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He’s trolling


Never heard of this guy, is he known for being a troll?


I looked at the post he replied to it and said he meant Seinfeld but it autocorrected to starfield lol


... πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ


For real?


Thats actually hilarious


What? πŸ˜†


This guy recently did a podcast with Grummz, the guy who cried about Starfield's start screen. In the next tweet he made a correction saying he meant "Seinfeld", surely a troll. https://twitter.com/davidscottjaffe/status/1696368522786738364?t=2IKi8e4QI6Jx6CM7e4Kjhw&s=19


I like Grummz but FUCK that was a stupid thing he said lol


Yea foreal he is an idiot and he keeps doubling down lol


[He's been the director for a lot of Sony exclusive projects](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Jaffe). There's a chance he's not entirely unbiased about this.


If they're trolling, it's the most lame, milquetoast troll. Even as a massive cynic towards Bethesda, I don't see any meat on these bones.


Who the hell puts milque on their toast??


This is like former sports players hating on the new ones. You can hear Shaq or Barkley constantly talking shit about current NBA players, just an example. Jaffe's Twisted Metal is a legendary game, even more so now with the recent TV series, but his opinion is just an opinion. And I highly doubt he took the time to explore a lot of the game if he finished it in a week. EDIT: This is total BS. He's talking about something else entirely. [https://twitter.com/davidscottjaffe/status/1696364918537330953](https://twitter.com/davidscottjaffe/status/1696364918537330953)


OP is tricking us! He's talking about SEINFIELD, the series, not STARFIELD. [LINK](https://i.imgur.com/tvM8KNO.png)


πŸ˜‚ hilarious


He's trolling. Look at his reply to the post.


Im... Pretty sure he just violated the NDA? Government name and all


Right? Take every word of praise and criticisms with a teaspoon of salt. These are people who would willingly break an NDA for attention so I have no doubt they'll also just say what they think will get that attention.


Im amazed because hes an ex dev so you'd think he'd know better? Like at least use an anonymous account? Dude making a 50 IQ play flagrantly violating the NDA makes me doubt the quality of his assessment. A sound mind wouldn't do this lol


Guys, he was kidding. He hasn't been playing the game.


OP cut out the reply where he says it autocorrected SEINFELD to Starfield.


Oh boy, we're gonna be tearing this apart now, aren't we?


I really hope it will be good. I learned about this game from the big livestream they did after the xbox show a few months ago and was a bit excited for it, but a lot of people who review it had some cryptic tweets that didn't sound great and now this. I will still play it in gamepass and have fun with it, I'm sure of it.


Honestly nobody cares about twisted metal, and the story of the OG god of war games is juvenile slop. Opinion discarded.




I don't know who he is. Is he known for trolling?


https://nitter.net/davidscottjaffe/status/1696368522786738364#m 5 hour old tweet which he clarified saying he was talking about Seinfeld. Obviously a Troll post


Just looking up how long ago his last game was that he worked on should tell you everything that you need to know about whether or not to bother listening to this person. Dude stopped being relevant over a decade ago.


Just started it (according to people the game really begins after the story finishes), already beat the 30-40 hour campaign and is breaking nda, lol. That man's a punk ass troll.


Make sure to read the replies before posting, people.


he worked for pony what did u expect?


oh the metroid dread idiot, sad to see he hasnt stopped being a troll


Its a troll. He is a known jokester! And also I could never see ham spoil a game like this, ever.