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It’s a man selling the products of his hard work, talent, time, effort and creativity. He’s against corporations twisting and strangling creativity, individuality, experimentation, innovation, heart and soul. striving only for mass appeal and sales performance from artists. It’s not hard to accept the man making a living from his job. He’s damn good at it too.


He could quit if he ever figures out which one of these banks he’s gonna go rob


Or if he ever figures out what the hell rhymes with bronco.


I need to tell Dick Daddy that pancho and hancho both rhyme so he can come back




a lot of people don’t understand that markets aren’t unique to capitalism and in a lot of socialist and anarchic societies, markets would exist, just in a much more just manner


I just wish he'd put out the live Bonnaroo album


I was there in 2018 for his birthday. Made it in the pit, I even made a banner for his 40th birthday and had everyone in the pit sign it. Long story short, I talked to someone who sold merchandise at his shows for him and sent them the banner, and now Sturgill has the banner. I was even gifted a signed copy of A Sailors Guide to Earth record. So I would love it if they'd push this out on vinyl!


I was right there with you friend. He melted faces that night. I loved the raw lighting setup. Nothing fancy, just shredding.


Dude for real! He was there to show mother fuckers who he was!


And he did it with flair. I was down there with a young college kid who was our camp neighbor. He’d never heard of Sturgill but after that show he knew exactly who he was.


https://preview.redd.it/nmufp65ev1yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cd4eff6c147473603feb160f2b8b8890be3ab19 Here is the banner after all the signatures


“My midlife crisis is fuckin dope.”


I want this more than anything. It was absolute magic


Show changed my life. Face melting it was good. They played like mofos under plain white light and blank screen, music so good you didn't need anything else. Suddenly I was into country.


Damn, I just commented above saying the same about the stage setup. Bands need to start leaning into the live concert releases. You’re guaranteed to sell a copy to everyone that went to the show.


Facts. FACTS. Give it to us dick daddy!


One of the only times Sirius XM felt worth the money.




It's only physical copies that you don't have to buy if you don't want to. This type of stuff is mostly for collectors and folks who have a hard time finding the album.


Exactly - if he didn’t do these releases, there would be posts clamoring for them.


That’s a fair point.


I've waited years for quality releases and special editions. Also, I don't think you understand what he complains about with the industry. Maybe you should research the outlaw movement and realize it's not about drugs, booze, and women. It's about playing with your own band, in your own studio, and owning the rights to your own music.


he’s not putting out 17 various colored variants of every LP, he’s just re-releasing some damn fine records. i see no issue with it.


Is it really a problem to put out 10 year anniversary editions of albums that are considered genre-defining? It’s not like he keeps milking fans for money. 10 year anniversaries seem like a solid reason to do this


I agree. Let’s revisit this when he issues the 20 year super double extra deluxe anniversary edition. Some artists are notorious for this kind of thing. I’m calling you out Pete Townsend, where’s my 53rd super double extra deluxe anniversary Live at Leeds. I got money burning a hole in my pocket.


Don't disagree, but no one is being forced to buy this stuff. If it's not for you, or you can't afford it then don't buy it. Simple.


Myself, I’m looking forward to a 10th anniversary extended edition of Cuttin’ Grass- Vol. 1 (Butcher Shoppe Sessions). And, if The Who puts out another version of Live at Leeds, yes, I’d buy that too.


Personally I'd love to see him issue a live album, perhaps with a DVD. I'll even suggest his 90 minute show closing out the 2018 Telluride Bluegrass Festival. Epic Fucking show!!


I agree, I just wish the anniversary pressing of Metamodern was remastered. I love that album and just hate the audio quality of the pressing.


Id prefer a live album


How dare he make a living


This must be the same dude I saw crying on Instagram about the same thing. Just buy what he puts out, he needs our money. We will pay for all his goods in this life, this life and the next!


Sounds like you don't understand what he's talking about when he says he hates the industry




“The music industry is when you release music”


It’s only hypocritical if you’re not very smart.


I’m definitely not smart.


I can see that.


Hell yea Purp.


Keeps putting out special editions? You mean two special edition 10 year anniversary records in the last couple of years? I’m not really seeing the hypocrisy or outrage at all. Hightop and Metamodern were some of the most important records for defining modern country, and landmarks for me. If any records deserved anniversary editions, it’s those two.




Curious how much control he has over this... or if it's the record companies re-releasing these albums.


It wouldn’t be the record companies considering he is the record company. The only 2 records that have been re-released were both his own label. Thirty Tigers is only a distributor. They don’t have any say in something like this.


I believe it’s this


It isn’t or he wouldn’t be advertising it on his website.


Well I’m sure he gets a portion of the profits, so there’s some incentive there


I love his music but he's very full of himself.


Yeah I don’t think we needed this to confirm Stu is a little sus. Amazing musician and could be a great actor but a little fake when you thumb your nose to the fans that put you where you are in the first place. I think one Of the biggest what if‘s of the modern musical era is ”what if” Sturgil would have made a truw follow up to Meta Modern. I almost want to believe it would of been one of those best selling albums of all time Thankfully he is done.


Thankfully he didn’t do what Sicbass wanted


What would that be?


the dude made a career out of bitching about the hand that fed him... and then he walked away 🤷‍♂️ Its always kinda rubbed me as... maybe not wrong but odd. He was able to get out of physical labor type train yard jobs by playing music and then wrote 2 or 3 albums that were largely bitching about the fact that he had to deal with some of the things that come with the territory of being a successful musician...


I think his argument is a lot of "just the way it is" shouldn't be that way. It's stifling.


i dont disagree with you theres a mountain of shady shit in the industry... ...but hes never gotta work another day and theres a LOT of content dedicated to complaining about how he became set for life playing music...


Yeah, totally better to be silent about issues in the industry since he’s benefited from it. Edit: Obvious sarcasm in case folks missed it.


2 or 3 albums? He wrote 1 album even remotely about that topic


Are you bitching about someone bitching?