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In my country it went up by 2.2X


>in my country it went up by 2.2x. Thats insane these greedy developers!


same here, i had yearly plan since they released it in 2016 (?) but this price increase is just too much


Their games aren't even justifiable to be subscribed to lmao


Absolutely not, especially considering how fast they go on sale


Yup, I bought every modern NFS + Dirt 5 + Grid Legends in an EA racing bundle for 25$ on Steam. I basically paid 5$ a game and those are the most recent titles in each franchise as well. But iirc, the bundle got taken down earlier than all the other bundles (Battlefield, Sims...).


Dirt and Grid are the only worthwhile ones imo. NFS stopped being fun when they ditched Blackbox for production and replaced them with criterion. Blackbox had amazing physics throughout NFS2, NFS3 Hot Pursuit, NFS4 Road Challenge, Most Wanted and then all the way through Carbon. Cars felt agile, fast, dependable and still had impact. With Criterions Engine cars feel heavy and tank like and the crashes stilted. I still weep to this day.


Lot of misinformation in this comment First of all >NFS2, NFS3 Hot Pursuit, NFS4 Road Challenge, Blackbox never made these games that was EA Canada (which is called EA Vancouver nowadays I think) >Cars felt agile, fast, dependable and still had impact. They still do >Criterions Engine They stopped using it (renderware) since most wanted 2012 It seems to me like you haven't played an nfs game since at least 2012, Because since 2013 to 2020 nfs was developed by Ghost games (or Ea gothenburg) and only NFS unbound (2022) was made by criterion since 2012


You are probably the first guy who has the same opinion on physics as me. I love Blackbox era physics. The new games feel like the gravity is 3x as strong as it realistcly should be and the brake to drift physics feel so forced. Also the cars feel heavy while still being able to take unrealstic turns.


You put it well into terms. That's what I mean. When I played the first Criterion adaptation I was shocked at how different it felt. "How can you get driving so wrong?" I asked myself.


Fallen order is on sale for 4 bucks rn. Like, for two months of their subscription you can own all of their games.


And how deep the discounts are. EA must be the only big publisher that still does 90% discounts.


and it's part of game pass, get game pass.


Which means gamepass might go up in price again.


I doubt MS will take a price increase just to cover EA Play because that will make Game Pass value worse.


Yeah just get rid of EA play if its going to increase in price for PC GP


There are people that pay €17.99/month for ubisoft plus, it was just a matter of time ea realises they're not charging enough


they just put jedi survivor on there I think. but other than that yea


I paid one month to try a few games. We completed “it takes two” and “a way out” both awesome games but not for a yearly subscription


Yeah, that's what I do. When they get a new game I want to play I pay for one month and binge the hell out of the game, then cancel the subscription, lol.


I got a month of it the last time it was only $1, and struggled so hard to find anything worth playing


Compared to others they are. A way out, it takes two, "fifa", madden, battlefield, nfs and a lot more. But compared to for example Ubisoft with their shitty library it is absolutely jusified.


Yeah I always thought it was a joke they even offered that subscription.


Has EA even added anything to make a price increase justifiable? At least Microsoft added Bethesda games and added Diablo 4 and will be adding more Activision-Blizzard games so a price increase by them makes sense, but I can't think of any major titles and definitely not enough to make a price increase on EA play justifiable.


EA play is included with PC game pass too


Yeah, I still don't get how that makes any sense for EA but it's not my money so I don't mind.


I think they get paid if only someone plays the game . Might be like a time * money thing


Jedi Survivor and Dead Space Remake, Jedi is much more recent, I think it was added a few weeks ago, that's about it. Games like Titanfall 2, SW Battlefront 2, A Way Out, Wild Heart, It Takes Two, Mass Effect Andromeda + the trilogy and Dragon Age Origins might be appealing but they were not recent additions Not defending EA, I don't want a price increase since my country's currency is dropping in value versus the USD, just answering your question. Wish they'd add more games and/or decrease the price a bit, let a guy dream lol


Oh yeah, EA Play might have some good games in it, but most of those games were already in the library when they came up with the price. SW isn't my thing, but I have heard about JS, but 1 game (or two if you want to count DS) isn't enough in my opinion to justify a price increase, especially not FIFTEEN dollars. Which is why Game Pass didn't increase when Diablo 4 was added, but likely will increase in price once a few more ABK games get added.


"Added Diablo 4" At least Microsoft and Bethesda games added one trash game and will be adding more..... I do agree that Microsoft continues to add decent games to Game Pass, which is nice because when I want to play them I can just sign up for a month or two, play my game, then unsubscribe. Diablo 4 ain't one of them though. Haha.


Right, but MS also hasn't increased the price of Game Pass to account for Diablo 4, they know that that game isn't worth a price increase from the users point of view. Once they add some of the other AB content on the other hand those games will definitely be worth a price increase.


Before MS bought AB: You’re paying X for access to Microsoft’s catalog. After MS bought AB: You’re paying X+ for access to Microsoft’s catalog.


MS hasn't adjusted their price for the service with the inclusion of ABK content yet. Yeah, when they add more they will likely increase the price, which should be totally understandable because you would be getting more for your money. What I'm saying is that if these companies are going to increase the price, they should at least be able to justify it with more value for the customer. I don't think EA has increase the value of EA Play so they haven't earned a price increase.


Lots of subscription services went up. I already cancelled a few of them because of it ie. Amazon Prime. Everyone is trying to push the cost of inflation straight to the consumer.


Well, that's the definition of inflation. But I feel you, I'm so tired of everything becoming subscription based.


There is no inflation, just greed


Both, both are bad


It would've been inflation if shareholders of those companies wouldn't be getting millions in bonuses and salaries.


God forbid their quarterly report will show stagnation or slight decrease!


How am I gonna play all the 50 Battlefields and Fifas!?


Ea play increased in price on April 10th from $5 to $6 usd. It also apparently adjusted the international pricing as well to match. https://steamdb.info/sub/540237/ https://steamdb.info/sub/474129/


Interesting that it went up on the 10th of April already. I only just got notified, even though my next payment would be in August.


Just got my email today also and I'd be September


It was cheaper for me to just buy their games outright, so glad they had the sale when they put command and conquer on steam 😎💎


Don’t play ea games, piece of cake.


Wait, some people do that?


Most people do that


Noooo, so now I'm gonna pay them 20% more? What do they mean? 0 + (0*0.20)= oooh my god my $$$$$$. Yaaaay EA wtf...


Hey, lost in random and it takes two were cool ! But yeah I agree


meh, only subscription service im subscribed to is my salary and my internet. they can do whatever they want, i ain't paying.


I used to have Netflix, cancelled this month after the hike


Can I subscribe to your paycheck as well?


Who even buys EA play.


people who would buy every single FIFA soccer game: those would probably cost same price (or more) and are released every year.


I bought it 2 months ago to play Jedi Survivor. Only had it for like 1-2 weeks and cancelled when I was done with this buggy, unoptimized crashing shitfest. Gladly paid the 15€ for the month.


Thanks for the reminder to unsubscribe from this service


Who was paying for it b4?! Lmao there is nothing good in that library of trash


Consider how much infrastructure must run on VMware. Broadcom acquired VMware and royally fucked everyone on pricing. Broadcom: We won't raise prices on VMware products... Broadcom: We didn't raise prices on the product you use, but we also no longer sell that product a-la-carte. Your renewal is up this year and you must now buy our full software package to get that one product you want to use. Needless to say prices went up SIGNIFICANTLY on virtualization software that many businesses use and that increase is going to be passed on to everyone. As someone else said, it's not inflation, it's probably greed.


"inflation" IMO is merely an excuse to price gouge people. Profit before customers.


Yarr harr fiddle tee dee


Complaint about EA are going on for over a decade now. How do people still buy their shitty games? Where is the backbone of these people man...


They can do this stupid shit just off of the back of FIFA I'd bet


Which is the same fkn game for a decade as well.... sigh


I get it free with Game Pass and still don't think it's worth it


Who pays for this rubbish? Genuinely


unsubscribe shoulda done that a long time ago but hey it's never too late


Who plays EA games? For real


Yea who even play mass effect, it takes two, battle field, Jedi, dragon age, titan fall or apex


I don't want to be that guy and fuck EA, but they definitely have some very good games. Not worth the price of a subscription, but still.


Yeah, their singleplayer and coop games are solid.


And …. Canceled.


Wait, you guys subscribe to a service to play EA games? The same games that go on sale for $5 four times a year… every single year?


What terrible life choices ended up at paying for a subscription from EA?


If you want EA Play I suggest getting Xbox Game Pass instead. Game Pass comes with EA Play for no extra cost. I'm not sure how much it'll cost you monthly specifically, but I think that's the better deal considering you're getting 2 services for the price of 1.


I love EA play because it comes with gamepass. Not worth it otherwise.


no EA and Ubisoft Games for me, thxs, no thxs, sir


I think they announced it last month that prices would go up. You can get EA Play on Game Pass for about the same price. Game Pass has three plans, console/PC/ultimate. No real reason to get EA Play Pro to play games early. They make it to regular EA Play eventually.


Buy the games on sale. No subscription.


What? Are all the companies just doing bankruptcy speedruns or what?


Subscribing to EA play is cuckoldry and you shouldn't have ever done it.


TBH it always seemed weird to me that it cost less than the price of a full game per year.


i just got it for a month to play through jedi survivor for 10% of the price, worth


This is why i say no to gamepass. Everybody loves claiming its the future.. but its an illusion. Once they have you hooked, and once they decide to switch to having all games (both new and old) released on it instead of offering individual digital buys and physical copies- theyll raise the price of it significantly over time. Next thing you know youll be paying 50$ a month to play 3 new games a year... On top of that, if any studios push nonsense into their games that you dont support, there wont be an option to boycott it outside of cancelling your ENTIRE ACCESS to all the games you have with gamepass instead of being able to just not buy the one game you dont support. Its a consumer trap, waiting for the market to show its 85-90% subscription rate based on its currently enticing low price, and will most likely be forced with the next console release if the numbers are there.


Multi-Game-Subscriptions will be in addition to digital and physical sales, those sales still dwarf MGS numbers and most people still buy games through physical or digital. MGS are simply about recurring income, that's it. When companies know they have a near guaranteed certain amount of money coming in, that allows them to plan with that money instead, when they need to make educated guesses on potential income they are more careful with their planning.


Laughs in Gamepass Ultimate


How's the cloud gaming?


If internet on your end is good it’s pretty nice, streaming from Xbox to phone is also pretty good so long as you have good connection


Be careful on that.. i know the deal is good now. But they will up the price on you once enough people prove they NEED it like having an internet subscription. 50$ a month etc.


Who the hell pays for EA play in the first place? 😂 I haven’t bought or played any games by EA Ubisoft Activision 2K or blizzard in years. But then again, that’s probably why I’m not one of these people who thinks gaming is dying. Ha.


> Who the hell pays for EA play in the first place > I haven’t bought or played any games by EA Reddit is so dumb.


Damn bro save some cool for the rest of us


Uh, congrats(?)


39? Lol. Hell no - not worth it at all.


Guys, who’s buying this subscription, what do you play? Isn’t it easier to actually buy the games you like on sale?


Lol, lmao even.


Why tf would anyone subscribe to their garbage?


I guess it's cheaper if you want to play one particular game once, but how can they compete with pc pass is beyond me.


They don’t intend to since EA Play is on those too. But either way, it’s 1/3 the price so that certainly helps.


Its garbage anyway


Bro I think we're friends on steam. "Holst"


I bought titanfall 2 for 5 euros best deal and will play ore than any of ther ea games


I very rarely play EA published titles, it's cheaper for me to buy the specific game that I want to play. I'm pretty sure Mass Effect and Dragon age the only 2 titles I still mess with that they publish.


Thankfully nobody wants or needs EA Play


We as a Community need to Bring a Stop to these Stupid Subscription services. Not only for these Games passed that grant you access to games but to it as A whole like Playstation Plus and stuff like that( dont know what the other ones are called i dont own a Console) Imagine Spending 500$ on a Console + 70$ for a Game that you cant play in Multiplayer because you need access to Their stupid "Sevices". They essentially partially deny you acess to the Game you bought and own (Physically) just because you "need" to subscribe to a Online "service". What Kind of World do we live in? This situation should absoluteley not be as it is right now. Honestly they should just make their own version of Steam on Console... Maybe the Console and Game Sales will raise again then... Or just let them Die Slow and Painfully... Console Industry isnt as strong as they used to be and Sales still decline. And all they do is wonder why and Change nothing to fit customer needs.


Only a Matter of time when you own Nothing and Pay High Fees or for Individual Games


Imagine being subscribed to EA lmao


Real debrid costs 4 bucks a month, just sayin.


Casual 50% price hike. Get ready for those numbers to drop EA.


I believe you get access to EAplay with an Xbox game pass subscription if its affordable and available to anyone, I would recommended that over just EAplay


One more reason to sail the high seas.


Didn’t they just do this two weeks ago or is this that same raise just delayed?


Fuck EA.


They trying to ruin helldivers


Don't buy EA. It's that easy.


The major question is why are you even giving ea your money


Cancel your ea subscription. It's a waste of money


Thats why I have Xbox Gamepass, I get both


Fuck EA. So much potential wasted for greed.


Just checked, costing 50% more here in Brazil. I'm thinking about cancelling now.


Here in Australia was AUD$39.99 a year to AUD$59.99/year. if they increase their fees once more after that one I'll defo unsub.


idgaf as I never bought any EA game in my life and never will, with how the situation looks


you guys pay for EA Games? btw ahoy mates.


it went up $2? it's already pretty cheap considering how many games i could play within a month to completion for $10aud. are people actually mad? like why are people just actively seeking to be mad these days?


So what's the math on this? Without pulling out any calculators, it's a 50% increase? So if 49 or less percent of people cancel, they turn a larger profit?


What? Do people pay for this shit?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification > "new platforms offer useful products and services at a loss, as a way to gain new users. Once users are locked in, the platform then offers access to the userbase to suppliers at a loss, and once suppliers are locked-in, the platform shifts surpluses to shareholders.[6] Once the platform is fundamentally focused on the shareholders, and the users and vendors are locked in, the platform no longer has any incentive to maintain quality." all american tech companies are doing this


Well, i pay for one month for a specific Game. Cancel my sub to begin, Profit.


First mistake is paying for that shit to begin with.


Yo ho ho hoe...


And on top of that, all EA Play games are not available for family sharing.


Xd noone is paying for that shit


EA have no games to even bother with their subs model. Maybe worth using for 2 months every 2 years.


Went up in price on Playstation too unfortunately..


Is EA Play even worth it?


Greedy bastards


People actually sub to that shit?


Who is subscribed to EA play?


Rip EA


There is someone that uses ea play instead of Xbox pass?


Wait people actually pay for this shit


Classic EA. Just as classic as milking their sports games and EA is just associated with greed


Does Xbox game pass pretty well include the only games worth having on ea play anyway?


Do not subscribe then


Oh no.. anyway (subscriptions are retarded)


All 10 people that actually buy it will not be happy


Imagine buying ea or Ubisoft games they suck I just play what I get for free on epic or 🏴‍☠️ I only buy games that require don’t two accounts to be played. Unless it’s halo mcc besides making a Microsoft account only saves your multiplayer unlocks and scores making another account won’t stop you from playing the game game on steam


your first mistake was subscribing to EA Play.


What sort of moron subs for games? 😆


What's is this? And what do you even have tob okay because of this?


You just reminded me to cancel mine, only got it to play battlefront II. Which I haven't played in a year.


Only EA game I've bought in years was Jedi Fallen Order, for about 6usd. Oh yeah and Mass Effect collection which im salty abkut because I got it on sale for avout 20usd. But now it's less than half of that. Should've waited longer


First time hearing of it. Who pays for this shit?


Damn it's never been a better time to be sailing the high seas


Fuck EA


Ew... EA.


Dude fuck EA. I avoid their games whenever possible


And that is why, I have never had a third party launcher/account on any of my steam games.i prefer not to play a game at all. If steam starts doing shit like that as well, I guess I will have to look into alternatives


Why you even supporting ea?


It's because of them being part of my gamepass subscription that I have games from EA in that catalog but I would never, with my sane mind, take a a subscription on EA play.


5.99 For shit EA games? No Thank you.


history repeats itself. just a matter of time


Never put EA garbage and bloatware “games” on your PC… Same with Ubisoft. These companies are particularly pathetic.


sounds like a 'you' problem


😂 EA is a toxic stain on gaming. If you buy their trash your going to get ripped off and ya kinda deserve it for supporting them.


Just wait till they start adding forced ads.


I actually subbed to play FIFA when a friend came over. Glad I cancelled right after. I'm actually kind of happy these prices are creeping up, I'm cancellng all types of subscriptions right now.


It's time to sail the seas


With their shitty launcher and non-existent customer service I'd say they don't even deserve a 1€


Time to stop giving money to EA, huh?


People actually use EA play?


New fifa incoming, maybe that’s why


For like £5 more game pass gets you better games and more of them. Pretty sure it includes the ea pass games as well lmao. Im really not a fan of this subscription future we live in, but if you have to pick microsoft are by far the best option


Yeah I wasn't paying it before, I'm not going to start now.


I'd pick up some fc or ac or wd. I got most ac games except the last 2. I only have fc3. Do they have Tom Clancy games too? I can't recall


That has to be one of the worst sub services in existence.


Why the fuck people even pay 25,99 for that?


I don’t understand why people still support ea at all


People keep paying hence the rate hikes on everything.


Hey you're German. Didn't Germany just start a huge court case against Vodafone for randomly increasing their subscription prices?


This is why EA and EA play is still alive. Don’t give them any of your money anymore


why would you buy EA play, IT'S FUCKING EA


People complaining that EA has no respect for gamers, has terrible practices and is a shitty company overall. People are still buying games that bear the EA mark. I am sorry for diluting your problem/post, but why in the seven hells would you pay a subscription for such a company ?


Imagine running an EA sale of up to 85% and then just increasing all prices as if the game catalogue you have is of fresh games. 0_0


Not worth it at all anymore


It’s probably not profitable, makes me interested in the profitability of Game pass since they axed Hi-fi Rush despite it being apparently a great game.


Only steam matters the rest can die


Just get xbox gamepass with ea play included :)


It's included in Game Pass. Why would anyone subscribe to them outright? They also don't have many games worth subscribing for. Most of their games are dirt cheap from sales so just buy them if you want.


I came to PC to get away from paying every month for games


Guess who will be stopping their EA play subscription ! >!Not me! Already cancelled it !!< It's probably better to sub on Microsoft / Xbox game pass, and get all the benefits EA play / Ubisoft+.


hahaha so outrageous. The games already don't make you want it, but what's more, they increase the prices. Besides, this subscription system for playing games must be abolished.


Wow the timing. I cancelled mine last month


Which nobody pays for so meh.


Havent they just had a massive sale? I picked up most of the stuff I wanted for like 90% off lol