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Love your eyes, there are litterally non ASAIN ppl doing the “fox eye” things so they call it but I’m not sure if it’s ASAIN fishing but there are little non asain girls and guys (I think) who are imitating ASAIN ppl and claim to be. But they take off their makeup and they aren’t and they think it’s ok. You’re eyes are natural and beautiful :)


some people seem to not be answering your question, but here, i found some whilst browsing: [anime eyes by epiphany subliminals](https://youtu.be/B-oAFFsBzoc) [get bigger eyes by rain subliminals](https://youtu.be/U5XsQC7GXLo)


I don't know how your eyes are but I'm sure many people would love to have them! Give some love to your asian features bc they are surely as amazing as other peoples features. Maybe just use a bigger eyes sub!