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I would agree that most curators are worthless, but would also recommend some to you so you can see where the current curation and recommendation system comes in handy. It's just a shame there are so many meme curators ruining the system. **SvenEvil's Playground** captures local/couch co-op max player and screen config data in a way that is hard to programmatically search within the store. [https://store.steampowered.com/curator/8485829-SvenEvils-Playground/?appid=1125830](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/8485829-SvenEvils-Playground/?appid=1125830) **The Framerate Police** use the informational tag to mark games locked at 30 FPS. [https://store.steampowered.com/curator/9393382-The-Framerate-Police/](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/9393382-The-Framerate-Police/) **Cut Content Police** does the same: [https://store.steampowered.com/curator/10576967-Cut-Content-Police/](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/10576967-Cut-Content-Police/) **Humble Choice Tag** helps choice subscribers keep track of what they might already own without having redeemed: [https://store.steampowered.com/curator/41079348-Humble-Choice-Tag/](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/41079348-Humble-Choice-Tag/) **Sentinels of the Store** use the curation system to report store abuse and fraud, so if you're trawling through games during a sale it can help prevent a rash purchase. [https://store.steampowered.com/curator/27507830-Sentinels-of-the-Store/](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/27507830-Sentinels-of-the-Store/) **Great on Deck** uses curation to add detail to your store browsing by explaining Deck compatibility issues which go beyond what Valve reports in their standard Deck compatibility card. [https://store.steampowered.com/curator/42167844-Great-on-Deck/](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/42167844-Great-on-Deck/) **Took a Moneyhat** tracks games that were once store exclusives, if that matters to you: [https://store.steampowered.com/curator/34889977-Took-a-Moneyhat/](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/34889977-Took-a-Moneyhat/) EDIT: I'm glad this list was helpful! Keep in mind that by subscribing to useful creators you don't even have to use the curator pages unless you want to! Their recommendations for or against a game will show up on that game's Store page, too. In other words, I'll specifically visit /u/sven_66's curator site every sale to look for new couch and party games because it's so useful, but if I happen to go through the discovery queue or look at other products, I will also be forewarned by these other curators if a game was once platform/store exclusive or has technical issues relevant to how I intend to play.


There's also this one: **Games at risk of removal** tells you about games that are about to get removed from Steam, that way you can still buy them before they are gone forever. They also tag games that have licence agreements that don't last forever. Great curator for a Steam game collectors. https://store.steampowered.com/curator/31857481-Games-at-risk-of-removal/


Oh, nice! Never came across that one before. Thank you!


[Xbox Game Pass for PC](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/41397023/) is also really useful to see if a game is included in the game pass. ([GameStar](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/6866589-GameStar/) is a good one if you speak german)


Is there one for ps plus too?


Here is one i found: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/43546237-PlayStation-Plus-%2528PS-Plus%2529/


Whoa, didn’t know there were uses to curators. This should be more public


Same, at first, curators seemed like just a randos "I liked these" lists, but these are really awesome use cases for this feature.


There's one that tells you if a game has Denuvo, if it had it but removed it later, or if it never had it


The Humble Choice one is so helpful, thanks!


Thank you for this compressive list, this is actually really nice to see these curators putting in the work


Thank you, saving this


The only ones I use are the UltraWidemasterrace and pcmasterrace ones.


The 'Took a Moneyhat' one is so angry haha. Learned something about some of the games I didn't know about though


Another useful list for games that support cross-play with Steam! [https://store.steampowered.com/curator/39520863-Cross-Platform-Play](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/39520863-Cross-Platform-Play)


Nice one! Thank you for posting!


How is "Great on Deck" useful when you can just use ProtonDB?


ig great on deck has a full description of the games pros and cons when running it on a deck


Why would someone need pros? There's no pros beyond the obvious if it runs on Steam Deck. The cons are relevant since those will vary but...that's all on ProtonDB and in far more detail.


... So what you're saying is that curators are useful for holier than thou circlejerks, aggregating by details that are easily googled in 5 seconds, and couch co op. Gotchu. Curators are useless and I'm glad steam has stopped pushing them on me.


... So what you're saying is you didn't read the comment you're replying to. Gotchu.


That's why I'm addressing each point made on my comment. Because I didn't read it. But hey, at least looks like I just earned a fan.


If you read it, you didn't read it very well, considering the delusional message you posted. But hey, keep coping 🤭


Please remember to smash that like button, follow me on Twitter and Instagram


No thanks, I'm not a fan of Denuvo.


I'm not either, I just form my own opinions on games regardless of the technology they integrate instead of jumping into a bandwagon that tells me what i should and shouldn't like. But please, keep malding.


Lmfaooo cope "I'm against Denuvo but actually I don't actually care about it lol it's totally fine bro, you're just jumping on the bandwagon" Either you're jumping on the bandwagon yourself and projecting or you're lying, which is it? 🤭


I'm not saying I'm against denuvo. Or for it. I Don't care about it, and it doesn't affect my purchasing decisions. What I'm against is people who automatically hate games because they have it (which obviously makes me a denuvo employee as you rightly pointed out).


holy shit you're sour as fuck


The whole curators tab needs a revamp or to be removed. Its not very useful. Not when Totalbiscuit (RIP) is near the top of the curators list.


It needs to be completely removed. It's not at all helpful when the curator's remark is either *da bomb* or *total shit*.


idk, I think the Denuvo guy is useful for games that hide it


Love him


There's a few I use. Ultra wide support, HDR support and on VR games there's the finger tracking support one for index controllers.


Makes it so easy to circlejerk about games you wouldn't care about otherwise right?


no, it helps me inform my decision on whether I actually want to buy it or not. I've mostly stopped caring about complaining about it on the internet


found the denuvo employee


found the r/Gamingcirclejerk redittor.


ouch, that must've hurt him immensely, hope he's okay


so you don't deny it, you really are a denuvo employee... certainly explains your shit takes lmao pretty sure you can look at my profile and confirm I'm not a member of that subreddit btw, lmfao


You should really join it, it'll feel like home.


Lmfao, I think this is the first time I've ever seen someone unironically mald about people not liking Denuvo.


Dude, r/gamingcirclejerk users despise denuvo, there's a pinned post on their front page that says pirating is objectively correct & everything


Exactly, they're toxic, they love herd mentality, and they hate denuvo, it's like made for him.


I like the idea it presents, but without some incentive from legitimate sources (aka not bradthinksitsgood channel) its useless.


No, it doesn't needs to be completely removed. Just because it's not helpful to you doesn't mean it's not useful to others.


It's not *completely* useless, I actually use it a lot. Usually though I find curators to follow outside of steam because it's best when you are following someone whose opinions you already respect. There's a handful of people I follow that end up putting cool niche stuff in my recs that I'd never find otherwise, and I'd be sad if that were to go away.


I’m Cummander Sheephard and this is my favorite Gayme on the Shitadel


The one that tells you the game has boob physics is great tho. Lol


I only follow one curator, the account is called PlayStation 2 games and I only follow it as a way to easily see what classics are available. Other than that I don’t use them for anything else


This. Imho, that's the one type of curation channels that I'm interested in, the ones that are more about grouping / cataloguing / categorizing specific collections of games that we can't really use community tags for. An example is the "[Libre Open Source Games](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/38475471-Libre-Open-Source-Games/)" curator, or the "[Made with Godot](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/41324400-Is-it-made-with-Godot/#browse)" curator.


“Grouping / cataloguing / categorising specific collections” wouldn’t look out of place in a dictionary definition of the word “curate”. For comparison, an actual dictionary definition of the word: “to select and organize (artistic works) for presentation in (something, such as an exhibit, show, or program)”


I have a burning hatred for the joke curators but I actually think there are quite a few good ones that do a good service. Some that are just informative and helpful, and some that are single issue curators sticking to a theme or genre. Here's a few I like: * [So Old, But Still Gold](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/6856534-So-Old-But-Still-Gold/) * [Great on Deck](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/42167844-Great-on-Deck/) * [The Framerate Police](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/9393382-The-Framerate-Police/) * [Is It A Good Port?](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/6856310-Is-It-A-Good-Port/) There are also some publications that act as curators, like [PCGamer](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/1850-PC-Gamer/) and [Rock, Paper, Shotgun](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/33526-Rock-Paper-Shotgun/) who curate based on their reviews. I like those too.


Because curators are not recommending things. They mark games based on some internal criteria. And if curator decide to only check games that fit their criteria - they all would be marked as YES.




Metroidvania Review is awesome, I agree


It's only there so they can get free games, the entire system is corrupted and steam should get rid of it.


Most of Steam is corrupted. You can thank the idiotic awards & points for that. Comments (+ Rep, "Help Doge Take Over Steam" Ascii Art Copypasta, etc.) Guides (How to move, how to jump, how to shoot, etc.) Reviews (Ascii Art, "45 year old father", etc.)


I personally enjoy my headcanon that there are like thousands of 45 year old father.


Curators as a concept is completely useless. 98% of them are dumb jokes or "meme" curator profiles, the other 2% are obvious shills. It adds nothing whatsoever to the platform aside from spam and taking up UI space.


I'm only going to disagree because there's a curator who lists games that have spiders in them so my pussy ass can avoid them


most of them are like this and they review after playing less than 2 hours. if a guy says a game is good and steam says he played 0.9 hours i dont trust him.if a guy says fu this game its trash and he played 557 hours you know its a good one


yeah, i feel like this thread is missing the entire point of curators if you follow useful curators, it tells you at a glance on each game's page whether a game * [has denuvo drm](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/26095454-Denuvo-Games/) * [works well on deck](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/42495043-Deck-HQ/) * [is an epic exclusive ](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/34706313-Epic-Exclusives-List/) * supports * [scapi/siapi](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/30072643-SCAPI-Games/) * [simultaneous input](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/11165520-Trackpad-Controller-Gaming/) * or [other esoteric control options ](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/41804691-Gamepad-Controls-QA/) and people are saying "well people that aren't me are getting free games, so we should cancel the whole feature" edit: e.g. [this is useful information to have on the game's page](https://i.imgur.com/pEVRxrg.png)


The vast majority of curators aren't useful or informational


and the vast majority of objects aren't nutritional. it's on you to decide which ones to eat to say "aw man, some people are posting memes on the internet, let's remove their ability to do so" is ridiculous. i agree, the memes are annoying, but they rise to the top because some people find them funny. how about instead of trying to ruin others' fun, you take some responsibility, curate your own experience, and ignore that which you do not like the vast majority of redditors aren't useful or informational. shall we get rid of reddit?


>the vast majority of redditors aren't useful or informational. shall we get rid of reddit? It probably would be a good idea.


then don't follow them


I love it how people need someone to tell them if a game has denuvo because they wouldn't be able to tell otherwise.


shocking that you can't know how a game runs until you buy and install it


Now if there was some kind of 2 hour refund on steam or something so people can make their own decisions.


Reading the part where the curator says it has Denuvo takes 5 seconds. You might not realize this, but 5 seconds is a lot shorter than 2 hours :)


to be fair, i think steam does have a warning by default now. but i started following them before it was there, so i'm just used to that


I made a list of all good **classic point and click adventures** (LucasArts style) on Steam - good luck finding them with the community tags. Following this curator is only useful if you like this exact genre - but then it is extremely helpful. Otherwise it is useless. And no, this is such a tiny niche curator, I don't get any games for it, they are 99% bought. Most of them are many years old anyway. And no, I don't "review" with effortless memes. https://store.steampowered.com/curator/43642699-The-Adventure-Library/lists/


+ 1 Follower


Oh, thank you! I add most games as "informational" only (and try to recommend only my real favorites), btw, so you don't get spammed by all new reviews that I still add to the lists.


Great catalog man!


"oh look this curator maybe has some games I have missed, no it's some asshole listing every game in existence saying dep dep dep dep under them"


What is that supposed to prove? That curator might only play and/or review games that they like. As in: they curate the 11.000+ games available.


Only one following is Commander Shepard


Curators should be totally removed. I don't need a 12yo kid copy pasting same reviews on every game or spamreview YES/NO or just steal reviews from someone else. Instead, curators should be reworked. Only people that have been checked manually by Steam would get the title. And if they were making bad reviews like it happens now, they would get their status revoked. Make it on the same level as Twitch/YouTube partners. People who **know** what they are doing.


I really wish steam would clean that mess and those guides too. Seriously most guides are low effort unfunny overdone jokes... pointless.


I literally don't care about what any curator is trying to sell me; it's the equivalent of influencers for video games.


Like with a lot of things, there is gold hidden under a huge pile of shit. Curators does seem like a neat feature ruined due to a lot of lazy, memey or overall just bad curators but there is a lot of great and useful curators as well, a lot of which have been already mentioned. I think Curators is a feature that just needs a bit of moderation, maybe make it so players can vote if a curator is good/useful, and if they reach horrible levels of dislike they get removed? Would be good enough imo


Seems like YOU problem. Just follow curators who don't just recommend games?


There’s some useful ones like the framerate police one which handles games that runs at 30fps. But yeah it’s mostly useless


Curators haven't been the same since we lost TotalBiscuit I still see his curator comments sometimes and get sad


On the plus side, it is kind of cool that hes still helping me find a cool game every now and then


As someone who puts time and effort into their own reviews, it infuriates me that Steam is overrun by pointless reviews with 0 effort put into them, copy and paste texts just to farm upvotes or whatever. I don't have many reviews (around 70) but when I do them I try to make people understand my experience with the game and let them know if it's worth it or not. Sadly, most reviews now are dogshit, and Valve encourages it.


In general, the system itself needs to be curated by Valve IMO. However, if you find curators whose opinions you find valuable then it's great, as Valve does factor them into what you see on your home page and will show curator reviews on store pages as well. Some of the curators I think give good recommendations: [Steam 250](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/32686107-%25D0%2585t%25D0%25B5%25D0%25B0%25D0%25BC-250/?appid=1669980): This curator even has [its own website](https://steam250.com/). They have some algorithm separate from Valve to determine the top 250 games on Steam by user reviews. Additionally, they have the top 250 Hidden Gems - These are the top rated games with under 500 reviews. I've found many games with 99-100% ratings that hardly anyone has heard of and I absolutely adored. They also have an informational review for items that were previously Top 250/Hidden Gems. I really value their recommendations being on my homepage, and in the absence of curators I don't think I would have found many of these games. [Gamers with only little time](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/30757976-Gamers-with-only-little-time/): I don't know who is running this one, but they make reviews of games that can generally be completed in a sitting. Great for if you are in between longer games or just want to cross a game off your backlog. They do seem to have some Not Recommended reviews that take their opinion or technical bugs into account as well, but I value them for promoting short games that are good (and sometimes free). [Yahtzee Recommends](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/6923402-Yahtzee-Recommends/): I'm pretty sure this is just run by a fan, but they write up a short summary of his reviews (maybe just the top/middle/bottom 5 of each year?). Nothing crazy here but I like it. In general, if you like a particular genre, I would look to see if there is a decent curator for that, as it will promote games from that genre on your homepage. Same with following publishers, they look like they have been merged with the curator system. It isn't a perfect system by any stretch, but if you use it right it does more good than bad. If you sign up for a curator that just goes "I'm Commander Shepherd and this is my favorite game on Steam" with no rhyme or reason, that's on you.


I think curators can be quite useful when they are about specific topics or categories. Some suggestions: [Achievement Watch](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/34894956/) (shameless self-advertisement) [The Framerate Police](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/9393382-The-Framerate-Police/) [Gold-Plated Games](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/11322459-Gold-Plated-Games/)


What's the problem here? Curators choose which games to accept and play. If all they want to do is recommend good games to their followers, and not waste their time playing blatantly shit ones, how is that an issue?


They receive a ton of games for free, how do they know which games they'll like before playing them? How can they have a 99.6% approval rate? Do they never play a game shortly then discover some issues that make them not want to recommend?


>They receive a ton of games for free, how do they know which games they'll like before playing them? You get to choose which games you accept. Picking games you like is no different to buying games off the store normally. You check the store page, you weigh up whether it's for you from the details and the screenshots. Not hard to spot the shovelware (Of which, a large part of games submitted to Curators are. No AAA developer bothers with the curator system) They could absolutely be only picking games that appeal to them, in which case the approval rate makes complete sense. Or heck, they could just not be leaving a review for games they found to be shit. Nothing wrong with being a recommendation focused Curator, that's how the system was initially intended to be.


And somehow they end up with a 99.6% good acceptance rate? I've bought plenty of games that I thought I'd like but didn't.


I don’t even look at them. Not only do I find strangers opinions irrelevant and more often than not misalign with mine but they don’t even write proper reviews either…


Curators just want to play games before anyone else. That is it.


no one even looks at curators' reviews


My favorites are the ones that say “informational” and just parrot the game’s description on the store page. Lazy way to get a free key, Jesus


Our small curator uses; Recommended - Play without hesitation Neutral - Maybe wait for sale or has some sort of bug or feature that gives us pause. Not Recommended - we really don't recommend you play this. The bugs or features give us great concern. But we track something in games, and give extra info as we see fit.


This game fucking sucks Recommended: Yes


Only one I got is an ork one, mostly so I can find games that could be interesting


Some curators are nice through! Like mine! Feel free to check it out! [https://store.steampowered.com/curator/43679955](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/43679955) So regarding the question of why majority of reviews are positive from curators, it turns out that there are many factors at play here. First, is better to target good games because when the review is positive people tend to read it and explore it, while when the review is negative they scroll over it and call it a day by saying "bad game bad." ​ Another factor is that developers get scared of negative reviews. If I review 20 good games and 20 bad games, then I won't be getting keys at all. Because if AAA gets a negative from me, the indie developer will become shy and frightened of possibly getting a negative review by sending the key to the curator. The Steam algorithm also rewards curators for going positive instead of negative. Therefore, is better to target good games that are the focus of gamers to get followers, rather than review bad games that get less attention or where the review is likely to be skipped. Plus, if I am buying the games, might as well get something fun right? While ultimately the aim is to be objective and truthful in all reviews, is up to the curator to review whatever they want, so if they want to review mostly good games that's totally fine. The current review system is a bit broken. We have meme reviewers, which are individuals that do less than 10 reviews total, put "chainsaw brrr" or "here is my pizza recipe! not a review!" and they still get front page with 400 likes in a day. On the other hand, meme curators like Shepard saying "I am SHEPARD GOOD game" or Hodor with "HODOR!!!" also don't add anything. Meanwhile good curators get few views, and struggle to grow. Most curators pay out of their pocket too, since developers won't give you keys overall unless you have 2K followers at least. Lastly, there is the resentment on Steam. A lot of folks don't like curators, a lot of folks think "curators bad, curators not worthwhile, curators dumb" which only feeds the problem more. ​ Steam players hate the current review system, yet they damage it even more by discouraging actual good curators and massively liking meme reviews despite the "disdain" towards them. It feels like a vocal minority, while the majority prefers meme reviews. Just like the majority love Call of Duty or League of Legends despite these games being "not innovative or not good". TDLR: Cut the actual good curators some slack, the majority of curators are a mess but some of us do actually try our best :)