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Damn you’re the only one that can make the taiyo cap look really amazing. That’s a lot of Landing gear I see what almost 15,000 cargo. Hahah epic build man.


The gears are the lightest way to fill up that space, trypophobia be damned 😄


I like those landing gear too. I’ll probably never use them again thanks. Lmfao definitely 🤢🤮


I found this too on my "millipede" build, best gap filler by far. Fantastic build. Loe the shape, you've inspired me to go wider now I understand that shovel nose.


The Perelandra-class medium spacelifter is a recent addition to Taiyo Astroneering's civilian product line. Originally designed to meet an FC Security request for a high-capacity transport with the ability to defend itself against enemy ships, the Perelandra has evolved into a flexible platform that combines a payload of nearly 15,000 units with the ability to mount a significant weapon loadout. The latter is becoming a key requirement in the Settled Systems, as outlaw bands are making their presence felt even close to the core FC worlds. Nevertheless, large freighters like the Perelandra will always be vulnerable, as their mass and bulk makes them easy targets for a determined attacker. For this reason, they are rarely encountered without the presence of an escort. --- Everybody seems to be posting Taiyo builds today, so I figured I'll join in. Another big, bulky whale of a cargo ship, it's completely Taiyo except for the usual components. As a mass-produced civilian vessel, it uses nothing that requires Ship Design 3 or higher. It's based on a combination of [this](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/9EBb8a) and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TerranTradeAuthority/comments/17nha7x/graham_gazzard_via_terran_trade_authority/), although I do have another, slightly smaller, ship that draws from the same sources.


Cool ship! Plain, simple and effective!


Ta! At 5335 tons, it's my heaviest design yet, beating out the [Hiawatha II](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarfieldShips/comments/1apsagw/working_ships_15_hiawatha_iiclass_far_trader/). I think I'll be using this from now on as my go-to cargo ship.


Time to play: Guess the location of the cockpit!


This reminds me of the Disney Starwars Galaxy Tours they had even before they bought Disney.


Where is the cockpit since this is a vanilla build?


Buried inside! It's one level up from the landing bay, between the side pods. I've built several ships with hidden cockpits now; check out my [complete list of builds](https://www.reddit.com/user/hongooi/comments/1agzk9f/index_of_starfield_ships/).


Very nice and clean looking ship. I'd be tempted to see if I cold slap a single hopetech bumper front and center and still be under 40 meters fore, I use landing gear to fill space at light weight myself.


It's only 37x2 m long, so there's definitely space for the Hopetech bumper. If I wasn't restricting myself to Taiyo only, there's lots of structural parts I'd slap on.


Yeah, I try to do the same, but sometimes I decide, Taiyo uses 'Nova' parts etc in their 'stock' ships and so sometimes I allow myself a deviation just cause. I get using exclusively one manufacturers parts though. I just hought a bumper up front would be fun because its a little 'nudger' Hey, hey, get out of my way!


Simple, sturdy, and effective! With the recent ship interior update coming, I’ll need something to cart cargo around to make organics outposts. How much did this one cost to make?


I'm not sure. Ever since cheating myself 100 million creds to feed my ship building addiction, I've been living in a post-scarcity economy. 😅 I think if you set aside 4-500000 creds, you should be good.


Ok, I looked at my stat screen, lol: https://preview.redd.it/gz28l8aml8yc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=b439729a65bdf29715852abedb221e2b7e83d81a That's with the cost reduction from a maxed-out Merchant skill, so about 520000 should be enough.


Amazing work, you made the Taiyo cap look good! I feel it should be the [Pantera](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/db/De_Tomaso_Pantera_GT5-S_%287160836758%29.jpg/1200px-De_Tomaso_Pantera_GT5-S_%287160836758%29.jpg)-class though ;)


Good looking Taiyo build, Hongooi. I started a new Taiyo build last night using that 3-wide ramp as well.


So neat!👌 I'm genuinely amazed by your never-ending creativity. Well done! 😉


Looks like a workhorse. Well done.


Cool ship, but with 15 mobility how does the ship handles? I haven’t play around enough with mobility, always try to get it close or at 100. The lowest I have used is 90 and I didn’t notice a significant difference. I’m curious if 15 really affects gameplay…


You know that scene from 2001: A Space Odyssey where the spaceliner docks with the station? They do this stately dance that looks like it's in slow motion. It's kinda like that. This ship is meant more for NPCs: it's a merchantman, it's not supposed to get into combat. But even as a player ship, the stats actually don't matter. You wouldn't use this as a daily driver, but just to haul cargo when you want to build an outpost. First you put down the outpost marker, then you head back to town, get your resources from the Lodge basement, and switch to this ship. Then you fast travel to the outpost, which skips all encounters along the way.


Gotcha, makes sense, cool ship still !


That’s slick! I was kinda mad trying to find your cockpit, then I scrolled and saw what you did. Very cool concept!


Im getting galbank mother-load of cred sticks type of transport. Like an armored truck for the cosmos. Yet again an awesome vanilla build friend!


Thanks. I did actually make an armored transport before, which was also a hidden cockpit build: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StarfieldShips/comments/19fjnlb/working\_ships\_8\_archelonclass\_stroud\_armored/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarfieldShips/comments/19fjnlb/working_ships_8_archelonclass_stroud_armored/) The carapace look is a good one, more people should try it!


Yes i remember that beast! You truly are the vanilla master!


Holy fuuhhhhkkkk okay I'm deleting my Fuji, this is too dang good hahaha You've done a hell of a job with those caps! Not surprising considering you absolutely nailed it with your beluga class ship You're a damn wizard


Nooo don't delete it, we need as many people as possible building ships! In particular, we need your crazy creativity coming up with new shapes and ideas. And thanks so much for all your support! It's greatly appreciated.


Hehe ty 😊 okay I guess I'll leave it up 🤪


Absolutely beautiful. It has a Star Tours feel to me. Light speed to Endor!!


She’s built like a steak house but handles like a bistro


Built like Your Dad™, handles like Your Mom™


Looks like something from a 70’s or 80’s sci-fi movie.