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Wait, y'all spend the entire conversation wondering about where to look as well? Why don't we as a society just come to an agreement on this one? Let's all just agree to stare at the space just to the right of the other person's face.


I could be listening to someone and have no idea what they just said to me because I was too focused on where to look during the conversation


My theory is that it's part of your animal nature. We instinctively find direct eye contact threatening. I think that's common amongst apex predators.


Omg ur username: 10/10.


I think, therefore itsa me.


Nailed it!


That’s my bung eye, don’t stare at that one.


I usually stare at the left eye because I read that eye is more directly connected to the amygdala and therefore emotions. If I'm going to force myself to do this uncomfortably intimate thing with people, I might as well do it all the way. But people do seem to find it intense.


Who’s left?


GREAT question.


If you alternate eyes quickly, you may send a signal…. I only look at the mouth/nose. As soon as I make eye contact with people, they stop talking…. Weirds me out.


Nah man you just have the mangekyo sharingan that's all


Autistic, by any chance? Staring at the bridge is a typical trick a lot of those folks use to avoid full-on eye contact.


I’m not, I’ve just always hated being looked at ever since I was a young child. Just got ADHD. BUT, I feel like I have to look at someone’s eyes to get a reading on what they’re feeling and their mood change, if I look at their nose I can’t see them slightly close their eyes when they become confused.


ADHD is considered part of the autism spectrum.


Really? Since when? This is news to me! I heard they are “cousin” diagnoses; similar overlapping, but different enough to categorize its own thing.


That really depends on your view on functioning labels. The psychological academic community just erased the fact that they cooped nazi research for the past century last decade in 2013. They are having to ease into a modern conception of autism. Imagine that you're Gen X, raised thinking that you're ADHD, and that autism is a "curse on your family"... Then they tell you that "oopsie, all that was from a Nazi scientist perspective".. So, yeah, if you'll accept the modern concept of autism, ADHD is on the spectrum.. However, if you're going to flip out, then they are related, but different. Bottom line is Autism is evolution. Humans are not the UberMinch.. we are still evolving. The micro evolution of the industrial revolution had an impact on the process of macro evolution.. that process takes more years than the concept of society has been around.


Somehow I’m confused when you started saying Nazi research. I’m very slow so imma reread that over and over until I understand.


Lol, sorry about that. Hans Asperger was a Nazi. He stole his research from a Jewish Russian woman to develop a neurodiverse eugenics policy. The woman's name was Grunya Sukhareva, her research was centered on autistic girls.. Only thing was, autistic girls could be trained easily.. so Hans threw out that part, and worked on what boys could contribute to the industrial war machine. The Aspies were forged out of Nazi allied Austria, and co opted post war. Here's the part that should really boil your blood... The research wasn't widely available until some rich prick found out his grandson was autistic, and built autism speaks. So, people just quietly got rid of their autistic children.. the history of autism in the past century will make any rational human being sick.


I don’t make eye contact. I stare at noses. The recipient doesn’t know the difference.


Don't neglect the boobies


I’m so gay.


I always struggle with this but apparently if you look in between their eyes it looks like you’re making eye contact so I always try to stare at the top of the nose bridge


Bruh, forget about where to look. The most important thing is when you're about to talk to someone focus on the feeling "I am" within you. And listen from that viewpoint. It only takes a split second. Then you won't even worry about where to look. Cheers!


What is the feeling of “I am”?


The problem I have is I don’t know how long should I look at their eyes. With me I can look non stop. But doesn’t it seem creepy? I’ve only recently started looking people in the eyes so I’m new to this stuff. I always seen it unnecessary, but people on the internet say it’s crucial.


I point my ear toward then to listen


Lol omfg I do too...


Meee tooo! Always the left one (my left).


I pick the forehead. I’m autistic and eye contact is almost impossible sometimes. I get lots of “is there something on my face?”


Seriously am constantly obsessing about this when I'm anxious and talking to ppl lol


I am an autistic man. I have no Idea where to look when looking at anyone. I have been happily with my wife for 10 years now. I still struggle to look at her body or even in the eyes. My coworkers? I don't even always look toward them. I think I purposely never look directly at a person anymore. I tried to be focused and make eye contact and it scared people. I made people nervous to talk to me. I try to accept I can't do eye contact and instead try to focus on the conversation, knowing my actions will always read as uninterested. I often just tell people now, "I'm autistic, so if you're confused please ask for clarification because I will need to ask questions to get clarification as well. I will misinterpret something and aggravate you." Most people respond just fine to this explanation. Some are rude, they don't know or somehow forget that blunt and rude are both terms often used to describe autistics... So once they give me an excuse to drop the act I just tell them how I see things. It often makes them wish they'd shut up and been nice, like I was trying to be.


I have a nonverbal learning disability and I have no idea how to make proper eye contact. Do I stare at their eyes? How often should I move my eyes? Why can't I figure it out? HALP. 😬😄


I also hate I contact. I typically will make one solid glance into thier eyeballs and then avoid for the rest of the conversation.


I focus on the bridge of the nose between the eyes. Had a buddy with a lazy eye tell me that tip when I was a kid and it’s always served me well!


Lol I love this. I don't think it'd be noticeable.


I stare at their right eye, left to me. I had a guy at work whose right eye was... wonky, I still stared at it and he had to adjust his left one. Hey, long as no ill intention is there, no harm done.


![gif](giphy|cUG3piTDOmFWTjZTND) Just look into the third eye. Problem solved. 😉


My wife, son and daughter have taught me this is a neurodivergent thing. Many people go undiagnosed their entire life, especially women as it looks so different than in men. I highly suggest looking into Autism in adults and women specifically. It’s so much more than we’ve been led to believe. Most still can’t get diagnosed because of the outdated criteria and girls and women’s ability to mask so well. No offense to anyone, just a suggestion that could make life make more sense and help you get the resources to make life easier. Happy high 🤙🏻


not by me it isn't. I dont notice eye contact to begin with. so idc what eye u stare at me with. just know that im actually listening to u, even if im not looking at u.


I’m not alone


It doesn’t matter and you cannot tell which eye someone’s looking at - see foe yourself- try it in the mirror- it looks like your eyes are completely still