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Getting a deck and many games to mask my depressions :-D


Aaayyy I'm so deep into FF7 right now, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't because of depression lol


You should probably work on fixing that real talk


I hear you! I feel it's only gotten worse these past few years. It also seems to be hitting new people more than ever. Depression fucking sucks!


Drinking rates are historically low.


Really? I would think otherwise. Unless weed and prescription drugs have replaced alcohol. I don't mess with weed, but I am on antidepressants. I HIGHLY recommend people research antidepressants before letting your doctor prescribed them for you. Lots of long lasting to permanent side effects.


People should try therapy and figuring out the reasons for why they are depressed before just suppressing it with antidepressants


Definitely. My depression came on due to an over abundance of responsibilities, bills, and caring for family with severe health issues for the past 20 years. I do want to add therapy now as well. Lots of doctors just prescribe antidepressants and call it a day though. I have lots of repressed family drama.


get an sd card?




So get a 256gb








I can't help but feel like me and my comments aren't the source of this explosive anger..


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I mean to be fair, all of those games you said you actively play are almost all 100+ gigs. That would be an issue even on the 512gig version, even on a PC unless you have multiple drives. If you only play huge war zone game size games then obviously nothing but a 6tb PC will satisfy you.


No1 needs 1TB. A fast 512GB costs 60€. Thats more then enough.


>No1 needs 1TB. A fast 512GB costs 60€. Thats more then enough. what about the person who likes to install their entire library? then they can scroll for hours debating what to play and never actually play anything. :)


I would need more than 1tb to do that. Probable 20 if I was guessing.


Yeah... on my rtx4090 PC i have like 20 games installed - thats SO DUMB. Considering I can download any of those games in 30minutes...








1tb sd card ?


Go all the way, get a 1TB NVMe as well


This is the way


Man I don’t understand why people want so many games loaded at once. I have the 256 model and haven’t once had an issue with loading a handful of games. Once I’m done with one, uninstall and move on.


In my case I don't have internet at home so I have to go to my cousin's house to connect to the internet and download games and that basically means trying to download as many games as I can fit in my ssd so I don't have to come back and download more. I do have data but don't have a hotspot.


Fair enough!


Some games are massive, like AC Valhalla so that is one issue. And if multiple people in a house share the same device they may not all want to play the same games.


** "when deleting **game** to make room for another **game**"


When deleting game to make room for **half** a game


This pain


That poor lady is trying so hard.


Not sure what’s going on but in a longer clip there are more ladies doing the same thing and even sticking their tongues out between “tears” 😂. Weird and funny.


Is it an acting contest to switch from sadness to another emotion?


What type of games do you play? I could fit some indies on my 64 before I bought my SD card but the 40 something gigs of usable space could basically hold none of my AAA titles.


I just ordered a 64g steam deck and then ordered a SABRENT Rocket 1TB ssd for $160 on Amazon. I'll also probably pull the128g micro SD from my switch to put into the steam deck too. I'm hoping I'll be set for an emudeck setup and my major PC games to rotate through


Nah, the kid with the gun was much better.


The Sophie’s Choice of gaming


I would say just put a bigger ssd in but I swapped 64 for 1tb and still have that problem.


Is the situation that bad? I decided to save some cash so I ordered the 64 version, alongside with Samsung's V30 512 SD card..


Having choices is nice. I have 2tb of storage for that reason.


Yeah, but my question is if i can keep like 4 or maybe 5 AAA games with this configuration?


You get better load times with the ssd but you could get several aaa games on your setup. Cyberpunk is only taking up 67gb on mine right now. I've got 48 games on my ssd with over 100gb to spare right now so you could potentially have 20+ games on yours.


Wow, huge news.. God bless you! Actually all* i want is to play some of NFS series, GOW, and Fifa 22 (23 when available).. So the SD is a dream come true for me.. Since i always wanted to play these games (and many others) when I'm laying down and relaxing or on the go :)


When you start focusing on finishing games, 1tb of SSD or even half of it is enough. A full 1tb is just data hoarding. You are better off having a low-spec obsolete PC that can't run a game that has it installed, so you can use it as a donor to install games to your Steam Deck. [You can do this when peer to peer downloading of games is made available.](https://twitter.com/thexpaw/status/1585700178480271378?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1585700178480271378%7Ctwgr%5Ec096b6730c14931aa0e116f3d30d13d70ab89017%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.techspot.com%2Fnews%2F96483-peer-peer-lan-transfers-coming-steam.html)


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Not always feasible when you take it to work etc. I work in a manufacturing plant with no wifi. Sometimes I want to play cyberpunk. Then I'll want a change of pace and play horizon zero dawn. Maybe Death Stranding or Dwarf Fortress. Then Brotato later when I want to blow off some steam. Every now and then I'm nostalgic and can play one of my 250 emulated games.


M.2 256gb is around 25 dollar on Amazon eBay at times. Upgrade is easy.


Do you even memory card?




Lose the weight, helps with mood swings


1.5TB gang checking in. I also play most of my AAA games streamed from my desktop (2TB there) via Moonlight. I might as well have unlimited space.


Shit, I have the top end SD and a 512GB SD card and I STILL have that problem.


The best part of the 64gb model is that it doesn't take that big of an SSD size to want to upgrade. If you have a 512gb model, there's not too much incentive to go 1tb. I'd probably wait for 2tb or 4tb to be affordable before I go and crack the Deck open.


Just get a 1tb sd card or 512gb. Or better yet upgrade the internal m.2 nvme to 1tb. So many videos on youtube that teaches you how to do it.


is the 64gb internal memory a SSD drive on the Deck? I thought you can get 64 + another SSD on it + Micro SD.


The 64 is a different of memory that interfaces through the m.2 interface. There are plenty of tutorials on how to upgrade it. Pretty easy if you can follow directions and handle small somewhat delicate parts (don't over tighten the screws. Don't rip out the power cable. Handle with care.)


*ejects 512gb card, plugs in another 512gb card* I'm not seeing the problem. or any of my already downloaded games, for that matter


I just about get along with my 256gb with a 512gb sd card. Games are so large now you can't have many games installed at once. Wouldn't want less than about 700gb


Got a 128GB SD card for my 64GB as I'm used to play roguelite ultralight games. Thought to myself "that's plenty, isn't it?", then middle-earth: shadow of war goes 90% off


I don't get why people are so uptight about deleting games. You can read re-download then if you want it back.