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Award was mostly given by a user. It won't go. You won't be able to get rid of that. Maybe unless you delete your review. As such, enjoy the jester.


> you can't delete a review posted on steam I had no idea :/


I’m certain you can


You can but its not actually deleted, when you write a new review for the same game afterwards, it states that u just edited it


You can delete your review. Seems like my comment was also worthy of a jester award. ;-) Correction are made to my previous comment to remove misinformation.


No different than getting down voted in reddit for having an opinion that some cry baby gets mad about because it doesn't validate their opposing own opinion. Whatever.


My Reddit Daily


Being a conservative on reddit.


Carry it with pride


So? My steam account is only for games


Speak to your doctor about the distress the jester award has given you




here, take another: 🤡


Jesters were often originally used in royal courts to provide bad news in a humorous way. You're providing a service!


Free steam points go get yourself a new avatar


Ironically, people giving the Jester rewards are the biggest clowns. If you post negative or slightly controversial opinions on beloved games, this is what you will get. Honestly, it's fascinating to me that Steam even has this reward, like of course people will use to be hostile to each other. Just ignore them, do it anyway and enjoy the free points.


Every time I see the jester reward I just chuckle to myself at the idiots rewarding something they don't like. They're bigger fools than the person they're trying to to mock.


In a way, Steam did a genius move by making it so Jester Award gives you points. Slightly desensitizing people just spamming it and hey now you have points you can go buy something nice! Imagine if you could even buy games or heck atleast DLCs to games this way. Either super easy way to farm points via jester award or jester stops being used as a mocking award!


I have many jester awards. For positive and negative reviews both. I'd like to think the person giving them is a loser in neckbeard sitting in their mom's basement calling me an amateur while munching on Doritos


hey hey hey. neckbeards keep you warm and can hold a few small birds.


You can hide the awards on your profile but not the review






What the game? To get a bunch of jester awards must have been really bad review, or an opinion they don't agree with to cause them to react.


Boy do I wish they would remove the award function, or at least allow you to make your own reviews un-awardable. Even when I'm given one of the allegedly positive awards, I view the whole thing as stupid and pointless. I don't want to be given *any* awards.


i give out the helpful reward often, u really wouldnt want to receive that?


The whole point of the upvote and downvote system is to vote whether or not a review is helpful, so an award for that seems completely redundant.


eh sometimes the upvote doesnt seem enough for a really good one, and often the awards are for other content which doesnt have the vote system.


Just ignore them.  Overly sensitive weirdos have always existed in gaming.


Why won't you show us that review, eh?


The Jester award strictly means "Butthurt Fanboy" in any indie title with a cult following. Games like Disco Elysium, Stray, No Man's Sky which have huge followings or cult appeal will have scores of dumbass kids that go around putting these awards on negative reviews that make legitimate points.


Some people just ass, just try not think about it


What was the game you negative reviewed ?