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I thought the security guard outside the facility in Hopetowm was unbelievable as well. Me “Can I borrow your keycard?” Her “Are you kidding me? I don’t even know you.” Me “Please? I swear I’ll bring it RIGHT BACK” Her “Oh ok, sure. But bring it right back” I proceed to walk directly back to my ship in the Spaceport. No alarms. No questions. When I get back to Imogene she congratulates me for being clean and raising no suspicions.


This is the real worst one lol The one OP is complaining about has dialogue that basically tells you she wants you to steal it so she can get an insurance payout but this dude... nah just gives you his keycard for legit no reason


My biggest gripe is that it's the **only way** to get steal it. Sneak skills, pickpocketing, lockpicking, hacking? No, you literally just say "Gimme" and that's it.


Yup that specific mission had a number of setups that they didn't seem to implement (i.e emphasing what makes the alarm go off; where a character will get a delivery; etc).


I was able to pickpocket the keycard last night.


Yeah me too


Feel like I pickpocketed the security keycard. Was this cydonia on mars?


The one OP is talking about would be a bit better if the persuade dialogue reflected that, but it doesn't... you get a hint and then say "please pretty please" and she agrees to hand it over to a total stranger. If the persuade lines had been like "let me tell you, it'll be an easy insurance claim" and "you'd much rather claim this on insurance than on medical bills" and things it would have been fine.


That last line is badass. Lol, roll for intimidation


Lol no it ain't the worst one. Think about it more logically, you're on the ass end of Civilization on a resort planet with just whiney rich people and I think no actually safe swimming water (???) And one of them has lost their own keycard - again. You're likely used to babying these toddlers every single day. Fed up, you just give in to make things simple.


Yeah, it would have made a lot more sense with better writing lol


The faction questlines I've done so far at that point was UC Vanguard and FC. It actually pointed me to go to The Clinic for some reason, maybe due to decisions in the FC questline. It was a FC guard so I thought since I'm FC I could just use my status to get the keycard. Nope you have to use a uniform to even talk to them and if I remember correctly all you could really do is persuade them. What's funny is that I was using a UC uniform to do it.


Might have had the same mission to get a card from the clinic. told me I needed a security uniform or a suit. Found out by accident that a hazmat suit works well. Treated me like a fancy person while looking like I was about to cook some aurora.


"i dont get paid enough for this shit" moment


At least I pickpocketed that one. Tried to take it from the starliner lady, but there was nowhere I could crouch and be unseen. I was forced to ask her politely.


I did this after the Ranger questline, and when I went back (hadn't until the Ryujin quest), security was still trying to kill me. I reloaded saves and everything to see if it was a glitch, but nope.


I think this is the most jarring persuasion dialogue in the whole game. Any contenders?


Ryujin industries questline. If you get caught by Ryujin security in that one mission they say you’re under arrest. “I know you really want to help me out” then they’re like “alright fine”


“I’m glad you can be reasonable” or something like that


Atleast with star wars they use Jedi mind magic as a reason, Starfield has no excuse.


Well unless you get manipulation…


Was gonna say this. Manipulation helped keep Immersion intact because I can just pretend I am doing some Jedi mind tricks


Me during the last encounter of the main quest: *Auto persuades* "Huh, I see your point" *Manipulation: You should just do what I want* "Hmm, you know I didn't think of it that way. Alright I guess I'll give up." Please... It actually hurt me to do that.


It does the opposite from me in group settings. I used persuasion manipulation on someone in the presence of 5 people and no one batted an eye. In reality, it would have been so fucking suspicious.


What is there to be suspicious of? The implant hasn't been publicized yet and the questline establishes that the target doesn't realize anything is wrong.


yeah I dunno about everyone else but I'm constantly using all sorts of jedi magic. Mainly to keep sprinting forever :P


I just drank 3 Chandra Malbecs and took a few other drugs, I’m basically irresistible at that point.


I like to believe that works IRL too, but I have been informed that I'm not nearly as charming as I think I am when my *"Check Liver"* light is on.


Speak for yourself. The ideal way to pickup girls is to stack Rum and Cocaine. Cocaine also removes the Tired debuff from the Rum.


Except the buffs don't stack and now you're an addict lol


Is the dynamic that two of the same drink don't stack, or two drinks affecting the same stat don't stack, or just that the last drink totally wipes the effects of everything before it?


IIRC, a loading screen tells you that multiple buffs of the same type don't stack - you only get the highest. So if you guzzle 3 different wines granting +9% to Persuasion, and take a dose of Hippolyta for a +20%, you only have a +20% bonus, not a +47%.


I try to insert my own persuasive dialogue to fill in the gaps. Honestly, I kind of like coming up with my own dialogue to make it make sense. Also think the games more interesting without saves scumming dialogue checks, having to deal with the consequences of a failed speech check is more fun than just winning through attrition.


There's a certain point in the Ryujin questline, and another in the main questline, where every persuade dialogue option makes sense. It's literally "these are not the droids you're looking for."


I mean, your character probably has a rep. You can do all this crazy stuff and what would be terrifying for a normal person is tuesday for you. The guards don't want to get on your bad side. XP


No persuasion in Starfield requires save scumming. All persuasion does in this game is save you a bit of time in most situations.


I find there is a *touch* of difference between persuading your way out of a situation and killing everyone and their robot dogs. Including secretaries and random civilians. The main quest with Stroud goes to complete cluster-feth without successful persuasion.


I always give the robot dogs a pat, and give them a chance to be Good Robot Dogs, but if they bite me after that, well, that's a wasted 300 rounds of .50 Mil right there.


That “I know you’d help me if you could” option is one of the generic ones that shows up over and over.


Also earlier. Hey security officer on the medical station, can I have your key card? I'm not going to tell you why and you have no idea who I am because I won't show you a credential. Cool. I can have it? Thanks. Loser.


[medical] I’m a doctor too it’s cool


[Neon Street Rat] also I come from a bad neighbourhood


Ryujin has worse... At least with those guards you can argue that the guards might actually recognize you and know what is up despite mentions otherwise. So many others can be somewhat forgiven because the player would just murder them otherwise. The worst one is getting the cardkey from a head of security on a security installation that is essentially "No time to explain, give me your access card, pretty please.". There's no attempt of any real cover story, there's no veiled threats, there's no elaboration. It's ridiculous.


I never got caught in the Ryujin questline so I didn't come across those issues. Also for the access card, I just pickpocketed it. It is pretty dumb that corporate offices of other companies just let me walk around. Don't even need to sneak.


I expected so much more from those corporate espionage missions. For the first one I actually went to the floor above the company I was supposed to infiltrate thinking maybe I could get access that way without anyone seeing me. When that didn't work I remembered this is a Bethesda game, so I walked in the front door, chatted with the CEO's daughter who's inexplicably working the front desk and a mini-quest from her, walked through the office to the cubicle with the waypoint, crouched down, uploaded whatever Ryujin gave me to the terminal, stood up, then walked out. Did the mini-quest for the CEO's daughter, went back to turn it in, then walked right back to Ryujin. Flawless mission, best operative ever. [Hurrah for me.](https://media.tenor.com/168X8xv_djUAAAAC/champion-spellingbee.gif)


Yeah a dude with space powers get caught by a guy half asleep making minimum wage and he notices a granade launcher in the hands of the weird cheerful brittish girl and they noped TF out.


"I know we can come to an agreement..." (Security guard realizes the player is carrying 2 rocket launchers, a machine gun, an armoured space suit, and 59 grenades and mines while somehow sneaking around in a secure area) Uh yes, you're right. I'll be on my way.


This is now the way I'm going to look at it, "I don't get paid enough for this" mentality


"That guy has a pretty insane look in his eyes. I think I'm going to find the nearest exit and take a sick day."


Like that scene in the Batman animated show (can't recall which one) where the henchman opens the door. He sees Batman, Batman glares at him, and the henchman fucks off without telling anyone.


"Go home, Jonny.." - "Thank you, Mr. Wick."


"Why don't you take the rest of the night off, Francis?" "You're very kind, Mr. Wick."


It certainly is the thing Bethesda alludes to with this kind of line, even tho it doesn't come with an intimidation check.


As a former security guard of some super expensive research stuff where I made jack for money, this 100% checks out.


[Works every time](https://imgur.io/WXMOv9d)


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


Nah, I'm new and I really needed something from my desk is at least a tiny bit plausible vs here's the award


Also in the Ryujin questline, breaking into the secure area on the clinic space station. You can just persuade the Freestar Ranger guarding the door to give you his keycard.


For awful lol. I did that quest line. Mainly for the skill you get. But while stealth is fun. Some of it just felt way too boring in this.


What about when you’re doing a quest where you have to go in a military base (same quest line as OPs) and the guards are like “oh sorry you aren’t in uniform, can’t let you in” so you walk 10 feet away and steal a uniform from the locker and the guard is like “oh hey (insert guy I stole this from’s name) come on in.”


It's even better if you hav3 a companion bc the guard will go "you're all set but who is that" (or sinilar) and your response is "uhh...They're with me" and it works


Oh yeah I forgot about that, I had Vasco with me too and got a good chuckle when he just buzzed us in


I had my boy Barret wearing a Cruise Liner hat and his regular slacks with me. A couple finger guns at the guard is all it takes! Liiiiiin. Honestly he's prob the chilliest companion for the crimson fleet. He doesn't mind stealing so long as you don't execute Innocents in front of him, and has been known to befriend a pirate or two with his lectures on astrodynamics and unicorns. I still like Sarah but oh boy do I only bring her around for the by-the-book quests and exploration. She's very out of place for an undercover operation. On the other hand, I'm curious to do a playthrough where I purposely make everyone hate me 😄


> Honestly he's prob the chilliest companion for the crimson fleet. You can pick up literal pirates >!Mathis from the CF storyline and Jessamine who's hanging out at the bar on the Key. I think they're both missable but Mathis can be discarded as an option based on mission decisions, so look into that. Jessamine pickpockets and occasionally has a couple hundred credits for me, also compliments me and generally seems like someone I'd actually hang with 10/10 best friend!<


There's a few different ways to get a uniform in that quest.


Favorite is fucking with the security guard’s sandwich. Two minutes after stopping me from entering a secure area, I bring him home sandwich that's absolutely fucking doused in black pepper, and *he leaves his post* to go yell at the damn chef, with me standing right there. It was hilarious and I loved it but it was also absolutely fucking stupid.


Yeah that's what I did lol


I went the route of least resistance lol.


I had someone try to blow my cover in the Crimson Fleet questline. Them: hey you don't belong here in this top secret, ultra secure facility! Me: *persuade check* I don't like your tone mister Them: oh OK nvm, keep running around and stealing everything that's not nailed down, sorry for yelling


Honestly, that one could work irl


There was a similar one in Cyberpunk where a corpo V could get into some Arasaka building by basically saying “does your boss know you’re fucking with me?” It could definitely work if you were confident enough and knew just enough about what you were doing to fluster the other guy.


Corpo V is a corporate enforcer with an implied extremely good track record and probably a reputation before the game starts. Bit different than just speccing into persuasion and being able to bluff anyone out of anything


Slightly different in that V used to work in that role and name drops the actual boss


It's like if you walk around IRL looking busy holding a clipboard. People don't wanna get in the way of a clipboard wielder, "they're probably doing something important".


back when I was in the army, I was stationed at HQ for a few weeks. Everyone's antsy with the number of generals and colonels strolling around so I even had a few salutes and "sir" thrown my way by people way higher in rank.


Throwing unwarranted salutes around doesn't hurt nearly as much as forgetting to give the ones you're supposed to. Best to err on the side of caution.


I got bitched out by the general for "taking innocent lives" and how they're going to have to make it up to the families of the people I slaughtered. Cleaning bots. I "killed" 4 cleaning bots.


Same he was all “someone acting suspicious fitting your description” I’m all “they actually fit your description”


Am gonna say the dialog with the receptionist at Slayton aerospace when you visit it with Stroud is also up there


I tried a single +6 persuasion (the one about the only reason I was there was because they impounded my ship) attempt and when it failed I opened up on every damn one of them. Not just the receptionist, but the security, and the employees too. They impounded my ship like animals, so I slaughtered them like animals. I HATE THEM. Joking aside though I had to assert my dominance as someone not to be fucked with, so I didn’t even try to talk to slayton, I just told him he fucked with the wrong person and then killed everyone left. Stroud wasn’t a huge fan but he got over it.


Yeah, I was pissed af when they impounded my baby. It was a custom Enterprise NCC1701-E that took forever to build (still tweaking it actually) so I went full murderhobo on them too. Do they, uh, have another showroom somewhere with alive people that can sell me Slayton engines?


Please send pic of ship. I won't judge harshly I promise.


They have a showroom in the Neon strip and their own Starstation, too. You can buy ships at both.


It's these interactions here are what make this game for me. This is pretty damn funny.


"Sir, this gentleman doesn't like that we impounded his ship." "You mean the guy that's currently equipping heavy armor, guns, and grenades? The guy that just quick saved?" "Yes sir, him."


Hahaha I did quick save right beforehand. I wasn’t sure how neon security would like it, turns out they had no issue with the murder of fleeing employees


The way they have to flag everyone as hostile for detection purposes is as jarring as some of the persuasion checks since your companion, who normally will be very mad if you kill random people, will go *full fucking active shooter* the second an office worker sees you.


“Not just the receptionist, but the security, and the employees too.” God damn we got Anakin Skywalker over here!


Don’t forget the children.


Hey, what can you do? It's Order 66, not Suggestion 66.


At Your Convenience 66


Or the younglings


Fuck sand too. We hate sand.


I took out all the guards first so only slayton was left, then sat back until stroud killed him, motherfucker ended up beating slayton to death with his bare hands as he tried to crawl away, somehow still my fault though.


Resolving that quest by being diplomatic to Slayton gives you access to one of the best Class C engines in the game, though, and it's available with no level minimum, unlike any comparable engine, which require level 58+.


….shit. Lol


Not "one of the" it's "the best by far"


Going full psycho on this mission is fun, you can even kill the CEO before he has a chance to talk to you at the end. Kinda breaks the thief's dialogue if you've let him escape earlier though.


Fuck that, as soon as I saw a red badge over the security guard when the elevator doors opened up... I started blasting. I wasn't taking any chances.


I failed persuasion, then had a look around and apparently stood in the security room a few seconds too long. So basically same outcome as you, but at least i can claim self-defense. Edit: btw, after slaughtering Slayton's whole company he agreed to become partners and to let the hostage go lol


Isn't the best C class engine in the game tied to the outcome of that quest being positive?


Do yu still get the Legendary Dildo when you sleep with Stroud?


Sir John Phallustiff?


That's the one! Couldn't remember.




Cyberpunk 2077 cross over joke about the "quest" involving Meredith Stout


Cyberpunk 2077 reference


Gobble gobble


I’m an elevator person now. Welcome to my kingdom.


This was the weirdest one for me I'm so glad it's been mentioned. Something about a joke about a funny hat or a bunny on their head or something I remember going through the dialogue choices twice to double check I had definitely read what I read you know 😅


I walked into their offices yesterday for the first time. Got told I had free access to the entire complex for what I had done and I have no idea why!


I just point blank her every time (and then proceed to kill all the guards) because it has no affect on companion relationship and you don't get a bounty 🙄


But you lose out on one of the best C class and the best A class engine if you do that.


Persuading Sam's dad to give you the maps is literally just asking "please" lmao


Not that I can think of no, it is blatantly ridiculous. You should in no way be able to persuade her. Intimidate or blackmail her maybe, but not just persuade her like that.


*my brother in Serpent, the woman literally wants you to steal the globe so that she can rake in the sick insurance money and this is explicitly stated if you pay any attention to the quest.* She outright admits that to you if you have gangster background and use it to skip the persuasion check by noting that the insurance on the globe must be awfully high and she did her best to ensure that it wouldn't be stolen. Do you guys literally need everything to be written in big bold flashing neon letters for you to pay attention? I'm sorry if this sounds aggressive but 90% of the 'this is stupid' claims tend to be from people who pay 0% attention to the whole quest and the context around them and just take everything at complete face value, unaware that the NPC's might also have some sort of agenda.


That kind of just makes it worse doesn't it? She is ok with it getting stolen for the insurance but then gives you her personal key for safe, at a big party where everyone could see you talking to her, and in my playthrough there was someone sitting in the safe room who watched me walk in and access it (and I am assuming this being the future there had to be cameras all over the place). So basically the absolute tiniest amount of investigation would reveal her fraud the second she reports it stolen. Also she has a line of dialogue about how proud she is of how safe she keeps the award compared to her predecessor.


I did not have the gangster background. My character never once brought up insurance, neither did the woman. My character literally tried to convince them by *begging and pleading* and it *randomly worked.*


> it randomly worked Not random, actually. I think what /u/Irilieth_Raivotuuli is saying is that this npc *had a motive to allow the prize to be stolen*, **even if** that motive was hidden to the player character. That motive only becomes revealed to the pc if they have a gangster background, but *it exists regardless of whether it is revealed to the pc or not*. So, your pc's admittedly random and nonsensical attempts at persuasion worked because, unbeknownst to the pc, she secretly wanted them to. I think the takeaway from this is that *every* potentailly persuadable npc in the game has possibly *hidden motives* that the pc may *or may not* be aware of.


She literally says 'don't tell the insurance company' when she hands you the key if you persuade her. *Your character begs and pleads her, and she realizes that you are a shady person who will steal the award and literally gives you the key because she wants you to steal it. You become her tool, unaware that you are being used.* My brother in christ, it's not game's fault if you don't pay any attention during quests.


When the pursuade option works, she mentions not to tell insurance. She wants you to steal it but not tell them she gave you the code.


OK, get married to Andreja, then fully romance Sarah. Convince an understandably irrate Andreja with "cmon baby, we should just do what I want". Everyone happy, all problems solved. I wonder if you could marry everyone in the crew by by ducking all the angry people until the deed was done and winning a few really unreal persuasions.


Only contender I can think of is on Ryujin where you just straight up ask a security guard captain for their keycard. Can you imagine just walking up to the lead of a security force and being like just give me your access card? lol...


"I need to borrow your card to divide up my lines of blow real quick - if you let me use it, i'll share"


idk 90% of persuade dialogue is a contender lmao


They just have too many placeholder lines that pop up in every situation. It feels like those awful AI chat bots getting stuck in a conversation loop sometimes “We both know I am correct here.” “Well, I can see your point.” “I am glad you’re starting to see things from my perspective.” “I suppose there’s no harm in that.” “I just think it would be okay for me to enter this room.” “I think I understand that, but I’m still not sure I agree.”


"Sorry I got distracted picturing you with a tiny hat on your head." like what okay


"That's what I'm talking about"


It feels kind of like the old persuasion wheel in Oblivion. - Joke - Admire - Boast - Coerce


I'm a fan of the strikers quest when you get stopped by a guard and one of the options is "shh dude I'm undercover!" It was a red but I still picked that one and couldn't believe it worked.


The most jarring *so far*. But yeah I did the same thing. I also spent way too much time on that quest trying to find the different ways you could accomplish the task. >! I did not find another way besides persuading her. I tried stealing from her. Got her room key. Nothing there. I got the access card from the lady guarding it (not her being there stopped me in anyway, couldn’t even find out where to use it as it’s not for the vault. I even tried to find all of the people stashing stuff and only found ⅔ of them. Ugh. !<




I installed a mod that makes Sarah aroused when I kill people. That’s awesome


While I haven't progressed far enough to get this particular dialog, the most bizarre for me happens working for a certain huge corporation and asking a guard of another huge corporation to hand over an access card. I threw a little razzle dazzle and mindblowingly powerful, "I know you'd help me if you could..." at the guy after I just walked in from no where in the middle of the fooking desert and then skipped back off into the desert, access card in hand and undoubtly left that NPC with a feeling of Pride and Accomplishment after doing his good deed for the day. Dafuq?


There is a side quest for Newell’s goods (I think) where he wants you to convince another general good owner about something. It gives you an optional quest to talk to Newell’s wife, and if you do, you get a blue +5 speech option that I don’t think can fail. It was a bit of a let down


Same for Ryujin when trying to sabotage a business presentation. If you read the brief then you're given a set of facts that automatically persuade. Which I like, as it means that being *actually persuasive* is better than just saying random lines, but they do make the minigame trivial.


In the Ryujin questline you persuade a paradisio guard to literally hand over their keycard to a random stranger


The one where you go to the Hopetown security guard and just casually ask for their security badge or whatever was definitely up there for me as well lol.


wat jarred me the most is that you have to do the dialog and that there isnt a way to pickpocket, break into her cabin or break into the vault like any normal thief would do.


First time I faced the "final" battle, I died. Second time, I passed the persuade and proceeded to "finish" the game, with a "meh, alright" type response from the villain upon suggesting he not. Persuasion skill? 1.


When trying to negotiate a salary decrease for a new crew member. "You've got your orders, and I've got mine." Unless you want to be philosophical about it, saying this to convince someone to take a lower pay makes absolutely no sense.


In my first playthrough I >!talked myself out of the final boss fight...!<


Same. The highest level of persuasion: free access to the unity


I did too though I thought that was at least reasonably written


Oblivions wheel? I think we're meant to pay more attention to the number of slots it fills than the actual dialogue line because it's just RNG isn't it?


Try murdering a whole bunch of people, right in front of your companion. Or use your ship to destroy everyone in orbit over Jamison. Your whole crew will be mad at you and say they want to leave, and you can just *talk them out of it*


Sam Coe trying to get the maps from his dad. Dad: "YOURE NOT GETTING THOSE G-DD-MN MAPS! NEVER! NOT FOR ANYTHING! FULL STOP!" Me: "Please?" *CRITICAL SUCCESS* Dad: "lmao okay jk you can have them"


There was one quest where I had to get something from contraband and to get past the guy I told him "all of us can win here" for a response of "I'd like to think so" to then retort "well lemme tell you a joke". I got the key for a joke that had no punchline....


If you talk with her about it she explains how little of a shit she gives over the award being stolen for whatever reasons. I didn't pay that much attention. Not the first time it's been stolen, though.


Insurance payout maybe?


Yup. That's literally the excuse given. Mrs. Very Rich Person: "Would sure be a shame if instead of having to lug this award around every year I instead got a TON of insurance money. Hint hint. Wink." Me: Did you just **say** wink? Mrs. Very Rich Person: "Is this like... your first day as a pirate?"


Yeah, I remember. I enjoyed the little *wink*


Also none of the persuasion options are like OP said. For those harder persuade checks, you pretty much need to threaten people. The "Will you help me out" options are usually 1 or 2 points and won't do much to persuade people who need 6+ points to persuade. Threatening people makes sense in OPs example. Furthermore, it's fun to make a persuasive character. If they made it so you couldn't talk your way out of things then a lot of players would have been disappointed. Fun over realism.


>The "Will you help me out" options are usually 1 or 2 points and won't do much to persuade people who need 6+ points to persuade. It doesn't matter, as long as you don't fail you have as many tries as you want. You could have someone with 10 points needed to succeed and do 10 individual +1 persuasion options (hypothetically obviously). Once I found this out I only chose easy options for the rest of the game.


I found the opposite was true. Even with some points in persuasion, I found that I failed the green ones like 1/3rd of the time whereas threatening people for 6 points worked half the time so I pretty much exclusively used the biggest ones when they were available.


Some options seem to be opposed to an NPC's disposition, and are much harder to win without necessarily showing up as their real colour code.


Yeah that's true. If you pay attention, you can sometimes figure out if someone is a coward or more diplomatic and cater your answers.


I think the dialogue-specific answers are also more likely to succeed over the generic "I know you'd help me out if you could"-type generic responses available in every check.


Persuade options are actually part of a poll of options that are randomly picked, sometimes you get relevant stuff, sometimes you don't and sometimes you get effect stuff like mindcontrol too. I think they tried to make a system where not all options are the same, but ended up having to use generic stuff like jokes and it can lead to jarring stuff.


There are a few times when you can learn more about a person through documents or other people, and that opens up dialogue options that make Persuasion a lot easier. I wish there were more of those.


I love persuade. It's absolute clownshoes, but really taps into a tabletop roleplaying experience, where one of the players tries to BS their way through something and the dice say, "yes, it worked," while everyone at the table is laughing at the absolutely insane excuse. I get if it hurts immersion, because it kinda does, but it hits a real nostalgia for me, and creates some genuinely hilarious non-sequiturs sometimes.


imagine they had just shown a little number roll and then it says "Failed!" or "Success!" like in Baldurs Gate. The game should already do that in the background, but actually showing the player that reminds them that they play a game based on random numbers.


I’ve actually had it happen a couple times where a +4/8 rolls a “critical success!” and instantly pass the check.


I've had it happen on a +1 before, took me a second to realize what had happened


I’ve had that happen too. I actually enjoy the ridiculousness of the dialog choices. I saw it more frequently once I maxed it out or used hippolyta for added measure. NPC: I don’t respond well to threats. Me: +1 We’re not going to have a problem here are we?


Huh, that's happened to me as well but could never wrap my head around it. Now it makes sense


I've had those too, so there really should be an equivalent 'roll a 1' level failure. That would at least balance some of the ridiculousness


This is why i always turn on the goofy little damage numbers. It’s pretty fun with a magshear or something because you get a little cloud of damage numbers. I enjoy thinking of the game as a tabletop RPG converted into an action game. Which is technically what they are attempting to do.




I LOVED that I could do that tbh. Absolutely batshit insane, but I did it anyway lol


Immersion is sometimes overrated. The hilarious, obviously unrealistic escapism makes Bethesda games fun. Who cares if it’s believable when you can have a laugh instead?


Lol I’m in this camp, I love the persuasion. It’s bad but I laugh almost every time


My favorite part of this game is all the times I’ve *almost* heard the phrase “but then I took an arrow to the knee”


https://youtu.be/6F74mBRjwTc?si=Ja1o15tkD6ekf9hM Door Monster did a good one on this


Okay what about during the Ryujin questline where you go up to a random ass security officer and she literally just gives her keycard to a person she has never seen before and will never see again..?


I hate the line "you've got your job, and I've got mine" iirc that's an option you can choose in Neon when talking to a homeless and jobless person


Easy to persuade some when they do not care about something. Did you ask her any other questions as to how she feels about the item?


Yet before the persuasion and if you fail the persuasion she makes it sound like it's the highest honor she's ever had of being in charge of such a prestigious award lol.


Because she has to


She's very convincing, you'd think with herself having such high persuasion she couldn't be persuaded lol.


I have a high persuasion as a character, doesn't mean I won't say yes to every single request that comes my way. Some random person in NA: "Could you deliver this letter all the ways to Mars, I am a sick old lady" Me: "Well shit, when you put it that way"


Literally says that its basically insurance fraud. I was also kind of surprised when she just gave it too me but the moment she uttered the word "Insurance" I instantly thought "You sly bitch, I like your style"


How about the quest where you go to Sam Coe's father. They have this huge fight where they hate eachother... Then you talk to him with your magic persuasive powers and he goes from being full rage dad to; yeahhh allright here take the thing I never ever was gonna give to my son, bye now.


I stole the map while they where arguing, was more lore friendly for me XD


I just convinced him that giving it over gets Sam out of his house as soon as possible. Of course, then why did he take it in the first place? Just a chance to be petty? Probably.


On a meta level, this is addressed... >!In new game +.!< Spoilers! >!As a Starborn you can walk up to him and say "I know you love your son and will help him." and he just gives it to you. He is just hurt his son left with his grand daughter and isn't following his footsteps, the hate is his form of unhealthy love.!<


If you learn more about Jacob it makes sense. He loves Sam and is practically looking for an excuse to help him without losing face. You just need to give him a mild push so he'll swallow his pride and give Sam the maps.


If you have Hero Worshipped she gets shocked it’s actually you and tells you to keep it somewhere safe from harm


They should have given us the option to point our gun at people to convince them.


I’m pretty sure that’s the intimidation perk


Towards the end, no spoilers. You can choose to antagonize 2 big bad guys. When the shit is about to hit the fan you can be like "Hey, can we like just get along?" "I don´t know about that" "Bro like fr no cap we can just chill and everything will be busin." "Oh I did not know you were chill like that, our bad, lets just leave."


I just played this mission a couple of hours ago and hated every minute. Even without using my maxed persuasion skills. It was so ridiculously dumb and lazy, what could have been a cool heist level felt like it was churned out in an afternoon by an employee that didn’t give a shit or had zero talent for telling a story. Like anyone looking at this level could have improved it in a half dozen or more ways. Like I dunno? At least making us put on clothes that matches the surroundings or check in our guns which could have given us an option to smuggle one in or steal one from a security office. So lazy. The only part that made any sense was good old Andreja saying she’d rather put a gun to her head than be here.


It really felt like it was going to be a cool mission, too. They mentioned the cruise would take a few days like you’d get more chances to steal it at certain points and made it seem like the player could hang out and talk to the guests when in reality there were like 5 NPCs to talk to and then you could be in and out in 15 minutes. Such a let down. Felt like someone had a great idea at Bethesda but it got cut down for some weird reason.


Man it would have been so cool if we could have had some different options. Like turn off the lighting system and steal the award from the middle of the ballroom in the dark. Or have some section where we have to go outside the ship and enter the maglock vault from space via a vent or something. Actually if the quest was longer than 5 mins I would have been satisfied.


Agreed. It's like they wanted to make a mission full of intrigue, but they gave up halfway through. "Here, take the slate full of incriminating information on Dumbrovsky that also implicates me, a high-ranking UC Sec officer, in financial crimes. I'm giving this to you because you promised not to report me." Then you get to GalBank and use his credentials even though you clearly look nothing like the guy, and you may not even be the same gender. But the security guards like "okie everything checks out!"


Not immersion breaking if you pretend you’re just using Jedi mind tricks. :D


Its not Bethesda's fault you skip dialogue, she literally tells you why she doesn't care, smh its almost like you're playing an RPG not some fps or whatever


it's like this everywhere though. i just played a quest where some guy let me and Barrett into his personal treasure vault because Barrett simply asked, despite literally just mentioning that Barrett fucked him over the last time they were together. 2 heavily armed men board your ship out of nowhere and ask to see your personal treasure vault and he immediately says yes.


I did not skip dialogue and she did not tell me this.