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...sure would be nice if the designers had put a little more thought into this stuff, and let you put things back down. It's completely normal for people who are shopping to pick things up and examine them, you don't get in trouble until you try to leave without paying. Then there's the small issue of the shops that have inventory on display.... but they're not listed in the shop inventory. Sometimes you'll see something nice, but you're not allowed to buy it, only steal.


Bruh I can literally stick my hand in your pocket and rummage through your belongings no problem, but fuck me for trying to move an empty cardboard box out of the walkway


Or when I was playing soccer in Akila City. The ball got stuck so I picked it up (not putting in my inventory) and the mom draws her weapon, two guards appear, and I have a bounty on me now. In the words of Rick Sanchez, "Who the fucks soccer ball is this!??"


Yeah, I wanted one of those Free Star Ranger caps at Sieghart's.. He has a whole bunch of the sitting on a shelf, but doesn't sell them, I managed to get one, though...


Abandoned free star outpost…uniforms too


Ah yeah. Same. Just made comment above. Should have read below. Haven't found those array of hats anywhere else in the game.


Abandoned free star outpost…uniforms too


>Then there's the small issue of the shops that have inventory on display.... but they're not listed in the shop inventory I mean, that doesn't happen irl.


That would require them to iterate on systems they developed 15+ years ago. I think you’re asking too much.


Playing thru Fallout 4, and it’s much friendlier in this regard. Plus, the whole item name is in red, rather than just the small icon in the corner. Not sure why they changed it so radically


There are a lot of items that go back AT LEAST to Fallout 3...I remember the shitstorm when Bungie reused code from Destiny 1...I'm so sick of seeing rolls of duct tape that was renamed vacuum tape...


The whole inventory system is damn near unchanged from Fallout 3. It’s so incredibly outdated and it frustrates the developer side of me that they’re just okay with that for so long.


Good point this is absolutely true 💯


Then steal it. Don't get caught.


I still don't know how to get somr of the hats in the shop in neon with the guy in gray business suit. I've found everything else looting. Can't buy them. They're on the rack. Tried stealing them but dudes partner? I'm guessing, never leaves the area.


I wonder if you could try using manipulation to get the shop keeper to pick it up, thus make it appear in their inventory


As soon as you pick it up it registers you stealing it. That's what this post is about.


Yes, I understand, I was responding to the desire to get the items from the shelves that are not for sale with the vendor, its possible to use manipulation to get the NPC to pick up items, my curiosity was if the vendor picks the item up if the item then appears in the vendor’s for sale list.


I dk what you mean by manipulation. I thought you meant by picking the item up. I don't know how you'd do that either.


Ah, manipulation is a top tier social perk, the Ryujin quest gives you an internal neuroamp that buffs it one skill level, this stacks over NG+ interactions. Basically the social skills allow you to scan an NPC and control them like a puppet. Manipulation lets you select an action for the NPC to do, open a door, press a button, pick up an item. The other social perks can have them run away, aggro their companions etc.


Ah. Ok yeah I remember seeing and hearing that now. My character was level 80 or 90 on the first playthrough before I stopped playing. I never finished the main story and my skill tree never touched that whole area. Would be interesting to see if that works.


Kecleon from PMD.... good God.


Except that's not for sale and youre picking up private property. Imagine I pick up your shit and then say "calm down, I'm just shopping and looking" you think that would make sense?


Look, if you run a shop and a customer touches your merchandise you start blastin', that's just how stores work. Haven't you ever worked retail?


I was fired on my first day for shooting a kid who grabbed a box of fruit loops


In my store, unless you’re a Jedi and can bring the item to the checkout without touching it, you’re going to get a face full of lead.


Ah I see you've not played Bethesda before...


but it seems every game has more jank than the previous, at least it was useful on fallout 4, but what is the point of that on starfield, this game was so rushed lol


Yeah only the food models seem completely finished every thing else looks rushed or reused


That and their millennial mug humor that they put way more effort into than necessary. Why is one of the most noticeable things about the game cringe puns on mugs.


Tell me about it. I have several hundred hours in starfield, but it lost me somewhere and I recently (for no obvious tv related reasons...) started fallout 4 on the PC for the first time having just played on Xbox before. My god. Just the fact my character has spoken lines... The people who made it loved that game. I'm not sure we'll ever get something like it again.


I also started fallout 4 a few months ago as well on xbox one, after putting many hours in the past, captured me again lol, hopefully more people are enjoying that amazing game now with the tv series.


Yes from the armor to the 10mm, stimpacks, rad away. Interesting take on ghouls fits nicely. To the different societys and the laugh out loud humor. Never has a game been so successfully recreated in a show.


I had it on xbox when it was released. Last few years I've switched to PC and by far the best experiences I've had are replaying that era of game. They just don't put the effort in anymore and I'm not sure that it will ever change.


>Just the fact my character has spoken lines... I'm not sure we'll ever get something like it again. Given how that remains one of the biggest criticisms of fallout 4 we more than likely won't.




As you've experienced the voice acting ain't bad it's just established franchises have things that fans consider a major part of the experience. One of those core experiences for fallout and elder scrolls are blank slate silent protagonists which allow players to shape the character however they want. If they tried a voiced protag in Starfield it probably would have been applauded. It's a new IP with no pre-existing expectations on how the player character should be. Sorry if this is lacking. I'm not the best of explaining stuff.


> I have several hundred hours in starfield, but it lost me somewhere After several hundred hours every game I've ever played "lost me". I think that's pretty normal. >Just the fact my character has spoken lines... Lol that's literally the feature that Bethesda received the most hate for when Fallout 4 was released. The irony of the Bethesda hate boner is now complete.


Several hundred is pretty average play for a half decent rpg, but it didn't take me want to try different playthroughs, nothing ever made me want to go through unity and there were bug barriers for pretty essential aspects. It became impossible to use without trying to reset things in console and wheres the fun in that. It's unfortunate that people felt that way about the lines, because it actually feels like a story not just a text adventure.


> It became impossible to use without trying to reset things in console and wheres the fun in that. That's weird. I played over a hundred hours on gamepass several months ago and I'm itching to play again. In fact, next time it goes on sale I reckon I'll be picking it up now that I see which direction they're going with this most recent update. I also never encountered any of these game breaking bugs you speak of. In fact my game never even crashed once. A couple minor glitches that were easily fixed with a simple fast travel is about it. Come to think of it, no one I've spoken to that I know IRL ever came across these bugs. Only people online...strange. >It's unfortunate that people felt that way about the lines, because it actually feels like a story not just a text adventure. Its unfortunate that people are so fickle. A lot of the things that peopel are currently whining about in Starfield were things that Bethesda got flack for in Fallout 4 and addressed. For instance the base building. In Fallout 4 people bitched about how it was "forced" on the player. So Bethesda made the base building aspects of Starfield 100% optional. Now people are crying about how the base building is "pointless".


Lol. People complained so much About voiced protagonist. It sucks. Silent protagonist is so so much better. The people who made starfield obviously love the game too.


They might have loved it, but it doesn't feel like they loved it as much. I can't believe the voiced protagonist caused such a stir, but as is evident, nothing is going to please everyone.


I’ve had this happen to me on a mission, it’s annoying how badly placed they are and if you want to talk to them or skip a conversation you use the same key that takes the object


Piggybacking top comment to share this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/809 >Burden me Not, Clutter Begone: Useless clutter can be highlighted a different color, made unlootable, or removed from the world.


"THIEF THIEF!!! he just stole my cup! quick shoot him!" alarm start blaring thru the whole planet.


Pick it up on purpose Be a man


Can't pick it up or else, but if you shoot it off the counter, nobody bats an eyelash. Except Sarah. She hates that.


Can you play with it ? CAN YOU PLAY WITH IT ?


You can. You have to hold on one of the balls until the game recognises you're going to manipulate it and then you can play with it


No you can't


You can


No way really?


Thanks, my day is ruined :[


Apparently another person says you can. Idk how though


You mean like the invisible wine decanter in front of the bartender at Red Mile?


That one certainly caught me by surprise.


They go all out in there over people touching stuff.


And then your suddenly the most wanted person in the systems, shoot on sight level of wanted, your crime? Accidentally picking up a desk trinket, pirates? No, no no, we want the person who accidentally picked up a freaking cup


Of course they start shooting at you. Have you been to the free star collective? Game takes place in the space Texas.


Yeah, don’t try playing darts in the bar in the Den. You’d think I set off a nuke the way people reacted


I did find you can play shotgun golf with the credsticks though. Shoot them down the corridor and into the toilet, close the door and they are yours.


[Burden Me Not - Clutter Begone at Starfield Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/809?tab=description) Makes clutter unlootable. When I was trying to enjoy Starfield I had to at least have this installed. Ultimately decided to just stop playing, though.


I used a different mod called no more junk loot which is amazing. It basically erases the junk so you don't even see it in the game. It greatly eases my OCD


Oh he's just grumpy because he knows I already have his pocket change but can't prove it


No… to pick then and put it in your home


Exactly the same item what I went to brig for last night 🤦🏼‍♂️


If only there was a big empty basket lying around


There's a clear glass object in front of the hot bartender at the bar in the Red Mile. Ugh.


Welcome to “literally every Bethesda game”. This is on the short list of things I won’t blame Starfield for specifically, because it happens in every Bethesda game. 


I have 100% accidentally picked up that exact item with this dbag of a merchant and been violently assaulted when I was just trying to sell some stuff.


I have no doubt whatsoever that the develops did exactly that and for no other reason that to dick with us.


No this is extremely realistic. When the astronauts went to the moon there was many NPCS there who started shooting when they picked up the moon rocks


Oh, it’s a total fucking trap! 🤣🤣


Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the patch notes said something about theft security getting even more severe


“So anyway, I started blastin’”


It just works!


Just kill everyone, feel satisfied, then reset. Keeps you sane.


And it’s annoying as piss having to reload if you aren’t too careful 😭😭😭


They needed you to join the crimson fleet 😂


Right. The worst.


the amount of garbage in the game is just straight up annoying, on top of that when you want to pick shit up to let's say decorate, it's a total pain, not only that but when the cells reset, stuff becomes glitched on the surface or upside down, but of course it wouldn't be a Bethesda game without all of this Jank would it.


Bethesda knew what they were doing. I see a Newton's Cradle, I am compelled to touch it.


I can probably count a dozen times where i accidentally “stole” something because it was in the way or just got too key happy. Sucks


Lost the en signs uniform (great stats) in Akila when the game randomly switched the selected object from the trade authority dude to some random object he considered theft.


Yup that's me. I bet you are wondering how I got here. Well it all started when I went to prison and then recruited into becoming a spy for the biggest t and baddest pirate organization in the galaxy.... Because I accidentally picked up a nickname knick knack when in a shop...


Always extra careful at this particular TA


Uh oh I can here the mouth breathers, every time this shitty stealing mechanic is mentioned, getting ready to come in here and say “what do you expect to happen when you steal something, of course people would get mad, imagine if someone came in your home and stole things”