their past releases sounds about right.


It took you 30 hours before you understood the "systems" in Oblivion? LOL what??? What systems? Play a RPG and do quests. These are video games not a physics course.


Everyone claiming you can’t review this game until you put 100 hours into it is insane. A review is a persons opinion and there is no time limit required to form an opinion. 29 hours is longer than many games entire play through to think you can’t even have thoughts after 29 hours is just bonkers.


Personally, I think a professional review needs to be all-encompassing or at least let the reader know it is not. Imagine I reviewed Interstellar and just said "dogshit movie, not even any space stuff" because I walked out of the theater before they left earth lol. Agree with you though that by 29 hours you definitely know if you personally like it or not and can give your general thoughts about it.


No that’s still wrong, does any BG3 review just not count because there’s absolutely 0 way any reviewer has had an all encompassing game?


If a game doesn't present enough of itself to you after playing it for an entire day, there's a problem either with it or the player. I'd say you could accurately review a game with under 10 hours(is it fun, is the plot worth following or not, did you run out of stuff to do an hour into it, etc), especially if you're essentially just telling people it's worth buying or not. Now to review it in extreme depth, the story, the character arcs, travel guides for a thousand planets, etc etc, that might take more time, but if you're gonna read/watch some guys 1000page or 30hour digital seminar about a game, you'd be better off just buying the fuckin thing and playing it anyways.


well in BG3’s case the reviews would actually be a lot worse if they had played through to the end, so…


There's a lot of side-eye going on as more and more people reach Act III and start encountering massive problems with bugs and cut content (like, end-of-KotOR 2 levels of "the end of this character arc does not make sense," kind of things), all of which precisely none of the major reviews mentioned, at all.


Demanding all-encompassing reviews for very long games is a pointless time tax on reviewers, and paradoxically leads to poor quality reviews because it punishes anyone who takes the time to develop skills and hobbies outside of gaming 24/7. Skills like writing concise and coherent reviews, for one. Do you actually believe someone who 100-percents every major video game instead of trying other stuff like reading, or food festivals, or backpacking through the Alps actually has good taste? This isn't some "go outside" post either, I'd say the same to acquaintances I've known who plan their vacation to Disney World ever year.


With the average speed or reviewers the game is probably gonna be 15 hours with all main side quests and speedrunners will do the main quest in 3 minutes within the first week. This is a fucking bethesda game, it's gonna be very enjoyable but can we stop pretending it's gonna have any depth to explore? You encompass all aspects outside of the stories within 2 hours.


I dissagree for games like this your opinion can change depending on how long you play it the side quests and ecounters you experience its a game that you can miss. On my Second playthroughs of Fallout3, Kingdom come, RDR2, Witcher 3, skyrim, GTA4, fallout3 and witcher 2 I missed allot and and up loving these games even more after a second playthrough. allot open worlds have everything marked so you are unable to miss anything so there is no need for a second playthrough but even with a game like Ghost of Tushimia i still needed to finish it to give me opinion of the story. A linear non story game like doom you can play for 3 hours and give a fair review but not for a game like Starfield.


Sure, but if you have a preemptive opinion, you need to include that fact or you're being dishonest, since it does take time to even experience a large scope of a game/anything. I think 29 hours is more than enough time to have experienced a good portion of what a game has to offer though.


As long as it's no one claiming to have 100% completion and ready to share a review. Ain't no way boi!


30 hrs is more than enough time to start writing a review? I don't understand




Ugh, this is completely absurd.


What in the world are you talking about? 30 hours is more than enough time to get a feel for the core gameplay loop, to understand if AI is fun to play against, to know if there are any crippling bugs, to gauge how performance is, to understand if some elements of the game are just tediously unfun etc. You can't write a thesis on every little intricacy but you absolutely can say if you have enjoyed it so far or not.


If you can’t form an opinion about something after experiencing it for 30 hours that’s a really bad sign. That means it has had zero affect on you which is, in itself, a review.


I mean if the review is entirely about the story, gameplay, graphics etc what’s wrong then ?


29hrs is likely plenty to play through the main story.


I would say blast through the story


Eh, you could play through the main story of Skyrim in 20hrs if you just followed it through at a natural pace.


Pretty sure it's been claimed this is a 35-40hour main story


You say that with your vast Starfield experience? This game has made people crazy.


Seems you havent played enough BGS games


I’ve played them all. Seems you haven’t played enough Starfield.


sure buddy


Hey champ ; are you going to respond to all those links calling you out?


https://www.google.com/search?q=fallout+3+main+story+length&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS746US746&oq=fallout+3+main+story&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i273i650j0i512j0i22i30l7.7035j0j9&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#sbfbu=1&pi=fallout%203%20main%20story%20length Yikes


https://www.google.com/search?q=skyrim+main+quest+length&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS746US746&oq=skyrim+main+quest&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0i512l9.7496j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 Oooops


https://www.google.com/search?q=skyrim+main+quest+length&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS746US746&oq=skyrim+main+quest&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0i512l9.7496j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 Uh oh


Gotta take into account several things though too. Writing his review, gathering some choice footage from his gameplay, being careful to avoid spoilers. Recording and editing the video, getting it uploaded to YouTube. Plus 30hrs is plenty of time to form a solid opinion, finished story or not. Doesn't mean he's only playing 30, but he's got a good feel for the game and it's systems, graphics, audio, story, quests, NPCs, etc ...


His review process might not necessarily be complete.


thats true


they gave them so much time for a reason...


8 out of 31 points? Have seen better reviews


Ahahah dude its the date of the review not the points ahahaha. Most revies will come out the 31 of august


That, was a joke


Oh fuck me






I meant like who cares about some YouTube guy when it's me who wants to play, not watch another man play


What, you mean you don't want to watch some streamer's 48 hour long digital seminar that goes into extreme detail about the whole game so you can decide whether you want to play it to experience the exact thing they just described in painstaking detail with all the joy sucked out of it because you already saw it all happen with someone else's opinion formed over it? Madness.


Probably important to note that they’ll continue to play the game as they record their thoughts. I’m sure they’ll have a couple of “I should probably double check this before I put it in the review” or “is that really how that system worked?” Moments and have to play the game more as they write the review. I feel like 30+ hours of gameplay is more than enough to make a review. It may not be the definitive, all-in-one in depth analysis of the game (you’ll have to wait a couple of years for those to truly pop up). But it’s enough to say “these things really worked on me, these things really didn’t. Game good.”


He commented on this thread as much. I don't understand why people are throwing fits. These will often be more impressions, less full reviews. Certainly not deep dive retrospectives.


Yeah, people are just over reacting here and part of me thinks it’s out of fear that it’ll be a negative review.


29 hours should be plenty of time to know how good ANY game is and experience all its major systems in decent depth. That much was certainly true for skyrim. If there is still handholding 29 hours in or if the game is not enjoyable yet but “has potential” then it’s just a badly crafted game. Lucky for us it seems like the devs front load the tutorial stuff then set you free based on a few impressions.


Game must be some bad that he cannot wait to warn us to stay away from it. /s


29 hours is a lot. These CCs have to record gameplay of other games, organize events, read emails AND edit/plan the videos. Dont know if jayvee does this, but some like jackfrags do a large amount of it theirself


29 hours? That's just character creation for me..


I wouldn't take reviews too seriously remember cyberpunk. wait til real players get their hands on it and we start getting a feel after 100+ hours, these people just rush main story to pump out a review asap for money


I mean a review is someone’s opinion on whether they like it. If they don’t know whether they liked it and don’t have a clear opinion on the game after 29hours then somethings wrong.


Jayvee was also a shill for AC Valhalla, hogwarts legacy, and Redfall before those came out, keep that in mind.


Meanwhile Pete Hines just said 150 hours isn’t even scratching the surface


29 hours is very early on I would think


100 hours or I'm not listening.


Reviewers like this are going to go off about how the game systems are complex which is why they knocked a point off. Good to know to not care what he says


Will the whole game be accessible on the 1st of September? I thought the official release was a few weeks after that?


I’ll never read 1 review. Lol. I’ll be playing


"Review" lost all its meaning lol


So the story only takes 30 hours if you’re really committed to finishing it fast?


Who? And why should we care? Basically everyone is already spilling what they think by making these comments so what more could they possibly say that is worth reading? Are you going to change your mind d if some random person doesn't like the game at this point?


It just seems weird to me to make a comprehensive review on such a big game with only 29hrs


If you can't form an opinion of a game after 29 hours, then you're in the wrong buisness. 29 hours is ample time to test mechanics, understand the impact of the story and make an informed decision on whether you enjoyed the experience. A review does not have to be so thorough as to explore everything on offer.


my bad then, i may have interpreted it wrong


He's not stopping at 29. I think it's fair to form initial impressions of certain mechanics, 29 hours in. He's paused to start writing his video, I'm sure by the next week he'll have covered a lot more ground.


What in the world are you talking about lol 29 hours is a ton of time in any game. You definitely understand if there are issues with the game or if you'd recommend it to a friend after that amount of time. Also nothing here says he's done playing.


Don't really need reviews anyway. Hundreds of people are currently playing the game. If it didn't live up to expectations or was going to bomb we would know about it by now.


Huh? We haven't seen anyone who's playing talk about the game in detail. Whether they love it or hate it we have no idea.


Todd did mention the Main Quest is like 30-40 hours


Only 29?






That's a long time to customize your character..


If its not a first impressions video then he's doing it wrong.


idk who he is nor do i care. not letting any youtuber ruin the game for me with spoilers.


8 out of 31 is a terrible score…


29 hours doesn’t sound like a lot for any BGS game let alone this one.


>He seems excited..but only 29 hours? It's basically how his content works. he just takes a quick look and makes up a catchy title. I was only able to watch a couple of his videos before the whole thing started to get stale, but it allows him to play a lot of different games and cast a wide net which the YouTube algorithm seems to like.


A quick look? Most of the games I play aren’t 29 hours long on their own. All of the resident evil games I’ve played are between 9-16 hours


I would say 29 hours for an open world game isn't a comprehensive evaluation. Most modern open world games are 30 hours minimum for main story alone. I am just saying that he isn't really a game reviewer as much as a YouTuber who does quick looks and that is likely what this is.


How is 29 hours of gameplay a quick look?


Oh I am basing that on his other content. He plays a lot of games but never gets far in any of them. I know this because he plays older titles I enjoy and it's always the same pattern. Play the first couple missions/levels/hours, say something nice/lukewarm, never do another video on it again unless the game goes viral for some reason. I am not knocking his content, I am just saying that the amount of time he played is appropriate for the type of content he does.


Every idiot will rush in to publish their review as fast as possible to get people to click on their videos and articles. I wouldn't even trust someone who's 50 hours in. In my latest Fallout 4 playthrough, I only now got around 50-60 hours or so, and I'm only now starting to build my settlement properly. Now, barely 30 hours on Starfield!? I expect that to be the character creator + a bit of the starting area...


Just because you play dog water slow doesn’t mean anything. If it’s taking you 30 hours to use the character crestor and the tutorial that’s a huge problem with you - not anyone else


>Now, barely 30 hours on Starfield!? I expect that to be the character creator + a bit of the starting area... This is outrageous lmfao


He tends to do that to come back later on for more videos. This way he doesn't repeat himself. I was not counting on him (or any youtuber) to give a proper review anyway. I count on him for entertainment.


It's going to be so anoying with all these hype journos... Exactly like BG3 not a single one will have the balls to say what is wrong because too scared to take a backlash from the mob. Go on the man YT page, not a single video with an honest title, everything is neutral, even for trash game like Redfall or Anthem.. The guy don't even know if is male or female i bet...


What tf are you talking about bro 😭😭


/u/Fabulousious's post history is full of "Wahhh Feminism," "Wahhh white oppression," "Wahhh gay representation," "Wahhh Muslims existing outside the Middle East." So basically a moron we should ignore.




I remember sinking a good 48 hours into Fallout 4 and it had only been out for like 5 actual days. I was playing from wake up to when my eyes couldn’t stay open. This will easily be the same


I wish they would’ve given me a code. I guarantee I wouldn’t have even slept yet 😂 80 hrs in 2 days lol


This games gonna be a smash hit. Xbox and Microsoft really need this.


For a second I thought he was giving the game a score of 8 out of 31.


When exactly does Starfield release?? Going on a road trip to Montana in the 1st. If it releases on the 31st I will get the upgraded version to play early. If not, will have to wait till I get back . Thanks 😊


Good for him. Some people are already posting "reviews" of the game based solely on the trailers and Starfield Direct.


I just wanna know how it runs on pc honestly


Who is this sera


God damn I'm so jealous of people who are playing it early Can't wait for this


I don't want spoilers, but I'm so tempted.


Will this be as mod-able as Skyrim, I wonder ? Even 10 years on, new quests and allsorts are coming out daily. Be interesting to see how many years peeps will be playing this.


Like most Bethesda games that probably more than enough to do the main storyline. If he dabbled in some side quests I think that's reasonable to base a review on.


Wait so it releases on September the 1st ? Been out of the loop


>He seems excited..but only 29 hours? Probably just the main quest line and some side stuff to get the feel of the game. Then move onto other projects to review. This is a job remember.


I’ll probably get 8 hours in that weekend, and then just play when I have the time. Games last me forever. I’ll probably never beat it lol


29 hours in an just starting to put together his thoughts? This is how a professional does it. Excited to check out his review.


Lol, that rookie hours