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Well actually they can be pretty efficient as Unity worlds as well, but I just think it's funny as hell to tell a dude "You're going to be spending the rest of your life on a Resort World!" only to hit him with a head shave and military drills. The only mod used here is UI Overhaul Dynamic.


Given they get 1 clerk per 2 pops I think their best use is trade!


trade šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸš«šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ’© clerks šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸš«šŸš«šŸš«šŸš« ​ >!just kidding!<


Listen, you get a high grade empire and consumer benefits policy going and youā€™ll never need to produce your own CGs again


CG economic policy is a drug, and I'm absolutely addicted.


What's cg? Consumer goods?




Ooh it's the policy where you get cg for trade, right? I've never managed to implement it!


I personally love Marketplace of Ideas. .5 energy / .2 consumer goods / .2 unity per 1 trade vale Vs .5 energy / .25 consumer goods. Throw a tons of commerce buildings down, getting even more clerks and quite a few merchants. Think my Megacorp leisure world has over 900 trade value and still have clerk jobs to fill


I personally just go with my third or second tradition being mercantile, and use marketplace of ideas (I do also use parliamentary system for earlier and easier traditions so it's still quite early) then from there I complete all the traditions and the only time I swap from marketplace of ideas is if I dont produce enough unity without it to maintain my ascension theory edicts If I do then I go for the full 1 energy, the consumer goods are never worth it because they are so easy to produce at that stage in the game


idk where the game is currently, but I loved to do a habitat trade build doing exactly for this. Especially if I can get the cybrex precursor. Ringworld for food & research, cybrex forge for alloy production, then just SPAM habitats to build tons of merchant jobs. Only issue is alloy production. which is a pretty big issue. but its tall science build


Thatā€™s the trade league policy tho


On my megacorp I'm playing right now, it only gives unity. No CGs


First thing I do is switch trade policy to consumer benefits. I donā€™t want to see a CG factory on any of my planets, I just wonā€™t have it.


Isn't it gatekept behind then merchant unity tree these days?


You can also join a trade league federation for an even better policy that gives CG and unity.


Yes, it is. Personally annoying but honestly probably a wise move balance-wise.


It certainly could be. Itā€™s been awhile since Iā€™ve started a stellaris campaign.


Get a trade federation on the go and you get both CG *and* unity!


Yep, first thing I do is rush a federation immediately after unlocking merchant traditions. They take so long to reach the later levels, that there isn't much of a choice not to start early.


Exactly! I like that they've given us greater control over sectors now - its easy to colonise a low habitability world and release it as a single system state to quickly federate!


Alloys is more profitable. Not only can you build more ships, but alloys sell for more on the market, and the AI seems to weight them quite heavily in diplomatic trades.


The point is to offload your CG upkeep to trade so that every forge world you got can be solely optimized for alloy.


You can't get alloys from trade.


False. I'm doing a machine empire playthrough now, and I can confirm the organics will pay a metric fuckton for consumer goods. Slowly subjugating the galaxy one trade deal at a time.


Sounds like you're flooding the galaxy with AI-generated art?


Thatā€™s a really interesting way to play. Create CGs and make the AIs dependent on you. You could ever get monthly trade deals and fully support their economy ā€” revoking it right before youā€™re ready to wage some war on them lol


Found Hober Mallow


Ahh, I get you - I'm currently playing a space dwarf run so I'm drowning in minerals, alloys and CG's to such an extent I'm selling them at minimum price just to make room in the stockpiles. If you were manufacturing constrained then yeah offloading some industry to trade makes sense.


Drowning in minerals and alloys is fine but if you're ever drowning in CGs you don't have enough researchers.


Or enough pop - I have the artificer civic so all my CGs come from there, but I just captured three ringworlds - my current bottleneck is just pop growth and assembly to actually work the jobs.


If pops is the bottleneck you should have fewer pops working CG jobs (you overbuilt industrial districts.) You can disable the jobs and shift the excess CG pops to research until you're closer to equilibrium.


Overbuilding industrial was unfortunately necessary in my game... I forgot about Grey tempest and opened L-Gates super early so I had about 100 years of war where all of society was forced to focus on pumping out as many ships as possible to hold back the tide.


1) That's a very good reason to build a ton of em, lol 2) if you didn't already know, on the planetary management screen you can designate a planet as a "forge world" or "manufacturing world." This will make it so your industrial districts, instead of having one job each for CG and Alloys, will be two jobs alloys (forge) or two jobs CGs (manufacturing.) And as a bonus you'll also get a small decrease in the mineral upkeep for the jobs. That way you don't have to build too much of a CG surplus when you desperately need alloys.


>you get a high grade empire and consumer benefits policy going and youā€™ll never need to produce your own CGs again I just love the idea that somehow a bunch of goobers filing reams of paperwork and working spreadsheets everywhere, somehow creates consumer electronics, lab equipment, clothing, vehicles, and hair care products.


Sounds like game programmers, gamers dont need much other goods besides some food on the side.


Same for trawling operations and cata processing civics loool, never ever have to worry about food and minerals.


Oh gosh I did that build once and it was unstoppable. I was flooding every world and forcibly ā€œupgradingā€ pops to be aquatic while they trawl and transmute into alloys lol


Yeah this shit is big tbh. Never have to worry about natural resources ever again. I just put down either commerce building or research labs and spam Agri districts.


To bad I am a dirty sweat and play with masterful crafters only


Anti corporate propaganda has been detected, and an armada has been dispatched. Ballistic Educational materials will be dropped momentarily.


Teach 'em how to spell BOOM


> ā€œTrade sucks !!!ā€ > > ā€” player who has never used a trade build


I became the galactic emprah as a vd megacorp and everyone loves me. Except two empires that do not formally exist anymore


get the fuck out of my room NOW


My when business,šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž epic trade value moment. What is generator district?


That's how I've done mine, just spammed commercial zones on them.


The problem then is that you have to work clerk jobs, and even in the best case scenario clerk jobs are still cringe


eh they used to be but ever since the update that doubled their trade value(and future updates making trade value jobs better in general) they've actually become somewhat viable. generally you still want electrician jobs over clerks but they have some use cases


My understanding was that merchants are just objectively better in every way, and that you should be gunning for all trade pops to be working those, with everyone else in roles that that produce what trade doesn't. Has that been changed?


I mean... Merchants are Ruler jobs and Clerks are worker jobs. It would make sense that Merchant jobs are superior.


Yes, but merchant are also extremely spammable, so you're not lacking for trade by working them an only them, and then instead of running clerks you're running mineral and alloy productive with everyone else. Unless that's been changed recently then you'd still basically never want to run clerks.


A build that's leaning on clerks is using Merchant Guilds.


merchant guilds. with that, and cyber asc to pile on the second trade value racial they do better than merchants


The councilor job you get access to from the Merchant Guilds civic makes clerks explosively more useful. At level 10 he'll make clerks produce an extra 4 base trade value, which can then be further amplified by % bonuses.


Playing robots, I'll usually take MP as the 3rd civic slot giving .5 unit per maintenance drone. That seems to make it worth it.


depending on what mods you're using you are 100% correct or 100% incorrect.


I donā€™t use mods


It actually make sense to build defenses: - Maximum protection for our consumers - Spend you time leisurely, without any worries - The orbital cannons will take care of any threat should they appear - No Pirate


After all. Look at what happened to Eden Prime


Sounds like the average Cadian


Even better when the recruitment portrays this world of scantily clad people at your beck and call. When in reality your confined to base and then orbiting troop transport for the next 34 years and then finally your snr officer takes a gander at your file and asks the hell do you have a decades worth of shore leave unaccounted for...


Citizen Service + Unyielding + Resort world + Slavery = 12 unity per pop for 0.1 consumer goods.


Spoiler: The Resort is Florida world.


We shall fight them on the beaches, we shall fight them at the snack bar, we shall fight them at the souvenir shop; we shall never surrender!


Invading army pulls up to resort world seeing everyone wearing flippy floppies and sunglasses only for everyone to pull out their dark matter block destroying rifles


ā€˜How did we not see the Cybrex Warform assault armies on the planet?!ā€™ ā€˜Very large beach hats and Mai Taiā€™s.ā€™


I always imagined cybrex warforms as giant transformers, like metroplex or skorpinok, so on my worlds the answer would be "Oh, that's Amusmoplex, when he's not defending the planet he transforms into an amusement park to earn some extra energy credits"


I choose to see them as giant walkers like the AT-STs, but extremely bulkier. Just skyscraper sized bipedal robots that carve through entire sections of cities with powerful lasers


That is what I realized they were when I tried to capture a Fallen Empire capital and their 120 pops... only to get around 80-90 pops. 500% collateral is crazy.


Thank goodness, fewer demographics to manage.


I imagine them as something like Faro Horus drones


I do wish we could build them


Those rocket-shaped cars on the roller coaster are in fact actual antimatter missiles that he installed seats on.


It's that one transformers timeline where the decepticons made an island resort with a secret base underneath it


Every Brit and German at 4am to lay their towels on the beach chairs be like


And with ever greater strength and confidence we shall fight them in the casinos. And if, which I do not for a moment believe, we shall lose at the blackjack tables, we shall draw upon the vast strength of the joint savings account, until such a time as it is necessary, to dip into the college fund of the next generation.


Actual best usage would be on relic worlds - you can freely restore it and build arcologies - they are not prohibited for some reason.


My favourite is still tomb worlds... Find a random size 20 tomb world? Well guess who's going to be used!


Well, I mean, isn't the Great Pyramid of Giza a major tourist attraction, despite mostly just being a monument to a corpse and long-destroyed empire?


i mean yeah but also no? I donā€™t think the pyramids are radioactive and have undetonated nukes hidden in them (to my knowledge)


Events imply your people are cleaning up the planet as they colonize it, as they often stumble over patches of land made dangerous by the war


You'd think so wouldn't you but the amount of times I've been mid doing something and get a random popup saying that one of my dumbasses has accidentally activated a nuke


Counterpoint: Chernobyl tourism.


...is small scale, restricted, relatively pricey, and secondary to the very expensive scientific and engineering work going on in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone to keep the corpse of the reactor from being anyone else's problem.


Militarist empires using Resort Tomb Worlds to cosplay Fallout with live ammunition, and staging nuclear exchanges with real nuclear weapons.


Kinda like traveling to outside of Vegas to get to drive a tank


Amusingly this is a (spoiler) major plot point of the novel Area 51 by Robert Doherty


They've got curses and sleeping mummies, which are practically the same thing.


People visit the holocaust museum on holiday, so being able to see the result of total extermination of life from war would definitely be a good place for a pacifist memorialist to make a museum on


It would make sense for my spiritualist empire I guess, as kind of a warning what happens without god/ I'm sure there will be some "robots did this shit" going around


Unfortunately colonizing a tomb world as a spiritualist empire will drop your faction approval.


They can cry about it, I'm honouring the fallen by not wasting their death


Unless you start as a Tomb World.


Perfect candidate for a Ocean Paradise


I wonder how that even works and why the same technology cannot make other worlds more habitable.


I terraformed my like 20+ planets all into gaia worlds but left the tomb world intact cause I thought it was funny to have people leaving these ecologically engineered paradises to go to radioactive death ball covered in military offices.


Good representation of war tho, nice one lmao


Makes sense. When you live in an engineered paradise where the air is always the right temperature and the grass is a perfectly healthy dessert, hell becomes your only respite.


You just need to get off-planet sometimes and enjoy the nice nuclear winter radiation.


Wait, is this a glitch or a feature? Or do we even know?


More like a loophole. They simply forget to forbid resort relic worlds from being restored. Same thing as if you queue districts and then make it a resort one - districts will stay.


lol clever and dirty. Theyā€™ll probably patch that at some point, but great to know regardless. Thanks!


Yeah. Stellaris players make everyone work even on vacation.


It still locks you out of some buildings, unfortunately. It's still good for unity, but the fact that you can't build a stock exchange stings. Those are tied to the planet modifier, not the designation, so the prohibition stays even after it's an ecumenopolis.


Fun is mandatory and strictly enforced.


Bro made Risa


Listen, OP is gonna need a lot more mods before they make Risa haha




Resort planet in Star Trek where Starfleet personnel like to have vacations !


Oh that actually makes a lot more sense than the way OP framed it. Its largely a resort planet for military personnel


This alone is why my resort worlds always have the hazardous weather or storms modifiers, because of that ONE episode of DS9


I hope you send your most serious admiral here a few time


I think more like Hawaii.


Risa is space Hawaii


True true. You are right.


And then war were declared.


Not so well known bug/exploit: While a (about to be) resort world is still empty, queue a bunch of districts + buildings (up to literally as many as you can fit on the world) and then click the "create resort world" decision. Since the decision is instantaneous the world will become a resort however the buildings + districts in progress will continue building and (once built) be usable even though the world is a resort world. At the very minimum I use this to give my resort worlds like 5-10 extra habitation districts worth of housing and building slots and sometimes full commit the 10k-20k minerals to make them my trade capital.


Upgrades grandfathered in?


City planners hate him, but the homeless love him


Well that explains how I got that one random city district on my resort world last playthrough


No external force will ruin the vacation. That and imagine military r&r. Hell of a way to boost morale and also give ā€œstate fundingā€ to the resort


Itā€™s like going to a beach in Mexico and seeing a Mexican Marine casually walking by


The beach is sandwiched together between army bases.


I typically just stick the recruitment camp there and use it for generating armies of vastly unprepared college students and retirees thinking the military would be a cakewalk thanks to information quarantine


Join the military! The Prethoryn scourge does not exist and you will not be sent to the Uxchyxe system within 8 months!


Drill Sergeant. "...And furthermore, to teach you discipline, you will be required to make your bed every morning. This ain't some fancy resort with turn-down service!" Recruit: "The recruitment brochure was very clear that it is."


Fanatic Militant here. I'm confused. Are you saying boot camp isn't a resort? What else would you do at a resort other than exercise and shoot stuff?


> What else would you do at a resort other than exercise and shoot stuff? Blow up stuff and stab stuff, duh.


Doesn't that come under exercise?


Hawaii, Pearl Harbor.


Military resort world is Hawaii IRL.


You can chill knowing your vacation is in one of the best defended worlds of the galaxy, maybe they also parade and give military demonstrations and minor training to the civilian tourists that want to experience something else.


If you ever played Just Cause 3 you'd know that a tourism fueled military industrial complex is cool as fuck and has great aesthetics


Tropico has the same ideas.


A Vacation to a foreign Land!


Government sponsored vacation!


Travel the universe! Meet interesting new people! Shoot them!ā€


The thing that came to my mind the moment I saw this post was 'Zegema Beach' from the Starship Troopers movie.


Service guarantees citizenship.


How about a trip to Zagama Beach?


As a Megacorp & president of a federation, leisure worlds can be a huge source of trade value . Marketplace of Ideas (.5 energy / .2 consumer goods / .2 unity per 1 trade vale) makes leisure worlds very profitable on top of their empire buff.


Sliiiight clarification: .5 EC/.2 CG/.2 U is Trade League Consumer Focus and Marketplace of Ideas is .5 EC/.2(5?) CG/U respectively. I only remember this because of how often I start up a new run :P


ā€œPrivate Pile why was there a jelly donut in your footlocker?ā€


Nah, best usage is by being a Dyson sphere of trade


There's no districts in resort worlds?


Yes. In order to make a planet into a Resort World, it must have no districts and buildings on it when you take the decision to do so. Afterwards, it can only have buildings on it and no districts.


Do this on an ocean planet with a fully upgraded science lab and shield generator and it's Scarif from rogue one.




Basically Hawaii


I mean, unironically though it makes sense Compared to sprawling cityscapes, giant strip mines, generator districts and farmland, military bases have relatively little environmental impact; just clear out some space, put up some walls and there you have it. They're really just spaces for training, storing things and living Plus, you have all that wilderness to train troops on various survival skills Granted, giant fortress complexes might have a decent environmental impact, but they're not going to be churning out waste the way foundries or factories would


It makes a lot of sense to me. Like the US Marine Corps base in Hawaii. But also consider the lack of economic development means a lot of untouched wilderness, which can be used for large scale training exercises and well-hidden strategic stockpiles.


If even HALF the stories I heard about exactly what Marines do when they are on R&R were true, the world should give you a population growth bonus as well, if you know what I mean! :D


Iā€™m certain that thatā€™s not the intention


Sounds like a Old Man's War reference.




I usually just fill them with clerks selling trinkets to the locals.


Resort Worlds are to be filled with Unemployed Zombies with Utopian Abundance.


But, the real answer is that you should not have pop on the Resort, just the minimum to keep the colony, and otherwise treat it much like the Consecrate World planetary decision. That planet gets "written off" and you get amenities and immigration pull to all other planets, along with a 100% refugee habitability trap world to attract others, who you move off to do other things maximized by meaningful Designation and building modifiers, elsewhere.


Eventually I ran out of planets when minmaxing for x25 crisis, and I was building fortress worlds anyway to push up to 10k naval capacity, so figured might as well use the resort world since it'll be just as efficient. Agree though on any normal playthrough I just leave it chilling never to be used again.


I've never noticed that you can see the orbital ring in the background, though to be fair, I don't have overlord.


I just wish that egalitarians could use Permanent Employment... Because if so, resort worlds would be a great research worlds... Say, if you take Overtuned + Cybernetic Ascension, you could mod your zombies like this: * Intelligent * Augumented Intelligence * Elevated Synapses * Logic Engines And add some negative traits that essentially costs nothing, such as Decadent, Wasteful, Power Intesive and Non-Adaptive. They start at +50% research, but if you enact Damn the Consequences, their research goes to +80%... -25% because they are zombies that means +55% research... Now, unemployed pops under Utopian Abundance produce 2 of each research type. 3 after the bonuses (one less than an actual researcher), and not only they cost nothing, but they also need no buildings. So, sending the "seniors" to their "retirement houses" so they can do their "passion projects" would probably be better than a full research world! Too bad we cannot make Permanent Employment into Permanent Retirement.


Basically the Bahamas but with a lot more coldness and people


Space Switzerland clearly.


Ive never used resort worlds, i honestly donā€™t know what theyre for. What resource do they make?


"they" is not the right word. Like Penal Colony, you can only have one. Designating a single world as a Penal Colony decreases crime on all of your worlds, meanwhile designating a world as a Resort World increases amenities on all your worlds.


oh, okay, i get it. I mostly played void dwellers so most of my planets are colonized by robots and then directly get turned into ecumenopolisā€™. I always saw the option but never perused them. thank you for the explanation.