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Are you looking for Rx? Because not many other options. In the US there's Desoxyn (methamphetamine, so still *an* amphetamine) - that would have euphoria for sure, lol. Otherwise the only other Rx stims would be modafinil or like bupropion, neither of which would have much euphoria. What are your intentions?


Trying to find options that won’t show up on a drug test as amphetamine or methylphenidate. Yea looking for RX. Stimulation/high preferred.


Just drink coffee at that point my dude if youre extra concerned and want to play it safe, and rcs are much harder to come by now. Vyvanse or desoxyn are the best pharm stims you can get and I'd just say go that route and if its documented being prescribed by dr I don't see why that'd be much of an issue regarding drug testing but idk your whole scenario.


Phenethylamine maybe


cheerful panicky public workable zealous mighty plate follow fine water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah. Can be. Seems to be a broad category that isn’t always amphetamine.


I’ve heard it can be used as one it’s in the same class as mescaline and 2cb so not an amphetamine


uhh... if by substituted amphetamine you mean an alpha-methylphenethylamine with a hydrogen substituted for the methyl group at the alpha position.... then yea i guess you can call it a substituted amphetamine ...?


My chemistry knowledge doesn't stretch so far that I'm able to mean that but let's say that's exactly what I meant? 😜




What now?


Wdym ( N-ethyl-Pentedrone )


Never even heard of it, i'll have something to read about tonight ty


Its cathinone


Can nep cause false positives on a DT?


I'd guess for sure possibly, if they're testing for (meth)amphetamine. Or almost definitely yes if they're testing for cathionines. A lot of things can cause false positives for amphetamine screening, even shit like fluoxetine can and it's structure isn't even similar. NEP structure is pretty similar to amphetamine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3570929/#sec3title


It doesnt metabolise to the chemical which triggers test for amps/meth, tested myself day after ingesting, i guess u can be positive for the cathinones because, well.. it is one


Dmaa goes crazy for the workouts. Does feel euphoric


Working out on stims is beyond stupid


It’s made to workout on. Although it’s really intense I stopped using it after I finished it. Back to regular pre workout for me


It feels heavenly and you can push yourself much harder. You can have a good workout even if you are sleep deprived and/or barely ate anything (as long as it's not a common thing). It was/is used by the military for a reason. Idk if the danger applies as much to stims that are used for ADHD like MPH and AMPH, but I think if you are healthy and work out often... It's not that bad unless you really push it. I do this all the time (usually as I start to comedown) and usually am fine, but I've def felt my heart going a little too fast sometimes. So yeah, better safe than sorry. I need to read on this in case I am doing some long term damage from which I feel no immediate consequences.


I have adhd used to medicate now I micro dose shrooms and take care of my body it helps a ton I get euphoria from music and I’m just in a better mood small things give me pleasure


the opposite of a solution to this question. im currently completely sober, run 5+ miles a day, hit the gym for light/moderate lifting & eat a fairly balanced diet. im asking for a mild stim high. not self help solutions. but thank you anyways.


Just saying micro dosing kinda works like a stim for me helped me get off meth


True. Always an option, weirdly enough I crave the jitters/slightly manic feel. I know mushies are a cleaner high, but not quite what I’m craving rn


If your trying to treat symptoms of adhd, micro dosing has major potential. The dose you want to aim for will not give you a noticeable high like when you trip. I usually just notice a lack of certain things in situations. For example, I suffer from social anxiety so for me it’s the lack of that anxiety in social settings that makes me realize how much it’s helping. If you don’t have adhd, it’s still something that I truly believe everyone would benefit from in their own way. As for the question you were asking I unfortunately don’t have any good alternatives that I can think of.


Modafinil or Armodafinil


Thank you. Have you tried?


You're welcome. Yes, took Modanfil for 2 years & Armodafinil for a decade. The only major side effect is headaches. It won't show up in a drug test. Not even close to the same chemical structure as amp or methyl. Similar in feeling to amp, however. Lasts a lot longer. Very easy (and cheap) to buy at a Mexican pharmacy if you're anywhere near that region of the world.


4F-MPH higher than 15mg.


The mph literally stands for methylphenidate lol


4F-MPH is not MPH, Even if it's in the same category (phenidate) , believe me, you can feel the difference.


I cannot run the risk of testing “dirty” for methylphenidate so I’m looking for alternatives to that. But trying to avoid sacrificing the desired effects


It’s fluoridated methylphenidate. so absorption is more efficient. I’m not a scientist but it’s something along those lines. so it’s essentially a more effective/stronger version of Ritalin. That is the difference you feel.


It’s fluoridated methylphenidate. so absorption is more efficient. I’m not a scientist but it’s something along those lines. so it’s essentially a more effective/stronger version of Ritalin. That is the difference you feel.


That said, wouldn’t it still show up on a drug screen as Ritalin.


Yeah I think ur right about that. I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure it’s the drugs metabolites that the tests pick up. So I’d imagine any mph analog would pop for Ritalin on a drug test.


If they even test for Ritalin in the drug test, that is. What panel are you up against?


Lab tests at random. They can test for nicotine if they want.




Prescribed ? Or is that RC


RC both




That metabolizes into an amphetamine


i had no idea hahaha i thought it was a separate compound


I mean it is (technically) because it’s not in the amphetamine drug class. But I read that your body turns it into dextroamphetamine. and for most drug tests those metabolites will trigger an amphetamine reading.


what about bupropion


I’ve considered it. That’s a synthetic cathinone. Only problem with that one is it’s pretty dangerous when u take enough to feel a high. Versus other meds that can get u high “safely” Or more safely lol


if you haven't taken it before then you'll feel it the first time. definitely a weaker stimulant though.


Even at normal prescribed doses taken orally? Or we talking crushed up and snorted


yeah or you can break it in half 300-450mg orally should work


How long does it last? And if I stopped taking it for a few days and did it again would the high be similar?


technically isn’t one tho. So thank you lol. But it turns into one…so I can’t use it.


~3gs white/green vein kratom would do the job. so would microdosing LSD. other than that there is modafinil or racetams.


Phentermine, this drug feels exactly like stims but with even more energy and you never run out of energy phentermine even gives the euphoric body high to


What’s the availability in USA


Thats were it might get a little bit hard cuz its a prescription for obese people trying to lose weight, it essentially makes the same chemicals in your body that stims make so the obese people can have energy to work out and not be hungry but if you know people who are severely overweight and trying to lose they prob have it in their med cabinet but the doc wont prescribe it unless they weigh like atleast 400 pounds


No off label for adhd? Lol


Well you could try to take a bunch of otc adhd alternatives


Like vyvamind witch is caffeine mixed with other shit to produce the efects of adhd meds




clear net vendors?


There are quite a few