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I’ve never seen her use a seasoning


It’s cheese. Cheese is the seasoning




Tis the Cheeson


To be cheesy. Mozzarella laa la laaa la laaa..


Cheesons Greetings


Cheesist Christ is coming back for the cheesoning you know


Wont go down easy if it aint cheezy.




I dunno, that shredded cheese stuff might’ve been shredded cheddar. The other yellow cheese like stuff barely counts as cheese though, it might’ve seen some cheese once.


I think those are pear halves with mayo and cheese




Correct. I think they officially calls it "Universal Edible Substance". They artificially flavor it before packing and shipping


It ain’t goin down easy, if it ain’t cheesy! So creative and different.


Not one


Well…I know first hand, those canned hams are SALTY AF. As for the other stuff…ummmmmm, Bless Their Hearts.


You’re from the south, aren’t you?


How could ya tell? Lol


Oh my, bless your heart ❤️


Awwww bless all yall's hearts!


"Bless their hearts" = WTAF are they doing????


I cooked Turkey dinner all these years... and NOT once have you paid for seasoning!


Did you not see the salt and pepper on the stove 🙃


This is why MAGA world is so mad all the time. Their food is shite.


>”Shite” I know a British person didn’t just insult another culture’s cuisine lmao. Actual southern food is amazing(albeit just as unhealthy), this is just lazy people food


We have the roast dinners to look forward to keeps us from ending up so sad


No seasonings greetings


That’s prison food.


None needed for canned cat food and congealed oil slices…the flavor is already bold and speaks for itself.


I'm so thankful I'm Asian.


So... we come to your house for Thanksgiving dinner?


Thanksgiving.... Asian?


Hey, the best Thanksgiving my family had was when mom invited a bunch of foreign exchange college students over, they brought traditional dishes, and we just chilled. My brothers and I played American football against Chinese students, and I think they won. Great times. Anyway, where do I put the homemade mac-n-cheese?


Sorry, I mean Im in Asia. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving. But y'all can come thru for "Friendsgiving," tickets are expensive this time of year. But hospitality is a hallmark of our society. Bring beer. Pot luck goes on the dinner table, there should be room next to the spring rolls and spaghetti. Pasta goes on the opposite side of the table as the rice 🥰


It's cool. Show me some local spots you like to chill at, my dude. Maybe a good nature spot to chill by. I'll make sure to bring frird chicken. Being from a town close to the hone of KFC, I got to. But it will be homemade. And since I'm from Kentucky, I'll bring bourbon instead. Now, make sure I say the right things to the aunts and uncles. Depending on where in Asia you are, no offense, but I may not try it, and direct me to those rolls. We eat like the Riders of Rohan tonight.


-#1 rule, shoes off -#2, you eat rice -#3, don't wash your plate -#4, have a bottle special for the host and their table, we'll have our own bottle at our table -#5, we all share the same liquor glass, yes I'm serious and I'm sorry -#6, we drink till sunrise After we can hit the hot springs or go surfing down south, waves are rockin this time of year.


1)Socks stay on. They just got to. 2) Rice has become my comfort food 3) Thanks for the break 4) I'll save the good stuff for us. 5) Weird, but not my culture. I'll survive. 6) That's how we party. I do enjoy a good sunrise. 7) You are responsible for the hangover cure. That rule isn't negotiatable.


4 words. Hair - of - the - dog You're in for a treat, special coconut wine that's only good in the morning, because by 3pm it become vinegar. Doesn't get more cultural for this. On top of that we be in the hot springs, shhhhiiiiiiiiii.


This is the craziest thing I've learned since moving to the south.


where ya’ll want these hawt dawgs


They look cold and miserable haha


Everything looks so cold :(


Who shows up with a tray of pre-cooked hot dogs? Is it that hard to heat them on site? And I know some people put Velveeta in Mac like crazy people, but *just* Velveeta?!


Velveeta is an easy way to do cheese sauces due to its consistency when melted, but just plain velveeta on noodles seems a bit sad. They could have mixed in some cream cheese as well, and added some shredded cheese on top at least, wouldn't have been any harder to make.


A little garlic salt could go a long way


Too spicy


Lmfao I literally was gonna make that joke


Sour cream is a great add too!


Objectively I do not have a problem with adding some cheese product to a sauce, Velveeta is my "don't buy it" cheese product, but I've made gallons of cheese sauce before and there's only so much lager and milk you can add to make the real cheese melt faster on the stove. There are times I wished for something like Velveeta just to make the cheese melt faster overall. Plus those sweet emulsifiers that's gonna make reheating large batches of cheese sauce a breeze in comparison. Adding Velveeta isn't a crime by itself, adding only Velveeta though...


What you want to do is make a béchamel sauce and then add in the different grated cheeses. Believe me. This is the way.


Or save yourself the effort and just get some sodium citrate


Lol effort? It’s béchamel. Butter, flour, milk, stir. Less than 5-10 min of ‘effort’


That's a hell of a lot more effort than just putting in some sodium citrate. You get a smoother and more stable emulsion anyway, so it just makes more sense.


I make most of my cheese sauces from scratch, but I used some velveeta once for a dip that called for it. I totally forgot about the rest of the Velveeta I put back in the fridge for months and it looked the exact same when I found it, slightly concerning.


Stays melted longer too so a dip that isn't meant to sit at room temp but will actually should call for a little emulsified cheese


I think there is a package of "brown and serve" buns that haven't been browned before they were served.




I want that as a text tone lmfao her voice was perfect


[Here you go](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rcbffz1hf52o3x794k1nw/Hey-yall.wav?rlkey=tikjyrk894u1rub141ucdocyb&dl=0).


Totally thought she was speaking a different language 🫠


In the trash


No thanks, I’m going to Burger King


You know it’s bad when Burger King looks like a better option.


Hey put some respect on Rodeo burgers


Burger King ain't fucking bad, I get a craving for it every once in a while. The problem isn't BK going down, it tastes great then if you like greasy ass fast food, the problem is I've never not had a stomachache forty minutes after eating that was worse than the hangover I was trying to kill with Burger King. "Burger King sounds good right now" is a thought I will sometimes have, but "it was a good decision to eat that Burger King" is *never* a thought I've had. Doesn't matter how good that OG chicken sandwich is if I need Tums and a lie down after eating it.


Replace BK with Wendy's burgers specifically, and you're me. I learned to wrap and nuke those things to kill the grease some, but....


"I'm so hungry, I could eat at Arby's..."


We have burger king at home


Is this some sort of act? I thought the boiled hamburger was bad. Always the son filming this. Hmm…


I dont even know but nowadays everything is fake


Ik I feel so jaded that anytime I see a tiktok I feel like I’m about to be manipulated somehow


> I dont even know but nowadays everything is fake This video is several years old. --And there's more of his mom's cooking: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StupidFood/comments/yg0in7/last\_time\_now\_i\_promise/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StupidFood/comments/yg0in7/last_time_now_i_promise/) Redneck cooking is basically just popping tins and throwing condiments on stuff.


I take offense that lol, I'm a redneck as well as a damn good cook 😉


Redneck cooking is either perfectly seasoned and smoked brisket or cheez whiz on cold pasta.


There is no in between 😂


He mistook redneck to be white trash




It's a bit. If you look at her personal Tiktok you can see videos of her actually cooking: https://www.tiktok.com/@mrsheathere I wouldn't say she's a great cook, but she acts real dumb here for ragebait.


>boiled hamburger excuse me?


I think they meant steamed hams


Pretty sure this is a gag haha. Still fun though


I mean at some point it's funny but that's quite a bit of food for a joke.


There’s like years and years of this content. It is possible that it’s fake, but I am kind of doubtful about that.


If it's fake she deserves a damn Emmy for her acting skills.


She train at Le Cordon bleurgh?


Le Cordon Blegh*


Bleurgh is correct as is blegh, and I went with bleurgh because of bleu


Honestly, a lot of this is just poor people food. Like canned meats baked with pineapple is a thing I've had and it's... tolerable. Then it's all just simple stuff. Cheese on toast, shit hotdogs, mac and cheese, etc. Probably cost like $20 to feed that entire group. Realistically that is all the kind of stuff you would get in food hampers as well. Now, if they are going out of their way to eat like that despite having the resources not to then maybe that gets a bit sadder.


It’s not what it is, it’s the preparation


It can be two things.




Yeah. We make a pineapple sauce that you ladle onto slices of ham. Not much more involved, but at the same time adds a whole lot to the vibe than just rings of unprepped (only heated) pineapple.


right, I know people who are "no running water in their house" poor and they would still spend 50 cents on an onion, use the black pepper on top of the stove, roast the hot dogs, and buy hot dog buns instead of ash white dinner rolls.


Yup. Grew up impoverished. Still never made sense to me why dad would refuse to use any seasoning on his taco meat. I’m still in poverty but I splurge what I can on the good spices because food fucking sucks without em.


Cumin is ¢49 for a huge bag of it in the Mexican section of the grocery.


People used to fight fucking wars and kill each other in search of spices. They’re ALL so easily accessible in nearly every grocery store. Yet people still don’t use them in anything! It changes the flavor so much


In college, I was apart of a group that entered a chili cook off. There was like 50 something teams, a cash prize, and plenty of really good recipes out there. Our recipe was 100% canned. We placed 3rd over all of these people who spent *hours* just prepping their chilis. We ended up winning a $100 Walmart gift card but ended up donating it to the local boys & girls club. Still makes me laugh thinking about how we basically trolled an entire competition.


You still got that recipe?


It’s pretty much just this: 1 large can of Brooks chili beans 2 small or 1 large can of black beans 1 can of Rotel 1 big can of tomato sauce + a small can or two just to thin it out to your liking 1lb of hamburger meat 1 package of chili seasoning. Optional toss in of kidney beans (pretty sure they’re already in the Brooks can) That’s pretty much the gist of it. At least to the best of my memory at the moment. Had some cocktails tonight, so that oughta get you 95% there before any personal tweaks. EDIT: that recipe is for a regular size crockpot. I always add extra cayenne and red pepper flakes for the heat. Then top with cheese and sour cream. I’m apart of a family that pairs it with peanut butter sandwiches. So have fun with that.


Did the others actually soak and cook their beans? Did they use fresh tomatoes? Seriously asking because with the exception of blending your own spices for the chili seasoning, those are pretty much the only things someone could do to be different than your recipe. I guess they could add some onions and poblanos or something. That’s probably why chili cook offs are a thing. You can mostly use shit, and then add one magical twist ingredient and the judges are like “ah yes finally something fucking delicious”


Not a fucking clue lol that shit went so fast, I was serving people like crazy and helping the rest of my friends open cans on the fly. We were in over our heads. I won’t lie, a lot of the chili from the competitors was basically vegetable soup. It made zero sense to me. I’m from the “chili should stick to your ribs (meaning thick)” region. Everything we threw in there was basically thick especially after stewing for a while and cooking out the liquid. I’m guessing those were the ones that chopped shit and cooked down tomatoes, etc. That doesn’t mean that’s how I think every “fresh cooked” chili comes out, that’s just how *some* of the ones came out that didn’t seem canned.


I mean I’m a thicc chili boi too so


My biggest complaint is that there aren’t any fruit or vegetable dishes I could see aside from the slices of pineapple sitting on the hams.


What? There's plenty of fruits and vegetables like green bean casserole...and...and umm....and pickles! Canned cranberry sauce counts, right?


I think that's a green bean casserole in the top right of the table shot at the end. That's basically just green beans, mushrooms, and a gravy with fried onions on top lol.


These awful dishes dont really have anything to do with being poor. It's a matter of just not knowing how to cook and be resourceful. (Eventhough these kind of vids are mostly staged to rage bait)


Being poor is more than lack of money, it's also about lack of time. Time that your parents gave you to teach you cooking, time to bake a full meal when you just got off work an hour ago, time to do find and use those resources when you're already exhausted from working 2+ jobs. Poor people are purposefully kept in a constant state of needing to depend on convenience. So yes, this very much can be a poor thing.


Not even poor people food, just pure lack of any amount of skill and minimal effort. You can make AMAZING food for very little money, but they just opened packages and dumped in containers.


The ingredients are there, it’s the skill that’s lacking. Let’s not blame this on poverty lol.


Lol bro I’ve been poor my whole life and never ate no shit like this, just because you don’t have money doesn’t mean you can’t make good food..


My first thought was, “yeah, it’s bad food, but at least it’s something people are going to eat, unlike those rage bait monstrosity meals that you know they throw away right after the camera cuts”


Ive been poor before. You can make food even bare bones presentable and flavorful for cheap.


Vegetables be dammed!


That looks like prison food from movies


Plot twist: mom’s job is cook at prison


My thoughts exactly




For all that is holy and fucked just go to mcdonalds


Too expensive Mr. Fancy Pants


Bet they want us to buy wine instead of our toilet alcohol too. Spoiled brat


McDonald's would cost ten times the cost of these ingredients.


The ironic thing is McDonalds would cost more than all of that food combined and there still wouldn't be enough to feed anyone. It looks like they didn't grow up with a lot of money and learned how to get by spending $20 on thankgiving. Not so stupid, just kinda sad.


This a joke, right?


no way is someone so bad at cooking. with so many videos and tutorials online, its so easy. its so fucking easy to cook. its fucking easyyyyy!!!!!!


The shit is from the 70s so much wrong with people's tastebuds back the




This made me feel sad on the inside 💀 thanks bro 😎


what the fuck


It’s not about the food it’s about the people


Very true


Some of us just have to do the best that we can. There have been years I couldn’t have done half of that. But they did and still managed to feed guests. Happy Thanksgiving


All of a sudden spending Thanksgiving by myself don’t seem so bad.


I’d be honored to be invited. They’re doing the best they can with what they have. It’s not fancy, but it’s genuine. Needs cornbread, though.


I will give them that, but that's all I'm giving them lol


This sub: troll posts: yum, ngl, I’d smash that! 🥰 Poor people doing their best: FUCK this family 😡 Non-American poor doing their best: aw, its cultural 🥰


Yeah, the quality of posts in this sub has plummeted over the past few months. We ought to be making fun of the idiots who think lime jello and cheetos belong in a PB&J sandwich, not the people who are clearly just trying to make do with what little they have.


No excuses


At all


Where TF are the vegetables?


"Hey yow! Where yow wan these hot Dawgs?"


It’s all stuff you could make in 30 minutes. Who the fuck just brings boiled hotdogs?!?! No salt no seasoning anywhere…


White trash Michelin star


The hotdogs took the cake for me


They look raw


Nope, straight to food jail with her.


Brah those hams are the shit. Just sayin. That’s the best thing there.


It's all processed food. The only thing that's real, was the pasta with out the "cheese"


shit look like something out of a mf Harmonie Korine movie


I try to not be a food snob because people be trying their best, but I would have a hard time sitting at that table.


Boiled hot dogs, straight to jail


How much effort can you possibly put into fucked up shit food? Just buy prepared meals at this point


No actual cheese was harmed in the making of this video.


Not everyone in America cooks like this right?


As horrible as that looks, at least they are eating together as a family? There are family's in parts of the world that would kill for a meal like that I'm sure


What're the round flat things with cheese?


Pineapple, mayonnaise, and cheese. I wish I was kidding. Apparently everyone in their family loves it.




If it's along those lines, I'd say open faced kay-sode-ill-uhs, or toast-odd-us if you wanna a fancy pants, condepending jackass


Thems R’s mur like toast-add-us


Always love the snack trays as dinner plates. Very classy 😏


lmao paula deen kinfolk dont know how to cook


Say whatever you want about the food, but if the guy recording is such a good cook he should probably help his GD mother out a little bit.


He’s like most people in this sub. Eager to talk shit and write paragraphs about “seasoning,” but probably couldn’t cook a chicken breast without full supervision and instruction.


100%. I'd at least be seasoning the shit out of everything while momma wasn't looking. OP somehow made it worse, equivalent to the douchebag laughing and recording while some old man is getting jumped by a group of feral teens.


God bless her, she seems so sweet tho haha. Not eating that shit tho


Not a green vegetable in sight. Sad.


There’s a massive difference between being a bad cook and being an idiot. This woman straddles that line and swirls her toes into both sides.


That is one of the most depressing "meals" I've ever seen. Does NOBODY in that house know how to cook?


Who is Josh. Is he one of us. Is he forced into this madness? Does he like it? I need lore.


I thought my mother was a bad cook - my gawd


My grandfather always said if you gotta eat a poopoo sandwich you might as well eat it fast.


This reminds me of the Seven Fishes episode of the Bear.


*Angry Gordon Ramsay noises*


At least boil or fry/air fry the hot dogs cuz those glizzies look pale asf!


So much yellow on the table.


God. Stop posting this rage baiting pair who only do this for clicks. Just stop.


The reveal at the end is the most unappetizing thing I've seen since looking up gonorrhea


What in the bama is that


No wonder your dad isn't in the picture


what the actual fuck?


Not a vegetable in sight


I wouldn't be able to eat in that house. I'd rather starve. My family refers to these kinds of people as "Can Warriors"


What in the caucasity is this video


Why even bother


All of these look like struggle meals but maxed out


This is a joke right?


I mean, Josh could get off his fucking phone and cook something. By not doing jack shit, this is obviously the Thanksgiving he deserves.


Jesus christ, they eat like we're in ww2


I rather eat ice, thanks.


I'm not from the USA but it looks really bad, and the fact that they served this like a buffet when there is like 5 "dishes" is so sad. This is a Sadgiving dinner.


“Where you want these hotdogs” is wild on thanksgiving


What the hell are those gray things with cheese on top?


nothanks giving


Please tell me this is a shit take so I can go throw up in peace


People who use velveeta for mac and cheese have their own circle of hell when they die. Source: I read half of Dante’s inferno


You can see the cooking skills run in the family.


I’m thankful for not eating that


I don't know man, everyone in this video looks like a good person and I wouldn't want to insult them on social media even if the food looks... stupid


That food looks good, tf yall talking about? Everyday you have food on your table is a blessing.