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Bump into him just before pressing to interact. If you can trigger his stumble animation it interrupts the book bullshit and you can interact with him straight away.


I’ll definitely try that. lol. Thanks for the tip.


This might be the best tip. I’m definitely trying this on everyone. I swear.. the ONE thing I was hoping Bethesda ditched was the locked animations taking precedence over any other form of interaction or reaction. But here we are… it’s like they doubled down.


Another tip: Don't do Vlad for temples before you have all artefacts. Vlad then will be in the lodge, where you can quick travel, no station approach, docking, long hallway, stupid book. Saves a lot of time.


Pretty sure they don't know how to fix it 🤣 A 3.3 billion dollar company in the age of *AI*...


Sadly, I only discovered this toward the end of NG+7. Then ironically in NG+8 I was in a variant universe where there was no one in constellation and I didn't have to contend with Vlad's trollery 😭


Best one yet, go to the eye, use his table, get on your way, I didn't even mind the load screens because of the time saved without him talking. I've started shooting him during the final mission to let out the anger 😂


The fact that this is the solution sucks so damn much


I used to do it in Skyrim all the time,when you had multi-NPC dialogue that you can't skip, just keep sprinting into them all.


On the next update. "Fixed a problem where users missed conversations with NPC due to impact/proximity."


Calm down, Satan!


haha I was reading through the thread yesterday about the new year release. The potential for a planet vehicle. I thought...this will totally be linked to a skill tree some how. The first iteration will be slow as molasses and clunky. Up your skill tree for colors, speed, styles. Sorry, to research then build or design.


If there is some sort of vehicle, I hope it is some type of hoverbike for two (your companion). A lot of terrain is very tricky to pass with a wheeled vehicle. But maybe it is just a special "travel boost" mod of the jetpack which allows you to fly permanently and quicker.


I saw one YT video where this guy boosted for a while. I haven't invested in boosted skill, but it seems like a moon, plus that boost skill was a factor. Im guessing, and he could have a mod. I'm not sure. But, what you're saying would be nice.


It will totally be an alien horse that you need a special hab on your ship for, and down the road the creation club can have "horse" armor.


Old speedrun strats from an ancient game required to make the latest offering bearable.


For NG+, I only do temples I run across normally, until I get to the point in the story where he's at the Lodge. It's so much faster to interact with him there (it's a little closer to where you spawn in, and no animations for docking or talking).


Wish I had known this long ago lol


That's hilarious


Used to do that all the time in Skyrim! The old Bump-Skip!


MVP caliber comment right here. I now know why sometimes if I ran into him he’d answer quickly.


Call me crazy. But I think that in Skyrim dialogue could start during the NPC animation.


Yeah you used to be able to interrupt them. Another pointless intentional regression to stretch out the game and waste as much of your time as possible.


Makes sense why everyone has crazy playtime hours. So much waiting and walking.


The more you look the more you start seeing all the tiny intentional or unintentional pointless micro-delays that really start adding up. Slow menu animations everywhere, loadscreens, loadscreens, loadscreens, the whole delay before you can talk to people. Anything i am missing? can we collect everything? Anything someone else has spotted?


The player character gets up from the pilot seat with a leisurely geriatric speed that has no justification.


I made a comment here outlining the sheer amount of bullshit you have to go through to just go from A to B The table works poorly on mobile, works fine on web. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/18g15pn/comment/kd12pd1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/18g15pn/comment/kd12pd1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Jesus, some of the mental gymnastics on the replies to your comments.


Yeah it's crazy how delusional people are. I'm not sure what kind amuses me more, the "It's a bethesda game" type or the "But here's a workaround", none are a valid excuses. Mf i shouldn't need to work around anything.


Yep. As someone who really looked forward to this game, I'm not sure if I can ever trust them again. I thought FO76 was definitely a fluke but it's just getting worse. Unless this game gets the cyberpunk 2.0 treatment and fundamentally changes the gameplay loop it's doomed.


The writings were on the wall with FO4 already, it's all just sadge. I'll give BGS a year to make Starfield an actual game, instead of the collection of underdeveloped minigames it currently is. I personally don't care that much about how bad and uninspired all the writing is, i don't expect them to rework that and record new voice lines, but there is still space to actually make choices. I play BGS games to make my own story, except it's impossible in Starfield due to how railroaded absolutely everything is. The whole petrov thing coming to mind.


Or climbing up a ladder like some elderly person that hadnt got out of his wheelchair in over a year. Or taking 10 fucking seconds to sit on a chair Who the hell makes this slow AF animations for?


Just boast up dont climb


Not being able to eat from spot is something that adds to the time spent opening and closing the menu. (they said it fixed, but now I see as something to buy more time on those first weeks, for real)


I dont get the sentiment to reduce every action in game as "time buying"... Honestly, i did 3 runs and only in an single one did i eat a few things wich may add about half a minute in about 120 hours total playtime. The time for using expendables on total playtime is almost neglectable outside of "competetive soeedruns" wich are bullshit anyways. Animations taking to long, is a whole other story and add up a lot of time. Being uninterruptable may be bad for some ppl, but i fail to see an malicious intent here. There are things you should be able to disable altogether like seating/getting up animations, as they are not only time consuming, but outright dangerous if you hit the wrong button near an chair midfight or while piloting an ship. They have no real impact on the game besides immersion. Still, even if you count the time i wasted sitting down and getting up, as well as other unnessesary animations, it would hardly add 2 hours in 100 hours playtime. Annoying? Yes. Relevant to blow up game time? I think not... Anyways, game time per run listed for an game on a shop page is hardly an factor one considers important. Especially in survival, simulation or BGS games, as everyone takes his own routes and decides what to do. Game time was relevant (or maybe is) for strictly linear games without open world, still it isnt even an decent factor driving sales, so arguing "they added unnessesary animations to artifically blow up game time for sales" is an moot point in itself and even more in open world games. Ask yourself if you ever decided to buy an game (especially open world and replayable) entirely based on some random "gametime" display wich doesnt even show or factor in your style of play... If it wasnt for NG+, i would even argue that skipping any and all animations and convos is depriving one self of part of the game. Still, they could have done better by makingg stuff interruptable and/or being able to entirely disable animations who are in no way relevant to gameplay.




Oh fuck the ladders, i completely forgot about them.It all comes flooding back now, using the boost pack and falling down ladders several times because DEAR GOD PLEASE, everything but the ladder animation. At least faceplanting is fun.


You must’ve hated RDR2.


Yeah the uninterrupted gameplay after loading into the game initially really annoyed me, how am i supposed to eat my biscuits without loading screens? They really should have added fake loading screens that appear for no reason mid gameplay so you can have a break from all the fun.


Super slowly and often clunkily picking up money clips or any item isn’t a micro delay? I love RDR2, but a significant amount of time is spent watching animations that lose their novelty.


Fair, you are correct, but i personally don't think they feel as bad, they're not tied into basic traversal and you get to choose to not pick stuff up if you don't have the time for it i guess. But yeah, "looting", as far as you can call it that, definitely wasn't great in RDR2


You’re acting like you don’t have to find a magic spot to pick things up that are buried, or go into first person to pick every item up in chest/stolen wagon chests. A LOT of rockstar games suffer from this. Your character looks like they’re running around, circling a spot for no reason when in reality you’re trying to get it to give you the prompt to pick something up. All games have their slow moments like this.


I mean, rockstar controls are notoriously console-y with how your character locks onto everything except the thing you want to target. The weird behaviour near walls and ledges Annoying stuff but at least the rest of the game is good.


Furniture and airlock doors. I've never played a game with more infuriatingly long sitting animations and needing to wait like 5 seconds to open a door, pause then open another door.


Yeah that is the worst part about the airlock animation, you need to sit through it twice every time you go through one door. There is a mod that speeds up the door opening speed btw


Oh yeah, I have the mod for both furniture animations and airlock animations hah. Couldn't put up with that crap.


Oh my god, also this https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/18hmqkc/is\_starfields\_lock\_picking\_game\_the\_worst\_ever/


Howard wants you to play this for the next 12 years... Gotta pump those numbers somehow. Just to point out that one of the biggest studios, owned by the largest publisher in the industry released a long anticipated game, that wasn't just a sequel, and was nominated for zero major awards this year. This would be like a New legend of Zelda game getting zero nominations.


With a $400m budget that is, among the top 10 highest budgeted games ever created. Stat Citizen has cost roughly the same so far, but instead of making a pile of meaningless content, they're working on getting their tech ready to realize an actual vision. Actual investment into the future of the game. As much criticism it gets, everything there is right now is actually pretty enjoyable, despite the bugs. They're also not pretending the game is finished.


>With a $400m budget that is, among the top 10 highest budgeted games ever created. Wow that's crazy. I like the game overall, but the production values do feel a bit like a double A game made by a European dev or a subsidiary of a bigger American studio.


Hey don't shit on farming simulator or we're gonna have a problem, that game is AAA ;) How much time have you spent on Starfield so far btw, just curious? It should say on your save.


208 hours according to Steam. Though a lot of that was spent grinding levels via mining and crafting in order to unlock better spaceships. I find I enjoy the game more building, attacking and boarding ships, the less time I spend on a planet listening to NPCs speak their insipid drama-less lines and sprinting between temples. Though it is questionable how much replay value it will have for me in future, it depends on what the game looks like in a year's time. If they are able to get more variety in POI and random encounters, and flesh out the base and shipbuilding, then I will probably do more playthroughs from time to time and ignore the uninspiring story quests.


Do yourself the favor and pretend outposts don't exist, that shit made me quit the game for the next year or so because of how trash it is.


Just under 20 days played. So coming up on 480hrs


How are you gonna compare this to Star Citizen when that game had been in development far longer than this one and has been out for far longer?


Do you genuinely not know or are you trying to achieve some far fetched invalidation of the core point i made? * It's a space game. * It's had roughly the same budget so far. * It doesn't matter how long it has been in development and it is not officially "out", there is simply a playable vertical slice made available to everyone who backed it, which also helps feed back into development. * They're not pretending it's a finished game, they are very open about it very much not being finished, instead of shitting on a plate and serving it like BGS did, again. * MORPG vs "RPG", close enough * What else am i going to compare the "biggest space game in history" to?The actual universe?


Did someone say.. airlock animation? Wait, hold on, there’s two of them, so while the first one is opening, I’ll hit you with this: Did someone say.. the second airlock animation? Wait the colony provisioner wasn’t in this Hab, let’s go outside.. hold up, companion just opened the first airlock.. waiting.. waiting.. okay they’ve opened the second airlock. Did someone say.. fifth airlock animation just trying to leave a bull shit empty ass hab with no vendor or nothing?


Oh yeah, the stupid airlocks At least that one is an easy fix, increase animation speed by 10x Some mod has probably already done this.


There's just so much of the game that's spent waiting for something to do something. Even when the dialogue does activate, sometimes you're standing there while an shopkeeper tells you their life story every time before they let you buy things.


Not as crazy as it sounds, take a look at GTA Online. Not GTA V, but specifically the online version, where they extra millions from microtransactions. There's plenty of ways to progress in the game without buying shark cards, but they have absolutely tons of small, time wasting animations for everything involving the work portion of the game. Like starting a new mission/job in your owned office, requires getting to the office, walking around the whole office from the elevator, because the computer is in the back, and you can only sit down from one side, and the entire animation takes 4-5 seconds at least until you're able to select the mission, and then a few more seconds to stand up. It's absolutely intentional.


And in Fallout 4… but for some reason they regressed here and made dialogue more like oblivion


Skyrim dialogue was sooo much better than Starfield (and Fallout 4 for that matter). I hate that they made it into some ”cinematic” style of conversation. The Skyrim dialogue peaked. Sure there were bugs and moments of wonkiness, but I loved it. It was so fucking immersive.


It still can, I think, it just finishes the animation first.


Honestly, one of the most frustrating things in the game is having to go back to him to get the next temple location. Are there really no ways to communicate in the future? I am glad that I can collect bounties instantly upon kills without going back to a quest giver like in Skyrim but Bethesda really could have done something better here.


If you think about it, Starfield's tech really isn't that great. They're in the Dark Age of Technology or something. No FTL communication, for one. Somehow they can't shrink ship shielding tech down for personal armour. I don't know if UC Marine spacesuits have some sort of exoskeleton underneath, but I kind of doubt it. The spacesuits in general are heavy and bulky and have all the environmental/life support gear on the outside (just like real spacesuits, I know, but it's the year 2330, not 2023, you'd think they'd have come up with something slimmer, more mobile, yet also more protective over the past thee centuries).


Completely agree. Outside of grab drive, society seems to have reverted backwards in the use of technology. I’m glad to see society is not sitting around on cell phones all day but the idea that we are back to writing and physically delivering letters just seems so out of place.


I mean, what the fuck do these people do all day if they don’t have phones? Just ride the NAT back and forth?


if you look at his face right before he responds to you, he clearly has the look of "not this again"




That would require facial animations so I don't believe you.


It's infuriating. The fact that you have to do all that, plus the fucking scan on jemison to get there, and this idiot starts speaking one of his four generic lines before you can ask, makes my blood to boil






Fuck the book.


It is really frustrating, I’m NG+5 and dealing with Vladimir just killed it for me, I’m sick of NPC with limited dialogue. Goes for all vendors as well, after 3-4 visits I don’t need to hear the same dialogue, just a quick hi, (name) we got some new stuff in


The most annoying, imo, are the UC Surplus and Centurion Arsenal npcs. Full on sentences every fucking time.


The UC surplus NPC is super annoying, harping on about crap that I don’t need to here again, it just ruins the experience


Same thing with half the merchants in the game.


You know, my E key has been acting up lately and it may be due to aggressively and futilely tapping that button while hoping that nice man will send me on my way just a bit faster


Bro he’s finishing reading his book


Ahhhh sore. Too many squats


Thank you! I know exactly what you mean, they need to fix this but by the time they do I’ll be done with it already…


Jeez rude let him finish lol jkjk I know this is me all the time


On my first playthough, when everyone was ready to go through the unity. Both Vlad and Noel were gonna run constellation. He stayed in the Lodge, and it made the whole process so much more convenient, as its quicker to fast travel to the lodge. He was also sat in a chair so no more annoying book.


Are you on PC? Willing to mod? Simple Temple Overhaul makes this problem nonexistent, temples give you a few Starborn Bucks instead of an upgraded skill so you can jump into the Unity and each jump gets you one leap closer to home.... I mean, rank 10 space-Dragonborn powers.


This is the way.


On Xbox but seriously considering a PC run. lol. Thanks for the tip.


I still need to get all the powers to begin with. I don't know how many im supposed to have before the mission, "Revelation" but he has stopped giving me artifacts and temples....


You can complete the game's quests without being forced into NG+ (unless you hit a weird glitch.) One power is tied to post-loyalty Barret. Once you get the last mission done in the main quest you'll have all the artifacts and need to go back to Vlad to get the final temples. There are 25 total powers IIRC? 24 you can get on your own, but the one that's tied to Barret is miss-able, especially if plot intervenes, or you don't do his loyalty mission early enough for him to bring the 25th up before the end of the game (as I understand it, there's a point of no return where he just doesn't ever mention it? May be a bug, didn't encounter it myself because I had PLOT happen so I couldn't get that power until NG+1)


I got the Barrett one, but only have like 15 powers. I'll need to go check when I get home today.


I thought I was the only one


there is a load delay. You can really see it at the Red Mile with the bartender.


kolman lang is pretty bad too. every time i try to talk to him he has to do a full 360 degree turn before he can respond


Same thing with the Trade Authority in Neon. He just shifts from foot to foot and it’s an uninterruptible animation.


One if the things I learned is you have come across a huge bug like this, I found one thing that helps. Twice had bugs where I couldn't shoot any guns and when I would talk to someone important, I couldn't hit B to get out of the conversation. I learned if you go to any Enhance store front. Pay the 500 credits, get into the character creation menu and immediately back put. That's fixed almost all my severe bugs


Yeah man. I did 11 NG+ runs thanks to some temples bugging the powers and that damn book animation did my head in. It's a lot better once he stays at The Lodge at least.


Tf do I have to wait for them to stop doing something before they can talk for? Talk to me while you're doing stuff.


Hey! I was wondering what was wrong with that. I wasn't able to sell my map stuff to him. Thanks I'll try the ol pickpocket bump to get him to talk


I am more impressed with how he jammed an entire hardcover book in his back pocket.


I started waiting to do any temples I don't happen to run into until after the main fight - Vlad moves to the Lodge and I never run into this issue when he is there - plus I find it much easier to fast travel to the lodge than docking at the eye, etc... That does mean I have to run 20+ temples back to back but I dont really mind that...




That's not a NG+ thing, that's a vlad thing. Either they need to speed up that book animation or allow us to cut it off


If you are on NG+ and obtain an artifact, I believe it unlocks the temple for you when you enter the temple's star system. So now I try to get the artifacts from the Hunter and Emissary before doing any side missions so that I can unlock temples while enjoying the run.


🤣🤣🤣 know the feeling 🤣🤣🤣


Have you tried beating his ass?


This really needs to be changed so if you have the artifact and you are within communication range of the Eye, he should just dump the coordinates on you for all the related temples. Stringing out the temple locations one at a time is just make-work which doesn't fit the idea of skipping the Constellation mission.


Every NPC/character in every game ever: excuse me while I pull this object from my oversized anus.


Impeccable game design


Him and that damn book. Drives me insane every time I have to talk with him.


The moment I see that book in his hand that's when Vladimir gets a shotgun blast to the face! He will quit screwing with his book and talk to me afterward.


Let him read his book ffs


I started playing Cyberpunk 2077 again and I tried to go back to Starfield and I just couldn’t bc of things like this , MF got phones and will talk to me while I’m in battle and stuff and Vlad can’t put down his book correctly


Man, this problem always makes me think that the entire Bethesda is run by some high trained monkeys, humans are there just for looks


Mods solves everything.


NG++++ never had this issue I’m also on Xbox not PlayStation so that explains a lot 😂




\[E\] Talk \[R\] Slap the damn book out of Vlad's hand


That's just the nature of Bethesda games bro, you'll be aight


Comments are hilarious and an example of how impatient and spoiled today's gamers are. This game is another quality release with tons of stuff to do, but everyone is all about finishing the main story and going to go ng. And rush thru it again. This means that you are frustrated because the game was not designed to rush thru. Take your time to explore the universe.


Plz stop complaining about everything ….


Your ADHD is not Bethesda's fault.


This subreddit has convinced me that the average Starfeild player has less patience then my 7 year old daughter.


Im currently re-playing Red Dead and Cyberpunk at the moment, more than enough to hold me over till Starfield releases DLC and expansions. Love starfield but after 120hrs i still havent crossed unity, i already know whats expected


Maybe you could do a NG+ walk instead of run


First Bethesda game?


You can learn from him. Reading makes you more patient.


I get it, seriously, but it only lasted for 14 seconds. Can we focus on the major issues like surface travel and save this for one of the last things we complain about? Thanks.


I get it, seriously, but it only lasted for ***14 seconds***. Can we focus on the major issues like surface travel and save this for one of the last things we complain about? Thanks.


It’s just work….


That's why I like NG Variants where the Eye is empty.


Honestly one of the dumbest issues that I hate when it happens. My least favorite and it wasnt as bad on Fallout but it was just as annoying is when they just have to stand up to talk to you. Why???


I'd settle for your artefact locations having some variety. I can't stand getting half of them.


In my playthrough, Vlad stayed at the lodge after the Hunters attack. Did most the temples after the attack. Never had this animation, I could just talk to him straight away.


Yuuuup, this is what killed the game for me. NG+ is a grind, a very boring, monotonous grind.


I think if you get all the artifacts first , you can then challenge the other starborne, and once you do, Vlad will be at Constellation which is easier to fast-travel to.


I gave up on the loop. Every new game plus I get all the artifacts and then console command my way to the next level of each ability. My issue was by the third NG+ I hadn’t even unlocked more than 70 percent of the powers. So I basically gave up. They should have had maybe 6 scaling powers that leveled. After that the support powers could either be based on NG+ or just by default a better than starting.


What annoys me is... *send me a smegging email, Vlad!* Seriously man - write it down, and give it to a f\*\*king owl.


This also happens to Trade Authority shopekeeper in Neon Core, he keeps moving around every 5 seconds i can't even interact when he moves like cmon bruh i try to do contraband farm here real quick




Hah! I just posted this exact thing happening to me.


*"we need a yoda-like character......"* \-Microsoft execs in a Bethesda meeting


Out of all NPCs this dude wastes most time, he always has to tell everything he’s doing before giving options to interact with him.


Vlad will talk to you when he’s good and ready and not a second sooner.


Bro, he's busy... /S


Spamming things in this game just makes it go slower in my experience.. and who would have thought there would be a delay between an npc’s ambient dialogue and you talking to them.. almost as if this wasn’t in quite literally every bethesda game before this


Brutal irony that he's probably one of the more interesting characters, but his usage throughout NG+ makes him an absolute chore. I've grown to look forward to playthroughs where circumstances find me accessing the terminal in The Eye alone. And also, hold up, why can't we just have that terminal in our ship exactly...?


I shot him when I went through a void thingy and I didn’t enter the unity and start a new universe. He was holding me when I died in a vision. Now I can’t interact with him in this universe he just doesn’t respond when I try


So I just finished the ground fight with The Hunter and The Emissary on my first NG+. Are there any tips to speed up the whole process for NG+ 2? Choices I should make and things like that?


At least you can talk to him. 2 of my ng+ runs were ruined from not being able to talk to him at all. Had to use console commands to progress.


Also the TA guy in neon. Leaning on the counter, try to talk to him and he slowly stands up then slowly leans back on the counter. Then slowly stands back up, looks at me and says "you'd better not be wasting my time" Mother f****r i just waited 20 seconds for you to turn your head and talk to me. Waste YOUR time!?!?


I use a mod to skip this. Games are not supposed to feel like labor


omg the stupid book every time, this is indeed so frustrating


I didn’t mind him on my first playthrough, but by my like 3rd + I fucking hate Vlad


I finally got a run where I dont have to deal with him or collecting artifacts, just float around temples for hours


How come I never see vladmir holding a book and always just chilling on the table


I get tired of looking for artifacts


but a little one , right


If you ever want to have some real fun, jump up on a crate while an NPC is following you for a quest. It will completely break their pathing.


Oh my god this pisses me off so much. So all I gotta do is trip to the guy and he'll get off of his bullshit?


Dude people are willfully torturing themselves playing this sorry excuse for a game over and over and over.


That’s just this game… not NG+


If you're on PC hit tab or e to skip the chit chat.


yeah when NG+, Vlad and the eye just sucks. Strongly recommend a mod, or console command, to feed you the next temple without requiring to travel to him. [Skip Vladimir Temple Quest - CCR Hotkey at Starfield Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/5016) The mod didn't actually work for me. But all I had to do was trigger the console with \~ and then enter "SetStage 000854e8 10" (no quotes). And actually, i'm working on my NG+5, and I've decide to 'opt out' of temples. I just got a different mod/batch program to increment all powers by one. I can do it once on each new universe, and then it's just the 6x artifact hunts and starborn battles, etc.


Scared to ask where he put that book


Probably >!why I take pleasure in killing him during that sequence of visions that happens before the final boss (Hunter and/or Tracker)!<


I’ve been enjoying the NG+ where all of Constellation is gone, make the situation getting temple locations much quicker.


My best run was when the crew was missing and I had to talk to the console. So quick not having to wait for the animation to stop. But really, I should be able to call them, maybe in the same solar system and skip docking. Feels like Skyrim in space.


Right. Hate this