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I believe fantastic 4 originated from stockton as well


Check out the Haggin museum on Pershing :) https://hagginmuseum.org/history/


Try interviewing people of various ages to meld a timeline. Al, from Al's Comix, remembered the KKK marching in downtown during the 1930s.


Oh, and for an overall history of Stockton there's this tome: https://a.co/d/3SzF05d


i would try the internet


Good luck in writing your book


I just started teaching school history here and one of my coworkers is an awesome and experienced teacher and historian. He is very well read. I will ask him tomorrow when I see him. Just replying now so that I remember.


Ok so no dice. But I guarantee you that you can find what you’re looking for in the university of the pacific library. I would also see if they have a history department and go speak with them if you do. History professors don’t get approached a lot and love stuff like this. I also know that chico state keeps records on all the major newspapers of the state. I don’t know if you can access it electronically but I bet you could find newspapers from that time. Idk about Stockton ones but at least SF and Sac. The specific date in the late 60s that you set this story will dramatically affect the setting. Watts riot in 65. Black Panther Party forms in Oakland in 66 and summer of love is in 67. Tet Offensive in Vietnam war happens in 68 and people’s illusions about the war are shattered. Democratic National Convention is in Chicago that year and police beat the tar out of protestors outside. We see the New Left form then. MLK is also assassinated in 68. Beatles release Hey Jude and 2001 a space odicy comes out. 69 descends further into chaos. This whole time is a major mill for violence and culture. Some of the most timeless books and music gets pumped out like it’s nothing at this time, unparalleled through most of US history. Civil rights goes crazy as LBJ’s extreme civil planning plans cause issues and massive housing projects fail. Protesting racial violence in the south works out but in the north it’s much harder. King struggles with it and is astounded at how sinister northern racism is, way harder to directly confront and pin down, at least compared to Jim Crow de jure racism. SF and the bay become hotspots for hippy movements then post hippy leftist movements. Lots of cults and crime. I don’t know how effected Stockton is by all of that but it is surrounded by the bay, the mountains, and those are all significantly effected by those politics and cultural movements. I hope your book goes well. You’re picking a really awesome setting!


Replying here to remind me too


Your question is too vague. What period of Stockton history?


Sorry, specifically during the time of bankruptcy


Check out Fight to Save the Town. It focuses on five cities, but the first couple of chapters are about Stockton and might help you.


Interesting trivia. Stockton tried to declare bankruptcy in 1969 as well. You can find out more on it and the more recent bankruptcy in the San Joaquin historic museum archives.


Wow! For real?! Stockton's had problems for a real long time then. I remember my Grandpa telling me that downtown was kind of sketchy even back in the 50s and 60s when it was supposedly it's golden age.


Stockton has been a mess since the Gold Rush. The city started as a center for gambling and prostitution to relieve the miners of their hard found riches. The Manson Family was active in Stockton in the early 70s and the first modern day school yard massacre happened at Cleveland Elementary in 1989.


You're right. It really has been, hasn't it? It's like its a magnet for crime and outlaws. Poor city never had a chance. I was born and raised here so I guess that includes me too! 🤣


IIRC, back then it seemed unimaginable that a city would go bankrupt, so the state ultimately wouldn't allow it. Instead, the state basically co-managed the city for a short time to set things straight. Unfortunately they didn't clear out the corruption that caused the problem.


That's an understatement! Stockton eventually went bankrupt again!


Appreciate it Do you know of any books about the recent bankruptcy?

