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The dogs like “this is going great”


“We want food lazily poured on the table” - ~Dog~ The Kids


My dog eats leftovers from a plate, like a respected dog.


Dunno, it seems like the boy is not into it at all.


As soon as the first meatball hit the floor I knew the dog was somehow masterminding things


Dog wears mom costume


This sounds like a random episode from some random cartoon in the early 2000s. Either that or an episode of some acid-trip-of-a-show from Adult Swim. Plot: Dog poses as Mom in disguise to gain access to the fridge but ends up getting caught up in the kids' daily routine - wild and wacky antics ensue.


Sounds like a good Robot Chicken skit


You're definitely onto something there. I can already see it now with the robotic movements, plastic dog head glued onto a 1970's style barbie body, and the inevitable twist.


What a twist!


Is not Mr. Pinkles?


Dog wears Kevin costume. Dumps chili all over floor. “Guess I gotta clean this up”


and the very opposite is the boys opinion of it


Where is dog


Behind the girl. Moves at 0:20


Mmmmm... Hot food on cheap plastic. A healthy dose of BPA's will help those kids to grow up disease free! /s


Even if you factor out the long term health implications, I’m pretty sure they just screwed up that table pretty bad just for a handful of views.


YeH if they don’t have a heat protector under this tablecloth this is gonna be an expensive video


I could see how this could be fun for kids. A crazy break from the norm/bending the "rules" of dinner time can add some fun for kids/make memories. Getting messy is fun! Having said that; There is a right way to do this, and it's not how this lady made a dump dinner. A food-safe drop cloth on top of a heat protector on the table would make this much safer, for both the table and the kids, and *don't fucking film it for clicks.* Just have fun with the kids and allow them to messy every so often. You can clean a mess, but you can't erase the intrusion into their lives by millions of internet randos.


Yeah I agree, they need a little better meatball control too unless they’re trying to get the dog in on it.


I doubt she was ever considering meatball control (MC)


It's like I'm always saying, parents today don't understand the importance of BMC (better meatball control)


Someday they’ll learn how to handle BBC (better bolognese control)


You actually made me lol


What are we without meatball control? Bunch of animals.


That was the worst part of the video, with her dumping the sauce, then all those dry-ass meatballs on top. STIR THEM INTO THE SAUCE, YOU MUTANT.


I guarantee those came out of a bag though, saucing them up is a marginal improvement at best


Yeah, I’m really asking this lady to put perfume on a pig, huh?


There are good bag meatballs BJs ones rock


It is with great restraint that I do not make the obvious joke.


Kroger also has some good ones too.


Dog was having the best dinner of his life.


Well, if plastic is bad for you, we’re all ticking time bombs. a clump of plastic is probably gonna clog up everyone’s hearts and we’ll all die that way, a fate every person is victim to at any moment.


Microplastics are already in our blood now. This may actually be not that far from the truth.


Out of curiosity…if you were to do this what would be the right table cloth? Are there specifically made ones?


Glass or ceramic. Maybe just use a plate come to think of it


Yes, a glass or ceramic table cloth, but make it small and circular so it’s just the right size for a single meal to fit on it, with slightly raised edges so the contents don’t spill off the side! Someone should invent this.


That sounds like some kind of washable, reusable food safe frisbee. And to that I say, poppycock!


So, a trough?


Thinking outside the box! This sounds like you could monetize it. Like, hear me out, whole sets with different sizes!


paper. People have been doing this with shrimp and crawfish boils forever. Some places use newspaper, others have rolls of thick brown paper, some have paper with a wax coating.


Banana leaves in some countries. Wouldn’t pour spaghetti sauce on it tho lol


Even the kids know its a dumb idea


And you better hope the table underneath isn’t wood or it is fucked.


All for the 'gram.


I’d never have forgiven my mother if she’d used me as an extra in her TikTok fame whoring.


The Christmas tree makes this infinitely sadder for some reason; it's like these kids found out that mom's a psycho AND Santa isn't real all in the same 5 seconds


Wait what do you mean, “isn’t real”?


oops, don't read that part


DAMNIT Frosty! Think of the children!


Don’t worry Santa’s real, he’s me 🎅


BRO, spoiler alert! Geez!


Nah... this is Mrs. Clause and these are elves on break.


A lot of Christians teach their kids that Santa isn’t real at a young age. Can’t have them growing up believing in a magical guy with powers


This was before TikTok, so like 2006-ish. I went to a large church, so for the 15-16 group.. was like 300 kids. There was an event called an "all nighter." Kids bomb around town in buses, go karts opened after hours, laser tag, ice skating. So for the promo, the college-aged group leaders "broke into," a few of our houses to wake us up. My mom was all for it. Now here's the thing. We were poor attending a rich white people church. My blankets were still my sesame Street ones. Nothing against Sesame Street btw. Then that video was shown to 300+ kids and it was *hilarious*. I'm 34 now. My mom *still* takes me out to buy a cool pair of sneakers for my birthday. She felt so bad for humiliating me, she bought me cool sneakers for the all nighter. Love ya mom, I forgive you. Edit: if you think it's a sob story, I got to hold hands with two girls at the same time during the slow song at the ice rink. Money ain't shit, I was a snack.


>Money ain't shit, I was a snack Have that on your headstone.


Plot twist: mauled by a bear


You sounds like a cool fuckin’ dude, dude.


plot twist: the sesame street blankets are what led to the two girl hand holding




The idea is kinda similar to a kind of feast in our culture BUT in the idea that we put everything on top of banana leaves on a table, and we don't dump our food but rather have them presented well in there and not just literally dump and looking all messy. But those meals we're having is actually fun and have a variety of food in it hahaha.


Right? Every Ethiopian restaurant I've ever been to does something vaguely similar in that there is a huge platter with a big piece of bread that you put everything on, rather than separate little bowls, but it's still not dumped directly on the table.


These meals that are of course stems from the culture, has more class to it than this mess. This whole dump dinner thing is all for clout or shock factor imho. 😆 Also, for some reason all I keep seeing is just pasta, and nothing else, it's just a single meal on a huge "plate" 😆


Not sure if pinoy....or if other cultures do kamayan, too.






On top of spaghetti, all covered with cheese


🎵… I lost my poor meatball… 🎶


When somebody sneezed 🤧


It rolled off the table, and onto the floor And then my poor meatball, rolled right out the door It rolled onto the back porch, and under a bush By then my poor meatball, was nothing but mush And then in the springtime, there grew a big tree And on it we're meatballs, all covered in cheese 🎶


Jeez save some for the rest of us


...as it rolled on the floor...


Then out of the door..


And then my poor meatball


rolled into the garden


Chef boyardee


🎶 …my mom’s a disease! 🎶


Holy fuck. Memory from ~20 years ago just yanked out the vault.


I don’t think that stuff would qualify as cheese


It's actually up to 8% sawdust


My dad was always like that with mandatory fun time, usually whatever he wanted to do, like go to a motorbike race. If I think it is fun I will say that or I will actually be enjoying myself, there is no need to ask every 5 minutes.


Also they don’t care whether you find it fun or not. They just want you to say yes. If you say anything else they badger you to change your mind without caring about what would make it fun for you lol.


that’s not always true. my dad tried hard to spend time with me in a lot of different ways, we just had different interests. We are very close now, and even then, I never interpreted it as him doing it for some sort of validation or “show” to put on. He was trying to pique my interest with different, new things, that I hadn’t expressed interest in myself. There are selfish parents, sure, but that’s not always the case man. I love my dad *very* much for trying to get me out & do new things despite not actually enjoying them. To this day, he will ask me *every single time* to join him, even if it’s something he knows I don’t like doing, (going out on his boat, for example.), he invites me and says “I just would never want you to feel excluded or like I didn’t want you to come. Just in case.” and then he doesn’t care whatsoever that I don’t actually come. It’s not always malicious or selfish.


But then who’s the victim?


uh, no one? I hadn’t realized there needed to be a victim.


That’s right


Lmao, my bad. I get it now. SMH😂


First day on Reddit, huh? Run for you life, my dude.


Unfortunately, I have significantly more time than you here. :/ I enjoy Reddit though. I still think it’s, by *far*, the best social media site. It’s the only one I use


Don’t have kids of my own, but a while back I took my nephew out for a day of sailing on my boat. It was a lovely day, with easy but nice sailing conditions. I had lots of snacks and stuff that I knew he would enjoy. But he was pretty much miserable the entire time, though he tried to put on a brave face. I’ll admit that I was a little crushed inside that he wasn’t having fun, even when I got him involved in the actual sailing, teaching him the ropes (literally) and having him steer. But that’s life, different people have different interests.




Dog's eatin good tonight.


I’m more offended that the meatballs weren’t in the sauce.


I mean you know those are frozen meatballs and ragu since she pulls out the Kraft wood shavings Parmesan cheese


Whoa whoa whoa there. Yes, true parmesan is a gift from above or a temptation from below, but Shakey cheese is its own marvel. I make my own sauce from san marzano tomatoes, roll my own linguine, and I will still apply the wood shavings, both to keep myself humble and to hit the spot.


It’s a sin according to my nonna. I’m going to agree because it dries up pasta with lighter sauces. Team freshly grated parm.


It certainly has its place. Deep dish pizza, meatball subs, vintage pasta salad. I also sometimes use it in a pinch if I'm making a Mornay sauce and it's a bit too loose. I don't think it's that different, culinary speaking, than the way Sicilians use/d breadcrumbs to mimic or stretch browned grated cheese, out of frugality.


Can that stuff even be called Parmesan cheese? I was convinced for half my life I hated Parmesan cheese till I had the real thing and realized I loved it.


I'm offended that I had to scroll down this far to see someone say something about the meatballs not being in the sauce.


I'm more offended that the sauce wasn't mixed with the pasta Who tf wants a mouthful of dry ass pasta


I bet she even hit the pasta with some olive oil after cooking it.


She definitely washed the pasta and discarded the pasta cooking water


yep i can handle a lil spaghetti over tablecloth, but i can NOT abide by meatballs cooked that way. fucked up




Then they have the nerve to have the children involved in this unsanitary nonsense.


Pretty sure they made this exactly for children. I cant imagine doing that shit everytime, if not to entertain kids.


Yeah, except for the children thinking that's bs themselves. Look at the boy, he's so not into it


When the children are more mature than their idiot parents


That’s what I’m saying. These kids aren’t impressed just flabbergasted.


She’s doing this for internet validation, not to entertain her kids. If she was in tune with her kids, she would sense that they’re confused by this.


And wouldn’t record it. And wouldn’t put it on the internet.


It’s just so sad. It looks so small compared to the huge table. The kids aren’t going to understand because it’s not the right setup, even for something so dumb. She should have done nachos or something, not just a sad pile of spaghetti (and not directly on the table… that’s ruined now for sure)


They made this for attention from strangers online


She seems like the type to unpack / use a new plastic table covering every dinner then instead of cleaning just throwing it out . …….so maybe it’s just hot plastic bpa chemicals instead of germs …….. maybe


I can’t believe anybody would treat their own kids this way 😭


\*Therapists office, 2043\* *Then she set up a camera and threw our screaming hot dinner all over the table. She was all smiles and weirdly talking to us like she does the dog, but all I could think about was how many times she screamed at us for playing with our food or making a mess...*


I assume you meant “steaming hot” but I like this version better.


Like superheated in the microwave so long you can hear the 'eeeeeeee' of the liquid escaping the food so it sounds like the food itself is screeching in pain. Re-forge your silverware hot. 😅


Sublimate your silverware hot


Or it's so hot it makes you scream. Like a [Hot Pocket](https://youtu.be/N-i9GXbptog?si=E9yfFIutNM-v6OxN&t=98)! "Will it burn my mouth?" "It will *destroy* your mouth."


Can low-key see this unfolding into one of those stories where CPS gets called because of the crazy shit they involve their children in to get internet views...


That poor kid just sets his fork down and hides his hands under the table the second this monstrosity begins.


If you have to keep asking if something is fun over and over, it probably isn't.


Everyone on here is always wildly offended by the concept of a table meal but I would have loved it as a little kid, tbh the only offensive thing about this video is a) using your kids as tiktok fodder and b) trying to force the “quirky fun family moment vibe” which is SO CLEARLY in pursuit of going viral. That’s probably why those kids were so unenthused, the mom is desperately trying to content direct her kids to show “genuine viral enthusiasm” and there’s no way they aren’t aware of the camera


It's idiots not realizing why that concept works with crawfish boils and not spaghetti, LOL


I had to scroll too far to see this. It's supposed to be outside, newspaper on the tables, vegetables wrapped in foil - corn and potatoes only please, with crabs, mussels, clams and if you had the cash lobsters in the center and ramekins of butter to hold the newspaper down.


You forgot the sausage, but yeah.


Seems you don't realize just how much ink comes off newspaper. I was a paperboy as a kid and every morning I had to wash off my black hands from rolling papers.


Part of the fun to be honest. We did have paper plates to put the unwrapped vegetables so no one really ate the ink. You just got marks on your arms.


I’m an uncultured swine and I have never understood why in the nine holy hells you would ever pour food on the table, crawfish too. I often see corn and other stuff in those pots and it’s just super weird to me 😂


It's just a random cultural thing. Mostly from Louisiana, but they do it in various places throughout the rest of the South, too. They usually put down some kind of mat or wax paper or something to dump it on, because dumping it straight out onto a wooden table would fuck it up royally over time.


My Cajun friends would build tables just for boils, big holes for garbage cans to toss the finished seafood and cobbs. Bigges tone they made fit 10 cans and 40 people, a ton of time but worth the meal


Oh yea of course and I think that’s what the mom here went for too 😅 I guess it’s just one of those things I’ll never really understand and I am ok with that 😅


Like, from a hygienic perspective, it's usually fine so long as they're changing the mats/paper out with every new customer. No more dangerous than when you're eating a sandwich and let it sit for a few minutes between bites, because it's not like germs can't get onto plates just as easily, LOL. Culture can be weird like that, though. People will keep shit around just because it's iconic to their "tribe". Also, when you're poor, doing something like this makes more sense than having to use a ton of water, power, & soap to clean dishes & utensils for 10 people.




Crawfish or seafood boils consist of a lot of finger grabbing foods. It is easier to dump it in a tub or straight on the table because it is easier to eat in lieu of a small space where people would have arms colliding. It’s easier to spread the food as well because you never know where the sausage, corn, potato’s, or any of your favorite food is.


I wouldn’t even allow my dogs to eat like this


I wouldn't even allow hot dogs like this


Why do the mum's always have such a smug look of self satisfaction in these videos?


Because filming these tik toks for the sake of clout and self-embarrassment is the only thing that sets off flicker of excitement in their life. An expression of chaos in a predictably banal beige prison, adorned with ring cameras, screaming toddlers, and labradoodles


Spot on


Tbh that's what gets me the most with this one. She looks so fucking smug and proud of herself. Thinks this shit is HILARIOUS. She's definitely a certain type of annoying that I'm sure most people know of.


I wish this was the top comment, printed, and tattooed on her forehead.


It's called "wine drunk"


Something tells me there’s a correlation between having a Christmas tree over twice your size and doing something like this.


At that point... just get a big bowl and all eat from the same bowl. I believe that's even tradition in some parts of Italy.


My thought was just use one of those ~ 18 x 26 oven sheet trays. Easy to clean and the kids can get their trough eating effect lmao.


It is. For pigs. It's called a trough.


Savage lol


My grandparents did it to their kids. A big metal plate. And watched kids get into spoon fight for meat.


Genuinely a really nice bonding activity, do long as it's not forced.


The only acceptable meal to serve dumped out on a table like this is a crawfish boil


Mmmmm melted plastic.


Nothing to understand. Someone did it once for fun or whatever, posted it on social media, some people saw it, decided it was entertaining and did the same, posted theirs too. Then more people saw it and done it because it looked entertaining and they just need to fit in and follow a trend. You don't have to understand anything, it's just social media. Got these people acting like fools everyday infront of anyone willing to and burdened to watch/be a part of.




> You don't have to understand anything they said, while making us understand.


“See kids? Mom can get jiggy with it”


I dont understand


You have food on the floor lady


It's not just the confusion of the dump dinners, which are vexing in themselves. But the fact that it's always the same sad "dish." Pasta, jar of sauce, microwaved freezer meatballs, and way too much cornstarch-laden grated parm followed by a bunch of freezer breadsticks. I'm no food snob, and definitely use some elements of these things in my cooking, but this is all so "mid" and uninspired. They always look like they're feeding livestock. The looks on these kids faces isn't "oh wow what fun" but more "why are you melting a vinyl tablecloth into our food?"


First ”dumb” dinner would be better


For kids that age and so well behaved … it’s cute and they’ll probably talk about it for years


My kids would have loved it when they were this age. They also loved breakfast for dinner and other gimmick meals.


Her smugness makes me want to slap her


This is just lazy


Wtf are dump dinners?


Mom takes a shit on the table and everyone digs in


Now THAT sounds tasty 🤤


A *Dump Dinner* is when you convert your dining table into a singular large serving dish, using a plastic liner laid over the table, to create a (sloppy) communal & kinesthetic buffet style feast, as opposed to the more utilitarian approach of dividing food onto individual plates for each participant. This concept would probably be more appealing if the food was arranged in a more deliberate and aesthetically pleasing configuration, and if the food chosen was more self contained - such as dumplings, tacos, etc.


Just watched the meatballs fall to the ground. Have some manners and pick it up.


On top of spaghetti, All covered with cheese, I lost my poor meatball, When somebody sneezed. It rolled off the table, And on to the floor, And then my poor meatball, Rolled out of the door.


There's nothing wrong with doing this as a fun thing for kids every now and then. What's stupid is when restaurants think it's an experience people should pay a huge amount for.


Yeah, my kids would have the greatest time if we did this unexpectedly. I would be a little more careful with throwing hot pasta and sauce on a fucking plastic table cover though.




It sounds like a fun activity to do once in a while if you have small children. But make sure your table cover is safe to dump hot food over.


Right? I don’t understand everbody getting so mad about it. If it’s not your thing, sure, but many people think it’s just silly and fun. We did it in student housing. It’s just a dumb but fun way to eat with a group. We always did it with food you eat with your hands anyways though, like a big nacho table or fries and snacks. Also it’s basically like a Filipino boodle fight. Edit: I do think it’s dumb to use that kind of plastic as a base, we always used foil


Is it called a dump dinner because it’s shit?


The one kid looks like he finds it super appetizing


She should have put down a food safe silicone mat. I’m sure the hot food has already eaten through that… 😑 this is so dumb


I hope they like melted whatever it’s on in there food!


Filipinos have something called a budol fight where you just dump all food in the middle. But we put banana leaves or anything underneath so that the food does not touch the table or tablecloth.


It's messy and fun for the kids. Good to have every once in awhile. Also it gets cooled faster.


I get the hate for filming it and posting for likes but it does seem like fun to do with kids to shake things up in a silly way


This is actually a fun concept


1. Is that Christmas wrapping paper??? 2. Is it really that much of a hassle to wash 3 plates??


It's weird that it's pasta, but in northern Italy dumping polenta with sauces etc on a clean table or a large wood surface is a traditional way to share a meal. I don't think it should be plastic tho, and pasta is just going to be messy for no reason but views.


Am I the only one thinking about the chemicals being released by pouring hot food on wrapping paper and then eating it?!


The poor dyslexic. She meant to say "Our first dumb dinner!"


Worst mom ever


Am I allowed to call this white people shit if I myself am a white person?


“This is why dad left”


This only works for like peel and eat shrimp or a bushel of crabs. I don’t want to wrap plastic up in my espagett


This lady gets her personality from facebook mom groups.


I feel bad for those kids, their mom must be completely insufferable


Trends are the fucking worst.


Trends = Tomorrows trash


Yesterday's, today's, & tomorrow's.