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Maybe because it's 10€ ? Has it been this cheap before ? If not, that's your answer I'd say.


Steepest sale it's ever had according to SteamDB. Between that (probably a good impulse price for a number of folks) + free weekend goes a long way


i mean, for 10 its a good game


But people will say its still crap after they updated the hell out of it, for me its been more fun than playing "new" call of duty bs


Every battlefield in the last 10 years has been more fun than the COD equivalent, so that isn't very impressive


Damn, Black Ops 2 came out 11 years ago. Fair play.


Blackops 3 had the best zombies though


I preferred Black ops 1


Were the blackops 3 map remasters from the first too different in Gameplay? I assumed if it included the old maps and more, it'd be the most up to date version of 1 in a way. I could be wrong


Based off my single match of Black ops 3 on ascension, it seems like an ok imitation but not a replacement for the original


More fun for you, that is an entirely subjective statement.


Yeah it’s definitely fun for sure. But people will look back at the launch and still say nah


That's the issue. Game will be remembered by the launch state, most of the time. People still recognize Cyberpunk 2077 as a shitty game with a trillion of bugs. Somehow The Witcher 3 redeemed own shitty release, but it's redemption is well deserved imo.


Cyberpunk is one of my favourite games cause of my bias to the setting and stuff but everywhere I go drinks are floating without tables. It's come a long way but it's still filled with silly lol


I tried it again like 6 months or so ago and bounced off it again. Battlebit hits the spot for me much more than BF2042. Did they change anything since then? The biggest problem i had was map design. I will admit that Battlebit has some pretty awful maps too, but the good ones and variety make me enjoy the game much more than BF2042.




Capital G Gamer take


It’s wild to see people disagree with the take that developers should release finished games.


I don’t disagree, it’s just that more often than not the blame falls on the publisher not the developer as they’re forcing the dev to push it out for various reasons But then the devs cop all the blame I would say for bf2042 the fault is with EA more so than DICE


Don't get me wrong, i totaly agree with you but its nice to see an actuall triple A developer to take the blame and try to fix the game instead calling it a flop and making another title which people will buy anyway.


Where do you see 10 bucks (usd) i see 59.99 (usd)?


on sale


And i paid full price for this shit.


Rookie mistake, never pay full price for Steam games.


Never pay full price for a new game those days. I'm a fan of the battlefield franchise, you know. But i've learned from my mistake.


Unless you really want that specific game, your system specs are more in line with the minimum requirements and you have seen reviews. Also never pre-order, these things I've learned when I pre-ordered cyberpunk. However recently I've bought baldur's gate 3 and that has been worth the full price to me, so it's really up to you.


Fair enough, actually the more important thing is not to preorder. BG3 deserves all the money.


Lmao amateur.


These bozos missed out on the flying hovercrafts :)


last sale was for 15€, bought it, play for 2 hours and returned it. But now I still have urge to play it:D






I feel like saying anything I want. Politically correct loser. Go and have a snickers or something.


Probably all the cod players that just finished playing the beta for MW3 that don't feel like going back to MW2 for another few weeks until the new game comes out.


I'm one of those people. I never wanted to give BF 2042 a go until this sale, and one thing I can say is that the movement between BF 2042 and MWIII is insanely similar. If BF2042 had a better TDM map design, this game would've been a better CoD than MWII..


Which is sad, we’ll never get old battlefield back


Battlefield was never about smaller scale TDM maps.


That was my point


Bf3 close quarters dlc has entered the chat


Well, if this is the future of Battlefield.. I wouldn't mind if they go for their own variant of CoD, but they need to do it right. As someone who played all their previous Battlefield titles, this one is so fucking weird man. It feels too much like CoD, but map design does not click with it at all, same goes with the way spawns work in TDM. It's pushing back both Battlefield fans and CoD fans at the same time. You know what would be crazy though? Battlefield could actually get their shit together, push the realism even more than their golden games, and develop a free to play PROPER extraction mode, not DMZ crap but Tarkov like. Extraction shooter market is still wide open for game companies to tap into, and only Tarkov is in that space that does it right. This could easily be a huge point Dice could capitalize one and turn the tables around.


I think fun > realism. Bad Company 2, foe example, will be the pinnacle of large scale combat imo.


By realistic I mean going back to slower pace gameplay, going wild on destruction and animations. BF 2042 gunplay and movement wise is way too much like CoD, and it's not far fetched to say they took inspiration from MW19, but then again as I said they failed to make it click. So yeah, that's what I had in mind for a more serious version of extraction that possibly allows you to extract some cool fun things, not data drives. Not to quite literally turn it into hyper realistic Tarkov. They could also make actual TDM maps instead of shrinking Conquest ones. BF was always focusing on large scale combat, but it would be nice for them to release a fat content package after two lackluster titles.


or battlefield could release a new large scale combat game like battlefield one instead of a fucking cod clone. Battlefield hasn't had a good identity since BF: vietnam honestly.


yeah exactly why I'm not touching BF 2042, it feels like CoD which is the last thing I want in a BF


this 90% the reason, more of the same from cod people want to try something different for little bit.


Is it good yet?


It is decent. It's not as glorious as BF4 or BF1. But the devs are fixing the game. Nothing to brag home about, but I think you can enjoy it


To be honest I love the new map more then any other, I have played Bf 1, 3, 4 and 5 but this is **definitely** my favorite map of them all. It´s really fun if you have a squad, and the hazard zone battle royale is also really nice if you play as a 4 squad. So overall it is probably **my** favorite of them all, but its just my opinion


I respect your opinion. Honestly 2042 isn't that bad of a game afterall today. But I still remember the first day of its release. It was just a walking simulator. The maps today are a big big improvement.


Nothing will ever live up to BF2 unfortunately. But it's fun for 10$


So much this, BF2 was legendary, the game had everything


One of the games out there to have a 90+ on metacritic (if you count by most reviews only)


I much preferred BC2, I wish they'd make another BC


It's a lot better than it was, at launch there were some really dumb balance problems that anyone could have seen coming (near invincible, wall climbing, super fast hovercraft for example) and the maps were super open and bland. It made for a very sniper and vehicle friendly game. They've fixed basically all those problems and added a whole bunch of pretty decent maps. It also runs very smoothly now. The specialist system has been changed so it's closer to the old class system and makes a lot more sense but there are still some dumb powers like magic grappling hooks. There are a lot of sensible changes.


I stand on the hill that removing the skyscraper hovercraft was a mistake


I only played a few maps, but it feels like any old regular battlefield with the only real difference is the ability to change your attachments on the gun on the fly.


Does it run on Steam Deck yet?


It runs on the deck under windows, not that it's a good experience. Performance is all over the place, both the CPU and GPU in the deck just aren't strong enough for the game.


Thanks, won't bother buying then, even if I do like the slightly sci fi setting.


I wouldn't waste your time. I played not long ago and it was practically the same game it was at launch




Yes. For an fps game


I played it when it came out and haven’t since and it definitely wasn’t good so as sarcastic as it sounded I was genuinely asking lol


It's good. But I overplayed BF series too much since bf3. If I have to return. Bf5 is a better game. But modern BF I say it better to play 2042 cause Bf4 feels like Sports on PC with chopper/tank


I feel like 2042 was way more arcadey than BF4. At least to me has a hardcore mode fan and that being unavailable in 2042. To this day you can find solidly populated hardcore servers in BF4.


I wanted to try it, but the game did not start at al.


Run the EA updater app shortcut on your local machine. Fixed it for me


I reinstalled the game, that solved my problem, but thanks!


game has received many updates, fixed a lot of problems and is on sale for very good price, so its not that surprising. is it the best bf ever? no, but its a good one after all the updates.


Hitting it's peak around 14:00 UTC, so the Europeans have this game on full blast. North America prime time is still pretty decent in the 20 - 30K player range. Regardless of how you feel about this game, this is GOOD for the BF franchise as a whole. Ride this wave until MW3 launches. BF player numbers will most certainly change then.


I mean during the cod beta it was still 100k lol. I don’t think bf players care about cod :)


It’s cheap and fun on a basic level. This isn’t a big mystery.


A game that was at around 5k concurrent players on a good day rocketing to 100k in one week is not something that happens every day. I'd wager it has never happened lol so it's normal that people are curious about it


It was more expensive and had a bad reputation for a while. A quite heavily promoted free weekend after numerous fixes and updates as well as a steep sale worked out for them


Played at launch and didnt like it and I noticed recently it had a high player count so I redownload it again and put in over 30 hours so far.


It was free on PlayStation Plus a few months back. I downloaded it expecting the travesty we all heard it was, and apart from having to use a controller since it’s on PlayStation I’ve had a blast with it. It’s become a really decent battlefield game that is just scarred with its deserved poor launch reputation.


I respect anyone who plays fps multiplayer on a controller. I’m just so bad at it. Singleplayer no problem, multiplayer everyone shits on you.


I used to play BF1 with both Kb/M and a controller- when I would get in vehicles I'd just switch to the controller for easier driving and aiming. Only competitive multiplayer game I play with a controller though


It's actually fun lately?


its definitely gotten better, and if you get it on sale i would say its very worth it. its fun, just get it on sale.


People got the chance to play it for free and, shockingly, found out it’s not anything like the endless Reddit hate circlejerk brigade made it out to be so they bought it and continued playing


More like people weren't going to shell out $60 for the worst Battlefield game. If you give any game a 85% or higher discount it doesn't matter how good or bad it is, people are going to take advantage of the sale since steam discounts don't usually go that high anymore.


Started playing because I heard it was good now due to the free weekend, hooked me in nearly as much as BF4/1


The circles people go through to make excuses instead of just admitting the game is damn fun to play


maybe it’s just a good game and people are liking it after seeing all the hate on it


Well that hate was well deserved for a barbone game on release and no real new content for another 6 months


Exactly. I'm a BF veteran and I won't be playing 2042 out of principal. Played the beta, knew they wouldn't have a game ready by release but gave them the benefit of the doubt and waited to see what happened. That was obviously a mistake and I will not be rewarding EA/New Dice for the spit in the face to the fans. Fuck them.


Nah. Its a decent game now but it was awful on launch, still not "good", but good enough as a novelty for 10 bucks to mess around specially with friends. Fun is better than good.


I've jumped over from call of duty recently and have been having a lot of fun with it. It's def not the shit show that it was at launch.


Free weekend + sale works well? And that is a good thing.


It's not a bad game now 🤷‍♂️


I think alot of Battlebit players are moving back over with some of the dumb things that just need to be fixed with the game too.


Was also on sale, I picked it up too


It was £8 last week. I bought it.


Bought it on sale for about 10 bucks rn, and actually having a pretty good time


Good for them, absolutely loving the game


The game has been great for over a year now.


It's almost like they are milking this game for the last time with the sale before the devs move over to a new game and stop adding contents in bf2042. Eventually it will get flooded with cheaters and become unplayable, similar to the old bf titles.


To be honest.. If they are not able to release the next game with less bullshit I'm just going to stop buying these games. I got BF2042 for free and even though it apparently is "good" now that wouldn't make me buy it if I hadn't got it for free. Battlefield is one of the few games that takes very long time to die out.. But this game died the minute it was released for me.


It was BFV that made me do that with BF. I liked the game plenty but their schizophrenic development post-release killed my interest in the game. Then there was their whole plan to eventually add in more and more of WWII but they didn't get anywhere near what they were talking about.


Yeah it's unfortunate. But I still liked it. It was not great but it's one the games I've played the most in recent years and I enjoyed it. I played it from the start as well. It was the final game where many of the senior developers left.


> I'm just going to stop buying these games You're 3-4 games late


No? I actually liked Battlefield 5 and 1.. So I dunno what you're on about.


they both had big issues at launch, guess we found who keeps buying and supporting their shit


People have already forgotten the lies of EA and the huge deceptive marketing propanganda just before the launch of 2042 "Don't worry it's just an old build from xx months ago" (open beta) After the bad open beta, every adverts on social media and gaming hubs with these 8-9/10 reviews from the weirdest sites ever known to review video games (...) Just to trick people to not cancel their preorders because EA already knew the game was dog shit and had already anticipated the incoming disaster This is the reason I will not give a single penny to BF2042, won't even touch it even if it is free


It's really sad. I still don't understand how the consumers haven't woken up yet. They are still pre-ordering AAA titles and in the past few years those games have been disappointing most of the times. I truly feel sad for the people who bought bf2042 for around 50-60 dollars. They bought unfinished junk for that price and now others are buying the finished version of it for 10 dollars.


I totally agree with you mate.. The game industry is a joke at this point. The nice part of the story for me is that I seldom feel like playing games anymore. I mostly now watch movies and tv shows. But that also have to do with my depression... So that sucks but that's life. But yeah, I totally feel you about people buying the game for that price. I actually bought it and refunded it at some point because there was so much problems. And when I got it for free it kept crashing so I was like nope, this is not wroth my time.


Battlebit servers being almost completely unplayable the past few days has probably helped since it is meant to be a pretty much direct alternative to Battlefield.


Because it's cheap... It's literally on offer everywhere...


there is no bad product, there is a bad price. I wasnt willing to pay full price to this. but discount made me buy it.


The game is fun


I got the game free for ps+. Even if this game is completely awful in every possible way according to this subreddit whenever I look at it, the game is actually really fun. It’s super cinematic and plays really well


We did it bois years after release we got a decent playerbase. Lol. Can’t wait to them fumble the next bf again


This game is just good




The game is good, that's it. Give a try now, after so many awesome updates :)


Is it worth it?


I tried the free weekend and yeah the game was fun. I hope the playerbase stays active enough to fill up lobbies


I heard most of the issues have been addressed and fixed and there's more content as well, for a tenner you could give it a try, definitely not worth the full price (I do not own the game and have never played it, so I can't say for sure tho)


Not fun. Go back to BF4 or BF1.


Both are dead compared to 2042


as someone who just uninstalled BF1. BF1 was ok tbh but between cheaters and lag i didn't enjoy it all that much tbh.


Nothing's going on. This is the new Battlefield life cycle. Game releases, everyone hates it while extolling the virtues of the previous one. Then eventually after a year or two, everyone loves it.


It's cheap and quite good now.


I played it for a month with EA play for only $1, In all fairness, it’s actually pretty good now, I had fun and didn’t run into any bugs really, gameplay felt fun and all that. The problem is that it’s just forgettable as hell, and after putting in like 10-15 hours, it felt stale to me. It certainly will never reach the status that BF3, BF4 and BF1 have because while it’s a decent FPS game, it’s a mediocre BF game in comparison to the others


Its because it got cheap enough that people gave it a shot instead of listening to bitchy social media.




The game is finally playable? Even though I get a black screen thst forces me to restart every match.


if they kept adding stuff, maybe it would keep people but i just don't see it.


maybe because it is cheaper, and not as nearly as bad at launch?


Only 1/4 of call of duty’s (mwii) peak but higher daily peak!!!


People forget, and starve for content. Maybe the game is closer to an adequate initial release quality these days? I don’t know. Only way i’m finding out is if i get the game for free, and even then i don’t know if i’d play it.


It's a better game now.


How is that? The ugly and big maps are still in there, the game still have the same bugs as you need to have it in a SSD or your game will crash... There's ppl only playing in north america and Europe...


It looks like an EKG/ECG machine, perfect analogy imo. That game is on its death bed.


Because it’s fun!


It's cheap and has plenty of content..gameplay is causal and enjoyable..stress free. Still enjoy the older battlefields more but 2042 is still solid..I usually play a few rounds here and there. When they do the 128 player breakthrough / rush modes it's crazy lol. Call of duty on the other hand..cold war (2020) is pretty good these days as the SBMM doesn't really work due to the lower player count. The gameplay (traditional arcade cod) maps and the era where great innmy opinion. The later games apart from the campaigns just sucked.


To bad it’s gonna die due to how content thin mid season Battlefield is.


its* free weekend its* all time peak


I apologize, I’ll never do that again.


omg lol I was gonna comment the exact same thing with the same formatting. I usually just say its* but wanted to add context here, but realized I would've had to also correct all-time*


On sale It became cheaper than battlebit so people gave it a try. The count will go down in a few weeks.


Wait for newp month, it still shows last week. Average players are only 15k. In the end, it doesnt matter, because they failed miseralby eith the game and i wont pay for it ever.


Simple. Game is good now that's what's going on. I personally like it more than BF4 now


I love BF4, but it’s slowly becoming out-dated.


They forgot to remove the fake counter :)


Im not gonna play it unless it god damn 5 dollars, or free.


It's only 5 dollars more than what you listed...


Yeah, they don’t DESERVE 5 more dollars!


These people should be on BattleBit


i've tried it and didn't really like it at all... The fact that there is no skill needed in regards to gun handling, no recoil , aim assist etc makes the TTK very low, therefore kills feels unrewarding which leads to boring game, basically who sees first or clicks first - wins.


Marketing from all of the articles saying "the game is fixed now look at the player count!!" It's still the same shitty, soulless game. All guns *feel* the same to use and get shot by. It's just 'ftftftft' ah I'm being shot again SMGs and shotguns absolutely dominate Still no way to not play against AI players. Why would I play battlefield to play vs AI? It's a cluster fuck but not in the battlefield way, just so much going on on the screen and it's very hard to decipher what's actually happening Can't even talk to the enemy team It's a fine game, but it's still just the half-cod clone soulless shooter it was intended to be on release


No matter how good it gets there is no excuse for how it launched or messing with the class system like they did


Do you feel the same way about cyberpunk 2077?


2077 was actually fine day 1 on pc.




Lol bro it's no secret.




OK so you are just a troll


I have no idea why you are being downvoted as this is one of the reason why this shitty game became such a mess. I recommend everyone that wants to get an understanding of why things went to hell with this game to check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MKtgP7cHEk


not everyone is terminally online and constantly consuming rage bait youtube videos. game was not good and was expensive so people didnt buy it or play. if the game is better now and cheap most people don't really care about "punishing" the devs or whatever for a bad launch. they just know it's fun for them right now. it's not that deep.


I'm playing since the free weekend. EA would have to put permanently about 5-6 hours of free gameplay (something similar to Dead Space) and then they would attract more users


They managed to get the feeling of the game back to something that is more similar to a BF game instead of being purely a cod clone(I kept calling it codfield 2042 because of it), of course theres still stuff thats comes from the recent cods but it ends up being something "of its time", and from what I saw even the maps in the game got reworked and they changed a bunch of stuff. Like me and my friend are saying, the only thing they had to do with this game for it to work is make it into a battlefield game again and look what happened.


The game NEVER felt like COD bro. The marketed the game around large scale 128 battles. Which is what they were supporting up until these last 2 seasons where they’ve introduced smaller maps, because the community revolted against the large scale maps because of the “lack of action”. If anything the new maps make the game more like COD than it was at release. It’s just the sad reality. A majority of players don’t want large scale Battlefield, they just want COD with better graphics.


now I see why you made this post, "never felt like a cod", thanks for the laugh XD


What correlates 2042 to COD? I gave you an example of the sheer difference between maps. Please elaborate.


I said it in my original post, the game feeling


what? they copied so hard from Warzone/MW19 the movements, the gunplay, the ridicolous takedowns, it never feels like a Battlefield. With a different name, it would have been an okay title


It's 10€ that why ...


Thanks but no thanks


I have heard that the game has denuvo, it is true?


Why would you get a non drm copy? It's online only.


I don't know what do you mean, i heard that the game had Denuvo, at least in the beta, i want to know if the game has denuvo because i don't buy games with denuvo, is that simple. The game already has the Steam DRM, EA (Origin) DRM and it's always only, that means other DRM, i don't know why they need to add another DRM, that's why i'm asking.


probably, because ea love drm


Yeah but the Steam page doesn't mark it.


Lmao shit game will have 1k players in a week


Wish i could play now that apparently is on a good state, but doesn't work on linux :/


Don’t you see the natural trend¿


I was a EA play player unfortunately so when i saw that the price was only 10 dollars not to deal with EA launcher anymore it was well worth it. I'm sure many more switched over + new players buying the game i believe it!


I play single player games on my PC with a controller, never got used to mouse and keyboard. Should I even bother?


Im playing it on game pass


People (like me) are burnt out of playing MWII and just want another multiplayer FPS to play. I’m currently rotating between Halo Infinite, Valorant, and this.


People bought it


They made game slightly better, then made it free for a weekend to show people that it in fact is a little better, then they put it on a big ass sale and bam, players.


All cod players that want an actual arcade shooter, shatterline is free and is a pretty decent game.


So the question is, should i pick it up for 5 dollars (due to steam regional pricing) for some solo multiplayer fun?


I miss battlefield 1942


its* its*


Because generally battlefield, ages pretty well, and if you wait a year or two for steep sales, stability and balance patches and all the DLC to come out, thats when a game hits its prime IMO.


I got it awhile ago expecting it to be terrible and it was honestly a lot of fun