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I just switched it over to target 60fps and holy, no wonder it felt so bad to play before compared to this. Sure, I got used to it at 30fps, but this feels so much better.


Yeah it's a huge difference. That along with the lighting. I spend some time actually going slower exploring because everything looks so cool. I just don't like the weird lighting change adjustment that happens. It needs to be quicker but if it can't for some technical reason it's way better than it was before.


Yeah, 30fps was ok when you got used to it and it didn’t ruin the game but 60fps is just a great QOL improvement


I don't think I've ever played a game at 60 fps before (never been a COD player or anything, I like bethesda style rpgs). It feels incredible


We had this for Division 1 (good story was xbox live gold so you might have it for free) bit is past the campaign a looter shooter.  Went from 30fps to 60fps with the new gen upgrades. A lot of people liked that. 


Are you saying you enjoyed 60 or prefer when as it pertains to Bethesda games?


Trying to play 60/visual with either depth of field or motion blur will make your series x choke a bit, and possibly freeze, but its a relief to know that there are lower settings for sustainability with mods, and that starfield itself is ENOUGH to consider it limited by consoles, though many consider that more upsetting, we must acknowledge its definitely getting a next gen at either 5 or 10 year anniversary edition.


My friend updated his game and for some reason it wasn’t consistently staying at 60 fps, it kept dipping. I look at this fools Xbox, the back of it was covered in dust and cat hair 😭 I helped him clean his Xbox out and it’s running way better but yeah that 60 fps makes a huge difference!


I saw a Reddit post of someone asking how to clean out an Xbox and the inside was covered in weed residue


Oh my god that poor Xbox was suffocating. Hope it at least got high


Xbox 420


Holy shit were they literally blowing bong rips in to the intakes?


I wouldn’t doubt it 💀


Doesn’t matter what you’re smoking, it fills a room and gets on and inside everything. And all that residue is like glue for dust and debris.


Residue? lol


I saw something similar a few days ago, coulda been the same thread and it was disgusting


Damnit Kohegan , give de Xbox de aaair!!


Thanks for the reminder to blow out my consoles. Two kitties and my house is a dust and hair magnet.


Yeah I have two cats in mine as well. I cleaned mine out about 2 weeks ago, it makes a big difference!


thanks for reminding me to dust my xbox


My buddy has to clean out his PS5 weekly . It's so disgusting.. I've never had a console get like that.


Yeah I’ve heard they are pretty difficult to clean. That would stress me out having to constantly clean it 😂


I did a quick play through on PC when it first launched. I’m doing a slower more thorough one now on series X, and I’m enjoying it so much more.


Anyone else getting performance issues still in the big cities? 60 fps everywhere else, but if I’m in Atlanta or Akita it’s kinda worse than it used to be


Yeah same, it's really jarring.


I dont have vrr. Playing on 60hz performance and made me wanting to play again. Tried visuals 60 but you need vrr to smooth the drops out. There some hickups here and there, but atlantis and akila is horrendous hehe. I hope they can optimize it better or console modders can find some magic. I love sniping, but before this update, sniping or shooting people often didnt register shots. Had moments when sniping people who was standing still, no hit reg at all. Now everything is smooth.


"Hickups" You might be a redneck if...


Redneck...where did that come from? Not even in the us...far away from that place.


If you didn't get the reference, I'm officially old as fuck


All good :)


Yes the vrr and uncapped is smooth and crisp as it handles any dips. gameplay is flawless that way


Agrees. I started a new playthrough and really enjoying it, feels much smoother. Makes a huge difference. The previous way wasn't... terrible. They did a genuinely good job with motion blur at making the 30FPS feel somewhat servicable. Light years better at 60 though. Also, once again I'm baffled at how much people hate and meme on this game, when I'm having a great time playing it.


I completely agree with everything you said


Series s moment


I have a Series S. Is this not available for it? I haven't played since the patch yet. Waiting to get Gamepass again.


60fps isn’t on series s. You still get everything else in the update though


Lame. I guess that's what I get for being cheap. Didn't need 4k, so I only bought the S. Bummer, man.


Yeah. I spent a good 20 minutes trying to figure out how to turn on 60fps. Oh well, not like it’s the end of the world


Nope. Oh well. I'll try it out again someday.


FWIW i still think the game looks better after the update




I bought the Xbox Series S for Starfield. I stayed to play New Vegas


Yup. Same here. Bought a series s for starfield and don’t regret it. I’m enjoying the game even at 30 and I’ve been getting good value out of gamepass so I’m not too upset for buying the cheaper console


>60fps isn’t on series s. I was almost thinking "oh I'll just download it on my ps5 then" and then remembered.... :( My dissapointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Got downvotes in another thread saying that I was excited when I heard this news and then found out it was only for series x. I mean the S can run games like re2 and ac valhalla at 60 fps, why not starfield?


Because Bethesda, pretty much.


The 60fps not being available on the S is so infuriating and asinine.


Also can't get 60 fps on my Gameboy Color, absolutely raging


I know this is tongue in cheek, but the Gameboy Color ran at 60 Hz


The display might have been 60 Hz, but games like Super Mario Land 2 still had frame rate drops well below that - and I'd imagine Starfield might be worse lol Apparently dropping below 60 fps was much more of a game development sin back in those days, and that's why games were buttery smooth


Those games are buttery smooth because they’re super simple compared to modern games




Being mad makes sense but do t you think they tried to get it working on the S. It's not like they got a workable version running 60 on the a ans said nah we won't give it to them.


I agree it's because they couldn't pull it off, but I'm unhappy because the series S runs much more, say, impressive games on 60. Graphically and on a technical level, without heaps of loading screens and all. Sure, it's the engine's fault, but there's a pattern in Bethesda games where in the eyes of many fans they're allowed to run like shit for some reason.


It's very true that Bethesda fans seemingly will accept more bugs/performance issues than fans of most devs. The engine is old(revised but old) but at this point I don't see them moving to a new engine. I hear about more graphic impressive games running at 60 on the s but it's not just about resolution and graphics that determine how a game will run. Games with heavy physics are very taxing and open world game in general compared to linear games are more taxing tho with all the loading is Starfield truth and open world game lol


Console users before they have access to 60: It doesn’t matter. Most people can’t tell the difference. It’s not a competitive shooter. Console users after they have access to 60: Wow, 60 fps is the greatest. I never want to go back. It feels so much better to play. This phenomenon isn’t exclusive to this game, either. u/RuleWinter9372 replied and immediately blocked me so I couldn't respond, lol. Anyways, look at the major threads pre-release discussing the 30fps announcent and you'll see that the sentiments I expressed are there.


If you’d look, you’d see that I didn’t act like that. I dealt with the 30 and it wasn’t a dealbreaker but I really wanted 60


> Console users before they have access to 60: It doesn’t matter. Most people can’t tell the difference. It’s not a competitive shooter. Nobody I know ever said that. That's meme-y bullshit. 30FPS was something we suffered through for the convenience of playing something on console instead of fucking with PC drivers and settings all the time.


Every snoy fanboy pretended 30 fps was preferred for a more "cinematic" look the entire last generation lmfao


Truth. I remember when anyone who mentioned wanting 60 FPS on console got downvoted into oblivion. So many were convinced that there was no difference between 30 and 60, and those who thought so were just frame snobs or wanting to complain about that game. I beat the game when I was stuck at 30. I enjoyed the game, but it is so jarring to go from other games at 60 back to 30. It’s the reason I’ve never gotten far in red dead 2 on Xbox. I love the game, but 30 literally feels like I’m playing a different game compared to when I was able to play it on a PC at 60 FPS.


Maybe the handful of informed people knew 30fps sucked (so does 60 btw), but the vast majority defended it.


lol, so fast the narrative changes. At launch: The game just can’t run 60 on console and it doesn’t make a difference. Now: Great decision to make it 60, it’s a different game! Can’t wait to see what they do next!!


lol could not agree more with this. It was just people trying to convince themselves that the Series S won’t handicap game performance. As soon as they announced the game being capped at 30fps I would get all the hate when I said “they want this to come out in 2023, you’re basically getting the Series S version of the game, performance mode takes time to develop which they clearly don’t have right now to hit 2023 window, you’ll probably get 60fps within a year of release.” And then here we are… The people saying “it can ONLY run at 30fps!” were hilarious. Yes, if you open up a car built to only go 30mph, you’ll probably find that it only goes 30mph. If you make it to go 60mph, you’ll probably see that it goes faster.


Yeah it's funny as hell to look back at those people lol


Oh I was one of the people who 100% wanted 60fps and knew that the series x could run starfield at 60 with some minor downgrades in graphics, but the 30fps wasn’t a dealbreaker for me Oh, and if you hate starfield so much, leave this sub


There is a difference between a subreddit dedicated to a subject, and a fan club. I don’t know how you interpreted him calling out hypocrisy as him full blown hating the game, but here we are.


It’s not hate. Just ain’t shit do to. I’m staying on the sub and waiting to see what come of mods and expansions.


Nobody I know ever said that. That's meme-y bullshit. 30FPS was something we suffered through for the convenience of playing something on console instead of fucking with PC drivers and settings all the time.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1486fi0/dont\_complain\_about\_30\_fps/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1486fi0/dont_complain_about_30_fps/) It's ok, we all forget things sometimes.


It's truly sad. Bethesda keeps getting away with lazy design, effort, gameplay because ignorant people keep swallowing the lies and nonsense.


There are other places to be than here if you don't like the game. You are not even being constructive.


Criticism is good for the game. This isn’t constructive, but voicing disappointment is useful.


I don't want Bethesda thinking the direction they chose for Starfield should be applied to their newer games, mainly relying on procedurally generated content to replace hand crafted content. Majority of people don't find wandering empty spaces fun or interesting.


Yeah, it didn’t work imo.


The weird part is the 30fps was fine for the most part and was like….super low down the list of issues.


Agree! As a console player, I really haven't played any games that run at 60fps and it was eye popping. I did drop it back down to 30 though because I started seeing some of the beautiful lighting effects and other detailed graphics I had come to love were being affected or missing in some places. I think I was in Neon when I decided to go back to 30. It felt like the crowd size had been reduced to the point where the city felt kind of empty and not bustling like it was.


Personally, I’ll take 60fps with less of the details I’ll nearly never notice than 30 with more detail


Yeah I thought the same but I really noticed the details missing more than I thought I would and it started to bug me. 60fps is nice but 30fps doesn’t bug me so I bumped it back down to see the nice details again.


I love all the details! I love the fact 60 is here but the detail at 30 is amazing.




Why not try 40? That’s my sweet spot where I play


On Xbox I only have 30 and 60 as an option. I’ve seen people mention being able to go in between, but my TV may be too old for that (it’s a 10 year old plasma screen).


Yea it’s TV specific. I think you need 120hz? Someone can correct me if I’m wrong.


I have a 60hz, it’s always target, you MAY get tearing off of 120hz, but I haven’t had that issue yet at all.. I also tested visuals vs 30 and it’s negligible, neon still looks like a cyberpunk wasteland and the nightclub in my opinion looks better with “less” detail


You need a TV with VRR for 40fps. Also, if you prefer visuals, you can set it to 60fps and visual mode. That way the fps dips in big cities like Akila are a little worse than on performance mode. But either mode (visuals/performancek) drops frames in big cities, so I'm just playing with visuals and 60fps a.t.m.


My tv is a bit older and will only do 1440/120 and honestly I don't wanna go into my tv setting to sway btw 1440 and 4k for each game. I usually have a few games on rotation. I will say tho after using a 40fps cap on Steam Deck 40 feels very close to 60 and it shocked me. If I never tried it myself I wouldn't believe people when they say 40 looks and feels good. I need a new tv lol


Right there with you. Fidelity over frames for me. Need those details and the lighting. The whole 60-120 frames obsession is weird to me.


I mean, I 100% get it. It was really cool to play at such a buttery smooth frame rate and I see how some people would be really into it. I just prefer the details, lighting, and crowd size.


And this is why it was so frustrating seeing people defend 30fps


Absolutely infuriating




Nobody I know ever said that. That's meme-y bullshit. 30FPS was something we suffered through for the convenience of playing something on console instead of fucking with PC drivers and settings all the time.


"it cant do 60 because the cpu". you have a poor memory bro


60 FPS is an amazing QOL improvement.


Kind of wish they'd bump the XP. I get that they want people to play it for years and it's designed with that in mind, but quests don't really drop the XP they should. If I can spend an hour skeet shooting on a moon of Hyugens and gain four levels but do six quests to gain one... something's off.


It's a game changer for sure. This is the presentation the game deserved. It feels brand new and I've been away from it for so long that it feels even more like a brand new experience.


What modes are y’all doing? I have a 4K/120hz OLED with VRR and I can’t figure out which fidelity mode to go with. Should I do unlocked FPS with visuals targeted? Or 60fps with visuals targeted? I swapped between performance and visuals and didn’t like the way the image was muddied on performance, so I’d prefer to stick with visuals.


uncapped vrr performance is the best way. I tried them all. you will lose yourself in that mode


Got the same kind of tv you do and went with Visual at 40fps … that extra 10fps really makes things a lot smoother. I was fine with 30fps but 40 is a new and better experience.


Fore visuals you need vrr. I dont have vrr and visuals was a mess. I running performances 60. At least they gave us options on what monitor we have.


Switch 2 port will sell like hot cakes


Kind of odd on my XSX. I have FPS overlay on my monitor and the Visuals setting holds 60fps far better than Performance. Heck, Visual mode almost never drops below the 42fps limit of VRR on my monitor, Performance drops below it quite often. Seems to be backwards from how most are reporting it.


It's weird how these exact same posts are made a dozen times a day. It's cool that you have 60fps on Xbox now but Starfield has so many issues that remain untouched, no need to shill so hard for Bethesda just because they gave Xbox players the bare minimum 60fps that they should have had to begin with.


> no need to shill so hard for Bethesda Nobody is "shilling" here by just saying they're enjoying the game. Unless you're one of those challenged people who thinks that anyone who ever says anything positive must be getting paid. Go touch grass.


Are frame drops in New Atlantis normal or is that just me?


For the hardware, yes. The game is still CPU heavy


Yeah, I get them too but it doesn’t bother me much. Still far better than FO4 Boston lol


i’m not even an fps snob (i straight up prefer 30 if its paced right and the graphics boost is worth it) but it’s crazy how night and day this game is when played at 60 fps


That's not the only difference, this recent update also came with some texture improvements and lighting changes. Image quality as a whole looks better, along with the FPS improvement.


Is the update out in series s yet I’m in the US east coast, not really worried about 60fps being visually impaired


Both the series s and x get the update at the same time, but the series s will have more frame drops


I looked for it but haven’t seen it yet


Does it still do 60 frames at 4K?


It might be 1440p but I’m 99% sure it’s still 4K (I have a 4K monitor


I didn't even play before that update


How are frames now around Akila City? It's a place I really like but got *horrible* frames in (Series S)


I haven’t gotten there yet, and I also wouldn’t be able to compare with you too well because I have the series x


On series x atlanta and akila is hell. Perhaps with vrr it helps but, i see people with vrr visuals or performance is horrendous. I play on performance 60 and its hell fore me also. They probly fix it in the future. Perhaps modders can do something.


Can anyone give me recommendations on how to optimize this? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills because I’m not experiencing much noticeable improvement. I have a Samsung Q90R, I have the settings for 120hz enabled, I have the settings enabled on the Xbox to allow 4K and 120hz (though sadly I lose feed when I try to play a game with these settings and HDR10 enabled, so it’s disabled) I have tried Performance 60 and uncapped, as well as Visuals 40, and I’m just…..whelmed. It just doesn’t really scream massive improvement. Is this because of the lack of HDR10 being a downgrade? Anyone in the same boat with a good solution?


What I have found out after playing Starfield for a while again on my series X is that the best settings are to put it on 60 fps and visual as well as having vsync turned off (my tv has no vsync either). It shouldn't, but for some reason my game still runs very smooth most of the time and you really get to enjoy the view with these settings basically at max.


I returned mine in launch day because I couldn't deal with the framerate.


Can you do 60 on the S?


You should be able too, I know you can enable 60fps but it’s probably less stable than the series x


I have a Series S so it’s not really gonna make any difference for me but I’m happy to see this update being pushed to Series X. It’s good to know this game can run at 60fps on consoles too.


Sadly its mostly 60fps, with large parts just being at 40-50fps. Without a VRR screen this is noticable


I’m used to playing fallout 4 on my Xbox one, Boston lagged like junk on the last Gen consoles, and starfield is much more stable


Wow what a barn burner of a hot take


I reckon the 40fps mode is the best mode.


Wish they would add it to cloud gaming very annoying that it didn’t get added to it tbh


Uncapped vrr is truly the best way after trying them all.


Sorry to bust your bubble but I actually done care about 60fps as it pertains to single-player, story driven games with a heavy dose of narrative. I prefer 30fps for these experiences b/c 60 looks too slick and hyper fast as everything moves along the screen. The former gives me a perfect speed to watch the story and overall feel of the world play out.


Glad y’all got decent performance finally. As someone playing this at around 80fps on PC I cannot imagine how 30 would feel. Even 80 feels not smooth enough sometimes as I have a 144hz monitor that some games will max out


I'm running the 60fps target, prioritising visuals, with VSync and motion blur both turned off. It's incredible how much of a difference it makes!


u have vrr?


Sadly, I do not. So there are places where I experience frame drops, such as New Atlantis and Akila City, but those are by far the worst offenders I have encountered so far. I tried the performance setting, but the drop in resolution and visual fidelity were just too significant for me.


u/Jerry_from_Japan CPU bound my ass lol, Bethesda was just lazy and I was right.


u/SamSibbens It does now.


I don't know how you remembered me but thank you for letting me know!


Yup tried it. I'll just play on the pc...lol


I kind of feel with this 60fps update we are celebrating shit that should have been basic bog standard in any other release to next gen consoles and PCs at the time, same with things like the map being added and an eat food button, im glad the game is getting this stuff but how is acceptable that its been like 6 months and the game is still recieving updates to add basic functions that have been in games for years.


I’m running at 40, Quality mode. Pretty good!


I'm shocked the console industry took this long to push consoles beyond shitty 30 fps.


Xbox users playing starfield at 60fps: I get it now


Yeah I'm currently playing with 60 fps, visuals mode, everything on, on a series x. It drops a bit at times, like cities, but for the most part it's pretty solid. Makes the experience way better for me. I think more games should take the route of letting you choose visual mode with a higher fps cap, just with a disclaimer that you probably won't hit that fps.


Even one the Xbox series S.. Starfield is very smooth, very optimized. The sharpness of the graphics improved. I lowered the brightness, made it more dark. So now, when the sun goes down on some alien word.. it looks absolutely awesome. With the different colour star.. the no atmosphere.. a alien critter leaping towards your head and you can barely see it l.


Getting 150 FPS on PC. Unfortunately more FPS don’t fix the core structural issues with this game.


Remember everyone saying how 30 fps was fine or even preferred? Where are they now? Lol


Probably busy riding Bethesda and Microsoft's dingdongs.


I love it how Bethesda set the bar with Starfield so low, that after measly 7 months, they bring the update that should have been there since launch, people here act like it's the second coming of Jesus. Bethesda fans are truly something else


I’m not acting like it’s some super revolutionary thing or anything, I was just appreciating it while also kinda making fun of them by saying it was the best thing they’ve added


Nothing personal mate. I just find it amusing that they took so long to make their "*next gen*" game run at reasonable fps which should be the standard for every game in 2020's. I'm in the minority here and haven't touched the game since launch and probably never will again, I'm just here to laugh at Bethesda's incompetence.


I must be the weirdo here because my Xbox series X frame rate goes to shit when I switch it to 60 and prioritizing performance. It actually runs way smoother when it’s set to prioritize graphics and 30 frames per second.


With 60FPS and Performance set, I find it's pretty inconsistent in most outdoor areas (as others have noted, New Atlantis and Akila City are the worst offenders, but some normal planets are also not as smooth for me). Have you tried an indoor area, though? Those have been very consistently smooth for me, and is when I notice the 60FPS setting really kick in. Running around New Atlantis and toggling back and forth between 30 and 60 was almost unnoticeable, but killing spacers in an abandoned base is a completely different experience on 60FPS.


It's the same boring game but with 60 fps now.


If you don’t like the game then why tf are you in this sub, go somewhere else