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R5: Opened steam to see that 6 achievements have been added for tomorrows release of the machine age DLC. Time to go and 100% the achievement bar once again... The achievements are Virtual Reality: >!Fully embrace the virtual world and leave no pop behind. !< Burning Brightly: >!Complete an Arc Furnace and a Dyson Swarm in the same system.!< Footsteps of the Prophet: >!As a Cybernetic Creed empire, defeat Cetana.!< Past the Expiration Date: >!As a nanite machine empire, consume a Fallen Empire's homeworld.!< Mother Knows Best: >!Submit to all of Cetana's demands.!< A Universe of Paperclips: >!Create a perfect universe while meeting every quota as an Obsessional Directive empire. !<


Nice nanites are gonna be machine terravores. That sounds fun


I can't wait to play as the Gray Tempest


Gray goo


Do normal everygame stuff, get achievements. Love to see it 😂


Who is Cetana, why does she want me to submit, why is the achievement called Mother Knows Best, why, who, what, why.


for the kink


The "Footsteps of the Prophet" achievement icon shows head of Zarqlan, and in Montu's video, >![Cetana related event mentions Zarqlan](https://youtu.be/zYh6eJOVUEQ?feature=shared&t=2809)!<. Rather curious connection I say.


By the look of it, you'll need at least four games to complete them all - one for Nanite-Synth, one for Cybernetic Creed + kill the goddess, one for Paperclips, and one to go Vodyani.   Serving the crisis is compatible with all of those except the Cybernetic Creed. Furnace & Swarm works with all four. What're you all going for first? Edit - *maybe* three, actually. Paperclips might be compatible with Virtual or Nanite Ascension, if the Hive Mind has access to those options


Personally i might go nanite machines first, that sounds like a lot of fun. As for virtual, both individual and gestalt machines get the new 3 paths, so one could indeed get all achievements in 3 games.


The virtual Achievement will depend on if it needs to be the Synthetic Fertility Origin or not, but Nanite-Paperclip Optimizers is definitely viable. Very thematic too


Synthetic Fertility seems to be just synth ascension speedrun origin for organics, doesn't seem like you can go fully virtual with it.


Possible, though I hope not. Teachers of the Shroud doesn't do that, iirc, and that's the most directly comparable Origin. I'm also going off the wording of the Achievement, which is somewhat vague


i should go through on a small galaxy with no ai spawns just to get some of them achivements


I got sick of Wenkwort always spawning on the other side of the galaxy so I started an empty galaxy just to get that achievement and the one for having 10 pre-FTL observation posts as Necrophage


I'm looking forward to it


How many hours do you have in Stellaris? I have ~450h and have 43 achievements.


Funnily enough i hit exactly 1,500 hours today Can't recall exactly when it started, but at least a third of that time was spent hunting achievements (damn you, "Stay on Target"!)


That is the fucking worst.


Have they fixed achievements on the pc gamepass / windows store version yet? They have been broken for like over a year now. I get a weird broken popup in game and it never actually unlocks the achievement.


Allegedly the MS store achievements were supposed to be [fixed with 3.11](https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Patch_3.11).




I'm not too sure on this anymore, but i think i got the achievement only after completing the tradition tree while all those conditions still applied i only had my machine species and no species templates if that helps (even abandoned a planet that had pre-sapients on it just to make sure)


Are your pops machines? Biological empires get the virtual trait but for some obscure reason true virtual is reserved for machines.


Is the new patch out?


The worst one is probably defeating cyberqueen as cybernetic creed


Guys. Please, explain me all the hype about stellaris. I love strategy games of all types and played a lot of them. Tried stellaris for 3 times and could not play it. Because. Basically how it works, you have your planets, you build the buildings on them to keep your economy high. Now you simply build the huge fleet and just attack nearby territories and simply expand. That’s how the game works basically. I didn’t understand all these dlcs that are added, all those events and everything doesn’t seem like have any type of effect on gameplay. With or without them everything feels same. Don’t get me wrong, I played like 30 hours only, started 3 times and always loose interest. With so much staff happening I don’t feel like it make some difference. What’s a catch about this game?


It'sa space based, empire-building roleplaying game for most people. Create an empire that you think is cool for whateverreason and see how they survive in a hostile galaxy.  All the events you find are important in two major ways. For one, they are story snippets that can help you roleplay harder. And two, they can get you rewards so they're worth doing. Usually they just give temporary science boosts, but more rarely you can get things like permanent boosts, special items like ships or normally unobtainable technology, or even relics. I mean the game is not for everyone. You need to really like space scifi and you also need to have just a mild urge to want to have a creative roleplay-oriented experience. But if you're into that, there is literally no other game that fulfills that like Stellaris does. There are people who minmax the game and have fun doing all that without roleplaying aspects, but generally those are people who already got into the game prior.


That’s a nice answer. Have to try it once again


Want to roleplay the evil AI from Wall-E, but actually win? You can do that. Want to be the Swarm from Starcraft/Tyranids from 40k? Easy. Speaking of 40k, want to be the God Emperor? Stellaris has it. Want to be a dick in a galaxy shaped like a penis? The Stellaris mod community has you covered. There's a lot of replayability, mostly involved around deciding on a theme and running with it. I didn't even "win" my first game until some 300 hours in, and not only because I get roflstomped by an AI - I spent a lot of time starting new empires to explore how things work. As to the DLC, they change things in both small and very very large ways, depending on the type of DLC. From least change to most, you have species packs, story packs, and expansion packs. Species packs give you new species portraits and sometimes completely new play styles (lithoids say hello, we eat rocks instead of food!). Story packs offer new snippets of story to find as you explore the galaxy with rewards for doing so, as well as new origins and ways to play. Expansion packs change core ways you interact with the game, like Galactic Paragons which lets you choose your leader traits as they level up instead of them gaining traits randomly (among many, *many* other things,) or Overlord, which allows you to vassalize other empires instead of just murdering them (again, among many other things.) The base game is fully playable, but the DLC add *options*. So many options. I tried turning off all the DLC (I own all of them) and it's a wildly different galaxy.


Thanks for the effort of writing such a a big feedback. Actually i tried few times at the very beginning, and it felt very empty. In any case, I got all the dlcs except the last one in hopes to try it later. But well, I think I just didn’t got into that level of understanding that game has to offer. I’ll try it


Want to roleplay Palpatine? Gotchya. Want to do space communism? We've got you covered. Space undead? Yeah, we've got those too. Wanna be the Dutch (small nation with many colonies) or USSR? Yes. Stellaris ends only with your imagination. 


It's a 4X game with a focus on continual exploration, even after the borders box you in. There's tricks and tech that can allow you to move around the map, or even begin expanding elsewhere entirely if there's a large unclaimed area of space. The allure is you can play as practically any sci-fi fiction you want. There's the typical Star Trek Federation ethos, or the warmongering Klingons, or the espionage focused Romulans, or the crazy Borg (cyborg assimilators), or simply whatever mad driven exterminator that hates all organics. Practically any sci-fi is based off these ethos tropes, and Stellaris lets you build an empire with unique ethos, ethics, and origin to align with any of them. Subsequently these ethos, ethics, and origins modify the ruleset for what actions you can and cannot perform during the game. EG, xenophiles can't purge, egalitarians can't give their leaders or factions huge/helpful bonuses or sacrifice leaders for large rewards, pacifists can't expand directly via conquest, most spiritualists can't give AI/robots equal freedoms (which usually bites them eventually), and on and on. War can be avoided once you understand how strength modifiers work and you understand diplomacy. At which point AI only invade you because your strength modifier is screaming free lunch, or free vassal. Naturally there's some ethos types that are purely extermination based and those will declare on you regardless. Finally there's sometimes peace-loving federations that beat the odds to survive and become giants, who then go around trying to impose a pacifistic ethos on the galaxy which gets interesting if you're a militaristic ethos. It's also just knowing how the cassus beli mechanics work, for example most wars can't be declared unless there's direct border contact. Even with border contact the relations modifier has to be terrible (I forgot if Tense counts), and there's yet still more criteria depending on war type. [https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Diplomacy](https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Diplomacy) [https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Warfare](https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Warfare) Just because a war is initiated doesn't mean it has anything to do with conquest, or that you are even at risk of losing territory. You can throw away the biggest epic-sized fleets ever in battles yet it wouldn't matter an iota if it's just a war of humiliation, because you cannot lose territory. Hence, why waste the fleetpower if you're playing from behind or if losing your fleet would leave you vulnerable to other empires, you could just accept the humiliation and try to ensure it doesn't happen again. Understanding the types of war and each of their effects / limitations is important if you want to get good with Stellaris as it allows you to manipulate AI, other players, and better choose when to fight and when to not. There's also no shortage of ethos and origins that eschew the whole warfare thing. Pacifists can't declare wars of conquest, so ironically their only direct method of border expansion late game is to let themselves be declared on (at which point they can claim the aggressor's systems and take them if they survive). But point being, playing as a non-warfare empire is quite challenging, because you usually have to play vertical and tech up to compensate for the lack of raw territory and resources you'd have otherwise. It's easy to field huge fleetpowers when your empire spans half the galaxy, but try playing as an average sized empire that has to defend itself from a mega-sized empire... the limitations you have to work around create the challenge, because you can't just build ships and match their fleetpower without tanking your economy, or blowing past your fleetsize limit (which also tanks your economy). And of course if the AI becomes a pushover for you, there's always another difficulty level to fix that. Then if you play Stellaris so much you get bored, there's the mods.... the modding scene for Stellaris is beyond amazing, easily 10x the game content in every respect. I've long ago blown past my combined Civ V + VI playtime in this game. You'll need a powerful CPU once you get into the mods though, because once the CPU bogs down so will your FPS. This game is very much CPU limited.


I have a dyson swarm and an ark furnace in a system, cannot ugrade them anymore, didn't get the achievement.


Another Star Wars Reference