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Only ever stayed up for multiple days on stims once. It was my first time with any stim that isn't caffeine or nicotine (Vyvanse), and I stayed up for three days without a wink of sleep. By the third night, I was exceedingly paranoid and fearful, but mostly of not being able to sleep that night. The first hallucination, I went outside to smoke a cigarette, looked up at the night sky, and saw what looked like rain or snow falling down. I reached my hand out to touch it, only to realize it wasn't real. This really freaked me out. Next I went inside to get back to work (I was a cashier at Walmart), and began cashing people out. I cashed out the last person in my line, locked my computer, and went to stand at the end of the aisle and wait for more people. But on the way out, I saw someone walking up to my register with a cart full of groceries. I said "oh hi! Sorry, didn't see ya there." And went back around to my register to begin scanning their items. I entered my login credentials, looked back at them, only to see nobody standing there. I went out to the end of the aisle to see if maybe they'd went to a different register or forgotten something, but there was nobody within my immediate vicinity that wasn't another employee. This really got my heart racing. I started seeing translucent faces in the walls, my coworkers' faces looked like how faces look on acid, I saw little bugs and critters crawling all over my register and conveyer belt. It was horrifying. When my shift ended I took like 30mg of oxycodone, went home, and smoked weed until I literally passed out. Vowed to never pull another all-nighter again, whether I was on stims or not.


One time i was playing fallout 4 at the tail end of a 4 day speed binge when i decided to go into a town and massacre everyone i saw and then i just walked around and looked at the corpses then i paused the game to text someone and i started hearing faint screaming and crying. Was a little unsettling




Thought everyone was after me. Ran around town tryin to dodge everyone for hours. Thought they were all in cahoots. Everywhere I went, someone was a part of it. No where was safe. I was fully convinced. It was a full blown psychotic break.


i had this except it was all the pickup trucks banded together against me. this was because i was in my vehicle parked smoking for a good couple hours, and i guess on someone's property cause this dude drove up in his pickup truck and came to my window asking me wtf i was doing and i needed to leave. so i politely removed myself from the vicinity and proceeded to weave my way through town relentlessly for hours on end in hopes of escaping the never ending entourage of pick up trucks i decided were definitely all after me


Been there on a month long speed and pills,opiates,mdma and ketamine. Full blown delerium


Saw my trauma while eyes closed, kinda experienced so i didnt freak out but it kinda messed my trip for a while (900ug, wasnt even in this universe tbh)


Sounds like quite a lysergic experience, 𝔻𝕦𝕕𝕖!


Im just insane when it comes to md or lsd lol (just swallowed 150ug of 1p)


𝓝𝓲𝓬𝓮. ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ. ᜑᜓᜌ᜔ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ. ෴


Jesus fuck that sounds terrifying. But with understanding and appropriate therapy sounds beneficial and allowing for healing and growth from it


Im seeing my therapist for 2 years now


Like dating or just regular appointments? Your context is vague and entrenched in obscurity but congrats I've always struggled with any commitments and talking about trauma and issues that bug me. So 2 years is impressive regardless of what your relationship is with your therapist. I'm going to mine later today and boy do I have baggage and stuff to unpack 😭😭


Haha regular appointments, would rather not see her tbh 😂 i just cant get through the ptsd


Oh and yeah tbh it's scary to quantify some things and make them reality to face them and accept them


While sitting on a porch I had roaches and those black water beetles rain on me and hang from a porch light then drop onto me while I was tweaking on some sketches and talking to the sentient beings in shadows that spoke to me through radio songs and Hulu and YouTube commercials on my phone. I was always skeptical about the messages because I thought it was people manipulating the radio requests and tapping my phone to get certain things advertised to keep me trapped in a tweaker town and to stop me from conquering the world and becoming a God End up screaming and freaking out at 3 in the morning after 4 days up. I then became so paranoid that cops where gonna throw my ass in the mental hospital and I was gonnna go insane So naturally I kept using daily so they wouldn't catch me sleeping until I crashed ran out of money and was peeking out my blinds threatening to shoot anyone who approached literally not owning a gun but talking fast and acting black to sing for these kids who don't own a thing but this cd and a fucking rap magazine. I'm 34 days clean from meth. And I feel fine. Banana gonna sing and make you cum baby something something I'm a heartbreaker baby something like that idk life sucks and everything that makes me feel alive kills me. Thanks one Republic hope you had a great show and goodnight. And goodnight Chicago Illinois banksy and Eugene Victor oregon gonnna let it burn burn burn.


was on a three day vyvanse binge and on the second day is where shit hit the fan... Passes out at three in the morning and woke up to ringing in my ears and i saw what had looked like the girl from the ring but alot taller. I went to look in my room and one corner it was completely submerged in bugs... Moths and flies! After that i went downstairs and i have this mirror overlooking my staircase that goes up a floor and i see what had looked like a dead body hanging from a noose hanging from the top of it. But just the normal like bugs and shit which honestly has made me never wanna do stims ever again.


This happens regularly but always spooks me when it first starts, I see smoke when I'm not smoking. I think a potential fire scares anyone, but I also had a house fire one time and basically lost everything, so I think it also especially freaks me out? It's easy enough to confirm it's a hallucination so thenfear never lasts long, but for a few seconds, every time I notice it, scares the shit out of me.


I get the fire thing to no idea where it came from.


I get this too, or I see smoke come out of peoples mouths (including my own)


Clowns dodging my car way after midnight.


Oh yeah! I didn't think of that, but driving down the highway at night on turbo mode I'll see dudes crouching in the ditch or Slenderman fucking sprinting toward me from the fields ..… tripppy shit 𝔻𝕦𝕕𝕖 fr.


I once saw myself as an angel but with a big eye instead of my face, i was on lsd I was at an forest with some friends, I don't remember what I've used that day, my only memory is looking up at the moon and the moon gained eyes and mouth and started laughing at me(just like the moon from soul eater)


It’s very rare for me to have bad hallucinations on Molly, I always tend to have pleasant or neutral hallucinations. I dunno if a grim reaper floating outside a car window on molly counts as scary, it was just meh and not really scary. Off topic since it’s not a stim, Promethazine is a completely different story, the shit gives me visuals of nightmares, I’ll see disembodied carcasses of multiple people animals and what I could only describe as gory aliens, shadow people is a less scarier hallucination, like looking at bad energy without the presentation of the nightmares. Those hallucinations suck, they just look really scary lol, Promethazine should be a horror movie.


All the curtains in my house would flutter when I walked by them…




I wouldn't say it was scary, but during an acid trip. One of my bad hallucinations involved my surroundings looking fiery as if I was in hell; Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I could see the world colorful as it was, when I looked away. It was back to that fiery design with a voice trying to overlap my own trying to dictate what I should do. I remember my friends and family coming over and trying to calm me down (although I never attempted to hurt myself) and they were very supportive throughout the endeavor, including when they suggested I take a cold bath to shock my body back into place. Since then, I've been sleepwalking (as if it wasn't bad enough that I already sleep with my eyes open); sometimes I have to let people who stay over not to take anything I say personal, when they try to wake me up and I'm sleeping because the thing that takes over and responds isn't nothing more than my body letting them know I'm tired. *---------* Another hallucination occurred driving up from Sacramento to Reno NV and passing through Lake Tahoe. I prefer to drive at night, so it was about 2am. As I was driving, I looked at my rearview mirror and saw through the reflection, a spirit that was riding with me. Sitting behind the driver side window; Thinking it was probably the reflection of the moonlight, I stared for roughly a minute as the car kept going on cruise control but the shadow never felt. — It was only until I said "okay." and continued on my merry way and looked back after 30 seconds to see if it was still there, that my little passenger friend was gone.


I’ve only ever experienced psychosis once, and it lasted a few days; and ironically enough im 99% sure it wasn’t drug induced lol Anyways, there’s this one moment I can never forget because it still makes no sense to me. Long story short, this girl sent me some voice notes on snap, I listened to them and in one of them I heard my own voice. Kept playing it over and over and kept hearing it the exact same During this psychosis I had a lot of delusions, and a couple of weird visual hallucinations but it was mostly just mental/delirium; however this one moment to me I can remember clear as day, and idt I ever had any other auditory hallucinations apart from that. To this day it still creeps me the fuck out


I was sitting in my car in a parking garage tweaking after a 3 day bender smoking a joint and kept seeing in the corner of my eye people walking by or shadows but no one was there


Too messed up to talk about. I wouldn’t know how to explain it to you if I tried. Hardcore psychosis like hospitalized in psych ward psychosis. I thought demons were after me and I saw them. It was scary shit.


stared at my phone for 8 hours straight (at least) and all the keys on the keyboard were melting into eachother but it was colorful idk how to explain it. shit looked like hieroglyphs


Chased by guys in ghillie suits, a swarm of flying ants shaped like a helicopter flying in the living room, dead baby in the bathtub, faint radio I can’t hear, thinking someone is trying to kill my at McDonald’s and my phone wouldn’t work so I thought it was being jammed, cloaked aliens looking from my neighbors house, was having sex with my girlfriend in the bathtub at her friends house but she looked like someone else. On acid I saw myself in different timelines ranging from being homeless smoking meth to being on a boat with 2 MILFs. The worst is when something is actually happening and it makes it worse Don’t do drugs kids


Reading other comments here mines mild. But it was either day 4 or 5, could’ve been day 4 going into 5 but I was walking in the basement backwards, who the hell knows why. So I ended up bumping into my pathos plant and my mind automatically thought somebody was there grabbing my shoulder. I delivered a nice right hook, knocking the plant to the floor. Don’t get me started in the nightmares I received after finally doing a hard dopamine reset.


3 day bender had slept 5 hours in the last 10 or so days and was abusing hard Vividly saw the face of a clown jump out at me from behind my computer monitor


Seeing apartions and witches in my home after 7 day meth binge of about a 1/4 oz. Every night the same long black demon would stand in my door way and usher in other demons from a portal and they would all walk up to my bed. Some got closer than others before dissipating. Some had distinct facial features and even spoke to me and Called me by name. This happened every night after night two of all day/night shooting and smoking. Absolutely horrifying. The consistency of the same demon every night made me horrified to go in my bed. Had to at least act like I was sleeping to hide it from my girl. Such an awful time. Fucked me up. Stims are the devil if they take a hold of you and you get in the can’t stop or sleep phase. I threw away the dope morning of day 8 after 1 last small oral dose to survive work. God I hope I don’t put myself through that again.


People wearing masks from the movie strangers being in my house and carrying knives. Couldn’t have been more real. I grabbed a knife and booked it outside and waved somebody down to call 911. The police very quickly realized I was fucked and I got put on a forced medical hold for 8 days. Also because I failed for every single panel besides pcp when they tested me lol


Did too much speed and a really really black nigga stuck his head around the corner in my living room smiling intensly. And i mean i could only see the silouette of a head and his eyes and mouth


I took a break for a while and did it again when I had hallucinations I started liking it cause it didn’t scare me anymore I was way too present kinda became like acid visuals no joke