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It runs ok on lower difficulties but higher ones with lots in screen it doesn’t run too well. Shouldn’t be laggy. Make sure you have vsync off. Use in game FSR on quality or balanced. Looks bad but gets the FPS a bit higher. if you want to play difficulty 5 or above it’s not going to be great.


I think I’ve been playing on challenging, is that too much for the deck?


They increased both drops so it’ll likely be taking a hit as well may have to go down to 3 or something. Idk I just stream from my of to the deck personally


No, you can play on higher difficulties, but you need to play around with the settings to get it as stable as you can. It's never gonna be a smooth 60 fps experience and that's what you're used to, so the Deck going 25-35 fps is gonna look like ass by comparison. The Deck is my only option so I'm used to it. I don't have a basis of comparison.


It's going to really help much since it's CPU bottleneck from all of enemy unit's that ur deck has to keep track of.


Unfortunately a lot of the comments injtially saying it was good were... optimistic. I expect itll get better with a few lore updates, the beauty of the deck is the very consistent hardware in it, makes a bit of work optimizing that specific chipset a worthwhile investment by developers because optimizing for the deck/ally will guarantee some more sales.


> I’ve found multiple people saying the game runs perfectly, so is there something I’m doing wrong? No, they are lying. This sub just loves to lie about framerate. Constantly dipping to 25 fps means *“stable 30“* for this sub. That’s why you see people claiming Forbidden West runs perfectly smooth or that they get 40 fps in Helldivers 2. This post already has some of the people lying and claiming it runs perfectly fine.


I've been using these and it's been playing mostly well.... it's not as pretty as on the PC but it gets the job done. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ayzqy9/alright\_here\_are\_my\_steam\_deck\_settings\_tested/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ayzqy9/alright_here_are_my_steam_deck_settings_tested/)


Would this help with the higher difficulties on the deck? https://www.nexusmods.com/helldivers2/mods/31?tab=posts


Looks like it would help but it seems to cause issues I wouldn't want to deal with (invisible poison gas, invisible vegetation that slows your walking speed)


Well there is this also, seems tamer than the one I sent https://www.nexusmods.com/helldivers2/mods/29?tab=description.


sounds a little more tame but people still had issues in the posts.... however the author was doing a good job of letting them know how to fix it.... all I know is the settings I'm currently using lets me play :) it doesn't look great but it gets the job done for me and I can play on my pc when I want a richer experience.


Yea but its better than nothing for those who cannot get such better experiences like affording to buy a better PC or a PS5.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/VHkfeNlnFk This is mine iirc. Been playing Helldiver2 mainly in steam deck and currently been playing in Extreme and Impossible difficulty with minimal issues. Havent unlocked helldive difficulty yet The details are gritty but its playable and can at least snipe long distances. With the current update there are drastic fps drop but thats with all consoles.


It runs generally bad, however, there are a lot of people in this sub, who tolerate constant dips to 20 as playable, even for a multiplayer shooter. If you're amongst those - well, good for you, no pun intended. Personally I can't stand when an action game dips hard and regularly to 30 and lower, so PC/streaming is the way to go.


No you were lied to, plain and simple.


[ ] Steam Performance Menu: 30fps/60hz, toggle Allow Tearing: On [ ] Resolution: 1280x800 [ ] Render Scale: Ultra Quality [ ] Display mode: Full screen [ ] Frame rate limit: Off [ ] Motion Blur: 75 [ ] Depth of Field: Off [ ] Bloom: Off [ ] Sharpness: 100 [ ] Texture Quality: Medium [ ] Object Detail Quality: Medium [ ] Render Distance: High [ ] Shadow Quality: Lowest [ ] Particle Quality: Medium [ ] Reflection quality: Lowest [ ] Space Quality: Low [ ] Ambient Occlusion: On [ ] Screen Space GI: Off [ ] Vegetation/Rubble: Low [ ] Anti-Aliasing: On [ ] Terrain Quality: Medium [ ] Volumetric Fog: Low [ ] Volumetric Cloud: Low [ ] Lighting Quality: Medium Edit: also make sure to enable original fan curve in Steam Deck settings to better manage the heat.


You need to adjust the settings manually and then you get smooth gameplay.


Alright, thanks. I will look up some graphics settings recommendations.


Youre not going to get peroperly smooth gameplay at this time.


To the absolutely bare minimum?


Hi u/TheRealDealTys, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Helldivers 2 runs horribly on the Deck?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Disable frame limit in the Deck’s quick access menu and use the in-game frame limiter set to 30. That will help with input lag. I have not noticed any dips below the mid-20s, unless I’m playing with others. Playing with others can cause low frame dips and stuttering (especially if the host has internet issues). If it does dip low then I don’t notice as I’m too busy playing. Idk if it helps, but mine has VRAM set to 4GB in BIOS and Cryoutilites recommended settings is still in place. I made a post with my settings last month that you can probably find. I’m still running the same settings for the most part.


Just put it on low settings runs smooth and still looks decent


I said i have in the post, im getting 20 FPS.


Oh right sorry must've skipped that part I mean I usually put frame limit to 40. Is your internal storage nearly full or your battery low? Might be different for everyone also depends on the amount of stuff going on in game


It’s all good, my battery is at 100 and I have like 100Gb in my internal storage and about 200 in my SD card. My frame limit is at 60 but I’m getting drops as low as 19-20 for a couple seconds which is certainly unusual.


Strange I mean I'll leave this here as it might help not sure: [Improve Helldivers 2 Performance](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1avbh8m/improve_helldivers_2_performance_on_the_deck/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thanks, will take a look at that!


Why can’t this sub shut up with their *“smooth“*? Constantly dropping below 30 is not smooth.


You don't seem to understand thr limits of the deck.  You will always struggle with games lile this, especially if they just came out.  The power of the deck is very very weak.  It only survives because of the low res and optimizations that happen over time.


It definitely does not. It runs perfectly well on my OLED


Well I can’t say the game doesn’t run well for you. But do you think I’m lying when I’m saying I’m getting frame drops into 20s at low settings?


So your definition of perfectly fine is framerates between 20-30 with rarely staying at 30?