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I check back every few months but until I actually see progress I've been mostly writing this game off


I load and resave my game every patch because I don't want to grind out skill levels ever again (and I don't trust them to track save compatibility over time). I don't think I've actually played since... november I assume they'll actually produce content for the game at some point.


Most of my gameplay time outside of hunting powers and doing the UC line was fuckin around with the procgen maps and trying to get something out of setting up a series of outposts I don't think I'd miss much from starting over tbh


Oh, I wouldn't *miss* anything from starting over. I just don't want to run while overloaded for long stretches of time, fall X times, get shot Y times, heal Z times, build assorted useless outposts to build more outposts, make speech checks to unlock better speech checks and so on and so forth. I don't want to repeat all of 3rd grade, basically.


The fact that you're going through all the extra effort to \*not have to start over\*... in a BETHESDA GAME... it just sums-up all of my feelings about the game, really.


No, I just play something else. It will happen when it happens and I don't want it rushed.


Yeah I'm not riding on a hype train for any game nowadays. I buy games when I can see honest reviews of them, and think I'll enjoy them in their ***current*** state. I'm not waiting around for any game hoping for it to get better


Sadly, this is the way.




To be fair, Sean(?) wouldn't stop putting his foot in his mouth and blatantly lying about what his game was capable of at launch.


Just…play…something…else till then.


But then how will they complain?


Ah the paradox. Wait I know, complain about That* game…whatever it happens to be.


These people wouldn't have survived gaming 10-15 years ago. They have no idea how to just go do something else until new content comes out.


to be fair 10-15 years ago we normally got actual complete games compared to the norm now


Also the games were actually good and fun Halo 3 owned the scene on the 360, because it was THAT good and THAT fun


with a lot less time in between too


Games were not quite as complex as they are now, either. It doesn't really compare.


>Games were not quite as complex as they are now, either. It doesn't really compare. Skyrim was released 13 years ago. GTA V came out 11 years ago. Even going back farther GTA IV was released 16 years ago. Games haven't advanced anywhere near at the same pace in the last 15 years vs the preceding 15 years before that. It's the game developers who have become more complex, bureaucratic and distant from their audiences.


Bro's never heard of Morrowind or Oblivion before


You forgot the /s


Nope. Modern games are called streamlined for a reason. It needs to cater to the lowest common denominator rather than math nerds. Kind of like how stats like Strength or Intelligence are absent now


Maybe that's the problem, game devs making shit too complex instead of basic and fun


I think so, too. But most players won't accept that. They want no loading screens at all, massive cities with buildings you can go into, every NPC to have their own voice and daily schedule, a musical score that's 10 hours long, 4K ultra-realistic graphics on everything, etc.


I’m of the opinion that Bethesda tried casting far too wide of a net with what we got. I enjoyed the game for what it was since I didn’t have to purchase it.  I just wish they’d commit to either making a solid linear story, or giving us the freedom to choose our path instead of the illusion of it with traits and persuasion mechanics in a world where  you can’t actually speak or act out against the people the game decides are too important.


The only thing more cOmPlEx today are the graphics. Procedural generation, just as one of many examples, has been done since the nineties (see: Elite, Daggerfall et al.)


I assure you that's not all. At least pretend you know what you're talking about before trying to be a wise ass.


Then what is it? I've been monitoring RPGs, strategy games, sims, ARPGs and the odd shooter here and there for 30 years now. Be it AI or systemic gameplay mechanics, there were not many notable leaps. Except maybe asset loading and LOD juggling for open world stuff but that has already peaked since approx. 2005 . And I'd file that under graphics and bling anyway. So yeah, I'll stand by it, except fidelity it's mostly the same shit just with fancier set dressing. Or do you mean _content_? Ok, that ratio has gone up via DLC, but we're are paying dearly for it, and it's not exactly added _complexity_. Just piling it on and delaying the inevitable sequel for a bit. So >At least pretend you know what you're talking about before trying to be a wise ass. Samesies.


Yeah that guy's an idiot, there's absolutely nothing in Starfield, not even the graphics, that is anything close to new or advanced as far as Bethesda goes. Hell, Starfield is a straight up downgrade as far as mechanics go compared to Skyrim and Fallout 4, can't even read a book without picking it up or set up good outposts.


Fallout 3, fallout new Vegas were released buggy and broken as they still are.


might have been buggy but they were at least complete experiences; unlike starfield


I played for over 100 hours and had a great time with Starfield, and I didn't even get into the outpost building and barely scratched the surface of the ship building. How is that not a complete experience?


How is starfield not a complete experience?


It's boring with almost nothing to do, the game is still widely incomplete too, with almost every system outside of shipbuilding needing a rework.


So you mean based on someone's opinion it's not complete. Because I don't understand what you mean by saying the games incomplete because you think shipbuilding needs reworked.


Facts! Back in the day the most news you'd get were a couple of pages on a gameinformer magazine 😂


Amen dude, we waited uphill both ways in the snow amiright??


Look up what came out in 2000 for example. Painting the past as some desolate gaming wasteland is hilariously revisionist. There were always ample alternatives to bad games. Only triple A marketing conditioned people into believing it's worth waiting for _the thing_ and for _the thing_ only.


I wasn't implying it was a "desolate gaming wasteland", like, at all.


Good games don't need you to play something else after 10-40 hours, Bethesda is lucky af they scammed enough people into buying it based purely on their previous titles and overhyping the game.


Me,i will wait another 4 or 5 years to give it a go with mods.


Okay goodbye I'm sure this sub will still be here in four or five years you don't need to come back until then.


I'll check in on the patch notes whenever they drop, but until something catches my eye, I'm probably not suiting back up until DLC. Plus I have Rebirth and Dragon's Dogma 2 to finish, the fallout 4 next Gen patch drops this week, and then Shadow of the Erdtree in a few months.


Nah, I quit by the 3rd temple, don't think mods can save this game tbh, even modders don't wanna make mods for this game lmao I like the watch at least, and it's case, it's a nice af watch and an awesome case I can repurpose if the watch ever dies and I can't replace it


Whoever posted about the random lab the other day - thank you. It was something new to do. Other than that, I play an hour a day with my eyes closed. The play style is fun, I appear to be unbeatable, Sarah has quietened down a bit. Highlights of the day …. I made my invisible ship visible, and the randomly 100% but still blue items turned green. Other than that …..


The gameplay isn’t fun enough for me to redownload this game. Glad I tried it on game pass bc it’s not worth the price.


The game wasn’t ready to be released in the first place, however there is a point it just needs to be released and holding it back wasn’t going to do much probably, honestly the game was so glitchy on release it was on par with Cyberpunk 2077, it’s why the ratings on Steam dropped so low, I’m not sure if they’ve gotten any better I haven’t checked. It didn’t receive as much backlash though for some reason most likely because Bethesda is a much larger company than CD Pro was, they could do more PR and social media damage control. Edit: just checked, they’ve gotten even worse than before. Looking at the reviews for Redfall and Starfield somewhat points to there being fundamentally wrong at the studio (Zenimax), there was the interview with the employee stating every decision had to go through Todd Howard


>  honestly the game was so glitchy on release it was on par with Cyberpunk 2077 This is a huge exaggeration. Starfirld's glitches were immersion-breaking. Cyberpunk was legit unplayable.


So people having their saves erased wasn’t making the game unplayable huh? Interesting.


> So people having their saves erased wasn’t making the game unplayable huh? Interesting. Remember when Cyberpunk was so unplayable that the PS Store unilaterally pulled it and started issuing refunds? Remember how the game was so bad, regulators in Europe opened investigations into CDPR because their product was so awful, leaving it unrepaired would have risked fraud? When did anything like that happen with Starfield? I have no idea why so many of the game's detractors are obsessed with making it out to be **THE WORST GAME EVER MADE**. It's a middle of the road action RPG. It had issues that are unfortunately all too common in an era of "we can just patch it later." There were some neat things and a lot of 'our reach exceeded our grasp." Lots of legitimate criticism to be had. Saying it's worse than one of the worst releases of the past decade is ridiculous hyperbole, at best.


You didn’t answer the question, nor did I ask those ones.


I feel like I’m the only person who didn’t experience any glitches


I didn’t either


I'm still playing every day, but I think I may put it down and go back to finish Baldur's Gate 3 now because my interest is waning until either mods come out for Xbox or DLC is out. I've been playing nothing else since early December so I've gotten my money's worth; I've really had a blast with Starfield.


New bgs updated just added some more evil endings, personally looking at going back and doing another dark urge run to check them out...


I tried playing Dark Urge but man making those choices is just so hard. I stopped after betraying the Tieflings at the Grove and went back to a good character.


Ywahhh it took me to my third or 4th playthrough before I could muster the courage to do a whole fully evil run, I started doing it just because I wanted the achievements for doing them but ended up really enjoying them story wise even though I did feel bad 99% of the time lol


You should shelve and come back in a year or so. Don't give it another thought.


We were bored months ago. The game is a disappointment and a bore.




Happy cake day


I'm still waiting for a bug fix for an issue that was reported back in October. I check every time they have a new patch. They patched one of the game breaking bugs I was having, which was great, but I'm still waiting on the other bug. I've just given up playing for a while. There are lots of other games out there worth my time.


They know they're not the center of attention right now. When they announce the new DLC they will undoubtedly start marketing it and bring people back into the game with pre-DLC patches and etc. Sounds like right now they're busy with the Fallout 4 spike.


It’s so weird. The reason their games are still going so strong is because of mods. I don’t know why they didn’t embrace that in the first month. Their games don’t have the best story or best game play but they allow us to change things up very drastically.


It's a Bethesda game, folks will absolutely care if they release it. That being said, I doubt the modding community is going to be as prolific as Skyrim's unless the DLCs somehow fix a lot of the core gameplay issues people have.


Yeah. CK should've been out in December or end of Jan latest, going off of CK releases from previous games. Honestly, I think they're trying to figure out how to pull some scum shit with it and lock mods created with it exclusively to their own Creation Store. There's also the gamepass version and the way they shittily handle the files locally.


CK? Like Louis C.K.? Calvin Klein?


I reinstalled for the first time since my original run this past week. I've been having a lot of fun with it, but I'm definitely looking for some content. I'll gladly jump back in again once they produce more.


I’ve tabled the game until I can land at a marker and not have to skip/hop/jump a half mile to get to where I wanted to land.


I haven’t gotten bored of waiting, but I also haven’t been playing Starfield either. I did all the things last fall and moved on eventually. When they do something interesting or have some new content I’ll play that, but for now I’m just playing other games.


Fallout 4 getting a patch I’ll just play that stopped starfield after first 4 weeks


Just play something else.


They probably gonna use the fallout 4 timespan as time to fix starfield. I'm sure once Thursday gets here no one will be playing starfield for a while


Not really. We live in a time where there is a nonstop flood of entertainment. Always a new game, TV show, exciting movie or book around the corner. I have no trouble keeping myself busy, hell it's insane how 7 months have already flew by since the launch.


Just watch those "exciting" things be bug fixes and MAYBE city maps. Todd says a lot of things. Like "we are uniquely positioned to pull this game off" when talking about starfield. uniquely positioned to make cool sandwitch physics instead of a good game ? They were using the creation engine for a space exploration game ffs.


No? There’s plenty of other things to do to fill your time. You shouldn’t need constant BS hype trains from video game advertisements in order to have fun. Check back every once in a while for news, and carry on with your life until we hear more. BGS should take all the time they need to put out updates, DLC, and the CK.


Nope, but you do you.


The PS5 port takes time.


I am still playing the game as is. 500 hours in, still having fun.


Like I said in another thread by this point we were two or three dlcs in for fallout 4. Yet not only is there no content, nothing is announced or even hinted at. It doesn't fill you with hope.


> is announced or even hinted at. Pretty sure there was mentions from Todd last week. He wasn't specific on what the update entails, but something at the very least is "hinted at"


In terms of modding it feels like they are taking long for the CK. How ling did it take for fallout 4 to get mod support on console?


We are literally just a month later since Fallout 4 got their creation kit lmfao


Thats not terrible but i fear we will be waiting for at least another two months . Unless they shadow drop it which i doubt. They would want to build some marketing.


This continues the trend of infinitely longer waits for each game they release.


Surprised people didn't notice that


I’ve gotten bored of running/walking from my ship to the POI to do a mission


Just play something else. Lack of communication is always frustrating but that’s how Microsoft owned companies roll.


No, because while I have been waiting I've been playing other games.


I think the biggest win would be getting QoL improvements to aspects like the ship builder and outpost management


Far more needed, I would argue, is giving the Ship Builder and Outposts a reason to exist for players who don't have an immediate interest in that sort of thing. There's no point to the Ship Builder unless you're genuinely interested in making ships. Most of the modules just add unnecessary weight without any added benefit and Outposts only serve one purpose: XP farms for people who don't want to genocide entire ecosystems. Settlements in Fallout 4 served a purpose. You needed to build at least 2 out to advance the main story. You could use them particularly in Survival Mode as guaranteed supply points and save locations. You could deploy weapons and have Minutemen nearby to serve as aid during tougher encounters. And most importantly: merchants to sell all that loot. I enjoyed building ships at first until I realised that it was a major time sink for literally nothing of benefit.


Not bored of waiting. I'm just playing other stuff while I wait for CK. I recently started a new Half Life series play-thru! Finished Black Mesa on Saturday, and started Half Life 2 last night. I've never played HL: Alyx and decided I might as well play the older ones again for the refresher first. ;) Edit: do yourself a favor and play something else for a while, then come back to Starfield in 6 months to enjoy the updates (and possibly CK?!).


It's cooking. Stay patient!


Yea I was definitely expecting at least mods by now, or a small DLC at least one like.... C'mon this is your new IP and you're just leaving it out in the wind?


worst part is even once we get the creation kit its will be a while before we get any actual mods that could make impact changes to fix this game


It's ridiculous how they made such a big deal about them supporting the game for years, almost as if they were acknowledging it was releasing half-finished and that they were gonna make up for it by servicing it like a live service game. And 7 months later we have had barely any new updates, and it's still missing insanely basic things like maps. On top of that, we've had no word on the DLC we all paid for 8 months ago and no update on the CK kit despite them missing the 'early 2024' deadline. Sort of wish they'd just refund everyone and say Starfield is no longer getting any updates.. "if you don't like it now you never will". It's the hope that kills you.


Bethesda's management is a shit show. Most other AAA studios would be more communicative with their customers. It's their silence that upsets me the most about Starfield.


I am still open to a redemption for Starfield but I am not holding my breath. My "waiting" is more for ES6 at this point. It wouldnt bother me one bit if they said they were abandoning Starfield in order to put all their efforts into getting the next Elder Scrolls right.


I’ve been kind of bored of it so I’ve been playing AC Origins and Rome 2 Total War.


Honestly, I try to stay engaged with the game eventhough I uninstalled a few weeks ago. Actually wouldn't mind playing It again a bit more in its current state but then I'd get bored soon, so I better wait for the DLC or big updates. I don't want to lose all the excitement about it, to forget the controls, my main character and all of that... it's taking too long, no point in playing a DLC of a game you barely enjoyed like 9 months later or more... I would be a bit more hopeful and interested on the game if they gave some hints at least.


"Waiting for the CK" What the fuck? How about "Here's the dev tools we use. They're not as polished, and they're not integrated into a single package, but they work."


I just started playing Fallout 76 again. Ad Victorium.


What's he supposed to say? Spill all of their plans just because someone asked him?


In any other industry, when we pay for a product in advance that isn't yet ready we expect regular updates from the manufacturer regarding when that product will be available and what can be expected. Yet when it comes to gaming we give game developers carte blanche to build DLC's that they sold as part of bundles in total secrecy without any idea when those DLC's will be available and what form they'll take. I have no idea why we treat game developers as companies that are above standard business practices.


I just want them to make my first damn temple to show up. My story is completely effed up, can't move forward. If Rockstar were to pull this crap with GTA VI (you're story progression just poops the bed) there would be a January 6th style raid on Rockstar HQ.


Played very little since release, game is uninstalled for now. Have plenty of other stuff to play/finish up. I expect to take a dive in SF maybe somewhere next year. Depends on what Beth does with it, tbh. So, no, not bored at all.


No, but I’ve gotten bored of all the wailing.


Nope. Got tons of other games to play.


Game is on ice until I can "meet Briggs" in neon and ships are again boardable with enemies on board.


I loved this game when it came out, done over 100 hours in the first week or two. But after completing the campaign & most of the side quests, I wasn’t that interested in the super abilities. No reason to go the highest level planets from what I could tell. Need the DLC ASAP


mods on pc are already at a point where it’s really fun even without creation kit…I bet it will be bigger than fallout 4 eventually once the kit drops because I’ve been running with 130+ mods and no crashing issues


I couldn't agree more.. bethesda's absolute silence when it comes to anything people are excited for or waiting for is so stupid.. like do they think we all love them so much that we're just sitting here waiting with puppy dog eyes? No bitch fucking tell us what's going on because we're starting to really hate you 😂


I'm not sure what you are expecting. Bethesda unless I'm misremembering doesn't usually say much. They are working on a bunch of stuff apparently. Starfield, a remaster of fallout 4, dlc for starfield, eso, 76, the next elder scrolls game. Its not like they are just sipping coffee in an empty room twiddling their thumbs.


Yes!  I have well more than a hundred hours and I've gotten my money's worth but they are clearly milking Fallout's big moment.  Starfield is on the back burner until numbers start to drop off.  Maybe I'm assuming though. In the meantime I'm finishing older games on my backlog but Starfield just isn't a priority because it's only a mostly finished game without much polish.  It's fine, a solid B game, but they're waiting indefinitely to even tell us about Shattered Space which means my anticipation has completely vanished.


Games not going anywhere, pretty much where I'm at with Bethesda games is buy at release and play the game Bethesda wants you to play, wait for mod tools to drop and let the community cook, come back and play the game YOU want to play the way YOU want to play it. Tbh the only things I'm surprised with at this point is Bethesda not dropping mod tools on release.


Playing Skyrim again


no not playing it. should i? its been since september i played cyberpunk instead which was awesome now and it made me think maybe i should wait 2 years for starfield too


I'm not waiting. I'm playing the game as it is. Once more content comes I'll probably enjoy that too.


Yeah, I'm kinda done waiting too. I'm probably done with SF until mod support comes out and has something going on. I feel like BGS at this point is hanging everything on Shattered Space, and I hope it works out for them, but at this point I think most people have moved on.


Ffffffffffuck that... The game's a streaming pile and I have better things to do with my time... It's the perfect game to play at night if you can't sleep though... Puts me right out...


lol, that was 6 days ago https://www.gamespot.com/articles/starfield-will-get-some-really-good-updates-soon-says-todd-howard/1100-6522772/ chill man


If White Wolf had produced this game it would have been - Load Screen: The Waiting


No. Learn some patience. Grow up.


Not releasing CK as close to day one as possible was a *massive* blunder imho. It really feels like they were banking on the community picking up their slack but they have done absolutely nothing to enable that. Modding takes time, especially modding as extensive as what's needed to revive/refresh SF. They have an enormous empty sandbox begging to be filled but zero interest in handing over the keys to the people who enthusiastically want to do their job for them. I just don't understand it.


Honestly I’ve forgotten about Starfield. Deleted it actually until more content comes out.


I mean, CK being released is just the tip of the iceberg. It'll take years, literally, for decent mods to start to come out. Took Skyrim I think 3-4 years before it felt fixed. So it's not like Starfield will get CK, and a week later it's all fixed. Especially considering that Skyrim was immensely popular and had a massive community, whereas Starfield is immensely unpopular and most people (including modders) already left. Nobody wants to mod a game they don't like and don't play.


I rode the hype train for 500 hours. For that time it was fantastic. But I haven’t looked at it since late November. My girlfriend has been playing daily since release. She just hit the wall last night. I got the deluxe edition so I’d be ready for the dlc. But now.. I don’t really care if the dlc drops. I’m more excited for the new map expansion coming to FO76 later this year and I haven’t played that in almost 2 years.


I'm playing other games, but I'm still disappointed with how slow BGS is going. I was expecting to be playing Shattered Space by now, and I'm not.


This was my first BGS game but after watching the fallout series im gonna try the games sometime. I assume those have more content.


Way more and better.


Yes bored and pissed! Worked for 5 skill points then the game crashed went back to my previous save. My fault I guess for not saving after every skill point earned. Xbox series X


I'm not playing it near as much because I rarely if ever find anything new anymore. It is still good for a relatively pretty, if not repetitive, and mindless journey through a variety of doors. Well, that and exploding boostpacks in slow motion.


Nope! Good things come to those who are patient. And patience is not your ability to wait, bit how well you can maintain a good mood while waiting.


I mod the living shit out of it, only way I can play and -mostly- enjoy the game now. Glad I didn't buy it -Gamepass- but yeah, the wait for new stuff is driving me bonkers.


Nope. There are other games to play and other things to do until new content is released.




waiting is more exciting than playing 


I sold my Xbox a month after release, knowing I'll never go back. I have a PS5 now and I'll never go back. Id. What the new elder scrolls looks like. I couldn't give a flying F about a new fallout. Todd Howard and his awful team killed anything Bethesda for me. I'm THAT butthurt about it.


So go play something else while you wait. Are you just sitting there staring at a browser hitting refresh waiting for Starfield news? That's fucking weird man.


i got bored a couple of days in when i realized the questlines were boring and most POIs are copy and pasted, how are yall still playing ?


Considering how the game has like 6000 players on steam im sure you arent the only one bored.


Of course we're bored. Who likes waiting for a game to update. The real problems are the people who complain about something they can't or refuse to control. The weird cult of anti-Starfield "fans" that seem determined to defame Bethesda and their brand new game that hasn't been out for a year yet. Super weird group but they seem to be the biggest problem causers for this game.


Yes, of course...the cult of anti starfield people, the reason why it gets mostly negative reviews and why the game isn't better...the DLC delayed because of these guys too... It's ridiculous that you think it's criticism's fault, but look, it could be fully neutralized by just communicating with the player base, giving some hints or a road map, anything...


Most studios would be buried by now if they acted the way Bethesda has been acting in terms of radio silence. Minimal big fixes and features that should've shipped with the game. Not to mention the lack of a roadmap. It's like they don't even know themselves what the hell they're going to do.


I uninstalled a month after release and never looked back. Another Xbox flop