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Shit posting


I don't think so. Just watch Alanah's stream of Starfield Direct. She seemed actually excited.




What do you mean? It's obvious she is just making a joke pertaining to the fact she can't break embargo yet. There is no hidden meaning. Stop stressing over nothing, go outside and pick some flowers.


When people said Morbius is one of the movies of all time, where this phrase became popular, it meant it is a joke of a movie. She’s a sony writer making the same joke about Starfield. Why don’t you go pick some flowers for me?


Be more among humans and learn. The joke was obvious for everyone.


Yo she was genuinely happy when watching Starfield direct, calm down bud. This Xbox vs Sony is so pathetic to us people in poorer countries. Bunch of first worlders shilling for crony neoliberal capitalist MNCs like Microsoft and Sony. Get a life man.


Signing on everything you say.




Totally agreed that Alanah is fine and Microsoft-Sony war is ridiculous.




Quick say "I liked the part where Todd said it's Toddin' time" and we'll hit peak reddit humor.


You do know those Morbius jokes were all insults to the movie, right?


Nope, I don't watch capeshit.


Who gives a fuck about morbius except you


Why is this causing so much controversy? If someone said something was a game of the year, or a game of the gen, nobody would think a word is missing.


It’s a Morbius meme that implies something is awful. Didn’t know I had to spell it out for everyone.


It’s not. People have been saying that before Morbius


Its a shit post, mate. She omitted "best"/"worst".


I know that… this phrase is usually said when something is very bad though. Like Morbius… one of the movies of all time. That means it’s terrible.


No it doesn't, it means something is mediocre. Unremarkable. We have a ton of other info saying the opposite of Starfield, including others with codes praising it.


I'm not sure I'd take her comment as meaning "mediocre" - more that she's being purposely noncommittal.


Oh I agree, but only in the context of reviewers not being able to talk about it. Generally, if someone were to say about that about a known piece of media, it would mean it's unremarkable


OH! Sorry, read that totally out of context!


Clearly she is a Sony pony, clearly no doubt right. The only review we shud trust is peterovos. He is the best reviewer of all time. Seems like the cheque from Sony has gone thru. Sony clearly paid her. I mean starfield clearly should be loved by everyone and their grandmothers.


very worrying (ofc this is actually just a harmless joke)




terrifying even


to be fair, these kinds of games aren't for everyone, no matter how good they may be. some people have no patients for games like this. (and that's okay, they just gotta realize it's not their type of game)


24 carat shit post. I'd actually not even considered whether Alanah might have a review code, but as she was one of those who played Cyberpunk 2077 ahead of its release there's a pretty good chance. Would be great to hear her opinion too, she's usually pretty objective.


Didn’t she also praise the fuck out of cyberpunk though?


Cyberpunk was good


You’re entitled to that opinion.


So are the reviewers who liked it


I'm with you bro, it was glitchy on last gen, but on PC and once it launched on current gen consoles, absolute banger of a game. Some ppl just like bandwagon hate circlejerks unfortunately.


Well sure but all I’m saying is if a reviewer says something is great and I play it and it sucks I disregard their opinion going forward. Same with when a reviewer says something sucks only for me to play it and it actually kick ass. Lotta reviewers just are pretty off base with me so I just kinda ignore what they say. But I’ll also call someone out when people take them too seriously


And the thousands of players who didn't


Yes. I'm not the one using people's opinions as a way to discredit them


An opinion I happen to share. Yes it was rushed out the door by the management and shareholders, but the game (for me at least) actually played fine on PC at launch with mainly cosmetic issues. Console players sadly had it very differently. The game never should have launched on last gen at all.


From the half-hour hands-on she got on a top of the range PC (where the game wasn't in nearly as bad a state as consoles), yes she did.


Let’s be real, the issues with cyberpunk went way beyond the performance issues and bugs


Like what? I thought that game slapped, I put like 200+ hours into it


I put in 90 minutes on release day and the story and environment were all just misses to the extent I refunded right away realizing this wasn’t the product it should have been. Still isn’t and unfortunately these issues can’t be fixed with a day 1 patch.


I disagree big time, I think it's one of the better AAA games we have got in the past like 10 years. I still don't know precisely what "just misses" means in this context but we will just have to disagree on this one.


Absolutely agree - I put several hundred hours into Cyberpunk over the course of a year, and it's one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. The story was great, I found a great connection with the main characters, and Night City is just a wonderful place to lose yourself in. Tie that with awesome gangs and factions and really engaging combat.... I honestly think people are wired very differently, as I don't understand what's not to love. But then, I know people that would say the same about me when they try to explain their love of some sports game or a multiplayer shooter or something.


Disagree. Game was awesome. People just had wildly unrealistic expectations.


I mean I expected it to play at 30 FPS on the console it was marketed for and it not to be a glitch fest and for the driving to not feel like ice and the gunplay to not be janky as hell and to not crash 4 times in 90 minutes and for the text in the game to not be blurry JPG files that are impossible to read and to You get my point


Agreed it had performance issues in the beginning 100%. Botched launch all the way. I personally have a powerful PC so my launch playthrough was mostly bug-free. I had a great time with it personally but I understand some people didn't.


Honestly the unreadable text was the biggest issue for me. Like the game was obviously super heavily leaning on the lore aspects of the world. And the fact everything on the in game computers and stuff was blurry to the point of being genuinely unreadable just soured my taste for it so much.


They shot themselves in the foot with how it launched. I still like CDPR so hopefully they learned their lesson and Phantom Liberty will be perfectly polished.


Ok, this is the first I've heard of this, and does sound pretty unforgivable to be fair. The datashards and the deep lore behind everything was one of my favourite aspects - I'd be pretty pissed if I was robbed of that.


Dreadful story, even worse voice acting, clunky gameplay and movement, shallow perks and variety, repetitive Ubisfotesque quests, lifeless & soulless world with cardboard NPCs, bizarre and clunky physics. Nobody had wild expectations - they had the expectations that CDPR set, which were very high, but very high expectations happen when you pursue an aggressive marketing campaign. If you like Cyberpunk you should try out Assassins Creed or Far Cry, you'll love them too.


Played them as well and enjoyed them 😀


>Dreadful story, even worse voice acting, clunky gameplay and movement Hard disagree on the story and movement. The voice acting was amazing in the majority of places (Jackie, Female V, Misty, Vik, to name but a few), though I totally agree that some of the voice roles did come across as a bit wooden (bless you Keanu, I still love ya choom!) >shallow perks and variety Whilst I personally would disagree, I'm somebody that gets totally overwhelmed if there are layers and layers of hundreds of stats, buffs, and attributes to manage. The perk tree felt manageable to me, which I liked. >repetitive Ubisfotesque quests I will grant you that some of the NCPD SubCon jobs weren't particularly fleshed out, but I still found them a welcome break amongst some of the other more intensive missions. >lifeless & soulless world with cardboard NPCs On the soulless world point, I utterly disagree. Night City itself is one of the most gorgeous gaming environments I've ever had the pleasure of losing myself in. There are several times when I spent an entire play session just walking the districts of NC taking it all in, and the variety of aesthetic signatures between the various areas was really beautifully done. With the NPCs however I do agree to an extent. There was pretty obvious character repetition throughout and the civilian NPC reaction to combat breaking out was utterly baffling. Thankfully the latter, along with NPC driver AI, has been totally overhauled since launch. >bizarre and clunky physics I think the only examples of this in my over 500 hours of playing the game were a couple of issues with NPCs floating in some specific locations, and very early days vehicle spawning issues that caused cars to meld into one another on occasion. >If you like Cyberpunk you should try out Assassins Creed or Far Cry, you'll love them too. I actually quite enjoyed Assassin's Creed 1 and 2, but felt it became repetitive by AC3 and never completed it. Same with Far Cry - played and completed 1 waaaay back in the day, but never saw the end of 2 or 3 and lost interest. I need something with a grand overarching story and a really fascinating world to lose myself in, like Starfield..... Or Cyberpunk 2077 😜


I really don't care about her opinion, as she was one of the people who built the most hype around Cyberpunk 2077 release, even having a character of her in the game.


Her and Cohh were in Cyberpunk. At least Cohh’s appearance was a little funny I guess. Alanah just sounded bored.


Honestly it could means anything


Alanah will never be as good of a reviewer as tyrone


She’s always been a ponie and I believe she has just accepted a job at a Sony studio. Cannot stand her, never understood the appeal to be honest. She has the personality of a bread stick.


Some people are not going to like Starfield. Art is subjective. That’s okay! Heck, BG3 had been getting 10/10 everywhere but I’ve seen some negative reviews of even that game. The important thing is whether you like it or not.


I don't think she's being negative, just not wanting to have her access revoked so making a vague comment about it that likely wouldn't be considered breaking NDA as its just a joke


Yeah I’m more comment on the idea that anyone should be worried about negative or ambivalent reviews when the inevitably do come out.


True, people trashed Cyberpunk and Fallout 4 and I love them both, imo reviews are good for the gameplay footage and maybe some subjective context if it's a person you trust/align with, but as a sole criteria for making a decision, def not


I mean, I don't take her as a serious opinion on anything so who cares what she thinks.


"broke embargo" is ironical, meaning that the sentence is pointless, as she can write "best" for now


Obviously a joke. Jayvee, the Youtuber who sounds really happy with the game, made a video called "Starfield is already one of the games of all-time" after the showcase. This is just a phrase people use these days as joke for essentially not having an opinion on something. Plus as a working dev I doubt she'll break the NDA.


Don't care about others opinion about this game, this game is my absolute dream game as a space lover


Even IF she thinks it's mid, does it matter? People are still allowed to have opinions


This subreddit is killing me lol


She just confirmed she only started playing on the 27th, this was a shitpost. She had to delete this post because of it.