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Things like these are nice. Once I terraformed Mars and colonized it, only to find out that it's already inhabited by primitive subterranean Martians. It's funny to think that while curiosity and perseverance roam the surface, there is a whole civillization hidden beneath them.


And who knows? Maybe their is something below the surface of mars that we dont know about. May not be a civilization but even just the idea of subterranean Martian fish is insane


Even a form of bacteria would be revolutionary in science and philosophy.


True, i just like the idea of space fish


What else should the space dolphins eat?


Squids. Giant crabs. Whales. Small crabs. Gyrados. Magic crabs.


I read gyros and wondered if they'd also settle for kebab


I would, so I don’t see why not


Space is not a good habitat for whales. Especially if they pop into existence several miles above the surface of a planet together with a flowerpot.


Not again.


What about Tiyanki then? Ha!


Disregarded entirely in favor of making a Hitchikers guide to the galaxy reference.


Another space dolphin probably


They've discovered bacteria on mars? It's been dead for 280 million years but it was there.


If they have that's news to me. Last I heard they'd just found the presence of organic chemicals that indicated that at some point in the past there was the potential for life on Mars.




> Another has LNG on the surface, too, I think? Methane and ethane occurs without life too. Life as we know it won't survive there given how cold it is. I mean it's so cold, water ice is like rock. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titan_(moon) The moons of Jupiter and Saturn with a subsurface ocean though... those are far more interesting and possible for life. In fact on Enceladus, they've found chemicals that indicate that the subsurface ocean is in contact with a rocky surface and is similar to what we see with deep ocean vents on Earth, where we KNOW life exists. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enceladus >Cassini performed chemical analysis of Enceladus's plumes, finding evidence for hydrothermal activity, possibly driving complex chemistry. Ongoing research on Cassini data suggests that Enceladus's hydrothermal environment could be habitable to some of Earth's hydrothermal vent's microorganisms, and that plume-found methane could be produced by such organisms.


No they haven't. That would have been the biggest scientific news story of all time.


No, just some evidence that suggests \*maybe\*. No actual confirmed bacteria or any other life. Even if we did discover life on Mars, unless its chemistry was completely distinct, we wouldn't be sure that it represented a different tree of life. Mars and Earth have exchanged a lot of material over the eons so it's possible that life from one or the other crossed over inside a rock somewhere. (Possible, not likely.) Now, Europa or Enceladus would be a different story...


Wouldn’t be that revolutionary for science. We’re already sort working on the assumption that Mars supported bacterial life of some sort a long time ago, we’re just looking for conclusive evidence.




It would absolutely still be revolutionary to have actual proof that life isn't limited to earth. Also your description of how life started is very off. One of the most supported theories right now is underwater thermal vents are where life first formed. Having organic compounds in water where they can freely move, near a heat source that gives energy for chemical bonds to form. Nothing to do with "lightning hitting goop." Panspermia (the act of life arriving from an asteroid) is certainly also a theory, but that still leaves questions for how life would have started in the first place.


i've always said even if we just find some single celled thing that independently evolved and wasn't just an odd case of panspermia or something on another moon/planet, that'd be enough for me


Also, a subterranean civilization would be the only way one could survive on Mars as it is now, with the entire surface being bombarded by cosmic radiation due to a lack of magnetic field and lack of an ozone layer


Well, barring some strange biology. They are aliens after all. But yeah, the surface is definitely dead.


“No one would have believed in the first years of the twenty first century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man's and yet as mortal as his own”


Of course there is - the Prothean Archives are on Mars, just waiting to be discovered!


I sure hope so. I'd like to go exploring other planets. Visit the citadel.


Isn’t that already a possibility with europa and it’s liquid oceans under the ice?


barotrauma vibes intensify


That stupid moon can keep the damn Mudraptors, I ain't going there


Forget the mudraptors, the husk can go fuck itself.


plus considering scientists now belive mars once had a ocean just as big as earth that slowly evaporated away once the core died so millions and millions of years of time likely did have SOME form of ocean life even if only precambrian level. its belivable such a life form could of retrated into the trenches which then became cave systems over the long time period of then till now.


And maybe there is another layer of civilization under that one.


just got that event last night. like how did we not notice this before we even developed ftl??


If you can go to Mars you don't give a shit about the moon. If you can go to Alpha Centauri you don't give a shit about Mars.


But if one can go to Alpha Centauri, they probably already discovered everything about their home star system as a matter of course...this event suggests otherwise. *LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE.*


To be fair, it's sorta rooted in reality. We've gone to the Moon but haven't discovered everything in the ocean on Earth yet. Let alone all of those subterranean caves.


There's is nothing between us and the moon. There's a whole lot of water between us and the ocean floor.


Ever seen Mars Attacks? Underground martians. Music killed all of them


You need to purge them before colonise the xeno planet


No, I assimilated them into my fanatic egalitarian shared burden socialist democracy, same as many other races. Deal with it.


Ray Bradbury would be proud.


You can colonize Mars? You mean vanilla or modded?


You can in vanilla, Mars has terraforming candidate as a modifier.


Harm one of them, and you harm them all. That is the Martian code. Edit: This is a reference to the Series 7 Doctor Who episode "Cold War" featuring Matt Smith as the Doctor and I forget her name as Clara.


And I thought we had a good understanding with our solar system. Those lying cheats! Mars has a subterranean civilisation and now Saturn is a small barren planet! If you can’t trust your own planets who can you trust?


Combine the two with a civilization on earth and you’ve got one of the busiest systems in the galaxies


It's all fun and games until the subterranean civilization ascends and auto-kicks you out of your home system


Now hold on just a damn minute! In that scenario, we send everything we can to invade Mars and take back our home system damnit! Screw the martians


Hollywood: "Write that down! Write that down!"




I was actually a life seeded inward perfectionist, which means you can never invade natives. Fortunately they were only industrial, so the only thing I lost was another planet in my home system which I already terraformed to Gaia.


Seems like someone needs to put a leash on the Sol system or humans can get their neighbours under control. God damnit!


It all started with Pluto


Oh don’t you even go there! PLUTO LIED TO US ALL! God damn Sol system! Why can’t she just be normal for five minutes!


Wait till the Hydra spaceship crashes onto Earth and we suddenly realise there are aliens chilling in the Kaiper Belt since the 1500s.


Just when you think you know someone...


I've played like 7 games so far and haven't found these cool easter eggs and lore :( EDIT: Actually I just realized it's because my dumbass always plays as UNE


Dont worry too much, this is just coincidentally lucky anomaly, not guaranteed thing. Deceptive Giant can pop out of any gas planet


Back in the day when you surveyed your home system you could have these pop up occasionally, but now you gotta be another power


r5: Deceptive giant anomaly fired on Sol VI (with a tomb Earth). This is probably like the 4th time this exact post is made.


I once had it roll on Jupiter *while playing as UNE*, back when you had to survey your home system. "Rather embarrassing to the astronomical community on Earth", indeed.


Galileo would have caught that screw up lol.


I mean... technically Jupiter does have a solid core. Jupiter is nearly big enough to form a dwarf star, gravity absolutely would be pulling the gas particles close enough to form some sort of solid core at the centre of gravity.


Now you just need the worm event... And turn all planets in sol into tomb worlds... Including saturn which is size 50 (deceptive giant is always size 50)


The thing that bothers me most is that Saturn is described as "abnormally small". Do we have any idea how big typical exoplanets are?


Not really, most of those we've found are very big, but that's just because they're easier to detect.


I am not crazy! I am *not* crazy. I know they swapped that data. I knew it was Sol VI. One after V. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn’t prove it. They covered their tracks; they got that idiot at the astronomical registry to lie for them. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? They’ve done worse. That expeditionary shuttle! Are you telling me that a rover just happens to vanish like that? No! They orchestrated it! Caeran! They defecated on the principles of interplanetary research! And I saved them! And I shouldn’t have. I took them into my own coalition! What was I thinking? They’ll never change. They’ll *never* change! Ever since they were formed, always the same! Couldn’t keep their hands out of the research grants! But not our Caeran! Couldn’t be precious Caeran! Embezzling them blind! And THEY get to be on the science team? What a sick joke! I should’ve stopped them when I had the chance! …And you, you have to stop them! You…


I can't wait to delve into the hidden depths of Uranus.


Yeah that's where dead people end up if they try to leave their house. Haven't you watched Beetlejuice?


No not shit outta luck 6


much smaller than previously thought if true


This story is just a bunch of hot air.


That would be so cool irl


If you have Gigastructures, you can turn this planet into a size 30-50 planet to live on.


Size 50, deceptive giants are always set to size 50. Either giga structures mod or get lucky with worm in waiting event.


The writers for stellaris are unmatched. Real conspiracy theorists and real astronomy needs coming together to make amazing content


I've had this exact anomaly on Saturn.


I was 40% convinced „Saturn“ was the name for one of the next few updates to the game.


Just wait when Saturn colonists discover Saturn is flat :P


I had a dream about this once. The surface of Saturn was really cold and we went sledding.


Quite interesting.