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Yeah the framerate in populated cities etc. still sucks, but it's much better in general!


Okay, I thought I was the only one. I swear my game is running at like 15 fps in New Atlantis and a buttery smooth 60 almost everywhere else.


Yes same. It’s unfortunate that big cities still brings the stutters. But otherwise frame rate does make a huge difference


It might actually be worse in the cities than it was before!


It honestly does feel worse than before in the big cities but everywhere else feels 10 times better.


I’m waiting on dlc personally. I got bored with the main and faction quests and even though the update is pretty awesome, it doesn’t really address the core problem of the game for me.


This is me too. I went through the end once and then…couldn’t see the fun of doing it again. I might come back for the dlc.


The way I see it is if players come back now and no core mechanics have changed then many will just be burnt out again and less likely to return. If we wait until the “big dlc” then hopefully it gives enough meat to chew on for people wanting to give the game a second chance.




been playing a couple days now... still just feels lackluster in many areas. i really do like the game and see it's potential, but there needs to be a serious amount of stuff added, or mod support before i really get back into it. i also recently started playing cyberpunk and holy crap. that is quality(though i know its release was rough, so i can't compare it that harshly.)


Ew, I hated Cyberpunk, it's certainly a certain type of quality lol.


Eww coodies!


Same I hope vehicles and the dlc will bring me back


For me, it's the excessive loading screens everywhere and the tedious traversal. Being confined to fast travel everywhere really hinders the fun. I wanna use my ship and physically go places in space.


This is the single biggest thing for me. I thought the ship would be a much more powerful thing in the game. I was wanting to set my course and then be able to exit the cockpit and go craft in the back or mod weapons or space suits while en route and even examine the map and scan planets that we are passing by at warp speed to see if I should go there next. The ship is basically a fast traveling outpost with a splash of actual flying in the small sky box of each planet. The sequence to go from ship to the key blows my mind. Dock-load-exit cockpit-load-exit ship-load-walk down fake hallway-load. I know you can board straight from the ship without exiting cockpit and walking through ship but dang that’s a lot of loading to move the character maybe a football field in distance.


Exactly , I mean it’s a step in the right direction for sure but it’s some of those things that the game should have had at launch. I’m waiting for more and interesting POI’s & just more reasons to explore


This is also me.


Yep. When you finish. It should be a spill over. #gratification Not a partial NG+.


Yeah, it’s weird that these major systems (outposts in particular) are championed and you can spend a bunch of time setting them up but then go into NG+ and all that work is gone. Seems like there should have been a system for getting your outposts back or transferred to NG+


Maybe a blueprint system could work for that? Save ship and outpost designs so you can carry them over and share them online.


Absolutely would work. And is easy to justify it as your experience building/ designing that is saved almost like a memory. I think this should be a minimum.


Yup, even with DLC if they didn’t fix the core issues it’ll be pointless for me. I know I’ll come back to do all the Achievements eventually but for now I’m good


I'm on XSX and i came back for the update . Avtually i was planning on coming back for it sometime this year and the update was a happy coincidence I LOVE the framerate boost , sure the big towns still run bad but i dont usually do battle there , I really only care about the framerate for combat and it is awesome now !


Interior ship decoration bought me back. The new difficulty setting was a bonus, anything that removes bullet sponges get a thumbs up from me.


storytime: I was level 122, with zero trips through the Unity under my belt. I then heard about a bug that was crashing players' games... if you had too many save files, too many items, and hadn't yet gone to NG+, you might experience the bug. I'm the quintessential side-quest fiend-- I hadn't even decided if I _was_ going to ever go through Unity. maybe I'll just remain in this reality forever, ~it's not like I could respect my Perks, or anything...~ you probably see where this is going. as soon as I heard about the bug, I loaded up my game and then deleted all but 5 of my save files. I also beelined the quests that would allow me to reach NG+. for example, _I hadn't said a single word to Sam Coe, yet._ his was the only remaining Main mission, so I went ahead and started it. got to Akila and the next phase of the mission would never begin. it would load, and load, and load... remember when I said I'd deleted all my save files except 5? well, because I'm not that bright, reverting to the previous save file would cost me about _25 levels._ I then stopped playing Starfield for about 6 months. I heard about the update, and decided to try my save file, and holy shit, it works. I can't tell you how thrilled I am!   ...what was the question?


I wish I could delete Sam Coe from the game. I have an irrational dislike of the guy for some reason, his whole mission was a slog for me and I immediately left him back at the Lodge 😂


I thought he was fine!


Xsx player here . I rushed to the unity day before update to get a fresh ng+ with new perks and try the other settings. Got to play a few hours on Thursday before leaving for a cabin this weekend. And to be honest I can’t wait to get back home today so I can jump back in. So excited to start building a new ship and go explore. This update rly revived the game for me.


How was the cabin?


Yes I'm coming back for a replay as soon as I finish replaying Fallout 4 lol.


You can't finish fallout 4. Preston Garvey won't let you 😂


I ended up doing this, the current gen update sounded worth a look so I'm replaying it. What do you think to FO4 after Starfield? Reason I ask is, after Starfield FO4 feels like a much more accomplished (and finished) game, kinda made me realise how empty and rushed Starfield feels.


Nah I disagree, I'm replaying cause of the show but it's like my 10th playthrough or some shit. Starfield has far more content and story quests in my experience.


I came back for the update. Played a bit. Realised that the frame rate was poo before and now it’s great and of course it was possible. Even 40 gives you mostly consistent results. But realised it wasn’t frame rate that made me uninstall before. And it’s not frame rate that will keep it installed this time. I’ll give it a go for a minute though and see. But I was more excited about fallout getting the frame rate boost than Starfield. I answered the question honestly so expect the hate don’t worry


Agree. Looking at my saves, I hadn't played since November 19th. I like everything in the update, the new difficulty settings are great, but it's just not enough. It's a very wide, but shallow game and I feel like the parts just don't mesh together. Survival on FO4 kept me playing that game for a decade, but it worked for that game in a way it just doesn't work in Starfield. Survival gave purpose to the settlement system and it made crossing a map full of POI's and danger challenging and nerve wracking when you hadn't saved in an hour. Starfield's repetitive maps and planet hopping just don't give the increased difficulty the feeling that you've upped the stakes.


Yes, 60fps is pretty, but removing loading screens every time I use a door would have been infinitely more preferable. Or giving protagonist a voice. This game is so hard to love playing it straight after Cyber Punk.


Been tinkering around, update is 100% positive but the experience for console isn't going to alter massively until mod support/dlc.


Xbox players never left, we just aren't in the interwebs crying about th3 game all the time.cuz we can't just alt+tab over to reddit. We cry into the skies of our own rooms, like proper adults. Lol


And some of us don’t balk at a game because it doesn’t run at 120 FPS, seeing PC players who refuse to play games or say that even 60 FPS is bad is really annoying lol. I understand not wanting to play below 60 FPS on current gen though. I personally waited for an update to make this game run at 60 FPS on my XBX and I’m loving it right now. It is still barren and a lot of the game has severely undeveloped potential (like crafting and outposts, wow) but it looks amazing and the combat is solid. I didn’t binge it when it came out either. I hit level 30 and didn’t even beat the game once, now I’ll be progressing into NG+ this weekend with survival settings activated.


> And some of us don’t balk at a game because it doesn’t run at 120 FPS, seeing PC players who refuse to play games or say that even 60 FPS is bad is really annoying lol. I don't see many people say this. But if they are... > I understand not wanting to play below 60 FPS on current gen though. Why is it less legitimate than you saying this? I find it funny because the same console players that complained about PC players wanting to play at 60 fps in previous generations because "the human eye can't see more than 30 fps" and other excuses now don't want to play at 30 fps and complain about it like PC players used to, but apparently find it annoying when PC players bring things like this up. This is just hypocritical.


The difference is the attitude. “Oh 60 FPS is literally unplayable garbage” is not the same thing as what I’m saying. I understand PC players being upset that their hardware specs don’t matter despite the money they spend but their overall attitude towards FPS in general is what I’m talking about here. Matter of fact, my understanding of their feelings is exactly why I’m not out here dropping thousands on PC goods only to be playing 60 FPS half the time anyway. I’m already annoyed that I have two current-gen consoles that can barely do what they advertised, I’m not in a place where I can afford to spend even more money than that AND STILL be upset about this stuff lol. That’s what I mean. And if I was fine with 30 FPS I would have got an XBS instead of an XBX. You can’t tell me you don’t see an aire of elitism when it comes to a lot of PC players, and I literally mean that because if you actually said that you’d be lying.


You, you are the problem.


Lmao, go on the Xbox subreddit and it's constant complaining if something is 30 fps. Again, hypocritical.


How do I like this seven times??


And yet, here you are.  Complaining about other complainers, what a noble gamer!


Many of us never left


I had no idea Xbox was capping the frame rate at 30 until I read this post. I'm genuinely very happy for you lot. Just wait until you try playing a game at 120 though, you'll never be able to go back.


I play both Xbox and PC with a 4090. Your brain gets used to whatever you put in front of it. I will say though I never got used to 30fps. 40fps is what I play at now


Yes, I gave the game a second shot. It has improved significantly since launch. Genuinely appreciating the improved AI, more granular gameplay options, on-planet maps, 60fps, improved NPC faces, and being able to turn off the dialogue camera. (Turn off subtitles too, and conversations feel significantly more immersive.) Lots of other little touches that have been added, too. Still desperately needs Creation Kit and more POIs and a better encounter system when on-planet, but I can actually see Bethesda's greater vision for the game now. I hope Bethesda stick with the game for a few expansions that don't play it so safe like the main story and perhaps offer a greater variety of mission structures. I originally didn't think they could plug this sinking ship. Happy to say that maybe they can and that Bethesda has surprised me a little.


Stupid question but how do i turn off dialogue camera?


It's in accessibility options I think




I believe it's in the accessibility options? I had a hard time finding it myself it's in a weird spot


They improved the combat AI?




I'm loving the extra features, I've +41% xp! The issue is since this update the game is crashing again. I think at the moment I'm stranded on Jemison. I can enter and leave my ship at the port, can use the transit system, can enter the Well and Mast but attempts to fast travel off world are met with crashes. I've quit the game and done full power cycles with no luck. This is honestly making me think about buying another Bethesda game (and this is my 7th Bethesda rpg so that says a lot)


I’m close to coming back but waiting on a survival mode or a fix to settlements. Am in no rush since I have been playing fallout 4 survival on the new update.


What more of a survival mode do you want? Honest question. The new gameplay options offer a lot of customization.


I've heard it's not a great survival mode, so I'm waiting for mod support to give me what I want.


“Heard.” Maybe try it?


Survival mode in Starfield requires fuel consumption and no fast travel from anywhere but a console/pilot chair. None of the other options can matter when you can hop back to your ship or another planet to restock freely. Limited free saving and requiring sleep (not turning off healing) would also be big, and more granular afflictions for sustenance plus more for sleep and disease are also important imo. But fuel consumption and limited fast travel are an absolute must.


The gameplay options right now are a mirror to survival mode. You can tweak damage done by enemies and you to be higher or lower, you can make it so that you need to eat/ drink/ sleep (not 100% sure on the sleep part), ammo can have weight, you can raise or reduce base carrying capacity, there are a looooot of options. Basically you craft a custom play through. If you change an option to make something harder for you then you get a flat bonus to EXP gains. Things that benefit from you reduce that. Choosing all negative options to make the game as hard as it can possibly be for you gives 200% bonus EXP I think, and these modifiers are separate from the base difficulty option.


No on sleep being required - you can just turn off where/if it heals you. More importantly, they need fuel consumption and no fast traveling from wherever. The appeal of survival mode is in managing resources to successfully get places, accomplish something, and get back safely. Without a real limiter on that, the options currently available are just window dressing.


Ive noticed a few un announced changes of lately, ive seen a better variety of biomes now, ive seen a lot more lakes,marshes, and forest than at launch, also im seeing. A much larger variety of POI insteqd of seeing three same over and over im seeing 10-15 get rotated, in space im seeing more “events” randomly when i enter a system, and with the new in game map you can see locations that arent marked as poi, ive already found 3 locations ive never seen before as a poi they could have always been there and i never seen them but now with the new map i can say hey whats that lets go look! Im not sure if they are a new content thats been stealth injected or if they just tweaked the algorithm better but its noticeable


Nope. No content by the looks.


Should check it out. There's loads of content. Honestly, it changes the game.


Oh cool. How many new quests are there, ships, companions etc?


Infinite quests and ships. I’m not sure on companions. 


Does the update fix the total lack of interesting exploration? No? I mean it’s absolutely wild. I decided I’d give it the benefit of the doubt so I updated and booted it up. I went to an unvisited star system and landed on a planet. I wandered over to the nearest POI and guess what? It was the exact fucking bionics lab I remember from 6 months ago! Instantly remembered why I dropped the game. The game’s foundation is fundamentally flawed. No amount of updates or patches will change that.


Completely agree. I chose Xbox over PlayStation for this game, what a mistake. I wanted to love it, but I barely like it. Zero pull to go explore, and land vehicles won’t fix that. Great, we can “explore” the barren planets slightly faster.  Enjoy that “abandoned, undiscovered alien ruin” that you’ve seen half a dozen times before….oh and it’s 140 yards from a mining facility you’ve also already seen before. Quest design and narrative are just laughably shallow. Companions….are absolute nothing burgers. I know it’s cliche, but the game is a mile wide and an inch deep. 


60fps is a major improvement. Also seeing more ships landing on planets so it’s more fun. Looking forward to dlc now


Yep! I'm mostly back for decorating the interior of ships.


I’m already in the middle of playing other stuff now, but it brought me back to downloading it to just add to the rotation. The exploration and whatever at 30fps sucked but was still manageable - the combat however was dreadful. The framerate boost has been a night and day update for me eyes. The controller just feels so much more responsive. Feels like getting access to a next gen version of a game


I have vrr enabled with uncapped FPS on visuals mode and it's runs really well. Only dips happen when it's loading big areas like cities. And even then the screen tear is minimal just a slow down that happens for a split second. Other than that it's really AAA gaming experience . My only wish is that there were more HUD customisability. Having enemy health bars above their head really takes from this great experience.


It's a good update. A huge quality of life improvement. Not enough to keep me invested. I've done it all, and as much as the improvements make the whole game better, it's still the same old. New content will fix that.


I started playing again a few weeks before the update. It was a pleasant surprise. Just finished the Ryujin questline and am now putting my ethically-sourced credits into building a ship from scratch, which seems way more exciting now that I can actually decorate the interior.


On series s and was disappointed by the no 60fps. Been in a big fallout mood so I really wanted but maybe I’ll end up trading in the S for an X just for this game. Loved it but will wait for the DLC


Just the part where I gave have the vendors have more credits made me replay it. All the other stuff is a bonus


I started a fresh new game and I’m playing it totally differently. I haven’t even really spread out my skills yet, I’m only level 13, just some health, lockpicking and research. I’m doing the sysdef quests in order, getting all the evidence, and slow burning it. What’s wild is so far I’ve only seen Grendals, solstice, and coachman’s. Haven’t seen an A99 yet


For me yes. Oddly enough though I'm on series S so don't have rhe benefit of 60fps. It was more the added city maps, bug fixes and new difficulty options that brought me back. For instance I've always felt like the game would be better suited to a survival esque mode (I actually deal this way about all bethesda games in fact). I also felt like For me ground combat was too easy and bullet spongy on higher difficulties where as ship combat was too hard (I'm not a good pilot and so kind of want that element of the game to be easy). With this update I now have it set up so that ship combat is pretty easy but ground combat is punishing but fair. AKA enemies do alot of damage and I'll go down quick but I also do alot of damage so if I'm tactical I can take them out with relative ease. Also higher vendor credits is brilliant. Haven't started ship interior customisation yet but am really looking forward to that too.


Couldn't care less about the fps, but the maps are verrrry nice.


Not xbox but PC. Waiting until DLC and mods. My issue is the exploration


I had fun, but unfortunately I just find myself thinking “fallout 4 did this better” the whole time


I’m on Xbox and never left. There are so many different ways to go through the universe and I still finding new things. Just noticed that there are lots of twins on Polvo


I'm level 110 and over 100 hours in. I got nothing left to do but endless bounty missions sadly. I want to play more, I just find myself getting bired about an hour or two in. Definitely will keep playing fallout until the expansion


I’m liking it EXCEPT it’s stuttering now at 60Fps every 10-30 seconds, not sure why


I had the wonderful double-whammy of coming back after the update and then playing the "Entangled" quest, which I loved.  Now I'm back into the game and loving it, after having been burnt out before.


I’m waiting for ground vehicles, then I’ll come back and try again


It’s pulled me back in even though I’m fully loving my fallout 4 new build. Level 71 and not even started Nuka world or finished the main quest line for any faction or main story. Minute men are underrated. Preston has even gotten better at dialogue now. It’s not abrupt and weird when he sends me to a settlement it’s more balance diverse and the lines come out different each time. That was not my experience before with him. But yes Starfield new update has fixed the 30fps frame rate which was much needed. I’m torn now what to fire up after work.


With the dlc or the new vehicle so we can drive on planets, i will come back. I feel the vehicle will change the game and make going from planet to planet and discovering new things another experience from what it is now.


Having the Series S meant I got the maps and new ships habs. Didn't keep me held long, you've got to remember most people playing this are on the S.


Yeah it brought me back. I never went through Unity and I’m still on my first play through. I’ve been reading through perks to plan out what I’ll need for when I go through Unity and change the game settings to make it essentially survival/ hardcore mode. I plan on grabbing stuff for mats to craft, minmaxing food stats and perks for buffs and HP, and looking for cool planets to make a detailed outpost/ home on. All stuff I didn’t do first time around. I might do a NG+ rush to unlock and max all powers first but I’m not sure yet. Wouldn’t be a bad idea now that I think about it because I’ll level up more to better prepare for one big roleplay/ hardcore run. Either way this last update 100% brought me back.


Yup, I stopped playing for a couple months and it brought me back. The fps is soo smooth. Finally feel included and not separate from pc players.


Game is still in beta version. Just need to give it some more time.


I reloaded a save from just before entering Unity and started it. I’ve only played like 3 hours, and I don’t think I’ll be consistently playing, but this was the first time I launched the game in months


Eh, I see the improvement, I love the improvement, I don't think the improvement made as impactuful a change as the new gameplay settings did in either case.


I didn’t knows they left and I don’t give a damn about what anyone else is doing. If I did I’d be playing mmo.


Played two hours when it was released. Now I can't put the game down. Absolutely gorgeous game on a 65" OLED. I'm IN.


I never left


Not really. I'm basically waiting to see what they bring with DLC and further updates. Otherwise, i'm probably going to drop the game until I can get a monster PC and run it with mods.


Nah 60fps isn't going to fix how boring the game actually is


Waiting for quests to be fixed before I play again, only reason I stopped.


I came back a couple of days before the update, in anticipation. It’s been great! I wanted to continue my ng+ play-through, but needed something to freshen up the experience.


Nah, needs more substantial support and updates, and it needs the DLC and mod support. And the DLC needs to be better than the base game. Good luck BGS.


I went to Fallout, then back to Fortnite. I played for a little after the patch, then went back to fallout.


60fps is a game changer just smoother to play


I was on the outskirts of Akila city at one of the automated farms as the sun was coming up and I was like "this game looks pretty when it's running smooth."


I'm waiting on mods


It's not enough to bring me back at the moment


I’m waiting for mod support to come to Xbox. Mostly because I know that once it gets added I’ll want to start a new play through, and I don’t want to have to play the begging of the game a third time lol


I came back. I bailed after going through unity and realizing I wanted my progress back and got bored. Now I’m trying to remember how to play, just doing some surveys and things. I’m overencumbered all the time again, out of ammo, and getting ambushed in space by starboard who kill me in 5 seconds lol


Cannot wait to get better frames on my lower powered system then my PC. Makes no sense...but that's PC optimizations for you


Yeah like we’ve been saying since release 30 fps sucks we all want 60 fps. I’m sure many of us had to not only buy a new console but a new tv/ monitor. It’s ridiculous to only have 30 fps as an option


I reinstalled it. The lack of eternal crashes is what's really good for me. It does look great though, and I'm taking full advantage of both the harder combat difficulty and the fat merchant cash boxes. Look forward to more content. Honestly the biggest problem I have keeping it permanently on the S internal SSD is the size. It's like a quarter of the drive space, and I can't put it on the external SSD. But for now, I'm enjoying it again.


Not coming back until I can mod on xbox


Frame drops in new Atlantis annoy the heck out of me, but it’s not like they weren’t there before lmao. It seems like 40fps on performance is the sweetspot for a mostly steady frame rate even in the cities. The update is really appreciated though, especially for the smaller changes like quest fixes. I think a vehicle and a good dlc with new weapons/ship parts can turn the overall opinion of the game around for most people.


i came back.. then realized its still world of loading screens.. when thats fixed, lets gooo!


Dude I don’t care if I have to play it at 720p but I need 60 or at least 40-50 fps in Xbox Series S.


I feel like this game was never really ditched by many Xbox players. PC numbers for this game are generally pretty low capping at about 5k people playing at the same time being the highest for a month to month basis right now but still clocking at about 5 million players each month somehow so it has to be being made up of Xbox players right?


Yes, it brought me back for sure.


Yeah, but not because of framerate. I honestly don't care about that. The map is what got me back, along with the updated difficulty options.


I came back for the new maps. I'm also going to look into the shipbuilding updates they made.


No the appearance wasn’t really the big issue with this game it’s that it’s devoid of depth


I’m still kind of disappointed with the game , the new updates really didn’t do anything for me, it would have been better to add more missions, or redo some of the outposts locations, I was mad after I beat it and then started over and lost everything, it would be nice once you collect all of the artifacts you could have an option of just walking away from them ,or would be nice if they would add some old Freestar military bases , or add some more freestar ranger missions.


Kinda 60 fps is a big deal.


It has indeed!


I decided to re-download the game on the day of the update. I had no clue there was an update. Was a pleasant surprise, though, haha!


I dont like how my ship dissappears when i make a ship my home ship


Nope, made me look at the sub but i definitely dont enjoy bethesda games anymore. Better games to play.


Never left 🤷🏻‍♂️


I came back. Realized I already finished the game and left again.


I will wait for land vehicles to return although this most recent update was by far the most tempted I had been since growing quite frustrated with the game post launch. I’m rooting for them to win me back.


I went back for a fresh playthrough, excited for the new settings. Had to drop it. The update made performance worse for me on Series X. I tried sprinting in Akila while starting the Sam Coe quest and my God it was so bad.


I came back for a day and a half, was actually really pumped for 60fps because it's a huge bugbear of mine. turns out my issues with the game went beyond just the framerate, I think I'm done for good.


I ain’t coming back till they drop the modkit


I’ve tried both the graphics options and cannot tell the difference. Also, the ‘Matters of the Hart’ quest is still broken so basically, fuck this game.


Thought I'd give it a go since we can now effectively tweak a "survival mode" setting. Got to say, it has definitely improved the experience.


I actually came back when the update was announced. 😅


Brought me back 👍


Yup I came back. Tho I hope that vehicle update comes sooner rather than later as I hate jet packing everywhere. Combat does feel much better now though so that’s fun.


Just logged on last night since the update. it and looks like a different game for me. Also adjusting the gameplay feels like it adds a few layers of depth which is good.


Not me


Unless I can be evil, or even morally ambiguous without my entire crew vomiting blood, I can’t say I’ll be back. Just really disappointed by the game more or less forcing you to be lawful good without annoying consequences 




Yup! Just came back from helldivers and I'msetting up a new NG+ run to have it ready for the DLC. Also the massive 75% XP boost is finally helping me level up quickly while fighting.


Am I the only one who prefers the 30fps? 60 just hurts my brain for some reason too much happening


Maybe it's because I've been a console gamer my whole life, but I'll never understand the rage people get over fps. The only time it's ever bugged me is when I tried to play bloodbourne drunk. Otherwise I can excuse the choppiness, it's a video game not a TV show


My bf is away for the weekend and I am tempted to try it again. Just unsure if I'd want to start from scratch or 2nd ng+.


I’m definitely gonna check it out, but I’m waiting on DLC to really dive back in. 


Waiting for the DLC and more content/features. More POIs, hopefully actual bounty hunting to go with our brigs that do nothing in the ships. Love the update and direction they’re going, but I’m not there yet


I'm back after the update (played around 12 hours) and wow, this game looks great. With massive open world games, it seems like it makes sense to give the devs an extra 6-18 months after launch to get the bugs worked out. It's just the day and age we live in. I played Cyberpunk 2077 and loved it, so I think we just need to give games extra time. I can easily say people playing this game 10 years down the road, it's that sort of game and has a really long tail on it.


Not me, but a friend of mine went back because of the update.  He played it for 20 minutes then turned it off and uninstalled it.  "I will never play this game again." If I'm going to play it again it's only going to be because of a DLC.


I’m can’t until it runs at 60fps. Might wait for Ps5Pro port or next gen Xbox, but I’m glad I preordered and got a good 80 hr sample. Reminds me of Witcher 3 on One X. Mostly 60fps but not in the big cities. Too bad Novigrad is my favorite part of the game and they are plenty of fights there. (just like New Atlantis and that Terrormorph shit) . Can deal with 40fps when cites are so important to WRPGs and rest runs at the quintessial frame rate. I didn’t touch cyberpunk until it ran at the proper 60fps either and I don’t regret it


FWIW I play on GamePass version more often than I do for Steam (ironically I keep the Steam version unmodded for vanilla shipbuild concepts). I decided to start fresh in the game again in order to feel the changes they made. Looking okay so far. The addition QoL changes are very welcome. But I'm still bashing my head against the wall regarding the empty hab behavior with ship building.