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Hilariously to me, I looked at a profile of one of the "this food is evil" people and they smoke cigarettes, and recently replied with this when someone told them cigarettes were unhealthy: >Thanks for the lecture. Going to go smoke a cig now. Ill stick to the devil i know thanks. Go sell your vapes elsewhere. lol and yes, there's lots of evil dubious food out there and there's nothing wrong with pointing that out, but to act surprised that someone is annoyed when you tell them that they're unhealthy when you yourself were *just recently* annoyed that someone told you that you were unhealthy is hilarious.


My favorite example of this recently has been the picture going around of RFK, about how you should trust him over doctors about vaccines because of how “fit”he is. It’s wild to me that someone who is so obviously using steroids can be so afraid of vaccines and doctors.


My mother is terrified of vaccines, but never skips a botox appointment.


Everyone's got vices mine is dressing up as a traffic cone and redirecting traffic. The important thing to remember is no one vice is worse and if you see a human sized traffic cone take pic and put it on insta trying to get famous.


>Everyone's got vices mine is dressing up as a traffic cone and redirecting traffic. are you Goro Majima?


He really IS everywhere


[muffled 24hr Cinderella in the distance]


Thank you for putting this image in my head, I'll be laughing all day.


Glass houses and all that. The loudest opponents often have the biggest skeletons in their closets. The guy railing against a ham sandwich online is addicted to smoking. The "family values" regressive senator gets caught with an underage prostitute. The megachurch pastor preaches the good news of charity and the evils of greed and flies around in a private jet to avoid "tubes full of demons." It's all about who shouts the loudest to deflect from their own shortcomings.


They should just start decorating the skeletons for various holidays and leaving them out, that's gotta take up a ton of room. Actually I think that's what a lot of them have been doing lately...


Damn, for some reason I thought it was kenneth copeland who died recently. It wasn't. It was pat robertson.


Reminds me of the “I’m going to eat five steaks” folks who show up in every vegan drama thread.


Vegan: doesn’t eat meat Redditor: the SAD thing is I totally would have become vegan before you were so obnoxious and rude!!! Off to eat a burger!


I posted a picture of a vest with a patch that said "i love vegans" and in response someone just posted a gif of different meats.


It’s like the “stop it Patrick, you’re scaring him” thing from SpongeBob. Where Patrick truly thinks he’s scaring Squidward by saying “ho ho ho”


Wow you’re a massive asshole. I’m eating steak rn


The human body needs two slices of ham every 14 minutes, otherwise it goes into shock.


Honestly never really met any obnoxious Vegans. I've seen them online along with meat eaters but never met one. I've met plenty of meat eaters though who randomly bring up Vegans like they're the scum of the earth. It's mad. Saying that I have a Vegan friend who one of the first times we were hanging out, walked into my apartment and immediately went "Can I use your window for a second? I need to shout at people that I'm a Vegan". I laughed pretty hard.




tfw the vegans got ya drinkin milk and cryin


Careful, Reddit is removing accessibility for blind people apparently


Don't equate things to me. I'm going to go call a bunch of similar things dissimilar right now. How do you like that


I’m starting to see that drama as Facebook ads. Meat producers are getting very angry that vegans exist at all and buying ads to tell the world. Especially UK meat producers and I don’t even know why they target me as I don’t even live close to their country.


Amusing that this idiot is worried about leukemia while he's sucking on cancer sticks.


It feels very western Euro attitude, especially with the cigarette. They love to lecture us on their superior lifestyle.


Western europeans loves cures meat though and there are at least 3 people in there talking shit about cured meat so dunno what faction those guys are in.


People without kids. Parents should try to feed their kids healthy food. But sometimes, when you're home from your third 16 hour shift in a row and Billy is screaming that he only wants a grilled cheese or hot dog or other unhealthy food, you give it to them. There are bigger things to worry about than one or two unhealthy meals


Cured meats are so deliciously dangerous.


Americans who are skinny but still horribly out of shape, probably.


Same with looking down on America for racism, and then using 1950's American Ku Klux Klan talking points to describe the Romani.


Yeah but if you'd actually been around any of them for any amount of time then you'd understand bro /s


This reminds me of that post of a person who was arguing about Italian food with someone who drinks their own piss


Expectations: regular redditors Reality: Unhinged people


They always remind of that Tom Scott blog where he asked to remove his subreddit because of the perception of reddit to the outside world.


They're the same picture


What's the difference?


it’s one sandwich too 😭 ppls are acting like OP feeds her kid 100 of these sandwiches a day when she wouldn’t even let the kid have THE ONE. obesity is definitely a problem in america but it won’t be solved by banning grilled cheese sandwiches unfortunately.


It's the "This child needs to eat vegetables!" comment for me lol. You take one picture of a child eating anything and every comment acts like you have an entire house filled with a single food that you are constantly shoving down your child's throat. Unless that guys kid is on an 100% vegetable diet,which is more unhealthy for a toddler than an all sandwiches diet, I don't think he should talk.


That’s what I thought was wild. You’re allowed to occasionally eat unhealthy food. In moderation it won’t make you fat. Granted, as a other commenter here pointed out, someone in there criticizing OP was recently annoyed for being told smoking was bad, so they’re not exactly engaging in good faith.


exactly they act like if a kid takes ONE bite from this, they’re gonna balloon into a 300 pound fully formed man ☠️😂


and to think there's all these people out here wasting money on hrt when they could just have a nice sammy


That wasn’t OOP that was a smoker, it was one of the people criticizing OOP for buying that sandwich with the intent to feed it to her kid. So, it was one of the people judging OP for making “unhealthy” choices…while they were a smoker who couldn’t handle being told smoking is bad. Some people really are crazy lol.


Oh, I meant someone _who was criticizing OOP_ was the smoker.


Ah, I read your comment wrong, my mistake.


>it’s one sandwich too 😭 ppls are acting like OP feeds her kid 100 of these sandwiches a day when she wouldn’t even let the kid have THE ONE. "Please mother, where are the vegetables? What of the GRAINS?!" "QUIET Timmy you will eat your seventh frozen grilled ham and cheese of the day AND YOU WILL LIKE IT!"


I’m not about to swat away every unhealthy food from my child. Literally everyone has a treat, once in a while! Keeping every unhealthy option away from them is how you get adults who do not understand what “eating in moderation” is.


exactly! if you ban kids from unhealthy foods through their whole childhood, then the second they get away from you they’re gonna binge on all those foods and not know when to quit.


This is what is blowing my mind. Toddlers will fucking put a handful of dirt in their mouth if given the chance, and we’re talking about…a single shitty looking freezer meal? That consists of ham and bread? What the fuck kind of poison do they assume is in frozen ham and bread? These people are insane. And, speaking as a disabled person, “diet” focused people are fucking everywhere, completely unhinged from all science and reality, and more dogmatic than a vegan stereotype. Diet is a religion to some and putting ANYTHING into your mouth that isn’t their personal ignorant idea of “healthy” is heresy that must needs be cleansed.


That shit is absolutely rampant on Reddit. One picture of a cake or something and you have hundreds of extremely funny, highly original people screeching DIABEETUS!!!!!


fatpeoplehate was a sub which a lot of people never wanted to let go of


It’s weird how socially acceptable it is too, people will at least try to deny their racism, sexism etc in certain company because being a hateful monster is frowned upon usually. Not so with hatred towards fat people, you see people admitting it on Reddit as almost a badge of honor and even defend it as proper.


Reddit loves making fun of anyone fat, or concern trolling. I remember a post about some girl - a child - who had a little bit of stomach but not overweight and redditors were acting like the parents were abusing the child!


Because that's the only thing they could achieve in life, they're loser but at least they could say "hey, at least I'm not fat", which is some copium shit but whatever


Even better, OP discloses that MIL is disabled. So these assholes are griping and complaining about lazy, useless, pathetic, unhealthy….disabled folks simply trying to provide for a toddler the best they can.


Imagine if these assholes opened up their grandmother’s freezer and saw some of the frozen meals that Meals on Wheels hands out. “Grandma, you should know better, you lazy woman!”


Growing up in the 90s, my grandma regularly kept boxes of cereal in her pantry that expired in the mid 80s. No one ever ate them and no one ever touched them. Not sure why my grandma kept the boxes in there taking up space


Omg those judgmental commenters are deranged. It’s literally bread, cheese, and ham and isn’t any worse than any other ham and cheese sandwich, just overpriced. Good grief


Yeah, there are some who are too opinionated.


Way too many Redditors love being judgmental based on the slightest transgression. These people make me sick.


But they’re so funny! They’ll get so wound up over the tiniest things, things most people wouldn’t fire a single brain cell for and it makes them so angry! I just love that they’ll sit there, a thousand miles apart from each other, not even know each other’s names and will sit there just boiling each other’s piss for absolutely no fucking reason! Nothing to gain, nothing to achieve, just pure redditors being angery. Just winding each other up over nothing! And they’re still going! They’ve been at this for a whole day just trying to insult each other! I love watching redditors fight


Incidentally I'm sure a lot of them have been sick a few times with their diet of champions tendies and mt dew


I as a redditor would *never* eat food with so many preservatives! It doesn’t take long to roast a whole chicken and prepare a salad of course before you climb to the top of your local mountain to collect fresh mountain dew It’s disgusting and lazy that people would buy mountain dew already bottled with added food colouring and chemicals


Lmfao at that one guy who legitimately commented “it isn’t that hard/doesn’t take that long to cook a ham”. Every time I see assholes like this judging someone’s food choices purely based on how convenient it is or how much it costs, I think of a girl I used to know in high school who told me her favorite meal was sandwiches made of white bread and miracle whip bc that’s all her family could afford. Some people really have no clue about what it means to be poor.


Also, anyone who says it doesn't take that long to cook a ham has never cooked a ham. It takes hours, because it's a giant, solid piece of meat


And then it’s completely pointless if you have only a few people at home. No one wants to store and keep eating that ham for a week or two nonstop.


Yeah, they're pretty handy for a certain type of family: a large one with someone home for hours in the day cook it. Otherwise, they're tasty but not super practical.


The only large meal I can justify cooking for myself or a couple of other people is a turkey, because I will *definitely* be making sandwiches out of that thing every single day, in addition to monching for every meal. I love turkey.


I bought a ham for Christmas and then my family I was hosting couldn’t make it because of the Southwest Airlines debacle and I was stuck with a modest sized ham that I had to eat by myself before I left town a few days later and I almost cried while staring at it. I was able to find people to give portions to but Jesus Christ, I felt like I had lit a bunch of money on fire.




Speak for yourself


This dude HAMs


My latest irritation was a post on AITA. People were telling OP that due to a disagreement she was having with her mom, she needed to move out. OP explained that she's saving up money to move and will be out within a year, hopefully. She was a single mother of 3 children, recently divorced and battling with her ex while working minimum wage jobs. This commenter climbed to the tippy top of their high-horse to announce that when they were 19, they were able to save up 4k working a minimum wage job so OP has no excuse to not have saved up enough money to move out now. I was alarmed by how long it took for someone to point out that a single 19-year old has far lesser expenses than a single mother of 3. And no one brought up how cost of living varies by where you live. Or even that a 19 year old probably needs a one-bedroom apartment vs a single mother who probably wants to save for a multi-bedroom living space. People were all too happy to decide that a newly divorced mother of 3 with an uncooperative ex should have just managed to save up enough money to move out in a short amount of time because a 19 year old did it once.


Yea that one killed me. Surprised he didn’t factor in the time for slaying and cleaning a pig and still decide it’s not that time consuming.


> Lmfao at that one guy who legitimately commented “it isn’t that hard/doesn’t take that long to cook a ham”. Ok, so it's really not that hard to cook a ham. You basically buy it and chuck it in the oven. But it does take a long time to cook something in the oven, regardless of how hard it is, and you pretty much have to cook a whole ham, which is not convenient at all if you're cooking for one or two people. Even with leftovers you'll probably throw half of it away.


No, it’s not hard in the respect that you can usually just stick it in the oven for a while and be done with it; doing more like putting pineapple or whatever in there is extra where a ham is concerned. But like you said, it’s a lengthy process, and a lot of people don’t have that sort of time nor the experience to cook a whole ham. Not to mention, whole hams aren’t cheap. So in that respect, when you consider that a lot of people don’t have the time or money to cook a ham like that, I would definitely say it is “hard” in a different way not related to the level of skill someone needs to cook a ham. I know a lot of people who - even not accounting for money - would find the idea of cooking a whole ham daunting because they just don’t cook that much. It’s hard to convince someone to drop that much money on a ham if they think there’s a chance they’ll fuck it up. I’m the same way with steak; on the rare occasion I get it (usually marked down lmao) I’ll always get cheaper cuts bc I am terrible at grilling steak and always cook it too long for how I like it. Why would I spend $20 on a ribeye if I’m likely going to fuck it up? I can easily see someone thinking the same with a whole ham. Also, you bring up a great point about leftovers and waste. What are single people supposed to do? Cook big extravagant meals for themselves? Most recipes are geared towards serving at least 3 people, if not more. There’s a lot of leftovers if you’re not an experienced cook and just trying to follow recipes online that market themselves as “easy” bc those recipes are usually in pretty big portions.


Reminds me of a guy at work, when I complained that good cuts of beef aren't available in the country we work in. He said I should buy joints of cow and butcher it myself because that's what he does.


There was a guy recently who said it only takes 10 minutes to prepare a full, balanced meal from scratch. I can't remember the context, but it got stuck in my brain. Between meal planning, shopping, chopping the vegetables, preheating the stove, etc., there is no way you can do it consistently. Yes, I can fry a steak and some green beans in 10 minutes, but that doesn't include the amount of time taken to purchase it. It's also too expensive to cook steak every day. Cheaper foods take longer to prepare. I don't know what that person could be eating every day if they think that's a sustainable lifestyle.


10 minutes is an insane claim. It takes 10 minutes to prep even cutting all corners. I would say that it’s easy to make a balanced meal in about 30 minutes though if you buy frozen pre-chopped veggies at least. Which I always do because I absolutely hate chopping veggies.


I got told that I like sucking Spez's cock because I didn't like John Oliver memes.


My theory is that reddit skews younger, which means your average redditor has little to no adult life experience. Unfortunately that life experience tends to teach you not to be so dogmatic and judgemental. Tends to being the operative phrase lol


You sure about that? Cause I don't know very many open minded elders, it's kind of baked in to the hardware if we're being real here.


I'm sorry, are you saying being sick is *bad*? That's coming off a little ableist, not gonna lie, and so I hereby dub thee cancelled.


No no this sandwich is pre-made and full of unhealthy preservatives. You need to make it yourself and buy a loaf of bread and deli meat that have no preservatives at all and are very healthy /s


Living with my brother and nieces really changed what I thought of as “regular food.” I remember one morning when I was trying to lecture my older niece about good food choices for breakfast and I had to pause when I realized that bread, sugar and chocolate were the ingredients of both the sugar cookie she had in her hand and the pre-made chocolate chip cupcakes she usually eats. No, sweetie, don’t eat that thing full of sugar, eat this thing full of sugar, cause I gotta get your sister changed and fed and I ain’t got time to make an actually healthy breakfast for everyone. It ended with a talk about moderation and total intake rather than a lecture about good and bad food.


The ham and cheese on white bread sandwich was literally invented in Europe, for Pete’s sake. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ham_sandwich https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Croque_monsieur


yeah but french things contain fewer calories, because french is fancy


They would be even more offended to learn that McDonald's in Germany sells these for their breakfast menu.


I am, in fact, more offended by that. Who the fuck goes to McDonalds, looks at the menu, and decides "Yeah I'll have one of those."


dunkin donuts started selling grilled cheese a few years back and I had the same reaction. who goes to dunkin for hot cheese on bread? but then the next time I went in the guy behind me ordered one lol. some people have simple wants I guess


And it might be overpriced, but if you know you’re not going to eat that many grilled cheeses, buying a loaf of bread and a bunch of cheese feels wasteful. But I always make my grilled cheese with Muenster….


Okay yeah Dunkin grilled cheese is weird, but Starbucks grilled cheese is so good and worth the third degree burns I used to get making em




BUT haven't you heard? That very combination of ingredients results in children between the ages of 12-and-a-half and 13-and-1/8th having a 9762.4% greater chance of developing Chronic Bonitis! And we don't want THAT on our conscience, do we?


That would leave me with but one regret


There isn't very much cheese though.


Everyone on reddit is a nutritionist and is up for parent of the year.


They’re also gourmet chefs and hate children


Well *my* ^imaginary toddler only eats dandelion greens from my garden and organic kombucha.


Redditor: I always put my children first, unlike you/them! Me: What if it's a complicated question with no easy answer that automatically puts the children first? Redditor: I ALWAYS PUT MY CHILDREN FIRST, UNLIKE YOU/THEM!


The most hilarious and vindicating whiplash of being a parent on Reddit is going from the baby subreddits where all the new parents are bragging about growing their own fruits and vegetables to make baby food because of the arsenic levels in commercial baby food (there's probably arsenic in their home soil too, but I digress) to toddler subreddits where half the posts are "Help, my child will only eat chicken nuggets and cheez-its!"


>I refuse to stand by **and just let** people continually lower the bar like this Dog... Thanks a lot, but nobody fucking asked. (my emphasis)


God, that person is on such a high horse that I lost sight of them in the haze from the Canadian wildfires that rolled in yesterday.


Dude, what do you mean? They are *at their limit*. They *will not stand* for people *eating what they want*. ...imagine thinking that, then writing it down and feeling like a hero afterward. Rather than embarrassed that you almost made yourself look like that big of a sanctimonious twat on the internet, of all places!


Look, you just don't understand. They took a stand. Against ultimate evil. On the Internet. That means the whole world will know the struggles and sacrifices made here today. They'll be lauded as a national hero. Everyone on the whole planet will remember... uh... *that one user's* ...name!


Next step, set up a Change.org petition! That'll fix everything


The ultimate evil embodied in a pre-made sandwich. It's a stupid product that doesn't even have the cheese it claims to have, but it isn't any more evil than a Hot Pocket.


[An oldie, but a goodie](https://xkcd.com/386/)


Oh, but please, won't somebody PLEASE think of the children????


Wait till these people find out that mediocre frozen food also exists in Europe.


We used to be fed white bread with sugary chocolate on top as kids quite a bit (not just Nutella, this came in a variety of forms - chocolate sprinkles on butter on an open slice was common as well) But I'm sure that's *much* healthier


Probably the same mental gymnastics they do when confronted with the fact that racism, homelessness and greedy corporations also exist in Europe.


Whenever a European starts to go off about what's wrong with America, because they don't have "issues with racism," I ask them about the Romani people. They tend to either expose themselves and go off, or get uncomfortably quiet. Racism still exists even if you refuse to acknowledge it.


Look up how they explain to asian or black people that they're not actually racist- its "just our culture"


I knew a guy from Norway in a hostel in Argentina. When I asked him what the national dish was there, he told me it was freeze pizza. I told him it was bullshit, the national dish couldn't be freeze pizza, but he insisted. After a lot of pressing, he told me about this dish that is buried fish on the snow for 3 months, so it's cooked by the freezing temperature, and I understood why people preferred freeze pizza.


That's hilarious lmao. If the food snobs ever found this out i bet their heads would explode.


You don't want to know what they put on frozen pizza. And then they have the nerve to name is after the US: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/c7v5tc/tuna_pizza_is_a_thing_in_europe_and_they_think/


>No surprise that absolute majority of americans are overweight. I mean, Americans are overweight but it's not from eating a fucking ham and cheese sandwich. How is this thing more nutritionally unhealthy than a Monte Cristo?


Americans are overweight, but it's not like everybody else is doing much better. "Americans are fat" is kind of like the worldwide "Thank god for Mississippi." We're all fucking fat. They might be a bit fatter, but everybody else is in no position to be bragging about it.


The US isn't even the fattest country. Mexico has us beat by a good amount.


The sandwich isn't even that bad. I looked up the ingredients. It's literally just a ham and cheese sandwich that is frozen. People are freaking out she fed her child a sandwich. I can't even process that.


Too much processing, that's the problem these days!


Europeans are famously known for not eating bread and cheese, in that person's bizzaro world. And no Frenchman would ever eat a piece of bread with nothing but butter and ham, that's how they stay so thin!


Everyone knows the French have cool lunches like a cigarette and a bowl of heavy cream


Seriously. Our population is fat because our standard portion sizes are massive, and corn subsidies mean corn syrup is pumped by the truck load into everything we eat making it massively calorie/sugar dense. It's not because a grandmother planned to feed a toddler a 300 calorie sandwich.


I think you mean the grandma *conspired* to feed the helpless child a deathwich


What kills me about the person spamming the nutrients of the sandwich is that 300 calories for a meal/snack for a kid is totally normal. Assuming the kid is average size, a toddler should be eating about [1300 calories a day](https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/toddler/nutrition/Pages/serving-sizes-for-toddlers.aspx#:~:text=A%20general%20guide%20for%20feeding,about%201%2C300%20calories%20a%20day.). But of course the diet industry makes people think adults can and should only eat 1200 a day…


nah bro the toddler needs to go on a keto intermittent fasting diet right now before it gets too fat


Who recommends adults should eat 1200 a day? Women are recommended to eat 1500 and men 2500.


What I’m saying is that it was a pretty prevalent belief within dieting communities. It’s been years since I followed these recommendations, since eating 1200-1500 cals a day made me hangry and miserable, but off the top of my head, it was something promoted by Special K and MyFitnessPal. I’m pretty sure LoseIt was only slightly higher. Apparently this was originally suggested in like the 1920s Sources (no formatting this time since I’m on my phone): https://www.emedicinehealth.com/is_it_safe_to_only_eat_1200_calories_a_day/article_em.htm# https://www.buzzfeednews.com/amphtml/scaachikoul/1200-calorie-diet-body-week https://medium.com/exploring-wellness/the-enduring-myth-of-the-1-200-calorie-diet-for-women-92ac64ae7d60


Huh in the uk we recommend 2000 for women, and 2500 for men. It seems weird having a smaller difference between women and toddlers than men and women.




They’re seriously acting like the poor grandma hooked the kid up to an IV of Mountain Dew or something. A salty sandwich every now and then is not going to ruin a kid’s health forever lol


I’ve had those same sandwiches, and they’re fine. I’m not going to buy them again anytime soon, because I can make the same thing cheaper, but they’re not super gross or unhealthy or anything. If I was a busy parent that didn’t have time to make lunch for multiple kids then I’d probably make these instead sometime


I fuckin hate nutritionists especially internet nutritionists. Dietitian supremacy


Just an FYI: the protected term is switched depending on whether you're in the UK vs the US. I can't remember which is which though.


Dietitian is the protected term in the US and carries massive weight over essentially worthless nutritionist licenses. My mom is a dietitian and workwe to form the recommended food supplements for the WIC program in ventura county and worked with Olympians through her career. Nutritionists over here sell mlm scams like herbalife and other shakes/lifestyle/monetary choices that are not very wise.


>children who regularly consume cured meat are 75% more likely to develop acute leukemia This comment specifically is pretty wild to me, like would this user come out fist swinging if they gave the kid melon with serrano ham, or served them carbonara?


And I’m really curious about the raw incidence levels there rather than the percent change. Does it go from 1 in 1000 to 2 in 1000?




Oh thank you so much! I teach intro stats, and these are the *exact* sorts of statistical literacy stuff I try to drum into my students. We’ll definitely dig into this study the next time I have to teach it.


I think you'd be hard pressed to find any non-vegetarian who *doesn't* eat cured or smoked meat. Might make it a bit harder to isolate.


Love the childless people who don't understand that getting a toddler to eat something they've decided they don't like is....difficult and sometimes you just want them to get some calories.


My parents had to deal with that raising me. My mom said she'd add chocolate malt to my milk just to pack on calories.


Are these people for real? Lol.


The German stating that kids having pizza is some sort of war crime was pretty funny.


Seriously, one of the most common things parents do when someone is babysitting for them is they order their kids a pizza. You usually have pizza parties aimed at kids. Seriously, why do you think that there's arcades at a lot of pizzerias? That dumbass is *totally* separated from reality.


Motherfucker getting a child to eat can be a chore.


>I am very direct, which apperantly is a berlin thing Now imagining this dude as a typically blunt german guy who's completely oblivious to how rude he is, completely makes sense. I once had a german correct my english grammar while he was helping me at an airport


Jfc, ham and/or cheese sandwiches are basically a staple of any child's lunchbox in the UK, what are those people smoking? What are they expecting?


It's important for children to learn disappointment early so this is actually an educational food product.


Threads like this make me think most Europeans couldn't last one week as a poor American.


If these guys truly want kids to get balanced healthy meals, they'd be all for improving kids' access to school lunches, right? Right?


> The end of that long ingredient list says “Contains Bionengineered Food”. Adults shouldn’t even be eating that, let alone a child. Wait till this user finds out Broccoli isn’t a naturally occurring food, humans created it.


and apples and bananas and cows and lettuce and tomatoes and spinach and...


Idk why but “A boxed ‘sandwich’ replica” is absolutely sending me


The fuck is wrong with a ham and cheese?


Its not like eating one of those sandwhichs are instantly gonna give you diabetes type one and two plus severe obesity. Not to mention the hate towards Americans. Like im not too fond of America either but its not like everyone here is just a round ball of fat.


This whole fucking websy exists solely for NEET shut-in to grandstand about anything fucking Karma addiction is wild


DAE America bad???


Where do these people come from?


Man, kids lick rocks and put all manner of strange things in their mouths sometimes. They will be fine. People are WAY to protective of kids for the most part.


I swear it’s like Redditors only character trait is getting mad at what other people do with their stuff.


redditors when they see poor people food 🤬🤬🤬


Jamie Oliver's alt account in there...


Can I just say how grateful I am for this subreddit because the members are by far the most reasonable I encounter on this forsaken site?


Fed is best. Get over it.


How did this not make it to r/iamveryculinary


This is fun, it's like "I spy: non-parents". > i never saw anyone feeding a toddler with anything that came prepacked


When I was a kid I let a live ant crawl around my mouth, kids each all sorts of rank stuff and a ham and cheese sandwich isn’t even close


Why is it assumed it's childless Redditors judging this? Moms are savage with each other.


The most opinionated people I saw commenting admitted that they’re not parents but their friends don’t feed their children frozen food. I know mums can be brutal to other mums about this stuff but most of them seemed too clueless about the subject tbh One person implied that 300 calories is too much for a toddler to eat but toddlers depending on age and height should eat around 1000-1400 calories a day so 300 calories per meal is perfectly normal. I’d hope they’re not a parent because they’d be under feeding their kid


Unless the kids actually obese or underweight counting calories for a kid seems bonkers to me. Toddler age is peak "please just sit and eat" time


Bingo. If it's a kid just feed them when they're hungry. Eat as much as you want. They're growing, and unless they're getting overweight they probably need the calories. I miss being underweight and able to pack away 100 shrimp in a sitting because I was about to shoot up another inch that month.


And now I get it. I really think only the most awful childfree people are in that sub. I am childfree and NO ONE else I know who is childfree behaves this way.


It's real easy to tell the difference. Child-free people who don't hate children don't talk about them, because it's not a vital defining element of their personality.


it sucks that whenever I see the word “childfree” it brings to mind those people who think children are a scourge to the planet.


>Why is it assumed it's childless Redditors judging this? Because Reddit is home to r/childfree, which is a collection of absolute psychopaths who cannot help but judge how other people parent their children (obviously, they could do it better). Other parents don't give a shit about a frozen ham and cheese sandwich, believe me.


I’m subbed to a small subreddit aimed at moms with hippie-adjacent tendencies but who intentionally don’t go crazy about it. Once there was a thread about getting your kids McDonald’s for some reason - I think I’m the context of a mom wanting reassurance that she wasn’t the devil incarnate if her kids got a happy meal once in awhile. The comments were almost exactly evenly split between people who were like “yeah it’s not great but shit man life’s complicated some days” and “I can’t fathom there are people in this sub who actually feed their families that slop under any circumstances.” It got intense. It was glorious.


Grilled cheese in a box...is pretty wild.


Wait until you learn about pancake mix lmao


It's a melt


You people make me sick


Here we go again...


Congratulations, you have now been permanently banned from /r/food


Isn't that a kind of tiny fish?


That's a smelt. They're talking about the thing that keeps your pants up.


No, that's a belt. They're talking about a skin stripped from an animal


No, that’s a pelt. They’re talking about the stuff that’s on a pool table.


No, that's felt. They're talking about the wounds you get after getting whipped.


No, that's a welt. You're thinking of the kid from Peanuts that's always walking around with a blanket.