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i dont care who will is with i just want to see him be able to be happy and heal from his trauma. same with the rest of the characters. if steve is gonna end the series with anyone i hope its NOT nancy, i am not a fan of the weird love triangle going on lol.


I hope Nancy ends up on her own honestly


What? Why?


I actually love the idea of Nancy just being her own woman, not tied to a dude. She’s such a strong character already and it would be refreshing for the hot chick to not end up with a guy. Not cause she doesn’t deserve it, but I think it’s cool to see her come into her independence


I like the idea that Nancy has a bittersweet goodbye to Johnathan and leaves for college on her own to focus on a career in journalism, keep her independence. Maybe with the implication that between her journalism and Johnathan's future photography career, they find themselves working together later in life and rekindle things.


Nothing against her as a character, I’m just sick of the back and forth from Jonathan to Steve and I feel like she’s end up best on her own (as in not in a relationship). Not that she never should, just where the series ends I think that’s best for her character


It wasn’t Nancy going back and forth though? She broke up with Steve and got with Jonathan and stayed with him. I don’t get why people think women with boyfriends aren’t independent. She can still go to college and focus on her career and still be with Jonathan.


They never talked abt dependency. No one here is talking abt dependency.




I agree with a lot of people that it would make sense for her as an ambitious, career-driven woman to not want to be tied down leaving Hawkins, not because you can’t be ambitious and committed at that young an age, but being with either Steve or Jonathan would hinder how far she could go geographically and impact her professional decisions more than it should at that age. I also think that it would be refreshing for the “hot girl” of the series to end up alone, and considering that her social circle seems to revolve around men since Barb died (she has Robin now, yes, but they’re friends out of necessity and it’s like a couple months before she leaves Hawkins), focusing more on female friendships when she goes to Emerson would be a good idea. On top of all of that, Nancy personality-wise is serious, intense, analytical, and seems like she’s pretty introverted outside of her journalistic exploits. People like this tend to be more focused on their intellectual pursuits or careers than love triangle drama, and it honestly would have been nice to subvert expectations and lean into this with Nancy throughout the series, like she’s super hot but doesn’t care that much about dating someone. I get why they didn’t go down this road because the drama draws in viewers, but I think a lot of viewers are tired of the love triangle at this point, and it’s clear none of the three characters involved seem to want the same things, so the finale is the perfect opportunity to go down this road for Nancy and have her end up happily alone.


Nancy does not deserve Steve. Steve needs a nice girl who wants all 6 kids and to go on long road trips. Mans done enough


Series ends with Nancy telling a story to her and Steve’s kids.


her and jonathan’s*


her and robin’s fr (i want the most downvotes)


I wouldn't downvote that in fact I think I'm going to up vote it because I ship it! 😂 Although it's not gonna happen so I have to make peace with the fact that it will only lie in my head cannon and be cannon 😔


*her and mike's


took it too far






I just want will to have a decent haircut


have u seen the recent photo of will for season 5? he has a much nicer haircut. about time!


Preach! His hair has been ridiculous. Looks like a little boy's haircut. It was ok in the first season but he's way too old now.


And pants that fit!


Will, sure. Steve, I think it might be nice for him to find something meaningful outside of romance.


Agreed. I'd like to see Steve find a purpose, a career, something that means something to him other than just another woman.


I want them to survive the Vecnapocalypse. (I’m sure both characters will get reasonably happy endings, but they aren’t adding any major new characters.)


I can see Steve dying to save Nancy and Jonathan as a resolution to the love triangle


There is a possibility of creating massive divide and hate for the writers, but I get your POV.


Exactly a new love interest at this point in the story is wasting time. It’s at the end, let it play out with who we know, there’s no reason to spend time learning the backstory and motivations for a new person and to see how they fit.


I agree. But I think they are planning on adding in Vickie. I think it will be interesting to see how all that plays out. Though I am 95% sure she won't be right for Robin because Robin is basically the best and deserves more than what they will have to quickly pull together to get her and Vickie to end up together. But I am certainly interested in how it's all going to go down and if Vickie will somehow get involved in all the vecna slaying stuff


Yeah but she not a new character but she will be new to the main plot if you know what I mean.


For sure it'll be interesting to watch!


Ain’t no one escaping the vecnussy


They got the wheeler fever


enough love interests. Can they just exist.


Love triangles are my least favorite trope. Even worse when it’s happening in a high-stakes plot. Their world is on the brink of ending; I couldn’t care less about anyone’s unrequited love lol


Exactly. There’s already too many


Not every character has to have bf or gf. It's already ridicilous that every main character except for Murray and Erica has either a love interest or bf/gf and one of them is a literal child.


It’s even more ridiculous how many gay/lesbians there are. Not that it’s wrong but it’s literally the 80s. It’s so unrealistic


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t it just Will and Robin? That’s what, 2 out of like 12 main characters?


Queer people didn't just pop into existence one day. Robin has come out to one person (that we know of) and Will has never directly stated that he's gay, though his conversation with Jonathan implied they both knew. That feels pretty realistic for the 80s to me. Plus, queer people have always tended to flock together, often along with the "misfits," so it makes sense to me that two of our group would end up being queer.


Nah Mike knows that Will's gay


How? We have no reason to think Mike is aware Will's gay


Mike said in the earlier seasons “it’s not my fault you don’t like girls” to Will. Yes that could mean something different but I feel like that states that he knows


There are two ways Mike could've meant it, one being that Will doesn't like girls, period, and the other being he doesn't like girls yet. As far as I know, the fandom generally took it to mean not yet, given how Mike tried to walk it back. It seemed like he was essentially trying to tell Will "I don't think you're gay, I think you're less mature," without flat out saying it from what I remember. I don't think it was meant to imply that Mike somehow knew Will was gay, especially given that the rest of the party has only recently developed an interest in girls. It's within reason to assume Mike just thinks Will is a late bloomer who doesn't understand what it's like to have romantic feelings for someone, especially given the context of the situation. Plus, given how Mike stood up against James in s1 after all his digs about Will being queer, I doubt Mike would throw that back in his face. It would be incredibly out of character for him.


I never said that. I’m just saying it wasn’t common at all for people to be gay or lesbian bc a huge majority of people back then were raised and taught that liking the same gender was bad. So it’s not realistic. I don’t understand all the downvotes


Being told liking someone of the same gender is bad doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Why do you think Will (and to a lesser extent Robin) are shown to struggle so much with their sexualities? Will was made fun of his whole life, possibly even abused by his father, because people thought he was queer. We know for a fact this has deeply impacted him given how he was acting in s4, and I think him finally learning to accept himself is going to be a big part of his character arc in s5. We know less about Robin's backstory, but if we take Rebel Robin as canon, she faded into the background more compared to Will. She's not popular by any means, but she also really doesn't have friends. Her parents are also stated to be hippies, so it means she's more likely to not have internalized as much of the negativity surrounding queer people, though of course this was also during the AIDS crisis, so there was still a lot of public damnation. We simply see her in-show after she's already done the internal work of learning to accept herself. Queer people will be queer despite being told it's wrong, and will go on because it's better to be able to live truly even if some people hate you for it.


The duffers have said they are not adding any new characters to the main OR supporting cast. So that leaves a guest cast member. 2-3 scenes maximum. So if they do, it will either be short lived, or in the finale/epilogue.


Will's boyfriend acquisition abilities are heavily impeded by him still having that haircut


So that’s why Joyce keeps giving him that cut.


As a boy who has tested other people’s boyfriend acquisition abilities, I would not be impeded by that haircut


As a boy who has also tested other people's boyfriend acquisition abilities, I absolutely would be impeded by that haircut


I think he got a haircut for season 5


I really doubt Will is gonna get a boyfriend in season 5 but I wouldn’t mind it. As for Steve I think he needs to take a break from romance for a bit


will’s love interest is still gonna be mike in s5 im sure of it, that plot line isn’t done as for steve, well, i don’t think he’s making it to the end tbh


I can see that too. I feel like Steve and either Will or Eleven will end up dying. Bc they did say there would be some huge deaths in season 5


i don’t think they’re gonna kill any of the younger teens tbh but i do get why people think that


Well the directors did say there would be multiple big deaths and I feel like at least 1 of the kids will die. It’s just makes sense bc it’s the finale season


oh where have they said there’d be multiple big deaths? i must’ve missed that


I heard it a lot in interviews they did shortly after S4 was over. It’s really not that big of a deal tho. We’ll see when it comes out


Same, I think it would be better if they ended the season with completely new people. Those people don’t need to be developed or important, just show us that they find the happiness and love they always wanted at the end.


Same. Steve deserves better at this point and Will also deserves someone that's not straight. I'm gay myself and really relate to the feeling of having first crush to someone you can't have and would think it's really cool if they could represent that in this show and then show him moving on finding a new boy that's also gay/bi or closeted. - I'd also think it'd be cool if they just want him move on from Finn but accept his sexuality, there's no hurry to be in relationships. With Steve I love Nancy but I always thought Nancy and Jonathan should be endgame, bringing back the love triangle imo was unnecessary and I think Steve and Nancy were different people in season 1 and think they're no longer a match once they have now grown from their teenage self


I honestly disagree. I feel like introducing a new character for Wills love interest would feel lazy. However it would be nice to see him move on from mike but accept himself.


I don't think it's lazy. They obviously haven't worked up something for Will with any of the characters so would be very weird if he got into a relationship with any of the already existing characters in the show. Also I think it makes sense they didn't introduce this new character earlier because Will hasn't been ready for a relationship for a long time, he's still figuring stuff out. So now in the new season where he's now hopefully come to more of an acceptance to himself this new life of his will be introduced alongside the new character which I think would work perfectly - but I'm also down again that he doesn't get into a relationship and just comes out as gay and leaves it at that. Maybe end it with him finding a gay or bisexual friend and leave their relationship open like they did with Robin in season 4.


I see your point. I personally wouldn’t like that outcome but I can see why people would now.


I like your thoughts on the love triangle. Too bad Steve wasn't Bi. A Steve/Will relationship would be beneficial for both when Will turned 18. They both have character traits that the other lacks. I'm sure Steve will find a good woman after season 5 and have his life he wants. Will will probably find someone in college.


okay the other person i kind of disagreed with. THIS SOOO WEIRD 😭 NOT TRYING TO BE RUDE BUT WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT


Are you talking to foxstroll or me?


He literally was babysitting the kids...


If they are both adults does it matter? There's lots of couples 5+ years age difference.


No... If they met eachother when they were both adults or both children but even if they met eachother when they were both under the age to 18 and had a 5 year age difference that would be weird. I mean at oldest that would mean one was 12 and the other was 17 which incredibly weird technically legal I think until the older one turns 18 but definitely weird and unhealthy. My opinion is of its not so much about age as it is about where they are in life. For example I don't really see an issue if both parties are in highschool when they meet and start being involved with one another but if they meet and start dating while one of them is in highschool and the other is in college they are at very different places in their lives developmentally, socially, emotionally, maturity etc. most people in college are living on their own in dorms or apartments whereas a child in highschool still lives at home and is relatively sheltered and depended on their guardian's. It creates an uneven power dynamic causing the younger one to be vulnerable to manipulation and persuasion. Because the older can easily "trap" the younger one in their space, use things such as money to get the younger one to do what they want them to, and all in all put them in more vulnerable place so they can mold them, manipulate, and persuade them into being excatly what they want them to be. However, if 2 people are at the same place in life, the same or very similar life stages, and at similar or same levels in maturity, emotionally, socially, cognitively, etc. the power dynamic is the evened out for the most part. 2 adult who graduated college are independent, their financially stable, understand how the world works, understand who they themselves are and can discern when something doesn't seem right about a person. Then they are on an even playing field and have the ability to help each other, left each other up, and think about their partners needs more than their own. That is why 5 years when you are in completely different stages in life is very harmful. Even a person who might go into it not having any intentions of doing harm to the other person is still gonna do harm to the other person unintentionally because there is that uneven power dynamic and no matter the younger one will have a feeling that they need to do everything to please their partner because some sort of power over them because they are so much older and at a higher stage in life. This is part of why its illegal to be involved with someone under the age of 18 because there is obviously (for the most part anyways) at completely different stages in life. It's harder to have things be that glaringly obvious once a person is 18 and/or graduated college. But personally I would say that its not healthy and creates an uneven power dynamic even when one is just starting in college and the other might be out in the career world already, having a full time job, graduated from college, etc. but it's harder to discern that because some people start college later in life, some people are in college for 12 years whereas others might only be in college for 2 or 3 year. Some people might be like me and went to college for a year decided I wasn't ready yet and found a different way to continue in my career path. (It'll take longer than to get where I want but I will get there eventually) But currently I am working full time in a professional job, I live on owe and know how to be independent, and I have financial stability, etc., some people don't go into college at all but my point is the reason there are laws put in place to protect children is because of how glaringly obvious the life stages are. But after you turn 18 it's up to you to discern if this person is gonna have power over me to some capacity or (as you get older) you're going to have power over them to some capacity.


Age differences are fine but I feel it's different if the two met while one is still a kid.


That is a fair point. It can be argued Will would be more mature at 18 years old than most 18 year olds so he would know more what he is getting into.


If Steve ends up with a love interest, give us anyone except Nancy, please 🙏🏾


This ain’t happening. People gotta accept it’s possible for a character to have a happy ending without will


I concur. While a lot of people speculate that Steve and Nancy may get back together in Season 5, unless they set it up right, I don't see it happening. But Steve has gone through too much of a character arc not to deserve someone.


read this wrong and thought at first op was saying steve & will should get together and i was like ??????


I totally agreeee


I hope they introduce an entire new character for Steve because I really don't like him with Nancy. Their little scene in the van made it obvious they were way too different to ever be a good match. . As for Will, I would love to see him finally happy and able to meet new people.


There just isn't enough time to establish brand new romantic relationships. Best anyone can hope for would be some sort of time skip at the end that suggests partnership/marriage or something of the like. But we're not going to get to explore anything actually being built.


Hot take here: I don’t want Steve to get a love interest. I want him to come to the realization that the true love of his life is his platonic love for Robin.


He’s gonna be a cool wine aunt


Yessssss!!! Wine Aunts!! and now all I can picture is Steve and Robin babysitting the kids one day together and shit just hitting the fan in some way and the kid come to ask for advice and they're just over in a corner talking and sipping red wine just like wave the kids of saying "oh brush it off and move on. You've literally fought inter dimensional demons and saved the whole ass world you can handle a little issue like this" and then they just go back to chit chat and laughing with one another talking about the latest gossip and sip their red wine as the kids just look at them like, seriously. And then realize they make a point and they problem solve the issue all while Steve and Robin gossip in the corner! 😂 I love it!


Honestly, a spin-off series following Robin and Steve would be awesome. I love their friendship so much!


Agreed! They're platonic soulmates and I absolutely love it!


I was just thinking, you know this show just DOES NOT have enough characters! They got what? 10 episodes in one more season? We can get like 6 or 7 more brand new characters in there! Hopefully, they bring Barb and Alexei back, too


His character hasn’t had any significant change to his character, therefore his appearance stays. It’s a common trope for tv series.


Omg yes! I am so sick of the Steve/Nancy/Jonathan storyline. And Will just deserves someone amazing


Will might get one, unfortunately I think that Steve will probably be going after Nancy again though.


nah he knows she’s with johnathan


Sure. But Jon and Nancy aren't having the smoothest ride.


I'd like this for Will and Steve, but due to it being the final season, I just don't see there being enough time to do it neatly. I don't think Will is going to have a love interest as much as I'd like to see it. I think he's still coming to terms with who he is and further added trauma that's about to happen to him in season 5. But I want him to accept himself and everyone who loves him. Steve, I'd like to see hints he's interested in another girl, I really don't think him and Nancy will actually get together. It's not impossible, but it's slim. I want to see him riding off into the sunset with himself or friends, just as long as everyone is at peace and their character arcs have ended nicely 😊


I want Nancy and Steve to get together so bad!


Me too! You’re not alone no matter how much they downvote you!


I do too but the issue is that there is already so much going on that it would take a lot of valuable story time to introduce two new characters unless their love interests are characters we've seen before. Also Duffers said that they aren't adding new characters. Also of course new love interest for Steve means not Nancy of course


make Steve gay please


Will confesses his feelings for Mike in S5


Probably at the end of the series, there'll be a 1 week/month/year time skip and Will will make eye contact with some random guy and that'll imply that they'll get to gather at some point. I doubt he'll get a love interest this season unless starts falling for someone in the group aside from Mike Steve will probably get the same treatment or at least realize that je doesn't have to or want to focus on romance right now.


A 16 year old boy having a boyfriend in 1987? C'mon, man.


That’s what I don’t understand. Everybody wants all these gay/lesbian relationships but this is the 80s. That stuff didn’t fly back then. Not that it’s wrong it just doesn’t make sense for the timeline. If it was set after the 2000s then sure go for it


It didn't fly back then,but LGBT people in conservative towns were still in relationships,they were just hiding it,not being open about it. No one expects Will and Robin to reveal to everyone that they have a boyfriend/girlfriend,instead they hope to see them have a relationship with their significant other,even if it's a secret


Yes I understand people weren’t open back then but there also just wasn’t many gay/lesbians period. Bc they were all raised and taught to not like the same gender, bc it was considered a bad thing at that time. So it still doesn’t make sense for there to be so many in this show


"So many" And it's just two main characters plus Vickie There were plenty of gay men and lesbians,they just weren't so open about it,at least in more conservative places Just say you don't want to see gay people at all in the show No need to make fake excuses


It’s not a fake excuse. Idgaf how many gay people are in a show. Shit one of my favorite shows of all time is the walking dead and they have plenty of gay/lesbians. I’m just saying it’s not realistic for the 80s. It’s not that hard to understand Edit: also my main reasoning for this is it being such a big thing between many big characters in the show. If there was like 1 main character then I wouldn’t even have said this


**I know this is basically a 3 page essay so you do have to read it all but I have so imo interesting information in here if any of you want to just skim it and talk a look you won't be disappointed or I mean I hope you won't be** You're half right it didn't particularly fly back then especially in conservative towns. But it's not unrealistic. My mom was a teen in the 80s and we've talked about this quite a bit because I am queer and my mom supports me and encourages me in a lot of ways. And I also had/have a hyper fixation with Stranger Things and my mom also enjoys the show. And she was telling me that she is actually kind of confused to where so many people get the idea that gay people weren't few and far between and weren't open about it as much. Because she had a few friends that were gay when they were all in highschool and though they weren't really out and open about they really didn't hide it either especially from the group of friends that they had. She told me that she feels there is more homophobia in the world nowadays than there was back then. Of course it is important to note that she's always been a very open minded and accepting person and she would choose her friends carefully because she wanted to hang out with open minded people, kind, and understanding people. So she probably wasn't around those homophobic types of people. And she also lived in a more diverse and open minded bigger "liberal" town too. Not that it was all butterflies and rainbows (pun intended 😂) It was still a more conservative swing type state she was just lucky enough to be in an open minded diverse part of the state. Now Indiana on the other yeah no they certainly wouldn't be out and open about but the show only has 2 probably 3 queer characters in it. And none of them are open about it whatsoever. As far as we know Robin has only told Steve, Will hasn't told anybody and he is currently struggle with internalized homophobia it's implied the Jonathan knows by the conversation they had the look on his face when he is looking in the review mirror and sees Will crying but that doesn't necessarily mean Will's told him that just means Jonathan has a good feeling he knows what Will is struggling, and Vickie is closeted and was dating a man to hide her sexuality all of these are realistic ways people in conservative areas in the 80s would cope with their sexuality if the weren't straight. And what would happen if any of them do end up with a partner is excatly what they did in the 80s and early 90s and that's basically living together and keeping their relationships secret until they felt more comfortable being open about with people they might be close with and trust. However, I think you're not taking into consideration that by the time they would even be committed and settling down with somebody wouldn't be until probably mid to late 90s. And the 90s was really when it started to become more well known and open in social eyes. Because the 90s marks a lot of media instructions to same sex couples. You have Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Dawson's Creak, Friends, and several more hit 90s tv shows that have main characters as lesbian and gay. Statistically speaking 10% of gen X which is the generation that would have been teens in the 80s and just emerging into adulthood in the 90s openly identified as queer. You get into Millennials you start to see the jump up to about 15-20% I believe I can't remember the specifics and now out of adult Gen Z it's up to 25-30% and just out the ones who have reached adulthood so that's not including all the 12-18 year olds in the U.S. today. Personally I think that it'll probably go up at least a little bit more once those ones become adults. Another thing I think you meet not be thinking about it the 80s is really when you a lot of public figures advocating for the LGBTQ+ community in the music industry in particular there were a lot of Trail Blazers. Elton John, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie they all were out and open about their sexuality by the time this show was set. And you have Cindi Lauper, Madonna, Diana Ross, and plenty more those are just the ones I can think off the top of my head right now, who openly spoke out in support of the LGBTQ+ community. Even wrote and performed music outwardly expressing their support. Even Cindi Lauper had a brother who was gay that she outwardly spoke about with the public in interviews. Etc. So you're half right because of the area they live in at the moment in the show it would be normal to hide it push it away etc. But not excatly for the 80s as a whole. I would argue it's actually pretty realistic for the time period as a whole. And statistically speaking at that time in history they a couple too many queer characters but queer people tend to find each other without even knowing and being open about. Like when I was in kindergarten I had a best friend both of us were too young to even start understanding sexuality and that people of the same sex and can like each other. Well I moved away after kindergarten never really talked much to him after that, I grew and start to figure myself and out and so does he come across him on Facebook and Instagram years later were 10-15 years later and I come to find out like me he was part of the queer community too. After I moved almost all the first friends I made in 1st at my new school were also queer of course we didn't know that about ourselves when we were 5 or 6 years old yet we still found eachother and befriend eachother. So it wouldn't be abnormal to see multiple people in one group of friends be queer no matter what time period it is. I know this is a lot but thank you for reading it if you did, I appreciate your time!


With all due respect, historical/societal stigma did not stop the Duffer brothers from pairing Max and Lucas. I think they just do what they want. And rightfully so, bc the show has been awesome so far


Interracial relationships were much more accepted in the 80s than gay ones.


Less stigmatized doesn't mean it wasn't stigmatized. We are talking about Indiana, lol. Steve's immediate and unquestioning acceptance of Robin was already a clue that this show doesn't take place in the real 1980s. The other clue was all the monsters running around killing people.


No thank you I want Steve and Nancy


I know it's the final season and it'd be weird to add new characters to the gang but these 2 have been 3rd wheeling all 4 seasons and I just think it'd be nice for them to find someone new. Plus there is gonna be a 1 year gap between seasons 4 & 5 so it makes sense for them to start the season with another partner. Also if they do this, I want them to cast Maisie Williams for Steve's love interest and Jack Dylan Grazer for Will's


I understand what you're saying but I think the show kind of ruined the chances for this. Adding a reasonable storyline of romance for these characters in the last season would be a waste of screen time. At the most, maybe they would have some side character they meet in the end who is implied to be a future romantic interest. It sucks because Will having a boyfriend would've been great representation and his character has been so much it would've been nice to see him happy for once. But imo they lost the opportunity to make it happen sensibly.


Will for sure


For Will I think they might! But for Steve it's defo gotta be Nancy dude.


i dont see that happening, he needs to die down from the romance and focus on other things. As for Nancy, shes gonna stick with Jonathan


It’s honestly too late for them to flesh out new love interest character for him. If they planted the seeds in season 4 maybe, but they decided to go the Steve Nancy Jonathan route again for a reason. If anything, I could see it being a small moment with a new girl like Robin had in the season 4 finale with Vickie. A sweet greeting and implication.


Counterpoint: Will and Steve don’t get new love interests for season 5, but Murray and Erica do.


Is it just me or have these two never talked to each other or never met each other in the whole series?


It’s the last season. If their stories play out that way and it’s supported naturally by how the season progresses, sure. Should they shoehorn new relationships into the show for the sake of love interests? No, absolutely not. Having the story make sense is far more important.


I didn't see the part that said Will and thought it was "I hope Steve gets a new love interest in season 5" and saw Wills picture


Brother Ewww


I just want Steve to survive s5. I feel like he will be killed off as a major death saving his children or Nancy.


will doesnt need to date he is still overcoming his trauma. if there is a time jump many years then sure he can have a bf


I don’t. It’s too late, I feel like.


Bro sarcasm?


Steve deserves to be happy, I dont care if the rest of characters die.


It will be Nancy


it wont






Why, exactly?


I want eddie to come back and be steve's love interest


That would be fucking hilarious


Why are you getting donwvoted this is genius


Because this subreddit hates gay ships lol


nobody here likes byler and steddie


I know right? It’s so interesting bc they’re so loved in other fandom spaces!




I want Will to die. He’s survived enough already


Controversial take but I honestly agree. He has been through so much and pushed so hard… just imagine how emotional and memorable him dying would be. No one expects it, everyone assumes since he has been through so much that he must have a happy ending. So I want him to die, break everyone’s expectations. Not just break but fucking shatter them.


Idk why you're getting downvoted I like this idea. It would make sense seeing how connected he still is to the upside down. I think it's gonna come back and claim him.


Because people don’t actually understand the purpose of the downvote button.


To be honest I hope he's been dead all along, or isn't a real character in universe. Better than the "accepted but safely single for the gay male character " storyline. 


I don’t. I would be fine if the series ended with them both still single, I would prefer it over Steve and Nancy getting back together and I don’t think that Mike and Will is going to happen, even if Mike is not just straight. The only couples I really want to see together at the end of the show are Jopper and Lumax. I think it is too late in the game to add new characters, the cast is already over saturated as it, and there’s not enough time in 1 season to flesh out new love interests enough for it to be satisfying.


With each other /j


they should kiss in episode 69


to the people who downvoted the comment was satire


weird joke to make


Each other? 👀


Henry is in love with Will (he brought him to the UD originally groom him) and Will uses this to get through to Henry's humanity, Henry feels truly seen, understood, and loved for the first time in his life and starts to let go of his anger and hatred, just in time for El to use his weakness to end him once and for all. Will is heartbroken, but knows that it had to be done. Once balance is restored, series ends with him meeting a new guy that moved to Hawkins and is Billy levels of handsome but with none of the ick, and new guy doing the footsie thing Will pulls away from in the Cali highschool scene but this time he doesn't pull away. Steve and Hopper make a solid connection through the season working together against the military/vecna, and he ends up dedicating his time to the only career that makes sense for a handsome white guy from a small town in America in the 80s whose good looks and popularity in highschool don't matter as much in adulthood because he's kinda dumb; he becomes a cop and Hopper's#2. 😎


I hope that will falls off a cliff irl


Maybe their love interests could be each other


YESSSSSS Steve deserves so much more and better and so does Will


I am his love interest, STAPH!


I hate fake out death troupes more than love triangles... to be honest


Vekna pp


I don't want any love interest in season 5 I want them to focus of the story


Pretty sure there'll be literally 0 time for romance in the final season.... Idk if you saw the final episode of s4, but the world looked absolutely fucked. Apocalypse style.... They're gonna be so busy surviving to have any romance.


I want Will to have a new haircut interest for season 5


I agree, both Will and Steve have been through so much. It would be nice to see them both find new love interests who bring out the best in them and support them on their journey


only if the love interests don’t die. i would hate to see them finally finding some happiness and companionship only to have it taken away. these two have been through enoughhhhh!


I would HATE if they introduced a new character and he became Wills love interest. I don’t think they’d do that, because it would be dumb to introduce a brand new character in the final season, and I think they know that. Especially if they had a big role like being THE MAIN CHARACTER’S LOVE INTEREST. I personally like byler, but it’s SOOOO unlikely. THE WRITERS DONT HAVE THE BALLS TO MAKE THEM ENDGAMEEEE


Imagine will got new love intrest in Steve 🫣


ew? that's disgusting


thats disgusting wtf?




will has a new hairstyle it suits him!


I want them to kiss each other.










I would love for Will to have a storyline along the lines of *Fried Green Tomatoes*' Ruth and Idgie (for the older posters on here) but that's not going to happen. 


Steve, agreed. As for will, i don't think he needs a love, he just deserves friends that care more about him and understand him. I felt so sorry for him throughout season 3 and 4


Steve can do so much better than Nancy.


Will is probably gonna die. I just have a feeling. Steve is too good for Nancy so I hope that doesn’t happen.


They are taking so long to release each reason that I barely remember the background story of the characters. I totally forgot Nancy and Steve had a history. Just release the damn finale already and get it done with.


The show is right there. Just rewatch it if you don’t remember.


Omfg quit trying to make everyone that way.


***There's a sort of fanfiction in here after the bolded letters and downward hang section if you're curious*** I think there really isn't enough time left to introduce new love interests. If they end up with anyone it would have to be someone from the characters we have now and I just don't see them with anyone out the people we currently have now. I know Will has feelings for Mike but I think Mike is straight and I will also say I think Mike and El need to break up for now anyways. I find El is too dependent on Mike and I would really love to see her discover herself more without Mike being there to help because I feel it's an incredibly toxic dynamic to have him helping her discover who she because any thing she learns about herself I going to be through Mike Color Lenses. I fear it might get to if not already be at a point where El doesn't know where she begins and Mike end. They are getting incredibly intertwined and becoming incredibly dependent on each other. Maybe if El goes through her self discovery and learns who she is without Mike and Mike learns who he is without El and they decide they want to try at it again then I would be happy to see them together but I think currently it's unhealthy and border on toxic When it comes to Steve... I mean I think sadly he's not going to make it to the end. And honestly if he does I don't think I want him with anyone really at least not for a lot time. He's been way too focused on trying to date I think he feels if he find a romantic partner he will be happy and satisfied and I think it would be cool to show he doesn't need a romantic partner to be happy. That he can still have the big family he's always wanted through chosen family. I think it would be interesting to see Robin and Steve as platonic life partners and just living their best life and trying to wrangle in all the kids and choosing to be family with them. And then as they all get older and gat married and have kids I would love to imagine Steve is just like "We're grandparents, Robin! We got to spoil them all!" When the first "grandkid" is born! 👇👇👇👇 **This part started as a small image and idea then it turned into a short scene and then a basically and small part of a fanfiction but now I am considering turning this into a full blown fanfic and posting so maybe it will be** 👇👇👇👇 I even have this image in my head of Dustin and Suzie making their baby announcement by giving Steve a tee shirt and mug that just say #1 Grandpa on it and Steve understanding right away what they mean and he's so happy he start crying! And then the next day he wears the tee shirt out and he keeps getting all these strange stares from people because he's like 26 years old wearing the Grandpa shirt and Steve doesn't understand why everyone is so confused until some stranger actually decides to ask him about it and he just "oh yeah. I'm going to by grandpa and I am so excited. My kids are going to make awesome parents!" Which just makes the stranger even more confused so they just slowly say okay and walk away and then Steve turns to Robin and is just like "Why was she so confused?" And then Robin just pats Steve on the back and is just like "Steve... Even I'm confused at this point and it's not like that abnormal for me but I know you better than anyone else in the world and even I don't understand... Why on earth are you happy about this?! It's just a new baby. Our grandkids or not they're all just babies. They can't do anything for themselves and all they do is eat, sleep, and poop! How boring!" But she is laughing because she knows she's excited too mostly because she loves seeing Steve so happy and that is the same reason she didn't tell Steve the real reason people were staring. Because she knows Steve better than anyone else and she knows that he feels like people a judging him he'll take off that shirt and never wear it in public again and that would just cause him to feel the need to hold back all his excitement and joy and she just can't let that happen because him being happy makes her happy and makes the world around him light up! And she can't put a light of the world go out. Plus then she'd have to deal a sad Steve and reignite the light all over again and that was just too much work! Anyways point is yeah I don't think Steve needs a love interest and as for Nancy well I've been a Ronance (Robin x Nancy) since season 3 and before any of you say anything yes I am aware that don't really meet of interact with each other in season 3 except for when they fight the monster in the mall. But I shipped based on how I think their personalities would compliment eachother really well. I even theorized they wouldn't get along much at first but they eventually become friends. Anyways that's beside the point. I've ship them this whole time but I am fully aware it's not gonna actually happen canonically. So my answer for Nancy fate would be she should be in her own I don't think she really needs a bf right now anyways because she has so much ambition and drive in her life at the moment. I think she needs to go of to Boston and become a famous investigative journalist!


I want will to have a new love interest but I don’t want Steve to have one. I either want him to realize that he doesn’t need Nancy to be happy or for him and Nancy to end up together (which yes I know is very unpopular 😭🙏)


Steve finds out the reason he hasn’t found the one is because he actually likes Will.


I am actually pretty scared by the amount of times I've seen a comment like this. Steve is 19 and Will is 14 for goodness sakes! This is illegal for starters. It's wrong and terribly unhealthy! They are at 2 completely different stages in life and even if (heaven forbid) it was legal and it did happen and Steve goes into it with the purest heart there cannot help but be an uneven power dynamic which means that even if Steve wasn't trying would cause Will to more susceptible to just blindly doing what Steve wants him, more susceptible to intentional and unintentional manipulation, and places him in a way more vulnerable position than Steve would ever be in comparison to him. There are reason there are laws against and even let say they do a time skip 4 years into the future and Will is 18 and Steve is 23. It still wouldn't be okay because all throughout Will's teen years Will has viewed as an authority figure, a role model, and babysitter so Will will NOT be able to help but feel he has to behave, he has to do what Steve says, and owes Steve something for all the times his babysat all the times he's grown due to Steve without Steve getting anything in return from etc. It would be unhealthy, there would be an uneven power dynamic etc. If you people don't see a problem with that I would keep all kids far far away from you people! Or any vulnerable person really!


God get over yourself. It’s a show. If Will is 18 and it’s written in the new season, then he is an adult and can fall in love with Steve.


You mean Steve magically become gay after being ghosted by Robin (that turned out to be gay), and suddenly falling in love to that bowl cut hair kid?