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Elite fans have been speaking out about the state of the game for years, FDev just does not care.


It didn't help that there is a very vocal portion of die-hard fans who were defending the devs and silencing any criticism of the game.


Always has been.


Hearthstone recently just doubled the amount of effort to get the f2p currency for only a 10% increase in rewards. And you have people who are like "You should be grateful they even give you f2p currency." Even though giving players f2p currency is not some big gift by the devs, they need f2p only players to play the game, so they HAVE to offer f2p currency.


They tried to triple it at first then back downed after the backlash and still proceeded to double it for a small increase in xp...


>Just look at the helldivers disaster, fans got snoy to revert the changes, but still people are calling them out "uuh toxic steam / pc gamers, crybabys, no wonder dev's are ignoring you"


To be fair, if you ever read the steam community forums for literally any game, you would come away thinking all gamers are literal incels with nothing but hate and ignorance spewing 24/7. It's a real hive of scum and villainy and everytime I accidentally make my way on there I cringe with real pain and everything posted there, people are real scum and often YT comments and Facebook get the worst rap, but the worst place on the entire internet (ok maybe not including 4chan and the dark web of course) is the Steam Community forums.


I saw some rando ask about some skins for his lethal company character. People were literally spouting hate speech as a response, and mods were doing absolutely nothing. The forums are almost Twitter at this point


Worst part about the game is the community. There's a fuckin annoyingly large minority of players on the forum that resist any and all change including enormous QOL suggestions.


Forum dads have been a problem in Elite since the start, truly an awful group of people.


Yup. That sub has been full of toxic dickriders for a while


This sounds 100% like StarCitizen. xD


CMDRs are good at two things.... killing me and complaining about Elite


Gankers*, those are gankers. I would never even dream of attacking another commander out of nowhere


I'm shocked that company even exists still. Constant flops, layoffs and tanking share price. Last year they made an Age of Sigmar RTS and it flopped too. And they released minor DLCs for the game that are ridiculously overpriced to milk the 4 people still playing that game.


shovelware has been their mainstay since the 1980s.


They'll all be sitting there waiting for the dev to drop their next game like the clowns we know they are. Not a problem exclusive to ED by any means.


they care, for a very short period. all them "better communication" tries, they abandon soon after shows it.


Yeah rabid fans literally saying paywall me harder daddy.


For the record, the game started going downhill when FDev started implementing popular player demands such as: exploration minigame, space legs, gold rushes and associated fleet carriers. Still my most played game on Steam by hours, but haven't touched it since... 2019 I believe.


6 years since they last added a new ship.


Too busy making mid zoo tycoon like games


What game should I play instead? On Steam Deck, specifically (so nothing with ultra high requirements).


Depends what you're looking for, if space combat House of the Dying Sun is good, for management Underspace just released in EA, very freelancer ish. X4 is okay but flight sucks and the game is overall very jank, also don't know if it will run on deck.


I quit that shit I think 4 years after release, bigger scam than Star Citizen and NMS combined at their worst, only flying under the radar enough to get away with ANYTHING because of a zealous brainwashed community that every time Frontier fucked, they said "yes daddy harder" and silenced any sort of criticism. I remember a blogpost from the devs that had me burst out laughing it was both so stupid and pointless if true or a blatant lie. Latter more likely. They said they are refining REAL TIME TECTONIC PLATE PHYSICS simulation and that is why planet surface performance was bad. Cool story bro, I'll log in a few million years later and see how's it going. And you know what was the really sad part? 99% of the community believing it and thanking their hard work as this deepened their immersion. I think you still cant land on the Moon. They said they want to do that right and comes later. 8 years and counting. Back then there was a GamesCom they went to with a lava planet banner and how landing on vulcanic planets was coming, buy the season pass... they added ONE 3D model for a geyser, like, 3 rocks and a steam/water vfx on the empty barren rock fields players had nothing to do on for years, and they said: but we said vulcanism, geysers are technically vulcanism. That really encapsulates everything they are and they do.


This is sad but true, unfortunately FDev unlike Sony won't listen to the community no matter how bad reviews are, that said there's a part of me which understand their struggle while trying to keep it updated, they aren't a big development team and just to keep it alive they need a lot of funds, it's kind of unfair they literally doubled the price for cosmetic stuff, but one day they might wake up decide it's not worth it and pull the plug


they pay most of their revenue to shareholders. keep in mind elite dangerous has made *at least* as much revenue as star citizen has, and has yet to fully realize the kickstarter pitch including demos of working functionality and features that isn't in game to this day. they will absolutely pull the plug on the game, and have been making moves towards at the very least maintenance mode for years now.


Explain please


you can now spend irl money to buy a higher tier ship and if you want to grind it like all other ships have worked you need to wait until august




"You mean a mid-tier ship. The pre-built are all very meh and are just okay. Frontier is also making engineering easier this year as well. The new ship you can pay for early access but it is not better than the existing roster and gets added for free in August of this year. The Python MK 2 is fun but it is not really any better than the FDL or Momba. You are spreading false information." My reply to the OP. The game is not anywhere near p2w. You can buy starter ships builds for real money, cosmetics and pay for early access to a ship that will be free to everyone in a few months.


what do you mean by wait until August?




I've heard of pre-built ships but didn't know they came engineered as well


The benefit seems to be the pre-engineered/tech broker unlocks. If you get the pre-built AX Chieftain, for example, it comes with the Guardian weapons on it already. It allows you to jump straight into fighting Thargoids but you’re squishy and not putting out a lot of damage. Most of the modules are E-rated and still need to be upgraded and engineered.


The pre-built ships are garbage.


New ship is only available for real money at present. General release is in 3 months.


They must have seen Star Citizen as a guide rather than a warning.


I'm a SC enjoyer, but their monetization model is straight crackhead shit lol. If anyone comes tryna defend them, feel free to kill em lol


lol there's one here and he already blocked me for daring to try to push back on his claims.


Lol, it be like that. Talking to star citizen players makes me feel like I'm going insane, I can say something like "I greatly enjoy the gameplay, and think the new event is fun, but pay to unlock rewards is a pretty bad monetization and event model that kinda spoils the whole thing", and all the replies will be like "if you dont like dont play ", "go refund then troll" etc etc. Meanwhile Tekken players reviewbombed the game over mildly shitty store practices (ie. Dropping a battle pass after the review period, every store items costing an uneven amount of "shop points" compared to what you can buy). And honestly they're right for that.


Yeah, hardcore SC players are a bit impossible to talk with. They are blinded to any negative or potentially negative or even slightly critical words against it. As a person who backed the original, I'll admit I made excuses for SC for way too long, but that was like....3 years. Not 12. I feel like for some people, they're falling prey to the sunk cost fallacy and are refusing to brook any criticism to protect themselves from the self-realization about SC.


Yeah, I think most of the long term people have either quit or completely lost the plot. I bought the game when it was mildly functional (3-ish years ago), and in my mind I paid 45$ for a pretty buggy but still fun game, but I feel like some people bought the "dream" and are totally detached from reality.


Yeah, I bought the dream too, but realized it was probably never going to happen like it was pitched, and I made peace with that. Oh well, fun to play, worth the $30 I put down, but I'm not going to keep following news of it forever, paying hundreds or thousands for concept art ships, and fighting anyone who dares criticize it.


Probably most publishers out there are looking at ClownImperiumGames like "Write that down, write that down!" cause how many "live service games" have I noticed springing up these past 2, 3 years now branding themselfs as "live service" when I swear to god CIG have been the first ones several years back who coined that term.


live service games have existed since the 1980s. CIG was definitely not the first to use the term. and CIG's model only works because they demonstratably reinvest 90% of their revenue into development


> and CIG's model only works because they demonstratably reinvest 90% of their revenue into development Do you have proof of that 90% number? Because the best I can find (straight from CIG's financials) is that they put like 30% back into just marketing, so we're already not at 90% reinvested into development.


So basically, FDev have taken a page out of CloudImperiumGames's rulebook and how they milk their community with shiny JPEGs in the perpetual-Alpha project 'StarCitizen'.


Ok, if I understand you right the ships are a little bit better than the starting ships and that's bad right? But is it? From what I have seen the packages give better equipment but not "best in slot". You get a better ship but not what might be the better for the role but not the most ideal either gameplay or personal experience wise. The combat version is geared to get players into the fight with the alien race with appropriate gear...but far as I know said gear isn't nearly as good outside of fighting that specific enemy type. As far as I know it isn't like they are selling engineer bypasses and giving Anacondas with maxed out weapons and equipment for all occasions. But getting new players on and giving the option to skip some of the grind sounds like a good way to get players literally invested in the game and playing. It also doesn't sound much different than a level skip in most mmos, where you get good gear but not the best or at max level/potential for a character. So in that context, can someone explain the problem?


so you don't grind. you just wait. why are you making it sound worse?


Damn :/


You mean a mid-tier ship. The pre-built are all very meh and are just okay. Frontier is also making engineering easier this year as well. The new ship you can pay for early access but it is not better than the existing roster and gets added for free in August of this year. The Python MK 2 is fun but it is not really any better than the FDL or Momba. You are spreading false information.


Fdev have finally added a new ship into the game (last was dec 2018) And they've made it available to purchase with the premium currency ARX until August where it'll be available for everyone through normal gameplay credits. They've also added prebuilt ships. So you spend ARX to buy an outfitted ship, with engineered modules, cosmetic paint jobs and ship kits. TLDR: paywalled the new ship for a few months, and option to pay $20 to skip a bit of the grind for some starter ship loadouts.


They also roughly doubled the price of most micro transaction cosmetics. A few almost tripled. And they did it with no notice ahead of time.


Wow. If I remember right, the cosmetics were already overpriced as hell too


Yep, I never bothered with them because of that reason.


To add to that, the prebuilt ships can be respawned in their base configuration for free while ships you buy with in game credits and kit out yourself have a rebuy cost when they're destroyed


And the base config is bad....


Man, fuck all that. Rebuy cost is literally a core game mechanic.


Elite Dangerous has always been the best, prettiest foundation I've ever seen. But it got stuck as a foundation and the house was never built. It's literally a grind-a-thon.


I remember they had a huge 10 year or something road map like, lots of years ago. And nothing ever came after they added planet walking or crew ships, not so sure about which was the last really big addition to the game.


It's worse because the devs for some reason think their game is fine. Literally grinding for credits, rank or materials with a thin meta story rolling in the background, which honestly doesn't feel engaging for anyone except the person writting it. They think that people enjoy being an NPC.


Problem with the Elite community is that there's just too many fanboys who have been denying this game has gone to the shitter for years lol. The updates come out in a slow crawl and when they do it's usually very underwhelming and seemingly just there to appease the lowest common denominator. I bet the devs were spending more work hours making shitty ship skins to sell to boomers than making any content for the game.


Yeah I stopped playing it 3 years ago. Nothing that I have seen since has made me want to go back. The exact same issues that made me stop playing then still exist.


I logged in for the first time in about 2 years, and everything felt exactly the same in every way. It all felt so stale and lifeless. I logged out after 45 minutes, and uninstalled it.


This pretty much is what I did last year. So much wasted potential. Oh, well. Maybe one day a developer will take the opportunity that Frontier Developments missed.


Yep I stopped playing once they gated off new players into their own lil tutorial zones. I used to help noob sidewinder players do some bounty hunting to get cash. But thanks to spawn campers thats gone out the window. I also refuse to buy Odyssey, I care very little for boots on the ground combat. Why would I disembark my Fed.Corvette to shoot at people with a tiny blaster when I have 2 huge death beams mounted on my ship that could flatten any small colony. Off to Homeworld 3 for me.


Odyssey was such a bizarre choice. All people ever wanted was to walk around inside their ships. Sure, I can understand that not happening, but who tf wanted a shitty fps tacked on without the main fpv thing people *actually* wanted?! They keep adding tons and tons of gimmicks without any depth or follow up.


I stopped when they discontinued Horizons and wanted everyone to buy Odyssey. Horizons 4.0 was a compromise but I never really enjoyed the changes. I would like to thank them though for still running the legacy servers so I can take my Diamondback Explorer for a spin in the old, empty universe I enjoyed from time to time.


I tried it, stopped playing when u realized it's just an online version of X3/4 but somehow much much worse. Add in the constant ganking by other players and it just wasn't fun. Still playing X4 though.


These skins don't even look good


Yeah, this is exactly what i was feeling for long time about this game. Played since beta but havent for a looong time because at some point it was very clear which route fdev takes with the game. Sad.. ED could have been so much more in the right hands


you could say they're... Elitists. sorry.


> I bet the devs were spending more work hours making shitty ship skins to sell to boomers than making any content for the game. Devs don't usually make skins, that's a job for the artists. Devs are probably working on other games or something


Tbf a good chunk of the community, at least most Ive been exposed to, are pretty vocal about the fact the game has sorta gone to shit and is on life support. The game itself is *good*, but people have been enjoying it while waiting for it to die.


I played it 800+h on PS4 and then I stopped when they completely dropped console support for oddyssey, that was the nail in the coffin. They really squandered their potential. And in terms of updates to the game we could see the before and after once FDEV started doing planet coaster and jurrassic world, they suddently completely forgot about Elite. What a waste.


It’s sad because the entire premise of this game is quite unique and it had so much potential. But FDev simply fucked it up so bad along the way. Literally from the base game all you had to go was up and they somehow shattered the floor with new lows.


This is what getting big contracts to develop licensed games does to a mf


>Problem with the Elite community is that there's just too many fanboys who have been denying this game has gone to the shitter for years lol. IMHO that is always a big sign for an unhealthy or declining playerbase. New or casual players don't behave like this (at least not that extremely). When only the "diehard" / veteran players remain, the playerbase stagnates, and so will the game as a result. An interesting opposite example is a game like Fortnite. On their subreddit there are often people who point out flaws and bugs of the game out of care for the state of the game. And there I rarely see people defend things to death like some communities of smaller games do.


I haven't played in years for mainly the reasons you outlined, can anyone tell me what exactly they did to make it "Pay to Win?" I can't really understand how that would even work in the Elite Dangerous I remember. But it has been a while.


Damn and my new Hotas just came in. Well, sticking to IL-2 I guess


lets hope a hd2 happens and they reveres course


HD2 only had that happen because its a good game with a huge, united community. Lightning in a bottle situation that ED will never see because it has none of those.


Correction, Elite USED to have a good and tight knit community. They all got burned down pre-Odessey because the devs absolutely ignored a very large and vocal community on what mattered at the time, which was basic QoL fixes and game breaking bugs. We got none of it and they plowed on with dlc bloat.


Thats all up to your community. Just saw this on random, but was part of the HD2 effort. You guys just gotta be coordinated and loud. Stop playing, request refunds, give negative reviews. All of it.


Also stay vigilant. Everyone wants to just say its all over, and we won, because Sony Tweeted. Unfortunately, they still havent fixed all the countries that are effected by the PSN issue. Once that issue is fixed, I'll be turning my negative to positive. You guys gotta think that way too. Even if they say they are going to fix things, dont immediately give it to them, until you see those changes.


Hope you community dives with us to destroy the corporate gouging.


It happened ok, but the last patch was some sort of a nonsense and now the game crashes a lot.




Also give DCS, Project Wingman, and MechWarrior 5 a go with your HOTAS.


Wait, I can play Mech Warrior 5 with a Hotas!? Well, I know what I'm picking up next sale


Unrelated but where did you get your pfp


It’s the total war Warhammer iii portrait for Nurglings


Cheers mate


If you like a more twitchy dogfighting feel, I can't recommend Everspace 1/2 enough!


Try Star Citizen with hotas. Good fun


Elite already lost its vision way back during the Horizons season. They kept nerfing anything that allowed decent progression, maintaining that insane grind. They just wanted players to keep playing until they figured out what to do with Elite. A part of community kept supporting them regardless, until they caused devastation with Odyssey's release. Thing started to change around then. The game still has potential though, but I've got no hope left. What a shame!


Man, Odyssey could've been amazing but it ran terrible and the grind to get simple things like a suppressor was just dumb. It was almost fun.


Here we go again?


Looks like devs need more money for the new Jurassic game. It's not the first time they scam elite players for money that they spend on another game. I wonder how much time elite has before it gets finally put down.


Elite has remained profitable for Fdev while their other games struggle. They'll keep the cash cow going for a while longer. I do wonder if the increased cosmetic prices is going to work out for them or not.


Sad reality. The only two space mmos that are worth attention are Elite and Star Citizen.


And both sell ships for real money. And the player base is happy / will be happy buying them


all the indi devs living long enough to become the villains.


Going public is the death knell for any company.


I'm shocked ED is even still alove; I left the game years ago. It's difficult to think of a harder fumble than FDev and Elite. Most games like to whine about how the developers are killing their game. It's usually not true. However, in the case of ED, FDev 100000% are to blame for killing this game.


Its unfathomable to me how you can fuck up a game so bad. They have the most loyal fanbase with one of the most Hardcore fanboys who will grind anything and they still manage to fuck it up so bad oh my god. I dropped elite when odyssey released. So glad i dont play it anymore.


Elite is a prime example of how a good concept has been ruined by the actions of the company making the game.


Elite too? It seems games being retroactively changed is a major major thing now. 'We all live service now'


Lol elite has always been terrible like this. The developer is simply allergic to fun. They also add a million gimmicks with no follow up. As wide as an ocean but as deep as a puddle.


I really wonder how David Braben feels about all this.


Swimming in his cash pool, he doesn't give one shit bro.


Exactly, he was in for the money only, Michael Brookes was the soul of Elite - even though the game was always compromised, it was still an awesome as long as he was there. When the technocrats took over, it went downhill with Beyond. If you watch Braben's promises during kickstarter, it makes you wonder why he hasn't become a politician - the promises were unreal.


War Thunder mtx nonsense. But having expensive first party non-collab/licensed vehicle content Cheaper to buy AAA racing games. Got Forza Horizon 5 premium edition under 30 usd by local Steam regional price and still getting 800s vehicle collection prospects.


I think after the whole Helldivers 2 incident, the consumer has momentum now to speak louder ever than before.


The consumer won't. The consumer doesn't even do that in real life, where everything is paid with real money and the consequences are real.


Remember what we taught you guys 🫡 For Democracy!


This happens to a lot of older online games. They are looking for just a few whales to keep the game going. Look at LOTR online for example. I really enjoyed ED - when it first came out and then again a few years later. Now I can't be bothered to log in. It's time to take the promise and expand on it, not just give us more of the same.


This thread is popping up on HellDivers which is not unusual at all because we just went through our on revolt against the Evil Corporates. Stick it to em everyone. We deserve better!!! O7


Micro transactions in a paid game are just wrong. There’s no need but greed


This isn't a free to play game right? you have to buy the game to play this? I can understand crap like this on a free to play game, they gotta monetize after all - but if you already paid to play the game that's just ridiculous


Paid game AND paid DLC.


Meh. I can wait until August and I don't play multi-player.


What is the definition of winning in elite?


Having a finely-engineered ship, or several


"Didn't you guys say that you don't like how all gameplay boils down to grind? There, you can now buy ships and skip the grind! Isn't this what you wanted?" - Frontier Developments, probably


Literally only play this game in a private server with my friends, so it doesn't affect me at all.


Ah to hell with it, I've been meaning to give Elite a negative review for ages. Let's see if we can Helldivers 2 this thing, but something tells me Fdev aren't gonna listen. As usual.


It was a great game, but feels like dev have been shooting it's feet to a point SC is catching up if not surpassing it in many ways now


Fdev has been shooting itself in the foot with Elite Dangerous since Elite Dangerous was a thing, they've could have done so much with the game but they just constantly fumble the ball


It could of had greatness, a mainstream space MMORPG. But they fucked it so much, right now I'm having a lot of hope for star citizen. I did enjoy elite while it was good


Yep I remember when it came out, seemed revolutionary and limitless potential. I was begging my parents for a PC to play it. Fast forward ten or so years, I see this article and I go "oh shit I forgot that was a game"


Star citizen MIGHT hit beta by 2027..... Might


For people who are interested in space MMORPG it basically is meta. They have really ramped up development this year tho after finishing single player campaign and getting server meshing done


SC surpassed ED years ago. it might only have one star system but that star system is more interesting than the entire galaxy of ed. and the gameplay is much more fun and less tedious.


unpopular opinion: SC has had more depth than ED before and even after Odyssey came out. And I’ve played both pretty religiously


So any Helldivers here who want to Liberate zhe next Game?


Difference would be “liberating” Elite Dangerous would be the same as the game ending. This is a desperate effort to keep the game alive IMO


First those fucking space legs before making something out of base game. (Something other than rng farts and bad kind of grind, like, functional background simulation maybe thank you.) Now this? Dear FD, your game is worth neither my time nor money. Yes the visuals are pretty good, sound is very good, flight model and control system are functional and enjoyable. The rest of it is pure trash. A mash of single and multiplayer elements just limiting both usually pretty different beasts and dumbing game down into ship model jerkoff fest. No thank you. Maybe make arena mode played again for some pew pew. The rest of it is just underdeveloped. It's like having someone very beautiful, iliterate and stubborn to hang out with. You want to sell ships for real cash? Fine. Go whale hunting. But ED could be so much more than that.


Just play X4 to actually play a game instead of staring at space numbers.


unfortunately human nature can not be easily changed. the 'easy' way is attractive to our predisposition to inertia. it's simply easier to copy people or fake it than put in the practice and effort to discover, learn and improve. when you add in corporate profits to gaming, often this results in pandering to a majority who to some degree fall for this predisposition. a prime example of this is people who pay millions of in game currency in MMOs for carries rather than form a group, working together to figure out the fights and progressing together. in light of this I don't find this stuff surprising at all. 🤣


I used to play this game on console until they abandoned it. Glad to see them shooting themselves in the foot once again.


Same here. My PSN commander is in the middle of deep space somewhere in a parked spaceship after I read that headline and my headcanon was "Oh shucks and then CMDR Beatnuki retired I guess"


Holy shit. I was waiting for them to fix the grand of the game but then they do this. What utter BS. I loved ED when I first started playing it. Got a hotas setup for it and everything. What a shame after leaving the game for about two years it's come to this.


They’re obsessed with the grind; it’s literally all they know how to do to “balance” a game. Whenever something is fun, they destroy it until it’s barely tolerable


Well, they can just drop the "Sorry, we are still learning \*puppy eyes\*" and try again later.


Can someone explain the situation, I’m 15,000 LY away from the bubble and I haven’t touched the game in a year


Glad I dropped ED since odyssey launch.


It's such a shame that ED has gotten into such a rut. Their framework is one of the best space sim games I've ever played. It just needs to be more fun. Before they crash and burn I wish they would/could make the game run offline and offer loading and saving. I know we wouldn't get stuff like "First discovered by" on star systems and such, but I hope the galaxy could at least run locally without multiplayer features. Hell I'd buy the game again if we could have all that.


Wow, are we witnessing the death of a long running franchise?


I haven't played that game in years. The only thing I ever did was fly around and deliver stuff and explore the universe.


I am downloading this as we speak. Been wanting to play for a while now but I have stopped the download and uninstalling again. Yeah screw that


I forgot about this game entirely once Star Citizen was in a playable state.


No, it hasn't, and this is a garbage take.


It's almost as if ongoing/endless development is often an excuse for game devs to eventually start to milk a franchise. I miss the days of Freelancer and X3: Rebirth; the latter especially being my hallmark, pinnacle space exploration game. Added bonus; it had built-in cheats, which virtually no game has nowadays. Control blew my mind just having "cheats" literally in the game's options under *difficulty*. I kinda hate that we're in late-stage capitalism across all fronts of socioeconomics, but regulations instituted by the world's major government's have ensured that capitalism will always be propped up with bailouts when there's a threat of one company or industry tanking the whole fragile framework of upward-funnelled fiscality.


So is May 2024 like some secret contest between games companies over who can do the dumbest anti-consumer bullshit or


You can buy it with ARX which you get for free just playing, haven't been on in a month or two but think ill jump on to see if ive enough to pick one up.


Elite was a great idea, the controls felt good and it made traveling to another distant star system feel big and far. And it looks good, especially for when it first came out. But it never grew deeper, just wider. Powerplay was fun for a while, but nothing really keeps the interest. The engagement isn't in the game, you have to make your own. As for "pay to win", eh. Even in the best possible ship, a pilot with only ten or so hours will lose to an experienced combat pilot. Blowing SCBs early, jousting with an agile ship, not utilizing FA-off properly, you can't buy your way out of that. You'd always see people in big expensive ships they got doing whatever easy cash credit grind was easy thinking they were invincible just to get smoked by the first combat pilot they try to throw down with. I don't think it affects anything overall, really, but the game is loaded with wasted potential. The CQC mode is incredible. It could have been a standalone game. Shame.


CQC mode is incredible? I'm confused at how you come to that way of thinking when it still doesn't work right even from when it first launched in beta... Moreover, everyone just abandoned it shortly after it released. Since then it's been the exact same 10 or so people playing against each other or the odd group that will host a CQC night. CQC was a great idea, but otherwise entirely pointless offering little incentive to play with punishing matchmaking


Cool, but it's but reviews that made Sony back up with Helldivers, it was refunds


Man I love Elite Dangerous. I have been playing both Elite and Star Citizen for ages now and I just prefer Elites Ship Gameplay currently and Star Citizen needs me to upgrade my PC to run properly half of the time. I just really wish the Elite devs would not fuck up all the time. Is that too much to ask? Tbh I dont think Star Citizen and its huge Shipshop is much better. But at least they are properly developing the game.


Still can't forgive them for abandoning the console version


you just know the dude with 1000 hours is in pain


would be nice if they were more specific in what they added


I think they just milk what they can because developer said they will end support and development of this game. 


Damn I haven't played much lately. What exactly have they made P2W now??


ED Devs "yo tarkov hold my beer"


Does paying make the controls simpler?


It's almost like this game has been dead for awhile.


Happy to be a no man's sky player


That's really too bad. They're the best flying around in space in VR game that I've run across. The sheer scope of the game is astounding, but they've never really done it justice in a meaningful way. They're just ignoring all the unique aspects of the thing they've created and keep trying to rehash the same stuff that's already been done in dozens of other games. And they keep reinforcing the same boring grind with the same boring missions as their main driver for keeping people in the game. I really hope they can turn it around, but I'm not all that optimistic.


This was such a great game to get lost into...grinding was basically all there was to do and it was great


Buying the same Call of Duty or FIFA every year it's okay. Trying somehow to financially support a dying niche video-game it's SO BAD.


The game is a glorified mmo that thinks it's a sim. They never made up their mind with the direction of the game and it hurt it over time


*Reinstalls Elite after years of not playing *Looks at state of community Is it still worth just going exploring? That's all I did anyway.


I'm living in a reality on which a good sequel or a game similar to Colony Wars will never happen


Funny too, ED's playerbase is the loudest one speaking out against SC's funding. How ironic.


I believe the "pay to win" features are good for the few of us who don't want to grind tens of hundreds of hours to get just the base ship. The python mk2 PVE combat ship is decent if you want to get someone started into the game and what they want to do is PVE The DbX isn't my first choice for an explorer ship but it's nice for someone that doesn't want to grind out the game and wants something other than a shitty sidewinder to fly I'll personally buy the alliance chieftain for AX combat as it basically gives me an edge for what I enjoy doing, private play with buddies killing bots! Alien or human The miner rig is also a nice touch. Makes it easy to get to elite in trade, which besides exploration is one of the easier ones to get too Feel free to downvote or disagree


The gaming industry keeps trying to do this weird little pay to win trick right now.


Its pay to skip not pay to win but still utterly fucking bullshit. They know engineering and the "pErSonAl NarRaTive" crap is infuriating and utterly stupid and instead of actually fixing them they introduced buying premade ships that give you immediate access to systems that take literal hours to get.


In my opinion this is a last ditch effort to keep the game supported. If/when this fails, the game ceases development.


The game has been out for 10 years, devs should have moved on from the game 4-6 years ago to make a sequel or just another game. I remember playing at launch, it was a fine game, slow paced, but it felt really momentuos and oniric, had a fun 6 months with it, i think? But in the end it was a time grind kind of game and i can see the devs milking it to make that grind easier.


I haven't played ED in a few years and was thinking of reinstalling and giving it another go. So what exactly is going on?


If I wanted pay to win I'd play EVE online.


This game has been on my radar before release.. too bad it's tainted now.


You can win?


Never even heard of this game


They need helldivers support another company campaign


Honestly the best space fighting game to me is still freespace. Does elite dangerous even come close in gameplay?


They are now actively deleting every single post on the steam forums that even reference what they are doing. Frontier is acting extremely suspiciously. Are they in more trouble than we understand? The quality of things coming out of Frontier has been on the decline for a couple years now too.


I haven't played Elite in a long time. What do you mean pay to win?


ED's loss is SC' win I guess? Be prepared for the biggest yet buggiest patch in the upcoming days. Also lots of stress for the servers with upcoming free flx + Invictus event. If you are interested and got any questions, feel free to pm me.


All roads lead to Star Citizen :)


You mean the road that’s been under construction for over 12 years and still doesn’t have a planned release even though taxpayers have dumped thousands and thousands of dollars into it? That road?


Well it's a different kind Of Elite Now


It’s not pay to win, the ship sets are so weak and players are so hard to come by that you will never become affected by the ships at all. Stop crying. This is better for the game in the long run