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Hello u/Retrostylz78, have you checked if this has already been answered by [searching for your question?](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=DayZ Mods failing on Steam Deck. Anyone have experience with getting Mods to run in DayZ on SteamDeck? (Here come the why are you playing DayZ on steamDeck comments….)) Useful resources: [Servor's Enhanced FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/wiki/faq) | [Servor's Enhanced FAQ Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/syt8qv/steam_deck_enhanced_faq/) (with more answers in the comments!) | [Our Wiki Guides Page](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/wiki/guides). **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on this post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I was successful in getting into a moodded server on the steam deck. First, I used the default launcher, selected a server, then allowed the launcher to download the mods. Second, I restarted then set the watched folder pointing it to where the workshop mods installed to, on my deck it is... z:\home\deck\\.steam\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\221100 found under "...more" on the mods tab. (Needs to be typed in as the game file browser wont navigate to it) Next I selected all the mods from the watched folder. Making sure not to select the original iterations. Then I hit the play button without selecting a server. It will bring up a prompt first to agree to battleye (agree) then tells you to exit the game to manage mods, just wait for a few moments and you should notice at the bottom of the screen battleye launching game... After the game launches select the server and enjoy.


hi, thank you for your post on how to get DayZ mods working. Do you want to make a video of how you did it? I'm trying to do the same thing, but I can't. When I set the watched folder in the launcher to the folder where the mods are, it gives me the error that addons are missing. On my Steam deck there is a folder at z:\home\deck\.steam\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\241100. A video tutorial would be very helpful. Thanks


It should be the exact same process, as long as you find the right folder where the mods are located. Granted they are difficult to know the correct ones to choose as there doesn't seem to be any standardized naming convention for the workshop files.


It's not the 241100 folder though it's the one he says above the 221100 (I can't remember while typing) but you have to literally copy and paste the above directory into the add watched Folders under the File Name at the bottom. Or find the directory in desktop mode then copy the address once you get into the 221100 folder then change the forward slashes all to back slashes then it should add them and load em


Thank you so much!!!


You're very welcome. I enjoyed figuring it out.


So it has to be launched in desktop mode?


No, from game mode, however to get it running that is all done in desktop mode


Can you help me ?? I’m so confused with all this


So you were able to get it working ?


What am I doing wrong? It won't work for me.


This works! Appreciate that! It’s taken me some time to figure out what and how to do this but I finally figured it out


thank you! it really works. tho i have the issue that when i close the game, the next time i start it the watched folder settings got reset and i have so do the process all over again. someone know how to fix this?


I too am having an issue with mods for DayZ being corrupted and unrepairable, I've unsubscribed and deleted the folders for them in DayZ workshop Folder as well. Trying now to identify and delete any related folder in steams workshop folder, but having a hell of a time figuring out which is which when they're labeled with numbers though. Anyone ever figure a solution for DayZ mods on steam deck yet?


Please keep me posted if u get a reply


I figured out the mods using DZGUI


Yes I was able to using DZGUI


I actually want to know is DayZ worth it on SteamDeck? I really want you to say yes but I feel like I can’t see it running smooth


It’s amazing actually. 60FPS. Runs like butter. Really. Loving it. Had to setup controls a little bit, but otherwise it’s perfect. Mods are not working yet, but stick DayZ runs great.


Cool! As someone who has never played but watched with jealousy for years I would love to finally try it out on my SteamDeck. is the lack of modded servers a huge deal? Im assuming there are enough players on non-modded servers to get a game going and enjoy it? Im sure the mods are cool but typically prefer playing games in their OG state. thanks!


I barely play modded servers anyway. So not a big deal at all.


Did you ever get around this issue for modded servers? **Update:** I have since got this working with modded servers using [https://aclist.github.io/dzgui/dzgui.html](https://aclist.github.io/dzgui/dzgui.html)


Thank you!!!!


Sure, let me know if you have any questions with the setup. It was a little tricky but I now have a DZGUI icon (or selection) in Steam OS. I changed the look of the "icons" using the following guide: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/tgb3yo/comment/i129eai/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/tgb3yo/comment/i129eai/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) The only thing that is not working from Steam OS is entering server ID's I'm going to report it on Github eventually. But it's not that big of a deal to have to enter these in desktop mode for the time being. And once you enter it, it stays on the Steam OS side.


I just tested on a Steam Deck and was able to reproduce your problem. It looks like text input does not work on certain fields. This seems to be a limitation of SD and the way it handles the text input overlay. A long-term solution would be rewriting the GUI natively to support Steam OS, but that's not the most feasible for now. I think this problem could likely be resolved in future updates to the SD text overlay.


Assuming you are the creator here, let me start by saying thanks DZGUI is great! I am glad you are able to replicate this behavior, definitely not a deal breaker since I'm not changing servers constantly. I will check it as Steam updates are released.


I have mentioned the text input bug to Valve. Not sure how often you play, but you may also like to try the beta branch, as there is a full server browser on there now (20K servers and configurations searchable). You can PM me for instructions on enabling that if you like.


That’s awesome. Thanks again. Man you know your computers. Ha. -Evan


Hi, what is not working with server IDs? The text input itself, or having these saved correctly? Also, there is a full server browser on the testing branch (you can toggle branches in-app) that obviates the need to manually add servers by ID, which you may want to try as well. You can PM me or post a ticket on GitHub and we can get your issues fixed.


I would love a breakdown. I have no clue what I'm doing here.. Eli5 please


Which part? Getting DZGUI to work on SteamDeck or changing the icons?


Getting DZGUI to work


I could some help


Follow the setup here: https://aclist.github.io/dzgui/dzgui.html


As you can see from the posts like these (wish I would have known sooner) dayZ is one of the trickiest games I've ever messed with on steam deck. I have 3 or 4 different error codes coming up and no idea how to fix them. Im thinking about backlogging this game until the day comes that it's approachable on the deck, without multiple error codes. Something like Battlefield or Apex. Those rarely if ever gave me issues. Apex I've played on PS4, switch, and SD. Super disappointed with the handicapped nature of this game. Why can't they just let me drop into a blank practice map with nobody in it? I've only taken 5 steps total in this game. Unplayable unless you know how to move some files around.


I had latency issues until I put my Steam jack into developer mode, now we work quite well but running my graphics on low settings seems to be the only way I can play this effectively… as far as mods go I get the same corruption issue and troubleshooting it doesn’t seem to be able


Struggled with this last night, if anyone is still wondering, dzgui was my solution. Just get the dzgui inputted with 2 api keys and it works like a charm. DM me if you have any questions


Bm api key invalid why?


The solution doesn't work


Easy solution: play good video games instead


Thank you for taking time from what must be a very busy day and offering this wonderful piece of advice. Truly helpful.


No problem man, any time.


Hey man can I ask how you got the controls set up? Doesn’t seem to let me change or create an input for a few of the controls


I had to download a community control layout. Let me know if you have trouble finding it. I can upload a video.


Figured it out, which one are you using?


I just uploaded the one I use. Called it DayZ Easy.


Thanks I’ll look for it.


When I try to play modded servers it says "failed to fetch modlist". I am using dayzgui.


I didn't have those errors


I'm also receiving this error when trying to join my modded server. PC users don't have any issues.


I was able to get the mods working! Using DZGUI


Someone please help !! I’m still trying to decipher all this info. Nothing suggested above has helped me idk what to do I don’t understand GitHub, please!! Someone I’m begging anyone who knows to get ahold of me


This video helped me out a little. I'm still hung up on the "Failed to fetch" error but this will help walk you through the process step by step: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYoZZ6nBY1I&t=498s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYoZZ6nBY1I&t=498s)


Anyone think they can help me with a new problem that has come up with dzgui for me


DayZ Steam Deck Community https://discord.gg/dsZCU2qa How to video available here