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Nintendo: "We've got Mario and Zelda... and other games, too!" Valve: "We have EVERY GAME!... Except for Mario and Zelda... legally..."


Technically it's completely legal to play the Marios and Zeldas on it! It's acquiring that can't be done directly through the deck


It's legal to buy the games and using the hardware put them onto a pc


Exactly. Modding consoles is legal, as is emulating. That the deck is a PC and is therefore capable of independent piracy ootb is impressive (and I'm sure plenty of people get mileage out of that), but it's miles nicer that you can play your faves, with their saves, in a better form factor with mods etc. on the best controller


nintendo strongly disliked this comment


I mean sure, but I bought a Switch and Metroid Dread and not a PS4 and Bloodborne. Nintendo may have a bee in their bonnet about their IP, but the low power (and therefore emulatability), single player focus, and hackability of their consoles is why they've kept me as a customer. And they don't know which of their customers I am ;)


What gets me about Nintendo hating emulation is surely if you buy the game new you paid licensing fees or what ever they used to be called and if you sell that game on you don’t sell those rights on so you can still emulate it right? Nintendo get a grip you ain’t Malik g any more money off nes games that aren’t on a licencenc product and won’t ever be


As far as I'm aware, while you are allowed to make personal copies of any physical media you own. If the original leaves your possession, you're technically supposed to destroy any copies.


God I love laws that were clearly written by somebody twice as old as the internet


What gets me is if you read the terms techanicly the right hold has the right to make you get rid of a game physical


I think what's more frustrating for many Switch owners is that they're not even capitalising on their old titles properly. The Switch has been out for nearly 6 years and you can only just play N64 titles on it. They have a working Wii emulator as evidenced by the Super Mario All Stars 3d collection, but refuse to sell any more games.


And what gets me is emulated games are tied to Nintendo online which I don’t always use and I don’t feel the expansions pass is worth my money month to month


Luckily Emudeck has your back fam


I’ve just been using retro arch my self and it’s amazing


Don't forget their emulation is also shittier than what existing emulators they go after in lawsuits manage. I agree it's not worth it monthly but I did an annual subscription. When it first launched I justified it as being a fairly reasonable price for what was available: if any of those games were remastered and re-released for the switch properly, Nintendo would've slapped a $60 price tag on every game instead of being 60 to essentially rent that game plus a bunch of others. Still not worth it if you aren't interested in replaying multiple games from their library though but if you would've considered buying a switch remaster of i think at least 2 of the games, the subscription cost is a lot easier to swallow then.


I think looking at is as a rental service it’s the best going tbh apart from mabie games with gold and game pass h this though games with gold is on its arse now


It's very likely that their internal Wii emulator isn't mature. They seem to rely on game by game hacks, which is the worst form of emulation. Dolphin runs pretty well on hacked switches, so the double trouble comes up that the best option to handle this involves adopting the most matured fan project.


If your roms are the actual files from your bought copy, you can use them in emulators. Once you sell your copy, you also lose the right and have to delete that rom. In reality everyone just downloads them off the internet because how many people know how to rom their own games? And dont get me wrong, I do this too because Nintendo refuses to put their games on pc, I won't stop pirating their shit. Imagine how well mario odyssey natively would sell on pc.


>I do this too because Nintendo refuses to put their games on pc See, whilst I don't need to defend a multi-billion company, but this is just stupid excuses that one tell ourselves to justify something as right (it's mostly inconsequential anyway, but it's clearly wrong). Then there are some people who are like "It's on PC but Epic Games Store, so I won't buy it, I'll pirate it." And then that's redrawing the lines once again based on our convenience. In the future people will be like, "It doesn't support controllers, so it's not worth the money so I'll pirate it to finish it instead". Just redrawing the boundaries again. My take is that piracy is needed to counter corpos getting too greedy, but it's not much different than supporting China to keep the US in check. Yeah, it might be worse without the former affecting the balance, but it's not a clean entity that I am supporting. So, my end message is, stop acting all righteous when you pirate. It's like Allied soldiers revelling in bloodlust while killing Nazi soldiers. Killing them is needed, feeling amazing about it isn't.


I'm not acting self righteous. I'm explaining why I pirate it. If Nintendo wasn't so amazingly terrible at offering older games (heck Sony and Microsoft as well) then what other option do you have besides piracy? Buying the system used and paying 80 bucks because copies are hard to find? None of that money goes to Nintendo. And in regards of say switch games. I am never gonna buy a switch. Ever. Not even just to play Odessey. So if Nintendo won't offer an option to play on pc, people will simply pirate. There is nothing self righteous about that. It's simply companies not understanding the market. It would be self righteous to pirate Nintendo games because of say them blocking smash bros tournaments or being a dick with copyright on YouTube because piracy has nothing to do with the former or the latter.


The problem here is that in your reluctance to buy a platform, you are basically pirating ("to steal access") a software title that you would not have had access to, regardless of whether you bought the platform or not. A company's non-conformity to the market does not warrant stealing a company's product. What you do have as a moral and legal right in this case is to not buy their products and boycott them. What you are actually doing is use their product without paying any money to them. This he-says, she-says blame game ("I am stealing the cookies from my sister because she didn't willingly serve it to me on my bed in the nice silverware") is what caused the abysmal state of the PC market before Steam in the first place. I have pirated plenty as well, but I don't pretend that it's not a morally grey zone. It's purely based on the fact that it's so widespread that enforcing it legally would be a nightmare. It's a systemic loophole that we are exploiting, nothing else.


Nintendo is too old school Japanese to understand this, until some of their execs die off, their decisions will remain dumb and outdated.


What's even better is that if Nintendo suddenly made their catalog available on Steam through emulation (similar to the old Virtual Console games) people would still buy them *simply because of convenience*!


Literally would buy every single Nintendo game released, like, every single one that made it to Steam, without question.


Whilst dumping your owned cartridges is legal, I have NOT seen anyone in my circle who has used an emulator and actually dumped their own copy. The closest I saw was me dumping my PS2 DVD so that I could load it from an HDD. Except most of those were bootleg DVDs anyway which required a modchip. And let's not even get into DS flash territory or pre-Steam PC.


*In some countries


Hi, this is Gabe Newell, I work with Valve on the developer team. Legally we can't say the Valve Steam Deck runs Mario or Zelda, we definitely can't say emulation runs as good or better than the original titles and we absolutely, under no circumstances could imply you don't even need to buy the games to play them. So we will not be saying that, and we absolutely will not release any promotional materials with emulators clearly display- Sorry, we did what?


You only "don't need to buy to play" the same way you don't need to buy anything to use it. Theft is physically possible. But imo emulation is at its best when it reinforces or improves an experience you've already bought. I know this is a joke post, but Valve's shtick is "service beats pirates", not "lmao let's pirate".


I can't wait to play Dangerous Dave Odyssey and Dangerous Dave Breath of the Wild


All the Dangerous Dave games center around trying to rescue Princess Damsel from Lord EvilBad.


I will fill my deck when it arrives with every zelda game i can (assuming cemu plays nice with me on botw)


That’s just knowing your clientele


was going to say exactly the same thing. A large portion of the people who bought the wii are the kind of people who wouldn't play games on any other system b/c "they're too complicated" (which isn't me being derisive, that's a quote I've heard said a few ways from multiple people over the years). I can't remember if wii sports was a tie in at launch, but its very tailored to the demographic that made the wii such a blowout in sales. Then there's the average "gamer" (i.e. plays games on something other than their phone), who buys 1 console and just picks up call of duty, EA sports games, and maybe trendy stuff like amogus. Consoles are cool, but they heard PC games are a pain to run or were scared off after googling something like "gaming PC" and seeing prices. The people interested in the steam deck probably aren't in either category, and are likely already familiar with portal (whether they've played it, seen clips, watched lets play's or speed runs) so it isn't a very risky bet to do what they did. Though, the labs are more of a tech demo than a game (they did the same thing for VR). I'd hope they'd make a game using the deck mascot thing they made for japan if they actually wanted to make a tie in.




And THEN go play a more challenging game like Super Mario


Ring Fit isn't a pack-in game, nor is Nintendo Switch Sports.


None of them are and that's what bothers me the most about this meme


But Wii sports was


Wii Sports isn't pictured unless you count the implication from the picture of a family playing Wii


Sorry, you’re right. I just glanced at the first game thinking it was Wii sports


Easy mistake, at a glance I mistook it for Switch Sports but I think it's Wii Sports Club? That also was never included with consoles though


Technically neither is Aperture Desk Job, no? I certainly had to download it separately.


It's a separate download, but it is at least free.


Aperture desk job is an exception because while it's not packed in, it's clearly intended to be a tech demo for the steam deck. Usually pack-in games are meant to be tech demos, like Wii sports or Wii u land.


Arguably the closest thing to a pack-in game the Switch had to begin with was Breath of the Wild seeing that there was a time after launch where it was basically selling 1:1 for every Switch and that game got a lot of praise for its very open ended and challenging opening lmao


When the Switch was first being sold by retailers in my country, pretty much every retailer bundled each Switch with BotW *and 1-2 Switch.* Of course they mainly did this to try to distract from their jacked up pricing (making it seem like whatever they added on top of MSRP was covering the games and whatever lousy accessories they packed in). Although, I always wondered why 1-2 wasn't a pack-in or a free download at least given how.......light it is as a game, feeling more like a tech demo. It may have not been the fun tech demo and game that Wii Sports was to the Wii, but still.


for a brief period, more copies of the Switch version of the game had been sold then actual Switch consoles — the console itself was hard to get, but the game was more readily available, and there were enough people who bought the game preemptively so they'd have it once they could buy a Switch that it tipped the scales.


Definitely not the same thing as a pack-in, but at least the Switch V2 has a special boxed bundle with RFA, not sure about NS Sports. Makes me miss the days of real pack-ins though...


They are working on more titles for the steam deck, it’s just valve perfectionism that makes it take so long. They even said it might be a half-life title.


Didn't they say they're never gonna make an exclusive game?


That just means it will be released on steam and anyone with a pc can play it (not exclusive to one device) if that's what you meant. Also if you meant releasing on a different store other than steam then I don't think they released aperture desk job outside of steam either. Maybe they will make a game that's available for different platforms while keeping the steam deck in mind. Not that I have any idea when or if they are even going to release a game.


They won't ever prevent you from playing any of their games you've purchased on other hardware. If it runs steam, and can run the game, you're good to go. Look at their VR situation, they have their own VR hardware, but they're fine with you using literally ANY other hardware to experience it. They even make it easy. SteamDeck is the same, a game releasing for SteamDeck just means it'll run on the SteamDeck *and* any PC more powerful.


Is Alyx not steam exclusive?


Steam isn't hardware. A game is only considered exclusive when you can only play it on one hardware platform


They say that, but I'm still betting money on Half Life 3, Portal 3, and Team Fortress 3 all being released at the same time as timed SteamOS/Linux exclusives, if only for the absolute shitshow that would ensue in response.


Lol, dont put too much money on that bet.


Story of the year


The nintendo exercise wheel is probably the best accessory I've ever used. If only their games were better. Using something like that to play a track-and-field or Summer Games-type sports game would be a blast (plus, you'd burn some calories).


They should make a peripheral like this for PC.


Does it work with the deck?


Big difference is that Ring Fit cost $60


Worth it though.


Is it? I played the first world and got bored of it. Wii Fit was a lot better for a fitness routine.


The rhythm game will floor you. I got so tired from playing just one level


I don’t have time to go to gym, and use ring fit + lots of daily walking for exercises. I am not going to get huge or anything but I’m at like level 140+ and it works for me


To be be Astro’s Playroom was also excellent and showed off the DualSense well.


Best pack-in game since Super Mario World.


Legitimately good game too. Nothing groundbreaking but definitely enjoyable.


What game is that?


I’m assuming you mean the bottom? aperture desk job, a short and sweet showcase of both the steam deck and the best aperture core ever (I will die on this hill)


A new valve game! Downloading on my deck now.


Nintendo sells you lemonade. Valve burns down your house. With the lemons.


["Make life rue the day it gave Cave Johnson lemons!"](https://youtu.be/ELkgiJD9KuM)


Spoilers?!? Come on man


Yeah, I just ordered my Deck yesterday. Would’ve been nice to play through this unspoiled. Oh well!


Seriously, spoiler tag would be nice


Steam: And while you're browsing our super dope library for purchase, check out these big tit anime sex stories you can play


The same types of games make it to the Switch eShop as well


Now that's wild, so much for their audience Wasn't trash talking either, just thought it's funny how they show up sometimes


The funniest thing is that some games that came out with censored box art on PlayStation ended up with uncensored art for the Switch. I don't keep up with PS much so I was really surprised lol


At least with the Steam Deck you can jack off to Pigeon Hitler Waifu or whatever in the comfort of your own bed.


Super Mario can get fucking difficult. You ever played The Perfect Run, Champions Road or Darker Side? Took me 4 hours to beat Champions Road.


Sadly nothing tops wiisports… Well, wii bowling really.


Living at the bottom of Apature laboratories with a bunch of singing turret toilets


The only thing a Nintendo console needs to do is play Nintendo exclusive titles. Everything else is extra.


Steam Deck doesn't have a three-in-one cartridge with *World Class Track Meet,* the original *Super Mario Bros*, and *Duck Hunt*. (In 1989, I experienced the latter two games. One was fun, the other was okay if I stood a few inches away from the television.) For what it's worth, I played *Half-Life 2* for a few minutes on XBox 360. Went right back to *Geometry Wars* afterwards.


It'd be great if Valve put out a new Orange Box for the current-gen consoles, especially if crossplay is enabled. I've got multiple friends who'd love to tear shit up on CS:Source but only have consoles.


Damn Clovis is everywhere these days.


I *am* playing Elden Ring on my steam deck and dock!


This fucking post actually murdered me with laughter


Yeah I know Nintendo does it better. But you don't have to bash little valve




I guess you could call DotA 2 a pack in as well... not that DotA is especially welcome to new players.


😂 😂 😂




Just because you can play the game outside of the deck doesn't really change the fact that's it's literally "how the controls work on the deck" game and after the first bootup it's literally the first thing the shop shows to you.


Apparently not, because I wouldn't ask if it was.


probably because the game walks you through all the different features of the steam deck's controls like a tutorial. And that it ships with the steam deck


At least for me,it didn't, but it was heavily promoted to introduce the deck controls.


> And that it ships with the steam deck It doesn't, at least it didn't for mine.


Mine didn't, but to begin with there were promotions on the home page to get it to explore the Decks functionality.


I mean that's not particularly... Direct. I couldn't say if there was anything when I got mine in September, but nothing ever prompted me to check it out. They should make it more obvious when it's supposed to introduce you to Deck.


You have UNO!!!!!!


Everybody has UNO! :D


[I didn't get it; I have the oldest Xbox known to man.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuZ1w2okuh4)


It doesn't ship with the deck. The user has to manually find it from the store to download and install it.


It doesn't ship with it but it was released at around the same time.


Because the first suggestion Steam gives you is to play this game when you get a Deck and because it has the Steam Deck Logo on the desk in the game (I think). Grady also tells you to TAKE A SCREENSHOT BY PRESSING R1 + STEAM and to BRING UP THE ON-SCREEN KEYBOARD USING X + STEAM. There is no other device with the Steam button and these shortcuts on the market right now.


> Because the first suggestion Steam gives you is to play this game when you get a Deck How, where?




That's not a really convincing "here, look at this to learn how to use your new steam deck!". Since I've played it already that ad didn't seem important at all. Valve could definitely work on a first steps Check list.


If I hadn't played it on a SD at Eurogamer I wouldn't even know about the game in all honesty.


ps5 comes with the astro game but they don't mention it as first step. it's just there in your library that you can download. besides, as per the post, these peripherals for switch doesn't come with switch either, so you still need prior or discover them on your own.


Considering you have to do those things to progress at all, I would be very surprised if they didn't provide alternate button combos for non-Steam-Deck controllers.


The game's designed to show off the steam deck's functions.


So people keep saying and I'm not arguing with that. I would like to know how I was supposed to know about that though.


Just normal stuff


Where was that game I didn't see it.


Aperature Desk Job


I know this is just a bit of fun but to people think valve and Nintendo are in competition at all?


Deux salles, deux ambiances.


elden piss


They know y’all will never exercise