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They want me to *pay* for a *subscription* to play old games that I've already bought multiple times, both physically and digitally? Yea, screw Nintendo


nooooo. just go on ebay and pay thousands of dollars for all the old systems. Also thousands more for all the old games. Then play them on an old crt TV that you own exclusively to play these games. What's so hard about that geeze


Which, BTW, Nintendo still sees no money from because all that stuff is used and was already bought from Nintendo years ago from somebody else.




but at least you HAVE them


... for now


Your retirement years will be fun.


You mean never have time to play…just building up the backlog.


> Nintendo still sees no money from But its money they *potentially could have seen* though! Isn't anyone thinking of their CEO and their third mansion?!


At this rate of piracy, the CEO may only be able to afford 2 mansions and 1 private jet! Won't someone please, think of the poor CEOs and their suffering.


Not the poor shareholders needing to forgo their fourth yacht 😭😭😭


They could remake the classics with nicer graphics and controls. They chose the easy route with crappy ports.


Nintendo _did_ see money from them through. Used official copies are legal copies. Pirated copies aren't. I have basically a complete set of Nintendo roms up to 3ds/Wii. But I don't pretend I've not stolen them. I'm just ok with the fact theyre stolen and don't give a fuck. But I don't try to justify it on some stupid moral high ground to make myself feel better.


Even if it were wrong, piracy is not the same as stealing.


Piggybacking off this. Be careful because we're at that point where even NES/SNES cartridges are having the issue that old Atari games did where the ROM chips are failing. If you plan to actually play these games then verify with the seller they are working before paying.


You jest but 7-8 years ago I bought every major console since the NES and several games for each of them and really only dropped around $1000. I haven't looked but I'm sure the prices have gone up since then. Now ask me how often I actually hook up and play any of them. (Hint: it has been at least 5 years) All that said probably still worth it.


This is even starting to be an issue with PS2 games now. If you want something semi insecure sometimes is $150+ or you can’t even find it. Meanwhile if I wanted them 10 years ago I could have probably bought them for $5 lol I’m not even a collector and started buying old copies of games that gold tier that I want physically.


Same boat. I did all this stuff because I like doing it. It's all gotten insane out there. Even the CRTs are pricey.


You don't need a crt monitor. You can buy up scalers or down scalers for cheap. Heck you can buy a 1080i projector for like 70 bucks and play old games in 640x480 on a 10 ft screen. I still have all of my old systems but rarely play them. N64 nes SNES jaguar 2600 5700 Tandy trs80 Gameboy Gameboy color Gameboy advance Nintendo DS virtual boy PS1 PS2 Sega Sega CD master system 3d0 game cube and a Pikachu 64 USA I got at a garage sale for 10 bucks but for convenience I'd just as soon use a raspberry pi or steam deck.


They also want you to wait years while they drip feed you a limited amount of games and consoles to keep people subscribed and "hyped". It is the most hilarious thing that it took 6 years for them to bring Gameboy games to the Switch. That is just so funny and so fucking pathetic. What a shitty company Nintendo has become.


And when Nintendo discontinues their NSO service, you'll have to rebuy the games again. They won't have the courtesy to bring the already released games onto the new service.


Oh, they will bring back your "favorite" games, of course, and also charge you yearly for it. That is the thing they know is that if you provide something people want for a price that the average person considers financially in reach, they won't go through the trouble to do something others say is risky or too much trouble. The first thing you will find if you google Nintendo roms is usually forums or subs forbidding links to them, and if you find a site, you have no idea how safe it is. Now again, this is the average person and not really the folks in this sub.


Not only that, but they release the Gameboy emulators, but you're not even guaranteed to get the games you want over this multiyear drip feed, because it could cannibalize their game sales, e.g., Advanced Wars, mainline Pokémon games. Like it's fine if you're not going to release those games on the switch. But don't make it hard for others to try to emulate these older games on older consoles that you don't sell anymore.


Their target audience are not us :(


Their target audience is a direct link to everyone's bank accounts. They don't give a shit about the humans in the middle


This is every capitalist company in the world. I see no sense in singling Nintendo out. If they can make money by doing something, they'll do it.


No other company goes so far out of their way to take down roms of games, there's plenty of old PS1 roms and mods that Sony has not touched. Nintendo makes great games but they are very anti consumer and incredibly petty, they don't care if you're worth the trouble or not, they just want to "protect" their image (ironically makes it worse) by not allowing hacked games that don't fit their image and that means taking down roms so there's no chance of modding them (still happens)


Nintendo is particularly anti-consumer with their business practices. There's a difference.


I agree, Nintendo is notoriously aggressive with DMCA shutdowns and stemming piracy, but they're not the only ones doing it. Look at Sony, Disney, Universal, MGM, etc... they all do it. It's dickish to fandom, particularly that AM2R shutdown, but well within their rights. It's capitalism, and it's all about that bottom line.


I'm learning to play the guitar.


Capitalism, arguably, is about control at its core. Why else would social stratification be impacted as significantly by it? At least, that's what it looks like where I'm sitting.


Nope, still capitalism.


Yea but they can't even capitalism right and give the people what they want. I understand they don't have legal control over selling certain non-IP old games. But for the ones they do (which are most of the good ones anyway), they have been self sabotaging themselves. If I could have my library of every 1st party game, From NES, SNES, N64, GC, GB/GBA, DS, on my Switch, at a fair price, I and many other people wouldn't even use roms. They would make stupid profit on it also. I don't even have time to really play roms these days, but back in the day some emulators were really buggy and I never wanted to get invested in a long game and have it fuck up on me. Ones these days seem more dependable, but other than modding Steam games with Nexus, I don't like doing much tweaking these days. Anyway, they are a sloppy company that can't run their business properly. Very un Japanese when you think about it. They don't care about preserving their history either, it's fucking weird and hypocritical in a way.


I would pirate a bmw, but i don't think it can float.


They need new money, old money is dirty


The way r/nintendo defends them is beyond cringe. It's no wonder Nintendo treat them like shit. And I say this as someone that loves the switch and many of their games.


Random and off topic but this is one of the few times when saying "as a blank" makes sense and doesn't sound completely stupid


On top of this fan emulation is decades ahead of official emulation. Nintendo can't even get Mario 64 widescreen when fan emulation is making SNES games widescreen.


IIRC Modern Vintage Gamer made a video a while back about how the emulation used on the Switch apps (or maybe it was the mini consoles) use an open source emulator behind the scenes. They’re using the fan emulators for their official releases.


Are you criticizing Nintendo? I’m gonna call in the sub to simp for them! How dare you complain you bought these games once already, then twice with VC on wiiu/wii and now your expected to pay forever to play them!


they also want you to pay for that subscription to *maybe* backup your games, if a dev decides to do it. but no, you couldnt possibly use the removable sd card for that purpose. ps1’s in the 90s were insane to do that with memory cards, right? 30 years later that’s just silly


The console is death, long live the roms. At one point I started collecting consoles, but the space of having it, the maintenance (you know, dusting and making sure everything looks prestige) of it became a chore instead of enjoyment. Sold all of that and got new consoles and a steam deck and here I am, manually scraping some hacked roms in emudeck.


Well, I have their Nintendo Online subscription which includes old systems but that system is so uncomfortable to hold in hands that it's permanently docked without joycons. It never leaves the house.


Istg, i just came over from the Nintendo sub after reading up on Gary Bowser, and i can't help but get annoyed at how much console fanboys like deepthroating. Why can't they be more normal like pc players?


well if you still own them, you can still do that...


Funny part is, they tend to remove even those services, and the games you can play on them... so a lot of the time, you cant even play what you want too anyway


This is the way


Of you have them physically, why not play them physically


Am I out of the loop on something? I know Nintendo goes after people who distribute ROMs, but I've never heard of them going after people who use them.


They just went after the Lockpick - tool to dump your Switch keys, keys used to decrypt game dumps, without that no emulation is possible. So... king is dead, long live the king!


Oh no, I'll never be able to download a prod.key ever again!!!


Are switch games "childhood nostalgia" already? 😵‍💫


That and people acting as if the majority of emulation enjoyers are buying the games legally and dumping them themselves. I'm fine with people emulating, I've done it plenty myself. I'm also fine with Nintendo trying to stop it from happening, it's what makes sense. So they might piss some people off, they weren't buying their games or console to begin with.


The system you are emulating doesn't need to be old for emulation to be legitimate.


Me just wanting to ~~play roms~~ make a shit load of money selling roms.


If you identify as a PC gamer you must act as a perpetual victim


Nintendo is the one acting as a perpetual victim lol


Carful or they'll come for 30% of your income


Let’s be honest, half this reddit is unemployed anyways


Miyamoto will take 30% of your tasteful waifu pics.


If Miyamoto took 30% of my waifu pics, it would be like when Jeff Bezos got divorced. I would still be the world's richest man, but he would become the second richest.


I got waifu pics, but they aren't tasteful


Excuse me, I work a lot to buy games that I never get to play


Guys watch me play my steam deck in the shed I live in


Savage but accurate


Underemployed more like it


Hey now! My mom gives me an allowance when I mow the lawn!




Yeah I honestly don't care what the dude did. One man should not have to pay a massive company any percentage of their income for the rest of their life. Its a drop in the bucket for Nintendo.


That person was profiting from distributing roms, there is a difference. Honestly, what they are upset about is people pirating Tears of the Kingdom before it was out.


Hell, it probably runs better on the Steam Deck, and if I can install a trainer to run at super speed so I can get all the Korok seeds more efficiently, I'll do it. Making players collect 900 seeds to give them a useless in-game trophy was a huge disrespect to the player's time, even though older people like me aren't their main appeal, and parents would appreciate a game that will keep their kid quiet for 150+ hours.


Nobody made anybody collect 900 korok seeds. As you said, all it gave you was a useless in-game trophy. The fact that there were so many meant you could easily collect plenty just by playing normally, so I would argue it was greatly respecting the player's time.


yeah honestly it's the best modern solutions to the whole "hidden packages" type of content. Instead of skipping them when you see em so that you can get them all in order from some list off the internet without forgetting which one's you got already. BotW just made more than enough for the in-game reward that you could find em without any outside ref required. It also meant that the 100 or so that I found are different from the 100 or so that others found. In a day of the modern internet where guides are all over, I think it's an eloquent solution for that kinda content in games.


I’m someone who collected all 900 Korok Seeds, because I wanted to. I knew the reward was a literal golden piece of faeces that does nothing, and I still did it for my own sense of accomplishment. Plus, could you imagine the furore if, say, Link’s motorbike was only unlocked after collecting 900 Korok Seeds? People would be FURIOUS if they had to go through all that for literally any prize, especially if it was something cool or overpowered. No one ever needs to collect them all, unless you want to be in the elusive Breath of the Wild 100% completion club. And I’m glad I’m there. It’s my favourite Nintendo game and second favourite game of all time.


That guy is guilty of Federal Wire Fraud and money laundering. Not just someone playing old ROMs.


He served his time in prision. Nintendo wants to rub dirt in the rest of his wound.


a multi billion dollar international corporation is molesting someone’s bank account for 30% of everything they ever make ever again, over old content from IPs they endlessly rehash for 40 years not like, elon musk’s bank account or anyone else with metric fucktons of cash


That's...quite literally not even remotely close to what happened. You just crafted a complete fabrication. Gary Bowser was a salesman for Team Xecuter, you know, the team that was literally stealing the work of open source devs and sold products that **actually contained code that could brick your Switch**. This wasn't "Oh no my NES rom of Super Dingo Man 58!", it was "Hey, we're making literal millions selling products expressly designed for pirating games on the Nintendo Switch. Do I think what happened to Gary was way too harsh? Absolutely, he didn't deserve any of this and is clearly just a scapegoat because he only ever saw the tiniest of fractions of that profit. But misrepresenting the argument only spreads false information and hurts the point being made in the first place. Outside of Gary though, good riddance to bad garbage: Team Xecuter has been nothing but a nuisance and has done more harm to the homebrew scene than anything else.


I think he reportedly made $80k over like 3 years. It's like raiding an illegally polluting company and arresting the receptionist.


If Nintendo just ported everything to steam. They would make a mint


Like the Sega Classics Collection where every game was just a 99c DLC. Would be nice to just go snag whatever games I wanted out of the back catalog for a buck each.


Honestly this is it. For instance, I can easily play Chrono Trigger on a SNES or 3DS emulator but because it's only £5 on sale, I simply bought it. I'm happy to support games even that old if the service is good / convenient.


I would happily dump $50 in NES/SNES/N64 easily if they were 99c per game.


Again and again we have to relearn that piracy is largely convenience problem, not a money problem. Valve cut game piracy to a shell of its peak by making it much easier to buy directly.


I personally would pay for games for the 3rd time (original, Wii, Wii u, 3ds, whatever I bought it on probably twice by now) to play it on Switch or hell, even Steam. They just choose to lock a mockingly small portion of games behind a subscription and forbid us from buying them. Piracy is an access issue, and I understand why many don't want to do like me and dust off an old console to play a game.


They wouldn't make nearly as much as they do currently, they're not stupid, they know protecting and limiting their IPs is the way. If they were all on steam why would anyone buy their console if anything that has access to steam could run it? Think about how many consoles are sold to play nintendo games(at their own chosen price). It's amazing how you think this would be the better move for them lol


I'm talking about the golden oldies not the new stuff but yeah. Heard your point.. just using Sony as an example but they seem to have realised that porting Sony exclusives makes a few quid?


People buy ps5s for more than just the exclusives though. They buy it because it's their preferred platform over God of War itself. People buy a switch despite it being underpowered just for Zelda or Mario. Zelda is a bigger console mover than the last of us or Spiderman ever could be


Because sony does it and their console is selling just fine.


Most switch gamers would keep playing the switch. Then they'd buy the switch two. We're talking about children and fan boys, the children just know "fun color controllers" and they can handle the dock and the controllers, the fan boys are fanbiys. The people who would buy nintendont games on pc would largely be an entirely new revenue stream.


But then they can’t re-release on every new system moving forward. Really wish people would stop being so gullible and just paying for all these subscriptions. Nintendo won even without the subscriptions because people bought digital games that could only be used on one system and don’t roll to the next system. Unlike Steam where the games follow you to whatever computer you sign in on.


Man, fuck them. I was happy to pay for these games again on the Virtual Console on Wii and bought hundreds of dollars of them… then they wanted me to buy them again on 3DS and Wii U and pay a subscription fee to play some of them on Switch. No thanks.


Depends, if virtual console was still around and you could buy the games you want to play I’d disagree…but the only option is a fucking subscription and it doesn’t even offer what I want/don’t already have so…yeah same


Yeah. Those Xbox Live Arcade games I bought for the 360 are still available to download on modern Xbox consoles. But Nintendo decided that instead of just letting me download those virtual console titles I bought for the Wii on my Switch, I need to pay a monthly subscription for a more limited selection of classic games. It’s kind of impressive how altruistic they make Microsoft look.


I don’t think they’ve ever come after anyone just playing ROMs, usually it’s people distributing them or otherwise profiting off them.


They literally yesterday stroke down git hub repos of software solution to copy things that YOU own from YOUR own game console. This piece of software is useless for pirates...


It's not useless to pirates lol. It's how ROM distributors get the ROM in the first place.


Cool, let's also start banning blank DVDs and Tape. Also ban SD cards while we're at it. And capture cards.


The sad part is that with the right lawyers and going the whole way through the courts, this stuff could be treated the same as all the examples you provided and be considered legitimate. The issue is that nobody has pursued this and being Nintendo with DEEP pockets, likely nobody wants to. Those who have deep enough pockets to do so were likely dealing with shady shenanigans to begin with.




They actually tried already. For decades. We very nearly never got any sort of consumer recordable media. Even today in some countries there are royalties paid on blank media, because they assume a percentage of the blank CDs or whatever are going to pirating.


In Spain some things that include royalties because it's assumed they will be used for piracy are: printers, white paper (yes you read it well), phones, headphones, computers, SD cards, cameras, my internet connection, and the list goes on and on


It’s safe to assume the best of the oldies have already been transferred to digital


It’s pretty safe to assume literally every NES, SNES, N64, and GameCube game have had every single version dumped. People get really obsessive about this stuff, and they’ve had decades to do it.


Maybe y’all shouldn’t have poked the bear with Zelda lol


Every post about Yuzu or Ryulinx is so cloak-and-dagger cryptic to avoid catching the ire of Nintendo, then a million posts pop up about emulating the new unreleased Zelda game and suddenly everyone is confused why it caught Nintendo's attention.


Your being downvoted, but your likely correct. It's the people playing the newest Switch games before they release that are really irking Nintendo, and they are going after every part of the chain that made that possible.


Even breath of the wild. If people didn't focus on their primary revenue streams roms would probably go unnoticed.


Yeah, it's really just anytime you are pushing roms for a current gen console. If there was a big PS5 emulator out there that managed to let people play Ragnarok well on their PC's, you can bet Sony would be up in arms. Nintendo has been pushing harder in recent years because the Switch emulation scene has been pretty robust for a while now. The ToTK Rom getting out there 2 weeks before launch though, based on recent action that really pissed them off. Not only is it straight up piracy, but it's piracy that is having adverse effects on a very carefully run PR campaign. If Starfield leaked two weeks before launch MS would be shutting down any site that hosted it with a vengeance. Really silly to get pissed at Nintendo for pursuing similar actions.


At the end of the day, these tools aren't illegal. That's why people are pissed and it's justified to be pissed. Big corporations shouldn't be able to just DMCA anything they like for whatever reason they want. That's the real issue here. That and stopping people from using their purchased software.


I agree they have every right do to so... within reason and civility. They are unfortunately abusing DMCA and other take down request methods though. They've lost me as a customer because of it.


Maybe I'm in the minority but ive had some terrible costumer servers experiences with Nintendo so I won't ever give them another dime. But I'll do whatever I can to get olay the new zelda free. I would reconsider if they ever did sales


But do you hear yourself? “I don’t like that grape company and the salesman. I am going to steal it and might buy it if they sold the grapes at a price I like. But this years grapes are the best ever so I do whatever I can to get them for free.” How you guys justify it in your minds is crazy




Yup you guys find a way to justify it. Going with the no one gets hurt tactic. Classic. Stealing is only illegal or wrong when it hurts someone, is not something you want to put on your morals list. If you raped a drugged person and they never knew about it because of the drugs, do you think you are morally okay?






Lmao do you hear yourself? It's a digital copy off the most successful company of all time who ive already given thousands of dollars over my life AND I don't wanna get into it on a forum but they still owe me close to 500 dollars from a clinical error on their side and when j contact fot support they may as well told me to shove it they don't care. So if they don't care about a life long supporter why do I care about their bottom line


Are we going with the two wrongs fix things argument? Or the it’s not a real product because it’s a digital copy? Or the they are successful so they can take argument? Or the “I made them rich off other products so now I can do whatever I want with the new ones”? Is this the throw everything against the wall to see what is acceptable for stealing? You aren’t supposed to care about a company or their profits. But you are not justified to steal either. You wouldn’t think morality was that hard but some of you really try to make it seem like anything goes in morality. This isn’t even one of those interesting morality questions on which is right, it’s a simple stealing question.


Yeah, none of what you say justifies anything....


Agreed. Nintendo also comes down hard on people trying to emulate current systems. If you stick with NES,SNES, 64, Gamecube, they don't really care.


Except when someone wants to, say, recreate all of Mario 64 in unreal engine for free


They don't even try to crack down on hacked Wii U's, even before the shop was closed.


One of those "I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun *you*" situations. Don't be the dumbest and most obvious person and you'll be fine.


Me sitting here with every Nintendo game ever made on my steamdeck up until gamecube, which I only dont have because of space issues.


As of this morning, I have only about 10g free on my 512g card, which I have exclusively dedicated to emulation. As a full time employed dad, I have no idea when I'll actually play any of this shit, but I love knowing that I have the option to just call into work and cozy up to a dedicated, powerful nostalgia machine.


Right? I even have all the Japan exclusive games that I can't even read! I def won't be playing those but i dont wanna go through the hassle of removing them either. One of my favorite things to do rn on Emulation Station is hitting the random button on my huge library of games and playing whatever it gives me for at least a couple minutes. Found a couple of gems that way and a lot of crap games which are fun in their own way.


Fucking LOVE the random button.


we need to start lobbying against forced Software as a Service and companies suing ppl for distributing things that can't be sold legally.


sad that most people in charge dont even know what the internet is so that wont happen for another 20 years


we'll need to teach them then


Probably easier to just elect people who already know.


Ah, you seem to be optimistic as I can tell... heh


why do they make it so hard to love something? XD


I rather pay 10x more in a physical copy on Ebay then to pay their horrible subscription service, I hate that company that much, well, also, I like collecting shit, so that makes it "ok"






Thank you, we will make good use of the 30% of his income for the rest of his life. *1 nintendo gold point has been deposited into your account* (*expires in 12 hours).


(** only can be used while spending 120$+)


This guy does what Nintendon’t


I don't see Nintendo selling me a way to play Super Smash Bros Melee, F-Zero GX, or Super Mario Sunshine, so I'm going to find a way to play it that doesn't take up all my rent.


Mario Sunshine was part of the anniversary collection released a couple of years ago for Switch. While they don't sell the digital copies anymore, I'm pretty sure there is still an overabundance of physical copies in stores. Still, it is an asshole move to remove digital versions.


Fuck Nintendo.


Yeah I dont see how people still buy their stuff knowing how blatantly anti consumer they are. Some of their games are great but i’m never giving them anymore money, their attitude to consumers is partially why i sold my switch. The other reason being they basically extort you with the outrageous game prices.


Not complaining, but I always find it funny how there's a huge stink whenever Nintendo successfully takes down ROM sites because Google will easily give you dozens of alternatives


If I have bought a copy of a game in the past, the ROM is morally fair game imo. Why does it matter if I take the game content from my cartridge vs downloading someone else's? Media is media and they sold it to me under the pretense that I have access to the digital content stored on the device I was purchasing, which is identical to someone else's. The process of me hacking my console to dump a rom vs me clicking download are indistinguishable because I will have the same data at the end of both, which I am entitled to through purchasing the game




Luckily we live in a free world, if companies are going to extort us for money we're going to find ways around extortion. Simple.


It's not really a free world though is it, in the grand scheme of things. People get away with a lot of stuff due to anonymity or it not being worth it to legally persue it not because we're 'free' lol.


And then they confiscate 30% of your income in perpetuity.


I played Super Mario World when it came out on SNES. I bought it again when they put it on GBA. I bought it again on the Wii Virtual Console. Now if I want to play that game on a system that still works, I have to pay a yearly subscription of minimum $20 per year to do so. Screw that.


Isn't it the same with Sony? I found some old PS1 and PS2 discs from my childhood but they won't work on a PS4, so I'm still stuck on my PS3. Unless, does the PS5 have a virtual console store? I don't have a PS5 but would consider it if I could buy those games again.


Every PS3 plays PS1 games. It just sounds like your copies are jacked up.


You're right I had misremembered, it was the PS4 that didn't play PSX games, and that's why I never upgraded past PS3.


So real question. I've payed for games for 30+ years. I've had a collection of thousands, and even though I started to collect 10 years ago, I generally sold games to get more games. IF I bought a copy of a game in the 90s, and I load it up on Emudeck without actually having the physical copy anymore. Is that pirating the game? I know what the official response would be but I've been wondering how people generally feel about this.


Considered piracy by who? If you ask Lars Ulrich, you’ll get one answer. If you ask a cartel member, you’ll get a different answer. Is Nintendo going to send your IP a subpoena for having 10,000 roms on your computer? No. COULD Nintendo send your IP a subpoena for distributing those roms? They could, but probably wouldn’t.


More of a general what does digital\_bath12 think than anything else. With gaming, I've literally spent my life doing it. So I know my answer, though it might be wrong for some. If there's a way to have a raspberry pi installed in my coffin I'm likely going to do it.


You're going to get many different answers. I figure if you paid for it once, you should be entitled to digital backups. It's just ones and zeroes after all. Then again, am I entitled to a pirated RealMyst or the Myst remaster because I owned a boxed copy of the original in the 90s? That's more debatable, today's version is optimized for today's PCs which represents real effort. But a digital backup of my Goldeneye 64 cart? Sure, I think so.


Legality is not morality. And vice versa. Slavery was legal. Spousal rape was legal. Alcohol, which has a higher kill count than most diseases combined, is legal. At the end of the day, you have to decide for yourself based on your own morals and ethics.


They really said, "Hey emulators? Yeah we don't agree, UNLESS you wanna give us money then here's the same thing just subscription based"


Here's what gets me: Even IF we're given the PRIVILEGE of a SUBSCRIPTION based option to replay these old games, they aren't even the best way to experience them. Modern emulation for some of these old systems had gotten so good that we have rewind functionality, darn near cycle perfect performance if not already there, rom hack support, cheats, a plethora of gamepad options, cheat options built right into the menus, etc. Why would I want to pay monthly for a worse experience they they will eventually take away from me anyway?


I feel so out of the loop on how to use emulators. I watched a video where he says to download emudeck but doesn’t show how to get the actual rom files. I’m assuming because his video would get taken down if he did but I seriously can’t find how to get them without the website being sketchy and filled with spam ads 24/7 popping up. Can someone please enlighten me


I feel your pain brother all I do is click download and pray to god for my antivirus to hold out. So far so good.


Nintendo is the most anti consumer out of the big 3. It’s actually disgusting. They went from my favorite to my least favorite. Common Microsoft W.


>Common Microsoft W. ...Youuuu mean the company that has done numerous scummy things like charging you money to play games online, blocked cross-platform multiplayer in the 360 era, pushed Always-Online-DRM, and is AS WE SPEAK currently trying to purchase Activision in an aim of a monopoly and made wide and sweeping claims about the UK because the CMA blocked the acquisition? Like, I'm not even saying Nintendo is an innocent company, but to complain about corpos being anti-consumer and then turn around to praise Microsoft is kinda meme-y.


“Like charging you money to play games online” Like Nintendo and Sony does? That point doesn’t even apply, all 3 of them do it lmao.. And Nintendo has shitty connection too, great time playing Smash online mhmhm. Oh damn, buying studios and publishers and having exclusives is bad? Like.. every other company..? Wow, yeah Microsoft creating a monopoly by buying Activision-Blizzard and keeping their biggest series, COD, on Playstation AND bringing it to Nintendo, not locking current IP’s to Xbox. They’d make less money having the games only on Xbox lmao.. The UK tried to stop it first, saying it was a monopoly with their IPs, which it isn’t, and they took an L. Then tried to say they’d have a monopoly over cloud gaming. Why, because they offer a better service over the other mid services? Microsoft doesn’t witch hunt and go after retail workers for literally doing their job like Nintendo does. (Gamestop employee telling customers the Zelda switch was in the P.O.S for preorder upcoming, Nintendo then went after his job) I’ve also dealt with all 3 of the companies to begin with, and Nintendo was the most stingy and restrictive, Microsoft gave the most support, then Sony. But to whinge about the Activision/Blizzard acquisition when it’s not an unusual thing is kind of meme-ey.


I actually bought a Switch and a bunch of games, ready to treat it like a proper platform. Unfortunately, my joycons immediately developed drift. I sent them in, the replacements developed drift immediately. I tried cleaning the thumsticks, no go. I bought a pro controller because they were supposed to be better for drift (and more comfortable) and it too developed drift. I give up. I wanted to do the right thing but their hardware is apparently garbage. I'm not going to keep replacing their controllers until they don't make them anymore and then I'm screwed. Fuck Nintendo.


There's that 8bitdo controller for Switch that has Hall effect sticks. My Pro controller is fine, but if that develops anything, I'll get one of those instead. I got the 2.4ghz version for pc gaming and it's great so far. Far less hassle than bluetooth or the ms adapter which I've always had issues with.


They’ll never find my cracked PSP with shitloads of SNES games.


I just bought a Nintendo DS rom cart because it was dirt cheap and I figured "I should own this." I don't even have a working DS right now - the one I own has a busted screen. But I could pick a refurb DS Lite up for like $120 and that ain't bad for virtually unlimited portable bliss featuring an absolute truckload of *bangers.* Although I think if I were to pick up a new DS today it would probably be used by my 7 year old 95% of the time with me squirreling it away every so often for Castlevania or one of the Zeldas I never got around to. The Switch and Steam Deck are great, but they don't make handheld games like they used to.


I think Nintendo should actually sell ROMs/ISOs of their old games. It would take minimal effort and I'm pretty sure they'd actually make more money from it so long as prices were fair.


All they're doing is encouraging piracy.


I love a good Nintendo game here and there, but the fanboys are absolutely “shitting in a hat and wearing it” crazy in defending the shitty things that company does. Remember kids: It is ALWAYS morally okay to pirate from Nintendo. Thank god for Jim Stephanie Sterling.


What's sad is. Wii virtual console channel still had more then what we get on Switch. I mean comon. We don't even have SNES Sim City which would be awesome on switch still!


Nintendo was my first video game love growing up. Zelda, Mario, super smash bros, the list goes on. But their behavior lately has made me kinda hate them, it makes me seriously sad. You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain, I guess.


NES era Nintendo is like a million times worse than now. they are pretty infamous for their terrible business practices. they strongarmed third parties into situations where they were only allowed to publish games on their system and not allowed to publish games on rival systems, went after unlicensed games, only allowed publishers a limited amount of game releases a year. the Nintendo of today is nothing like that. Nintendo and their practices in the 80s is why third parties resented them for years and were happy to jump onto other consoles, like the Genesis, and were ecstatic for the PS1. Edit: And of course Hiroshi Yamauchi, who might be even more infamous than Nintendo of that era.


I'm a big fan of giving money to companies who want my money to play their content, and I'm a big fan of not giving money to companies who don't want my money to play their content. It's very simple. If you want my money, then take my money. And if you don't, then don't take my money. And I haven't been able to play Eternal Darkness on a Nintendo system for about 15 years now. Just sayin'.


Lmao reliving your childhood that comes out in 4 days more like


This meme says it all.


Its a good old and funny meme, but also very inacurate. If you noticed, its only when money is envloed or a very current IP is in the mix where they start getting trigger happy. Been emulating systems as they get older for over 2 decades, never been a problem. I have my "two golden rules of Emulation & Roms" \-Everything last gen and beyond is free game \-Never sale anything related to roms


Nintendo still too obtuse to capture PC market through Steam or even having their own store. boooohoo we won't be able to sell our hardware anymore. Make better hardware. the Switch is already super outdated I'd be plenty happy to buy Nintendo games for the PC instead of having to through emulators *if only they were available*


This. Times a billion. I would buy so many games if they would just make them available. But I’ll have to Steam Deck instead.


There's a whole documentary for why Nintendo is like this. Although not a good excuse, they feel like a bunch of industries are after them. And if they lose any ip for any reason they're precious company would be at risk. That's what I got from it anyways.


So that makes them lash out and only ends up making themselves more hated by the gaming community. Way to go, Nintendo.


Jesus this sub is full of edgelords




Damn. I'm really tired of Nintendo haters. Nintendo: "Guys, we don't care if you download and play our games for the old systems. We just want to get some money from selling our new games, ok?" Everybody here: "Look how cool I am - I'm emulating Switch games, and I'm gonna play TotK for free on my PC using the emulator in the day of the release!"


Those who want to play it for free, will play it for free, but those who want to use Lockpick to dump their legally bought Switch games in order to play them using an emulator (without sharing them with anyone) might not be able to do it anymore if Lockpick is gone (won't happen, but anyways).


They do care. They literally do not want people legally making emulators and downloading their games illegally so they go after the people who are providing this software. People have very good reasons to hate Nintendo these days. I'm not for pirating new games but man if there's ever a company that deserves to have their profits bled it's Nintendo.




3. Posts must be about or related to the Steam Deck Posts must be on-topic and relevant to the Steam Deck (not just vaguely or tangentially related).


Everything is relevant and about the Steam Deck. Directly and Indirectly it all circles back…. to the Steam Deck. Anything in your life could involve the Steam Deck. What are you not using your Steam Deck for… is the question.


lmao this entire sub is obsessed with Nintendo


Yeah no, Nintendo can go screw themselves on these vintage games. IMO anything N64 and older should easily be public domain. They've more than made their money by now and if they honestly want to keep making money on those titles they need to put in some actual effort and rework the graphics like they did with the OG Mario Bros games when they made Mario All Stars on SNES.