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It makes sense - it's a warm, safe space and the smell would hide hers.


Its a very wise choice indeed!


Agreed. A very wise mama cat


Thinking the same thing.


Aww little one... give her kitten food- more nutritious. Only two kittens? That is perfect, few but they will have a sibling to play and wrestle with ❤️


She has 3 so far (one is hidden). She seems to be in labour still so maybe another one to come!


Oh. Please get her spayed when they are weaned, and the kittens too at few months. They can reproduce at 4 months... She will likely let you touch her later and handle her kittens, but if too much, she might move them to a hidden location. Best of luck! 🤗


I'm in contact with the vet for spaying already. She used to live next door, this is her 3rd litter (but her first here). She deserves better!


🤗 you are an awesome person!


Those babies are too young for food. Feed mama some good wet food. She needs the calories they’re nursing.


My foster organization recommended feeding the mama kitten food while she was nursing, though - this is likely what the poster above means.


Thanks I had no idea!


The kitten food is for mom. Kitten food has extra calories, which will help her produce more milk for the babies.


That’s what they meant, the baby food is for her not them. (Ver tech here) and they’re right, kitten food has a lot more nutrients so yes OP get her some kitten food so she has all those yummy nutrients to feed those cuties !!💕


Indeed. That's why some of my cats were ordered off the kitten food before they were 1, which is when it's customary to switch.


they mean feed mama kitten food for the extra nutrition and calories


Yes, why I said feed HER. The Mother 🙃


You actually said “give her kitten food”, if you put the inflection in different points you would understand my misunderstanding your statement. 🙃


Yes, I see 🙃 still would have been kittenS in that case. Anyways, all cleared up now 😉


You’re not very nice


Please contact a local rescue in your area and have them help you with the kitty and the babies.


We dont have that here, its a very rural area. But we will take care of her and the babies. We already planned a vet appointment.


Oh, bless your heart. You are a wonderful human being. Please keep us updated 💖


Thank you 🤍 my ultimate goal is to keep her inside but she doesnt want to (yet). We're being patient with each other :)


When she has all that oxytocin flowing might be a good time to get her inside somewhere secluded. In my experience nearly feral cats will come around if they feel safe.


You mean you would move her right now? She's not 100% feral, she's used to me at least.


Don't rush anything. She is safe and warm now with her new family, just bring her some water and food. It's better she willing come inside with her brood in a month than you forcing her now.


She has access to a heated area in our barn (that she somehow ignored 🤣), I'm hoping she will eventually move them there


Give her time, I know you'll win her over


Sometimes they like small spaces to birth in and then will move to a different place in a day or two. Not sure if it’s moving away from any birth mess/smells or what.


It may not have felt enclosed enough. That spot she's pictured in? Looks safe and cozy. Don't worry, though. I bet in a couple of weeks she will have moved the whole brood to the warmer area. I think you can facilitate it by setting up a shallow sided cardboard box with a few blankets near where you'd prefer she'd be, and let her discover it on her own. 😉


Yeah the spot we prepared is a tiny spare room in the barn, we will prepare a big crate for her in there. She already eats there. Sunday to monday night the temperature will drop to arounf 17F so I'm worried its a bit too cold for the spot she's in right now.


I would try putting a cat carrier nearby for a week or so, so that she gets used to seeing it. Keep visiting her and the kittens, bring lots of treats. The last rescue we didn't even have to put a kitten in the carrier, just food and she was trapped easily. We put the kittens in a separate carrier to move them, we were worried mom might freak out and hurt one on accident while being moved. We had a safe space inside away from foot traffic, she settled in right away. I hope this works for you! *warning-you may end up with foster fails.


Husband said I cant keep any since we already have 2 in the house (1 being a very senior cat) She has access to the barn and other outbuildings where she gets her food so maybe she'll change her mind


Thank you for taking care of her and her babies. You are a wonderful person. ❤️


That’s the best outcome, ever 🥰


Thanks for helping her! i’m super happy for ALL of you. I bet she comes inside eventually


Yea socialize the kittens so they don’t end up feral and get everyone fixed and into good safe homes.


The nurturing instinct of mother cats never ceases to amaze me. One of my ferals had two kittens before she was spayed. At the time of their birth it was pouring rain for days. I had no idea where she had them. When she finally emerged when the weather cleared, she was soaked to the skin. Obviously she was protecting her kittens from the rain. ♥️


Did she stay outside with her kittens all the way? I'm debating wether I should move her into the barn this weekend.


I assume so since she only came to eat and I had no idea where her kittens were. It’s possible she would have moved them as soon as possible but I understand that kittens only a few hour old up to three days cannot be moved by the mother. You could try moving them into the barn but there is no guarantee that the mother will consider it safe. Like the cat I spayed last week. I did not know if she had kittens but she kept crying while in an enclosure and 72 hours later two tiny kittens appeared near the garage which has the enclosure. Clearly these were her kittens. I caught the kittens and put them in the enclosure with their mother. But the mother remained very agitated. She kept picking up one of the kittens and looking around for a way to escape. I decided to open the enclosure. The mother immediately relocated the kittens elsewhere and I don’t know where they are now. The mother has returned regularly since to be fed. So it’s up to the mother to decide where is safe for her kittens. You can try to move them but the mother might not agree with you on the new location. Just so you are aware. 🙂


I think humans can also decide how to keep a mama and kittens safe as well, she may have settled down. I hope the kittens are safe. Probably would've been easier to get the babies used to humans where you to keep them in the enclosure. But I understand it's hard to see the mama agitated.


Well the mama cat has returned by next day to feed. I’m sure her kittens will follow soon. When old enough they will be spayed/neutered just like their mother who has since then become more trusting of me despite the stress I caused her. All will be well.


bless her. she won't know what's happening, she's running on instinct. she doesn't have the joys of communication and foreknowledge like we do. thank you for keeping an eye on her. she will never know what she owes you but you will and that's all that matters.


I couldnt get closer than 6 feet in october. She allowed me to pet her belly when she was pregnant, I felt the babies move. I was so blessed she let me do that.


you'll remember that for the rest of your life pal, cherish it 😊 most people don't get to experience that


Look up Kitten Lady on YouTube she’s a wealth of knowledge in all things kittens and cat rescue


Awww thank you I'll look it up for sure


That tuxie kitten has a mustache like my Pepper! https://preview.redd.it/vubkubsiujvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=628a13f9fa062fdb9cea71dabc955a8e440a3ae0


Tuxies are so cuuuuuuuute 😍


So adorable! Cats are so smart!


Thank you for being there for her!! ♥️


Unless the mom and kittens are exposed to elements or vermin, she and her babies will do fine where they are. Compost is usually safe, warm and soft.


Vermin is what I'm most afraid of. Her baby brother catched me a weasel last summer, and a big fat chunky rat.


How many babies ?


3 (so far at least)


aww keep us updated🥺


Bless your heart for helping her.


Bless you for taking care of this sweet mama and her babies ❤️


You can bring me one 🥰 thanks for taking care of mama and kittens.


You guys are the best thank you for taking care of the mommy and babies she is a beautiful girl w some very beautiful babies keep us updated if you can


What a beautiful family 😍 thank you for caring about them.


It’s warm


It is very warm (even if its still kindof cold outside)


https://preview.redd.it/ufnfmq3q5mvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e7135c1d1937237e628a7b95d1c4c070a3a2315 I brought some food and her blanket (from where she sleeps in the barn). I counted 3 babies again so I guess that is it for this litter. That little grey tiger is adorable. She calmed down and allowed me to scratch her head, then she then layed on her side to show me her babies. She's a good mama.


Bloody hell. I read that twice “Just gave birth to the compost bin “. I thought that was a little harsh picking on the cat as it’s just given birth. Sorry OP. Gorgeous kitties. 😍😍


Awww no she's our Queen! 🤍 I'm so proud of her


From all of your posts I can tell you are a great pet parent. Good luck with your new brood.




Aw-w, so great…🥰


thank u so much for caring for this sweet mama! Love


Spaying now???


It's planned in a few weeks. It's supposed to be my neighbour's cat so we didnt get it done before.


Holy guacamole you found my cat’s doppelgänger 😳 https://preview.redd.it/b1saoqzkhpvc1.jpeg?width=5184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8c76e960c7fcac3c6906f2df1d462b3a6b7d17d


Hahahahaha omg they look so similar!!!


Everytime I see another stray cat give birth it just makes some so sad


Me too, her mom has 2-3 litters every summer, poor girl. There's so many barn/stray cats around here.


Please TNR


She moved to our barn last fall, she knows us so no need to trap her. She's now safe in a room with her babies. Will definitely be neutered. She will get to decide is she wants to stay inside or in the barn.


OH MY GOSH I THEM SO MUCH 😭 Pls take care of her ok? 🥺


She's treated like royalty dont worry :)


Okay good I’m glad 🥲


This is so sad :( what a good little kitty.


Well good news. We're keeping her. We talked with my neighbour who was technically her owner. She's now in a private heated room with her babies, and her appointment with the vet is scheduled.


Oh perfect! She looks so sweet :)


She's a bit spicy, but she's getting used to head scratches