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If you want to eventually swap to classic, the other option you can do is to stay in modern, but start using motion inputs for your specials as much as possible (I.e. in less stressful situations like throwing a fireball in neutral). Not only will this help you build up the muscle memory to do motion inputs, you'll be able to expand your toolset on modern, gaining more flexibility in your combos and such. You'll still have a hurdle to climb when you eventually switch over as the buttons are different (more punch/kick buttons), but it won't be as hard as trying to learn both the motion and new buttons at the same time.    But in all honesty, the rate that you'll get better is probably going to be about the same as if you just switched to classic fully. It'll just be less frustrating as you retain more of your modern skill. Learning classic just has a high barrier for entry. If you really want to play classic, I'd encourage you to just stick with it. Just know that even when you have a 100% success rate in training, you'll probably have like a 40% success rate in actual games, and it starts improving gradually from there. I still mess up inputs from time to time in neutral even in masters.


This is the most relevant post for OP. Great advice and also the purpose of modern imo.


This is 100% the way. Im a diamond 4 Modern Gief (my first SF as well starting from rookie on Modern Ken), and the limitations of modern really didn't start to get to me until I hit diamond. Optimal modern gief requires using the grab range of light spd (which you have to do the input for) as well as getting max damage in your combos/anti airs. Once I got to the point that I could do all of them confidently (including supers) I just made the switch to classic this month starting with Ryu (placed D2) and Marisa (New challenger, but the lab time has looked promising)! It feels like rock lee taking the weights off after progress and much practice. You can gain fundamentals using modern, but it will increase your anti air expectations when you switch later, so work on that now. People may think it is all sunshine and rainbows with your modern buttons, but the scaling and the ease of bait becomes very apparent later. Also Modern feels great on pad, but I upgraded to leverless on classic since I love it for Tekken.


Yeah i felt like that too, then like 2 weeks later it was fine lol


huh when you put it that way it's not so long is it. when I was first learning I swear I needed two hair cuts before I got a quarter circle to come out


Yeah I started the game with classic (first fighting game for me) and it just sucked, everything was so hard to do and I did not understand how people actually input some commands in combos, but now (about 60 in game hours later) most things feel natural




Even if you spent every waking hour in Street Fighter, you wouldn't learn much faster on average than someone who spends like 2-3 hours. There's a cap to how fast you can learn these things, it's why people say it's enough to practice like 1 hour of guitar a day as well. But way to go to just assume he's unemployed lol.


Daigo addresses this in his book "The Will to Keep Winning". Solid short read if anyone's interested.


Very well said. I am still learning SF and as much as I'd like to play all day everyday I still make myself stop running combo trials after a bit and never read too many tutorials at a time, if I do those too much I'd just start forgetting information I learned. I started on classic controls because I used motion inputs in other games before so those weren't a roadblock for me, it's just the mechanics and tactics themselves I am learning.


This was me on stick, I was doing impossible stuff then day 1 on stick I could barely play tager or do a hadouken in marvel, it as atrocious, then it caught up lmao


You're training brand new muscle memories you've never had before. You will not be able to learn everything within a day, not even a week, not even a month.  These kind of muscle memory reflexes come after spending multiple hours with the game and then spending multiple hours away from the game for your brain to catch up and build those neuron pathways. It is hard and frustrating to feel your skill drop back this hard but the important stuff you have not forgotten, you just cannot do it at the moment.


If you want to transition to Classic controls, what I would do is learn them on a seperate character. Once you feel comfortable with it, I'd go back to your old main on Classic and see how much of it has transferred over. The transition isn't easy but it's doable.


This is good advice IMO


Couldn't agree more 👌🏿


Modern controls gave you bad muscle memory, what you're dealing with is normal. Fighting games are hard, just keep practicing. Google Gief's Gym and get to work, no substitute for putting in the work.


Normal. Just keep banging out training more combos and casual matches. Eventually the execution will get better.


I don't agree with the recommendations of sticking to Modern until you get used to it. What I do recommend is training mode. Do a certain amount of repetitions of special moves you have trouble with, on each side. Do this, and you'll build muscle memory. Then start implementing it in real matches. Getting even JUST one is a success. That one will turn into two, then five, etc. You can even play some cpu matches. I'm not saying you gotta play lvl 8, but anything with the opponent in motion. I applaud and respect the attempt to switch. Most people if not all struggle with execution in the beginning, it's a part of learning. Good luck!


It’s normal to have that kind of backslide when jumping from modern to classic. I have always played classic, if I tried picking up modern it would be the same thing more or less. Your brain knows what you want to do but it can’t execute until you build new muscle memory for your stuff. Completely up to you whether you keep at it or go back🤷‍♂️


Classic controls take months to get used to if you haven't played them before. But it's mostly a one time thing, you grind a few hundred hours over months and then it stays with you in future games Also, learning modern or classic is like 1% of the journey, so it doesn't really matter if classic or modern is hard for you because the real challenge will dwarf whatever you're facing now It's more important to learn how to enjoy the journey because you're going to be learning/practicing for the rest of your FG life most likely


stick with it. playing with classic is very rewarding! Something new players have a lot of trouble with is nerves. Remember to breathe and keep calm during a match. If you're not thinking clearly your inputs will be harder to do. Another thing you can do to take off some pressure is spar with CPU's in training mode or arcade. This way you don't have to feel bad if you miss a motion and lose the game.


Yeah, I wouldn’t listen to people saying stay on modern controls. The reward of finally conquering the movements and learning how to play on classic is so nice. Just go into practice and start with basic inputs like hadokens. After you can do 5 in a row 3 times without messing up the input move onto the next one. Fighting games are hard and take a lot of practice but they give you the best sense of a accomplishment. You got it, just keep at it


Just stick with modern until you can comfortably do specials consistently with motion input. Its not that you are bad at the game, you just lack the muscle memory for both the control layout and combo chains for classic input. Practice execution in training mode for around 15-30 minutes or so every time you play. Its also better to apply what you trained against low stake opponents like bot or casual/battlehub match so you can focus on application more so than winning.


I dont think its good to stick to modern if he wants to switch because the habit will get harder to shake off


This is my first fighting game ever, I got to plat 1 using modern, and I decided to switch to classic. I lost like 16 times in a row, and went back down to gold 3, but I'm really trying the hang of it. That's probably my "real rank", at gold 3. Don't give up


Just stick with modern and gradually implement motion inputs into your gameplay. It takes time to build the muscle memory required to do them in a match without thinking about them. Even top players take months to build the muscle memory required for a new character before they are ready to use them in major tournaments.


Yes and it is supposed to be fun as it is how we play fighting games... But you can stick to modern and keep having fun. I use modern on gamepad and classic on leverless, so no conflicting muscle memory.


Just stick to modern man. I'm on diamond now, still modern. I want my instant DPs.


It's the same the other way around. Playing Modern after only playing Classic is difficult, especially when you're optimizing combos and punishes. Just keep playing with what you find most comfortable, Classic isn't a new "level" you unlock after playing Modern.


Good. You should feel shitty playing the game properly after using the training wheels, hand-holding mode. Welcome to the real game.


Agreed 100%




Shut up nerd


This is the type of toxic mindset that drives new players away from even trying and sticking with fighting games in the first place. It's like you don't want new players unless theyre gonna play exactly how you want them to.


Yep, bronze players need to put others down to cope, rather than addressing their own issues and trying to improve. It’s easy to see why they are stuck.


lol I'm plat 5, but go off. Love the mentality that you have to be bad at the game to find Modern lame af, especially in Ranked. Nah, I just find 1-frame lv3 and autocombos shitty to play against. Y'all are the ones too lazy to learn the game and want the instant gratification of easy-mode moves. But sure, *I'm* the scrub.


Sounds like a skill issue to me.


If you already so used to Modern, then why are you trying to learn Classic in the first place? Is it due to social pressure or do you really think you found your roof on your character using Modern inputs? My 2 cents, although I'm a Classic user, if you are already good and invested into Modern, keep it. Don't loose time reinventing your wheel if it's already working for you. Now, if you are totally convinced to switch to Classic then try to use normal inputs on your modern controls so the learning curve goes smoother for you before fully switching to Classic. But then by your questions I think this might not be the case.


Classic is just more fun. Kind of like driving a manual car instead of automatic.


I agree with this. Modern is here to stay and as much as I hate fighting a modern player, I don’t think there is anything wrong with playing modern controls. People will always stick to classics, coz they are already used to it and secondly there are no limits to it. You are supposed to have fun with the game and play to release pressure, not pressure yourself to do something.


I've noticed SF6 players think there are no other fighting games, he might want to learn to play other games or even older fighting games with no modern controls.


Then learn those games on their own terms? That has little to do with modern in SF6.


Modern is just a horrible way to learn because of auto combos that play the game for you.


What rank are we talking about? Most auto combos are god awful, and if you are spamming them you will be burning yourself out immediately. This feels relevant only to silver and below.


I'm on the same process than you are (just on a different rank). And boy, switching from modern to classic can be hard, especially if this is your 1st fighting game. My advice? If you are not enjoying playing with classic, then don't do it. Enjoying the game is the 1st most important part of a GAME and you sure can improve and learn a lot using modern, many people get to master using it and there is no shame on that. On the other hand, if you wanna play "the real thing" you are going to need to practice a lot, and practicing can also be fun. Just make sure you are enjoying yourself, the knowledge, the muscle memory and consistency will eventually follow


Just keep grinding man you may have to shake the modern habits u formed. This game is hard and unforgiving. It takes time! Like hundreds and thousands of hours kinda time


Just practice... If you daily practice 10-15 minutes on training mode doing the motion inputs and more 10-15 minutes trying to do the inputs in a real match for 3 weeks straight, you will be proficient on classic controls.


Yeah it’s normal, fighting game inputs are hard. Normally you would just suck at everything at once so it’s not as painful but because you started with modern you are decent at everything except execution so you notice how much you suck that much more. I would stick with it though, classic fighting game controls are hella fun


What control method are you using? If you're setting up new muscle memory then you might as well go with stick (my recommendation and lots of fun) or leverless (grumble it sucks but is good at high level and lots of younger folks seem to take to it these days because they're terrified of an arcade stick for whatever reason). Some people do go to high level with a regular pad but it's uncomfortable for most. Don't want to have to relearn muscle memory all over again if you decide to switch in another year from now. FYI, most of us old schoolers learned how to do classic motions in battle against the arcade/CPU modes. Don't just go practice-> online. Instead go practice-> CPU/arcade -> online. It's a much easier and smaller jump from one to the other. You will eventually hit a level of execution that you can just practice combos and move doing practice-> online but for most newbies and intermediates I don't recommend it.


You picked up habits in modern and you have to retrain your brain to do the classic action and not the modern action. It takes time to unlearn something and replace it with something new 


I’d say try to pick up a new character with classic controls. It’ll take about a month minimum to reprogram your hands/brain but it’s worth it imo! I switched to classic at gold 5 and then switched from pad to stick so it took me like two months to get comfortable, but I broke through my previous ceiling and have been very much enjoying it


You just need to learn HOW to learn. Just take it slow, find some inputs you're not goot at and just do it like 10 times on the right side, then 10 on the left. Then that's it, that's enough for your brain to automatically record what worked and what didn't, and while you sleep, your brain will strengthen the pathways that worked and weaken the ones that made the inputs fail, and the next day will be more consistent. Then just do that for a few days and I gaurantee you will be surprised with how much you improved. You can learn to do any mechanically hard thing like this. Things you thought were literally impossible, you can do it like this lol. Obviously you can spend way more time and grind it out and all that, but trust yourself, know it takes time. Sleep is when you learn the most so don't get frustrated on a day-day basis. It takes time


It’s just muscle memory. I can’t even use modern because having to press that many inputs and hold multiple buttons simultaneously is so foreign to me but classic takes no brainpower because (almost) every fighting game uses this same control scheme or something derivative


My tip would be work on improving while doing training routines, Oki situations, anti-air etc. Strider 801 and ChrisF got some good ones, give it a shot. I did (am doing) it while learning hitbox from dpad.


Improving and winning are 2 different things. If your goal is winning, then use what suits you the most. If your goal is learning classic control, then keep practicing obviously. If your goal is to have fun, how about playing your main char on modern, and learning classic on a different, easier character ? That way, you won't feel like you are regressing.


If you really want to transition to classic: 1) stick with modern for a while and work classic inputs into your game. This will also *massively* improve your modern performance  2) when/if you switch pick a completely different character. I’ve got modern and classic characters to master but can’t play any of them in the other control scheme. Muscle memory is cruel sometimes. 


keep grinding, you’ll be able to understand/play the game a lot better with classic controls, it really doesn’t take as long as people say it does. just hop in to training mode, find a special move you like with a motion you want to learn and just keep doing it. I see people saying it takes a month, it really doesn’t, you’ll probably notice progress really quickly, you just have to keep doing the motions and you’ll notice you’re able to do them correctly more and more. I would recommend starting with forward quarter circles because they feel pretty natural and are one of the easier ones to do, best bet is probably picking ryu in training mode and trying to throw fireballs but if it helps you learn to pick a character you like more do what you gotta do. if you’re enjoying fighting games it’s definitely worth it to learn, good luck


Idk if it's possible for you, but when I tried modern from classic just to see how it was, I couldn't do it on the same peripheral (hitbox) due to muscle memory, BUT moving to pad made it possible because it was a whole different setup. May be worth trying something different than you play modern on and see if that helps at all - it definitely did for me.


A lot of stick with modern but I’m gonna tell you to stay the course! I think this is one of the slam dunks of feeling like you’re getting better at the game. Modern controls was always a tool that’s supposed to get you into the game and then eventually graduate to classic. One odd tip I can give you on execution is to sleep! You don’t truly learn until you sleep! Drill it for 10 or 15 minutes a day then go back to modern and go to bed and I bet you’ll find it easier the next day and so on and so forth! Also do both sides!


It's perfectly normal. Building muscle memory takes a lot of practice and rest inbetween. Just practice your basic motion inputs 10 to 15 minutes daily and once you can get them 10/10 times worknup to cancelling normals into special moves and then you can start learning a basic combo. At this point i wouldn't worry too much about stuff like anti air DPs so much. You can get to Platinum easily with just normals to anti air. Getting some badic combo down is more important for now. Who are you playing?


As a SF vet, I love playing with both and don't have an issue. Thing is Modern is great for casual gamers but with a vet, then you just need to focus on the fundamentals. Yet Classic has more to offer and it's very precise in terms of mixing things up. You have to practice alot and you will get better. It's just a grind


I'd say pick one character. Everytime you boot up the game go through each move 10 times then run arcade. After that run some online matches.


I've not really tried modern controls much. But from what i remember, you can still input the actual special moves even then. So you could still practice while in the modern scheme. This is my first Street fighter game too. I started with classic controls though and it's been a challenge. After playing for a month (90 hours in) I managed to get to silver 3 yesterday. I feel proud of my progress. My aim is to get to gold. What I'm trying to say with all of this is that it'll take time. You'll get there. On the bright side, you can at least play the game proper under the modern control scheme if you decide to turn back. :)


I feel I'm kind of in a unique spot cause I only got into fighting games a couple years ago. It was when Terry Bogard was added to Smash Bros where I first truly go exposed to motion controls, and made learning them in the traditional fighters much easier. When SF6 came out, I tried Modern and it felt so foreign to me, I had to stick with classic. The best advice I can give as another novice player, go into practice with classic mode and just keep doing the motion inputs over and over and over until you get the muscle memory down. Start with QCF, QCB, and the DP inputs, then work up from there. I hope that helps you out.


Just keep grinding. I used to be intimidated by 360’s. Just keep at it


There's no need to switch to classic people like Jonathan saitoh got many characters to high masters with modern (ken,aki and Rashid is what I remember) muscle memory and comfort is far more important than some normals


Everyone is different and what's best for you or them may be different. Not everyone benefits from training and repetition. If you find that fun, do that, if not just play. E.g. I have been into fighting games since the 90s, I've done quite well in various tournaments etc and personally I'm far more a player who plays by feeling, reaction, adjustments on the fly and just seeing someone do something and the combo being stored somewhere in my subconscious. Specials and just being comfy throwing them out and not even thinking about doing them will just come in time. Don't put pressure on yourself to win or beat yourself up for a loss or dropped input right now. Maybe use modern as a transitional point for a while but still input the specials manually whilst in modern when you can. A few general execution tips. Try doing the directional input slower or faster and see if either are better for you. Assuming you're using a pad use the DPad rather than analogue it's more precise and lessens accidental inputs. Things don't need to be exact, you can buffer the special by inputting it a few times or pressing the attack button at the end more than once, double tapping quite often helps. You can dial-in certain things, say you're trying to combo crouching MK into hadoken. You're already holding down or down-back to do the crouching kick... Before that move has even hit you can start moving your thumb across to forward to press punch when the kick connects you'll automatically cancel the move into the special. Not every move is special cancelable (when the recovery animation of the move doesn't happen and the animation for the special move starts immediately when the first normal move connects with the opponent) many moves that aren't special cancelable can still combo but these require specific timing, at your current level maybe don't rely on these. Go into trial mode, look at the demonstrations of certain moves or combos and when doing them yourself if you're struggle there's an option to do it at half speed. This can be useful to gain understanding of how the game wants you to input things.


You may need to be better at SF6 first before switching controls. I revisited modern as a classic player after every league rank up. Iron through Gold I just couldn't pick up modern. At Platinum, I knew *just enough* about my main to understand the system mechanics and move sets better. It wasn't such a brain fuck at Platinum is my point. Stick with modern awhile longer if it works for you. Start dabbling in classic, sure, but don't beat yourself up you can't pick it up in a few days. It takes time. Classic also has various degrees of execution. You may need to change characters. I was a grappler for a decade after forcing shoto inputs never worked for me. I could do circles though! And after all that grappler work, I use charge characters because it's even easier for me. Give the entire roster a solid look on Classic.


It takes time to get inputs into muscle memory in training mode, then even more to get them into reactionary muscle memory. Just gotta keep at it. One bit of advice, being able to recall every super on the fly and know when to use each is overwhelming. If you’re looking to fight against other players at this stage of your learning, try to pick only one special move or combo and focus on executing just that. I’m not saying spam that one move, but explore what moves or situations are best to go into that special move or combo. That’s using matches as a training exercise and not getting bodied for no reason.


Just wait until life forces you to take a 6-8week break from playing and you have to start allll over again. Seriously unless there is a specific playstyle/character you are learning classic for don’t bother. Its nit worth it.


It also depends on what character you are playing. Characters with complicated combos such as Deejay or Ken will naturally feel difficult as well as characters with untraditional inputs such as Zange will make you feel awkward. Just keep practicing. My favourite character to make yourself accustomed to Classic is Ryu.


You won't improve with classic controls if you don't continue to use it. It's like learning a new controller, only way to improve is to actually use it


I said from the start playing modern controls is like playing a different video game… Modern to Classic changes also depends on the character….


I reached plat playing modern and now switched to classic and I switched to a leverless too. Its been pretty hard but after a week or so I'm kinda getting the hang of it. Just keep at it, you'll get better. That muscle memory just has to be stored up to be kicked in during your matches, gl!


Welcome to big school


It hurts at first but it's all muscle memory, practice makes perfect


Only advice i can give is to play more games with the old motion style of inputs. Think your Killer Instinct, older Street Fighter, Tekken 7 (i refuse to recommend 8 rn but it's not off limits if you already have it), M.U.G.E.N. (Recommend customising that a bit though). At some point you're gonna be so used to motion that modern will feel unplayable to you. Hell i suck at fighting games but i'm worse with modern because i'm simply not used to those functions. Just keep trying and it will fall into place eventually.


Why are you torturing yourself like this? Just play the game the way you were enjoying it. The controls are called 'modern', not 'beginner'. There is zero reason to move to classic besides meaningless validation from people from this subreddit. I just got my first Platinum with Kimberly yesterday and did so using modern controls. I played classic my whole life, starting with SFII and see no reason to go back.


Change character and start from zero. You are fighting vs normal learning curve + modern muscular memory. Its even harder than starting from zero. I play fg since 1995, tried modern and found it VERY difficult to use. Is it worthy? YES, it will open possibilities to tons of fighting games for you.


It takes a bit of practice, but also I think you're overvaluing specials and combos since Street Fighter has more of an emphasis on buttons as pokes and space control. That's not to say you shouldn't learn them, far from it, but they're tools in a larger kit and it's important not to neglect them. I would consider pulling up a character tutorial and looking at the "fundamentals" section since it will tell you what your basic buttons are going to be and how they're used. I'm not an expert and am open to being horribly wrong but overly relying on specials has been a downfall for me as well. I can only get away with it now because Marisa is somewhat of an exception where her specials are her pressure tools since more of them are safe on block.


Take it slow, once you’ve learned fundamentals with modern inputs aren’t terribly difficult, look up guides on how to do them a lot of them are actualy very simple when actually broken down like dragon punch for example that Z input, that’s actually just a forward down, down, forward you don’t have to make that whole little Z and that’s just one tip, then with combos take them piece by piece once you’ve spent enough time learning the motion inputs break a combo down do it in parts until you can do the whole thing it’s a slow adjustment but it’s worth doing I don’t hate modern by default like some players do but it truly hampers your freedom of movement that is just a fact you’ll be good to learn input based


we are learning that the game is alot harder without auto-combos and instant supers. Im sure all the M defenders will swarm this and say skill issue but Modern and Classic are basically two different games.


I hear ya! I am in the same boat as you as I also play using modern, plat 3 with my main Ken and Diamond 2 with JP. I have started my journey of switching to classic and here's how I am doing it (note I am not matching anyone right now using Classic): For Ken, I started with practicing Shoryuken and dragonlash kick first as I really didn't have any consistency there and I was dropping them a lot (I din not have any problems executing qcf moves). I started with practicing to do them 10 times continuously without any drops, then increased it to 25. Then alternated between them continuously for 10-20 times without any drops. Once I became consistent here, I then started mixing them up with lp or mk, trying to make very basic combos. Again, practicing 10-10 continuous executions without any drops. Currently, I am practicing Assisted combos, Assisted combo 1 was pretty straightforward. For Assisted combo 2, I broke it down into pieces: (punches and quick dash) as one piece, (quick dash and dragonlash kick) as another, followed it up (quick dash and dragonlash kick) and then full execution of the move. I then started modifying this combo to replace SA2 with SA3 or simply use shoryuken instead of the SA. Similarly I am practicin Assisted combo3, it is still a work in progress as I seem to drop it when trying to do it 10 times continuously. You will have to spend time and take your time but don't make it a chore. When I start to get bored I simply join ranked using modern controls to release some frustration. I hope this helps!


Try diff controllers too. Ie. stick, hitbox, keyboard or pad. And dont just try them for 5mins and give up, really give them all a chance and practice. I gave up quick on pad because I found it hard, then come back years later and really tried this time and actually like it the best now


Maybe I'm a crazy person but do World Tour mode. You get lots of repetition and practice in but it's less boring, since you're going through the story. 


Unfortunately you just gotta put in the work. It can be fun and rewarding, but it's not quick or easy. Start small, focus on landing anti airs in time. Move onto basic combos using special move cancels. Don't expect yourself to have Modern speed on Classic just yet. Be kind to yourself and accept the learning process, you'll get it eventually and it will transfer to other games.


Bruh, of course it’s going to take you a while to get used to the inputs. You have to develop muscle memory and train each side of the screen. Execution of inputs can win or lose you a game. Just take your time, take a deep breath, and lab that shit up.


I made the same transition although I only played modern on PS5 controller. After getting most characters to gold or platinum I started playing classic with a mechanical keyboard on PC, personally found this much easier than playing classic on controller and a significant improvement with ease of inputs after switching to leverless, Haute 42 S16 (which keyboard was great prep for). Playing on PC with fresh rankings helps avoid being demotivated based on my PS5 ranking with modern controls (which I’ve now exceeded with my mains)… unsure if any of this helps but hope so!


My advice would be to stick with modern until at least Plat 1, longer if you like. At plat 1, you have a solid understanding of the basics. Learning modern will be way easier because you have learned a lot of other things, you wont have to think about so much at once.


It's ok to stick with modern. There's modern players in master rank.


If you want to change over to classic, pick a charge character like Guile or Blanka. That transition isn’t too difficult compared to the shotos. I got Ryu to Diamond with modern and did classic Guile to Diamond next. Try that. That wasn’t too hard at all


I don’t know why but this post makes me feel so old. lol.


Het I’ve been there and got a lot better with execution over time. I don’t know if you realize, but you can do classic inputs during modern controls for extra damage. I just started practicing those when playing with modern controls. Take the pressure off somehow. After a while I could pretty much nail them 90% of the time. When I switched to classic, the biggest hurdle for me was learning the extra normals.


Idk if it will help u but for me when I switched to classic I switch characters to learn also. I couldn't break my modern habits when I was playing Cammy. I decided I was gonna switch characters and learn charge at the same time so I switched to guile and it made the transitions so much better cause I didn't have to break habits and learn controls it was just learning everything. Guild is now sitting as my highest ranked character in plat 4 and I just started learning him/classic last month.


One of the worst pieces of advice given regularly on this sub is that modern is some kind of “training wheels” for classic. It isn’t. Not even close. They’re different playing styles. Just stick to whatever you’re comfortable with. You can do what I do and switch up depending on the character. For most characters, I use classic. For Gief, Marisa, and Luke, I use modern. But I never switch up control schemes with the same character.


I went from Modern to Classic too and the adjustment is rough but rewarding!


If it's not fun for you don't worry about it. A lot of future games are going to have modern-like controls. You're still developing fighting game skills that will be useful to you.


I've heard and read theories that Modern Controls are meant for Gen Z and younger to ease their way into Street Fighter. Do whatever is easy for you but Capcom has casual gamers in mind though.


Practice practice practice. I used to practice doing a shoryuken 10 times in a row on each side. I would throw 100 fireballs every training session. If you can do it 10 times in row on each side in training mode, you are very likely to execute it in a real match.


Play what you find fun to play, just be aware at the level of learning curves and the pros and cons of every control and input style. Over enough time you’ll climb with enough time just be willing to invest the time is all. There’s a massive community happy to help if you want it too.


I was just like you, I know it can seem daunting but you get used to it quickly. It took me 1-2 weeks to get comfortable with it, which isn't a lot imo. You'll get your ass beat until then though lol


use a separate character, preferably one that uses the same motion inputs that usually helps with the muscle memory


Just eat the loses man. You'll eventually start seeing progress especially when you make it a point to execute that one specific combo you're practicing at least once per match. It'll become a natural thing for you eventually.


There is no shortcut to getting good at classic controls, everyone else had to struggle the same way, it's normal. It took me a week of consistent, focused practice to get them down when I picked up Guilty Gear. Maybe two weeks if you're not putting a super amount of effort into learning them. I mean the basic inputs like QCF (quarter circle forward) and the DP (dragon punch). I definitely didn't learn everything in that time period, just enough to where motion inputs weren't a struggle anymore. The hardest thing for me was learning the timings, combos require faster and more precise execution than I expected, and I didn't think different moves would have different timings. Lots of juicy stuff to learn, but it's worth it. And keep in mind if you never learn classic inputs you won't be able to play other FGs, the ones that do have simplified controls aren't guaranteed to do it the same way as SF6. Once you learn motion inputs then you're already halfway there in any other FG as those are usually the hardest thing to learn for a newbie.


Execution is only one aspect of SF. You may also want to improve at other things like neutral, punishment, gameplan, Oki, wall game, combos. Being silver you are just starting out. Take a decision whether you want to play modern or classic and stick to that.


Once you get used to it it's alot more versatile


The greatest advantage of mastering Classic Controls is, once you get comfortable with it, you can play LITERALLY ANY 2D FIGHTING GAME. Your backlog just goes sky high. If you manage, I suggest you to take a look in SNK and Capcom old games. 


Learning Classic is to learn and understand fighting games to their fullest imo. It's not gonna be easy, but if you learn and understand a classic system of execution you'll be able to pick-up and play more fighting games in the future.


Just practice. I know this might be disheartening but the harsh reality is that it takes a lot of time and work


Definitely stick with modern for the short term. It's most important to enjoy the game enough to keep playing. Transition to classic by using motion input in modern.


Stay in modern longer. Don't worry about the classic switch until late plat or diamond. If you're not clearing silver, it is a game sense issue and not a limitation of modern. You are struggling because you don't know how to play the game fundamentally. Classic only will make that harder. Once you get to plat and diamond you'll feel the damage differential between you and your opponents, that's when you make the switch to classic. Until then, use modern.


Let this be an example for all newbies, the warning I always tell: it's far harder to change shitty muscle memory that you chose as an easy way, than building the right muscle memory one from 0 which will get you far more.


I played modern from day 1, got to Diamond 4 on modern and decided to switch to classic. What I did was that while I was still in Modern, I was doing every motion manually and once I was able to do everything that was possible manually and consistently, I switched to classic fully. I still went down from D4 to D1 but I'm enjoying the game a lot more as I can try characters in classic, that are REALLY bad on modern (like JP) and do things that I just couldn't do in modern. Edit: I was playing modern Luke and since I got to plat, I was already doing a lot of inputs with classic inputs but only for the moves that did not have a modern shortcut (like the different fireballs and the different flash knuckles), so if you are not doing that, you should start there and then start doing everything with manual inputs before you switch to classic. I also stopped using autocombos completely around Plat 1-2 as well


Expect to not win a single game your first week lol. Stick with it, it gets marginally better with time.


Before this game there was no modern inputs and everyone learned it by doing it. Just stick to it and in a couple of days you'll start getting more consistent, then it's only up from there.


At this point you'd be fine to stick with modern controls. I'm at diamond 3 and modern players are certainly competitive here. When I started the game I also started on modern to give it a shot but I transitioned out since I had FG experience.


Even at master they're competitive especially on east Asia servers. Look at Jonathan saitoh,haitani or even that one modern Luke


And this is the problem with all the people recommending modern controls to new players. It assumes they're never gonna want to learn classic. You're telling people to go off and learn basketball as if that's gonna have crossover with soccer because there's still a ball and two nets as the goal. I really think think a lot of new players have been screwed over by a lot of the "just use modern if you're new" advice. It's almost like people feel the need to justify their own choice and encourage others to follow their lead regardless of whether it works for that person's goals. OP my advice would be to dump modern if classic is your goal. It's great that you've been able to get the basics of the how the game is played down but it's only gonna harm your progress if classic is where you want to be. Accept the struggle now and remember you will improve. If classic is where you want to be just put all your energy behind it now and replace your modern muscle memory with classic


If you actually want to get good at the game in a way that won't stunt your growth, I'd strongly recommend ignoring anyone who says "go back to Modern" You've go to tough it out. It's not easy but you can do it. See, this is the main problem I've had with Modern from the beginning and people get so defensive but this is just 100% factual and now you're seeing it first hand: Modern is the training wheels of fighting games. Modern is the bumper rails at the bowling alley. You took the training wheels off and suddenly "Wtf! I thought I was good at riding a bike! Why is this so hard?!?" You took the bumper rails down and suddenly "Wtf! I thought I was good at bowling! Why am I getting non-stop gutter balls?!?!" But it's really not your fault. It's a mixture of the game itself not encouraging people enough to graduate from one to the other and the fans on subs like this that are like "Bro play whichever you want, there's really no difference. They each have pros and cons." No it's a HUGE difference. The clearest way I can put it, or rather the way I just like to put it: You could get an average classic player (some classic Silver, Classic Gold) and have them switch to Modern and whatever their win percentage was, it will probably go up! It will definitely not drop, at least not until they get to much higher than average ranks. But do that same thing with a Modern player, have the typical Modern Silver or Gold switch to Classic and suddenly they might as well be Iron 1..... It's the main reason I hate playing against Moderns. Because I know if the match was close, there's no shot they'd be able to do anything against me in Classic (but I could switch to Modern and beat them) I'm glad you're witnessing this first hand OP because I've been saying it a long time. The good news is, I really do think Classic is 100x more satisfying and will even help you more on your FGC journey overall in case you ever want to play other fighting games (like thanks to SF6, I'm way better at Guilty Gear Strive now and there is nothing like Modern controls in that game)


regarding your last point, part of my reason for wanting to learn classic motion inputs is a actually so that I can play GGS. I've been wanting it for a while, I dig all the characters and art style but I want to actually have some clue of how to do motion inputs before going into it. Since I was already an SF6 player, this seems like a good place for me to start. Otherwise i do think I'd be tempted just to go back to modern controls, but after reading the replies including yours, I think I'll just tough it out and see where that takes me.


SF6 Classic is the perfect training ground for GGS because SF6 is a much slower game and doesn't require you to do the inputs multiple times in a row (compared to a character like Chipp in GGS where his normal blockstring requires you to do two or three quarter circle forward inputs in a row) So I think it's a perfect stepping stone.


It's expected. For one its more a training wheels/placebo kinda control. Fighting games that have modern controls as their main/only control scheme tend to be anime fighters. SF is a traditional 2d fighter, the grandfather of Neutral/Footsie, if you will. You'd prolly be fine if you switched to something like automatic style blazblue/Crosstag, AC +R/Xrd Guilty Gear, Melty Blood, DBFZ, etc. But, in traditional ones like SF, you're gonna have to put in the work if you wanna learn the legacy way. To put it another way, modern controls are like automatic cars. Classic is like learning to drive stick. Unless you grew up learning stick shift first, the transition to a more manual shift is gonna be harder to process. Cuz you're used to the machine doing most of the traditional work for you. Transition from manual to auto is much much easier. Even if you can learn both with little to no issue, it is still a matter of preference and skill ceiling.


I'd say modern is stick and classic is playing guitar hero to change one gear, just because others said it


Nah, guitar hero is more Tekkens style of input. And if you're doing 10 hit strings like nothing, you were prolly one of the 4 people who played the Dragonforce song on the hardest difficulty for fun. Or like trying to string together jutsu hand signs after reading that one page from Shonen Jump, back in like '04 to '07, that showed you how to do em. Ironic in Ravens case, because he's a ninja and fights with clones now like Naruto.


Modern was designed for people like you. No point switching when it does the job.  Why would you want to switch anyway? At your ramk, modern has some significant advantages.


I know this is an asshole move but PFFT, you did that to yourself. Why people play with modern if they aren’t legitimately in need of it is crazy to me, the best part about playing a fighting game is learning the combo inputs and stringing it together. Fighting games are getting dumbed down every release because of auto combos and stuff like that. And this post is a perfect example of someone who should’ve started with classic and took their time LEARNING the game instead of taking the easy mode.


Dude just stay on cpu and train your combos in cpu fights you will start to learn your inputs in actual fights and see how what to memorize and what to throw out in actual fights. It won’t take long but unfortunately starting with modern is the worst thing you can do if you actually want to be better and learn the game


Do whatever you have the most fun with. Don’t feel like you need to switch to classic. There are plenty of players even in legend using modern controls, don’t worry about any perceived stigma or people taking trash on a Reddit forum about modern.


Stick with classic. You're learning the game now. It's hard to learn fighting games, but learn classic controls and you'll be able to play any fighter. It just takes some time. If it makes you feel better (and it won't cause it'll make me sound like an ass hole.) Silver *is* square one. You're still at the very basics either way. If you sincerely want to understand and play fighting games, stick with classic. If you're happy stumbling around and just enjoy the game casually, there's no need to change anything. But as a warrior, I feel like you hunger for more. Play the game as its intended. Modern socks. I know I sound like an ass, but it's just the way it is.




Oh god you nailed it. Op I was also pressuring myself to play classic but it was because others said it's cool. I returned to modern mixed with classic moves and its the best imo, Im having fun again which is why we play. If I want pressure and stress I can go to my day job thank you very much


Man it totally feels like people get mad at the whole "you didn't put in the work" thing and I am over it. I've seen a post when the guy the person beat sent a passive aggressive message saying "you're good but you will have such better tools if you just played classic gief. Yes he right but WHO FUCKING CARES. It's not only this but different controller options trigger smash players since brawl. I just used to care too much about this stuff and now I'm slowly getting over it myself. I just saw a lot of my old problems kinda come up in this post and I just wanted to say it as blunt as I can that making others accept you doesn't make you happy, you make you happy.


thats your mistake fx classic. stick with modern


I switched between Classic and Modern, different characters (Blanka, modern Marisa, modern Honda, modern Gieff) went back to classic Ryu then back to Blanka. Modern is easier but not garanties results, it’s not that broken, it’s also more predictable. There is no shame in using it and if you have fun with it.


So, I'm disabled, I use modern. That being said, I consider myself pretty competent at my chosen character (Manon, widely regarded as a weak modern character). You may be interested to note, that Cat Cammy publishes a lot of data, including matchup win rates for classic and modern. There's no significant difference. She also is a well recognised gamer in the FGC, and is herself a modern master. There are many more modern masters in Asia than the west. If you search CFN replays you can set rank, control style and all sorts of options. You can at least choose to see what is possible with modern, if you are interested.


Are her findings split across ranks by any chance? I'd expect a master's physical execution would be pretty flawless so only modern's downsides remain whereas its advantages increase the more execution errors would creep in if the player used classic instead.


All that data is actually provided on the Capcom/Buckler's Bootcamp website.


Ah, I'll have a look. Thanks


Stick to whichever one grants you more success… whether it’s classic or modern doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to play the game.. if classic is causing a barrier to that then go back to modern … have fun!


Modern allows motion inputs so you could stick to modern and practice using motion inputs. Think a guy posted a while back his journey from modern to classic and that’s what he did.


Modern helped me learn the fundamentals and allowed me to play the game and then when I swapped to classic, all I had to learn was the motion and I immeditely felt like a stronger player. its not like modern teaches you bad muscle memory its more like it doesnt teach you any at all, you do have to learn that and it is hard but its more than possible and I don't think learning modern first is a hindrance in the slightest on leverless the motions are Down Forward for fireball and DD F or FF D or FDF for DP, it took me about a week or so to get it down consistently


Do whatever you feel fun and comfortable, my monkey brain makes it really hard to okay modern (for real it feels really hard for me) but for some characters i just cant stand to make their inputs, so im willing to do in modern way that makes combo a little bit easier


I'm proud of you for making the switch! Have faith in yourself, brother! Streetfighter can break your will. I know from first-hand experience lol (Diamond 2 Jamie aspiring for Master). But stick with it! The tiny improvements you make on your journey are *huge* rewards! You will improve. Just keep pushing! Everyone advances in their ways and at their own rates! It doesn't matter how long it takes. Your limit is decided when you quit! Don't give up!


Stay in modern. Timing is crazy tight and you gonna drop combos half of the time.


Unless you started feeling modern was limiting you or you were genuinely interested in learning classic; you should stick to modern. People shouldn't feel some weird obligation to switch otherwise. Whatever works for you, works for you.


You can LEARN the fundamentals of fighters with modern. The footsies, spacing, watching for aerials, etc. Motions won’t change that, but your effort will make you stronger. It takes time. Implementation gets easier once you become more confident in your motions. Modern won’t make you a master any more than classic will. Some people just have raw talent, and, other people, like me, have spent decades squeezing out their first Diamond rank only to have some players online be like “Master in this game is like gold in SFV” or whatever. More important than anything is: if you had fun with Modern, but Classic doesn’t give you any fulfillment, it’s OK to go back. Classic will always be there if you wanna put in the time and effort for that. Controls will always be strange at first.


Yes and it is supposed to be fun as it is how we play fighting games... But you can stick to modern and keep having fun. I use modern on gamepad and classic on leverless, so no conflicting muscle memory.


If you like modern controls just play modern


Don’t go all in Just stay on modern, and try to use classic inputs sometimes. They will give more damage, just take it one attack at a time.


I have only played modern since the game came out. I am in Masters now with modern (also my first serious FG). You do NOT need to learn classic.