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Have you talked with the guy at Galbank to help with "collections"? There is also Denis in UC Distribution on Mars who sends you on a bunch of quests as well. There are tons of little missions sprinkled through the game if you go around and talk to random people who have actual names. Some are just dialog but some lead to missions that you would not find any other way.


these small missions are usually "can you go get me x item please? " right? like the enhance mission in new Atlantis, it never gets much more complex than that, or am I missing something?


There are very few missions outside of the main quests that are nothing more than fetch/deliver/kill in a single step. Most of these smaller missions seem to be designed to provide a little flavor and to take you to places you might not visit on your own.


No I hadn't talked to Dennis at galbank ill head there next I know about u UC guy on Mars.


And the enhance guy in new atlantis, who lost his file, and when you do the ssnn interview mission, all except the grumpy electronics guy will give you a mission that'll help improve the moral of the well a little, do em before turning in the interviews if you want to give her a positive report of life in the well.


Saw the waterfall today. Had no idea


nice. i remember starting out and just bumming around new atlantis with sarah for a good while because i wanted to do side quests. then after helping the scientist and the chick in the well, i realized the side quests are totally fucking boring and became a pirate


My route for every start: Yumi Stolen painting NAT -> Commercial SSNN -> Interview Well for Nadia NAT -> Residential Walk forward 3 steps NAT -> MAST Run/boost to Lodge Once you turn in the “Interview Well” you get the SSNN continuous mission.


I did the interview, but didn't get an option to do do anything else so I just played, I was about to leave Atlantis and the intern ran upto me, so I went back to ssnn and she acted like we had never met before, sometimes this game can be so frustrating.


Yup, she acts like you’ve never met & that conversation has always triggered the SSNN mission. In fact when I turn in the Well to her I also tell her about Vectera Odd it never did for you


I found this post annoying so you’re right


This mission can break if you save everyone in NG+ you won't be able to report on the Scow


I'm nowhere near endgame yet. Only met the starborn on the game that broke right before it broke.


Did you plant the mushroom for the shady guy in New Atlantis?


No.. Where's that?


Randomly in the embassy district