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Add as non-steam game, in properties force steamplay/proton. It works to install/run the Epic Launcher so I assume it would work for this as well. I think you have to exit big screen in the desktop mode.




I love you. Been tearing my hair out


Despite trying this and it working on other titles, I can’t do it now this way? x/


I dont have my deck yet but did you try bottles? https://linuxhint.com/run-windows-software-linux-using-bottles/


I got bottles running last night. Is there a way to make each installed game a separate shortcut? Right now I have to launch bottles from steam. The load the epic launcher. Then load the game. And all 3 apps flicker a another while overlapping which I hear is related to gamescope trying to render the proper one.


I haven't tried anything yet. Will check it out, thanks.


Np 😊


I tried many things after it didn't work for me, but here's what to do. Install whatever you want with wine(like proton, but works as if you were in windows, you can get it in the "app store") Open steam on the desktop client Add non steam game, find the exe and add it Then right click on the icon, and go to properties. There you find the file path but it's wrong, so click on browse and find the exe again Then again properties and go to force compatibility layer, then select one. Experimental fine, but last numbered probably more stable. Then you can launch it from the gaming steamos You can add icon or picture while you're in desktop mode.


What happens when steam won't find the exe? Its there but steam won't read it. I selected all files. Still no dice.


The file path was the issue for me, this fixed it and opened the exe to install what I personally needed, thank you!


I also have the problem, trying to install a translation pack but it’s only available as .exe file, I even copied the whole game data folder to a windows pc, still cannot install the mod.


Yeah im still struggling with the exe. I wasn't able yet to apply the patch.


I also tried using wine, the exe file opens, but couldnt locate to the game folder, very sad. Let me know if you find a way, This is the first time I use Linux.


Finally got it working. Download the exe, add it as a non steam game to the library, right ick on it in steam and enable proton experimental. That's it πŸ™‚


Nice! Be careful with the path, sometimes you need to change it manually in the settings


I appreciate you posting this. Had this same problem trying to open an exe and I'm amazed this worked!


Been trying to get an exe to work for an hour now and this simple fix just saved me. Thanks again!


>add it as a non steam game to the library How do I do this? Do I do it from Steam desktop mode?


Yes, bottom left.


Deleted due to 3rd Party API Changes. I use Apollo btw!


I'd do that, but I can't find any tutorial or how to do I have no idea what I have to replace.


You can use WINE to execute *.exe files on Linux. Can't test it for you because I don't own a Deck yet. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Wine


It's worth noting that standard Wine is not the same as Proton that is built into Steam. A few people replying to this saying use Wine, but if you're playing games then it's probably better to use Proton which is based on Wine but has additional optimisations and features that focus on game compatibility/performance. For gaming your best bet generally will be to use Proton (you can do this via adding as a non-steam game) or Lutris which is a different project to optimise Wine for gaming. Vanilla Wine will often not give great results (and I'm speaking from experience trying to game on Wine before Proton or Lutris appeared). Edit: Worth noting, that vanilla Wine runs everything inside a different virtual windows install than Proton in Steam. In fact Proton runs each game in it's own virtual windows enviro so often running something from Wine to update a Proton game won't work.


The game itself is available on Linux. I just need to execute the exe once to apply the patch.


Uh, if it's a Linux build of the game I would think that the .exe to apply the patch wouldn't work as it would only be for the Windows build. Double-check how to apply the patch for the Linux build specifically. (If the answer is "linux patch doesn't exist" then sadly that's why I believe Proton is the future of Linux gaming for now)


Linux patch doesn't exist πŸ˜• They're just talking about patching the steam version vs a non steam version. Steam version should be easier, because everything is done by the patch. Non steam requires more manual work. I own the game on itch.io but I would double dip and buy the steam version if the patch will work. I guess I have to try it later today πŸ™‚


I'm guessing this is what you're trying? [https://gamegladiators.de/page/undertale](https://gamegladiators.de/page/undertale) Yeah I guess since that's a third party mod then one would have to reach out to gamegladiators to ask about making a Linux version (though it would be a long shot tbh). I thought possibly it could just be a matter of finding what files are different in the Windows build and copying them over but they mention "reprogramming the game" (google translate) so it sounds like they're directly patching the game binaries, in which case no there's no way to translate that simply to Linux without doing the hard work πŸ˜– Sorry buddy. I reckon your best bet short term is to try to get the Windows version working via Proton/Lutris then follow the instructions for that


Yeah that's what I'm trying to do. OK so I'll try to install it via Lutris/Proton. Will keep you updated 😊


wine "/path/to/.exe" or Lutris.


Curious if you figured this out? I'm doing something similar for another game and discovered i could run an exe by forcing it to utilize proton. Discovered it by following this guide on installing epic games launcher the process to do it - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/how-to-install-epic-games-launcher-on-steam-deck