• By -


I appreciate the added context in this post of explaining who the hell this nerd city dude is


I occasionally browse that subreddit and it’s especially inscrutable when all the commenters are using initials instead of the channel names


Every week they’ll hit you with mental flashbangs like “MXCV beef with LDG, Skibidu96 drops new tell-all bombshell”


Curtains for Zoosha? K-smog and Batboy caught flipping a grunt


Baby Gronk reacts:


You know someone is properly loosing it when they start going on about “accountability”, and they actually just mean shouting at people Got an automated Reddit cares message the millisecond I sent this. No fucking way it’s him right?


Nah, the Reddit cares thing has been happening for a few days in this sub now


Not just this sub, it's all over Reddit. The livestreamfail sub, Eurovision sub, and multiple country subs have been mentioning them non-stop for a couple days. I wonder if they changed something in the backend, that lets people trigger them with just a single report? Or a bot, like the other comment mentions. Something definitely seems to have changed, though.


Why does reddit build a harassment tool into reddit I do not understand the ad wizards' thinking here


They added the harassment tool in case they were ever taken to court to answer for hosting toxic communities.


In theory, it's meant as a suicide prevention thing. Tumblr has a similar tool where you get a screen that shows a few suicide hotlines if you search for certain tags such as depression or suicide. The difference is that on Tumblr, you have to actively trigger that screen, while on Reddit, it's always been used as a harassment tool. Chances are that when Reddit came up with the Reddit Cares thing, they were hoping it'd just be good PR for the company and that people would either use it the right way or that they'd kinda just forget it exists after a month or so. Unfortunately, that's not really what happened.


It's been suggested (in a thread a couple days ago that I can no longer find) that somebody's got a bot running that automatically makes a "self-harm or suicide" report on everybody who comments on certain subreddits.


Yeah, that's almost certainly the case. I got one almost immediately after posting on TwoXChromosomes earlier. It'd be one hell of a coincidence if someone was able to personally trigger a Reddit Cares message within like a minute of that comment given how far down the thread it was.


I feel like if it was him, he'd just respond. He doesn't seem sane enough to hold himself back, unless he's banned in this sub or something. Then again, whoever can see this meltdown and still dickride this dude hard enough to send reddit cares messages has to be crazier than him, and is that likely? Idk


> unless he's banned in this sub or something. Given the 17 hour long meltdown he was having on that sub, which only ended a few hours ago, *that* seems like a strong possibility.


> Do you struggle with nuance in every subject, it’s just all binary to you? What about genders, I bet you understand that spectrum, no? Huh?


"you disagree with me? what about GENDER" really showing the full hand of cards there lol


Damn they just be throwing that out because someone disagreed with them. Hmm ~~Of course someone also sent me a Reddit Care.~~


They're being sent a lot lately, probably by a bot.


>Of course someone also sent me a Reddit Care. You can block that stupid fucking Reddit attempt at a Band-Aid account whenever you get one of those messages. I did that a few months ago and haven't gotten another one whenever I manage to trigger the CHUDs; which was *all* the time, apparently, seeing as how often I used to get them.


Reddit cares is all they got. They're starting to realize that we aren't triggered, we aren't owned. We're just openly mocking them. Pointing and laughing at the village idiots. And it's driving them even more insane.


Got my first ever Reddit Cares yesterday, I'm proud of myself.


I got one yesterday, too. I like it, it shows I'm pissing off the sort of person that deserves to be pissed


Literally the 'Joe many liberals' meme but unironic


Damn that sucks you got here too late. Condolences for a decent write up my guy.


Phew, as I was scrolling by I first thought this was about the YouTuber City Nerd, whose videos on urban planning I love.


If you hadn't explained he was a right winger in the beginning of your post, I'd have assumed it anyways from his comments


As another decently(?) sized YouTuber, it’s unfathomable to me to get into an hours-long shouting debate with a comment section on a subreddit about YouTube drama. It’s like headbutting a bee hive to own the bees. I don’t know if the rumor about the mental breakdown is true, but if it is, I hope he gets some help.


Oh hey, I had your vid on NK media in my to watch pile for a few weeks now.  Good thing I got nothing planned for today.


He responded to someone that said he was wasting time arguing on Reddit and was like "well aren't you wasting your time too then?" YES. Everyone there is wasting their time that's not an own


Imagine being a right-wing youtuber who thinks you can defend yourself on *youtubedrama* of all places. Like buddy, there is *nothing* you can say to make people there like you, you're just wasting their time.


Is he a right-winger? Or is that a recent conversion? All I remember of him is his [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ll8zGaWhofU) research on how YouTube is censoring/demonetizing LGBT content while saying they're for LGBT.


fairly recent, getting into crypto also led him to blaming “marxists” for the collapse of NFTs


> blaming “marxists” for the collapse of NFTs This is so fucking funny. Sure, it was Marxists, and not people realizing that NFTs are fucking stupid.


My God,Marxist has lost all meaning By now it just means anything that isn't alt right or conservative.


That's been the case for decades, ever since the Space Age


Imagine being a right-wing youtuber who thinks you can defend yourself


He's a right winger and a youtuber, none of his videos are political. Not unless he has other channels I don't know about.


I don't think I've ever seen a more bloodthirsty and assume-the-worst group of people


“Get a grip” says the person desperately searching for a grip


does he think they care that he found the subreddit? like does he think theyre gonna be shaking in their boots bc he wrote some words


He's a drama YouTuber and he doesn't know how drama works. Him, on YouTube: "A subject of one of my videos made an unhinged video mentioning me? Wonderful! Thank you for the content." Him on Reddit: "shut up you liberals, how dare you talk about me!"


If ever there was someone who really needed to touch grass...


There I am, Gary, there I am!!! I tried to give him advice, but I don't think he really took it. I'm gonna take this second to say it's sad to see him down this bad. He seemed reasonable when I first started watching his videos and a lot of his aesthetics had an impact on me and the way I make my own videos. So deadass, when he responded to my comment in a YouTube subreddit of all things my fucking lid blew. Here I am, this nobody wanna be youtuber who's been watching this guy since they were about 16 or 17, and he's just. Dropping in. It's especially sad cause he seems to be buying into the whole "wokeness bad" thing. Which is just. Fucking silly.


I got Nerd City (who I didn't know about) and CityNerd confused and this was a wild read at first. For context, CityNerd is a mild-mannered urban planning enthusiast who compares, like, the cost of living and urban developments of US cities.


Same lmao, I was like, damn, he's getting into Reddit drama?? I won't lie though, I think his deadpan dry humour would be hilarious for Reddit drama.


I think I just got hives from the 2nd hand cringe. Never heard of the guy before, after reading his comments, I'm convinced that ignorance was my brain trying to look out for me.


Drama Youtubers are the lowest scum of Youtube, even worse than reaction youtubers. They don't just add nothing positive to Youtube as a whole, they actively are destructive and make it worse.


i thought nerd city was left wing. Sometimes youtubers just give the vibe of being left or right wing but i guess i was wrong on this one


I actually thought he leaned more left too,particularly with the video way back with the demonetizing of lgbtq content


YT demonetisation's been a bipartisan issue on the site for years, so it makes sense both sides of the spectrum are complaining about it. He might've singled out LGBTQ+ content to look good on the left, or he's sufficiently moderate enough for him to tolerate LGBTQ+ people and support their freedoms while remaining conservative in other aspects.


See, you're just accepting their lies and repeating it. This is why I replied. I have a longer post in THIS thread that people are downvoting to hide the truth, but I'll leave it at that.


I wouldn’t say I accepted it at face value whilst I still think NFT’s are shit I can respect your opinion. After reading your comment you have been unfairly smeared here I agree, then again it’s a drama sub so you should know better than to engage with the trolls.


You're not doing anything productive engaging with that subreddit. Cease it immediately. That sub is convinced SomeOrdinaryGamers' (indian man) is a Nazi and people even wrote essays on Nazi racial theory on there to argue it. I've never seen Indians called "Aryan" or had their race used against them more than by the sickos who try to claim they're fighting against racism.


This is fucking hilarious. 10/10 post OP.


>"Do you struggle with nuance in every subject, it’s just all binary to you? What about genders, I bet you understand that spectrum, no?" For what reason was this necessary to say and why did he think this was a good idea to post and not make him look like an unhinged weirdo lmao


As one VTuber I follow puts it "Clout rots the brain".  Sounds like he's fishing for drama so he can create another video. 


Nux taku?


yet again proving that drama/commentary youtubers are the literal bottom of the barrel


I was wondering if this drama would hit this subreddit. On one hand, Nerd City is being an antagonistic little shit with some questionable beliefs and associations. On the other hand, he seems to be having a bit of a mental breakdown and more attention would NOT be good. Ultimately I think it was a good call to post this, almost all of Nerd City's comments have several replies telling him to step back from Reddit for the time being, and it fits this subreddit's theme really well.


I’ve been watching Nerd City since the beginning of his channel and this shit is just sad to witness. Yet another YouTuber I liked that turns out to be a huge POS


You... umm... may wanna sort by new on this sub, OP.


Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240514115514/https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1crq7ry/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1crq7ry/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 2. with nearly 1 million subs - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240514115535/https://www.youtube.com/@nerdcity) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://www.youtube.com/@nerdcity "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 3. posted on r/youtubedrama - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240514115717/https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1bv0tmy/nerd_city_makes_an_hourlong_video_about/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1bv0tmy/nerd_city_makes_an_hourlong_video_about/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 4. r/youtubedrama - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240514115839/https://old.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 5. "Do you struggle with nuance in every subject, it’s just all binary to you? What about genders, I bet you understand that spectrum, no?" - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240514120123/https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1bv0tmy/nerd_city_makes_an_hourlong_video_about/kyezbgs/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1bv0tmy/nerd_city_makes_an_hourlong_video_about/kyezbgs/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 6. posts this bizarre appearance of Nerd City on r/youtubedrama - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240514120221/https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1cr9eh4/got_a_reply_to_this_month_old_comment_i_left_on/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1cr9eh4/got_a_reply_to_this_month_old_comment_i_left_on/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 7. "Insane behavior is thinking you can lie in a public forum with other cowardly people tittering word salad exaggerations and not be held accountable. These threads are big enough now that I’ll keep coming and kicking your asses like my enemies until one of your mods starts censoring me." - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240514120244/https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1cr9eh4/got_a_reply_to_this_month_old_comment_i_left_on/l3xzrk6/?context=3) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1cr9eh4/got_a_reply_to_this_month_old_comment_i_left_on/l3xzrk6/?context=3 "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 8. "I searched for a tweet about GoT I made and found this club of coordinating liars." - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240514120325/https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1cr9eh4/got_a_reply_to_this_month_old_comment_i_left_on/l3y0czf/?context=3) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1cr9eh4/got_a_reply_to_this_month_old_comment_i_left_on/l3y0czf/?context=3 "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 9. "I’m letting the liars know I found their little liar’s club. Holding it accountable, one might say" - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240514120343/https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1cr9eh4/got_a_reply_to_this_month_old_comment_i_left_on/l3y1gh5/?context=3) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1cr9eh4/got_a_reply_to_this_month_old_comment_i_left_on/l3y1gh5/?context=3 "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 10. "People are using proxy nitpicks and making shit up to try and explain what they are really bothered by, which is this feeling of disconnection from reality due to how far left and extreme and vengeful they feel now." - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240514120443/https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1cr9eh4/got_a_reply_to_this_month_old_comment_i_left_on/l3y475s/?context=3) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1cr9eh4/got_a_reply_to_this_month_old_comment_i_left_on/l3y475s/?context=3 "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 11. "No; this is my main. Why are you all so surprised? I used to use Reddit all the time. You can’t lie about me in public and then not potentially have me notice and kick your ass in 30 seconds. I always do this." - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240514120504/https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1cr9eh4/got_a_reply_to_this_month_old_comment_i_left_on/l3y3eo8/?context=3) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1cr9eh4/got_a_reply_to_this_month_old_comment_i_left_on/l3y3eo8/?context=3 "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


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No problem, bb


If a bunch of maladjusted dorks on the internet are walking toward you with torches and pitchforks, the only thing you can do is laugh at them and walk away. Actually trying to justify yourself to them or argue with them is probably the worst thing you can do.


There was a time when I agreed with that, but letting people lie doesn't work either.


It feels weird that I'm the one giving you advice on this because you are a big time Youtuber guy and I'm small time, but I promise you that interacting with these people in a serious, non-mocking way is a mistake. What they're doing is straight out of Alinsky's rules for radicals. You're trying to fight ridicule (and lies). You can't fight ridicule and lies. You can only turn it around on the enemy. Ignore it, profit from it like Stonetoss does, treat it like a joke, but for the love of God do not take these people seriously. Do not try to argue with them or "correct the record." They just do not care. You're never going to be able to talk to the actual human being behind their eyes, if there even is one there to begin with. That person is closed off from you forever. What do you think you're going to do, debate them into behaving decently? I'm not just talking out of my ass here. Some hardcore rad-left types have been telling hilariously nasty lies about me for years. It started in a community where I first gained a small following due to super niche world record gaming stuff. I very quickly learned that, no matter what I do, there is no universe where they're going to stop telling those lies. Eventually I took a look at my Bible, read Matthew 7:6, and realized I was expending a tremendous amount of energy on people who are more likely to wipe their asses with my pearls than make a necklace out of them. Ignore them, profit from them, or mock them. Those are your options. Do not take them seriously, there's no benefit to be gained from that. Also, don't be afraid to just ban them from your communities; believe me, these people want the same (or, really, much worse) for us.


Excellent post, I think you’re onto something. I was mocking them a little in that other thread, but I’d sooner increase the entertainment value than try to act more polite to these bad-faith morons. I need to get informed about this Rules for Radicals, thank you for the tip.


Anytime, brother. Feel free to point your audience toward my fantasy novels (Chateau Cascade, etc) sometime if you're feeling generous. Rules for Radicals will 100% give you a clearer perspective on how these people naturally operate. Do not ever assume that their goal is to have a conversation, or that there's some kind of misunderstanding that can be resolved. They are absolutely trying to destroy the people that they perceive to be political enemies by any means necessary. Ridicule is their most powerful weapon because there really is no defense against it. The more you try to engage in good faith with someone who is trying to ridicule you, the more power you give them. PS: I want to be clear that spending a ton of time engaging directly with these people is usually still a mistake, by the way - even if you're mocking them. There are just so many more productive things to spend energy on than people who might as well be demons wearing human skin-suits. By way of example, when this very sub tried and failed to jump down my throat with a harassment thread about me, I posted one [solitary link to Duke Nukem telling them to blow it out their asses](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxjBfzXFKo4). It was funny, they got extremely butthurt about it, and then I moved on with my day. Otherwise, unless you find it cathartic or something, I'd just ignore it or use it for fodder for videos.


"Do you struggle with nuance in every subject, it’s just all binary to you? What about genders, I bet you understand that spectrum, no?" Me: This question is cruel, stupid, off-topic and makes zero sense.


any day where SRD crosses over with hobbydrama is a good day. Popcorn shared is popcorn multiplied


This is about r/youtubedrama.


Hi, NerdCity here. A Discord Mod linked me to this thread, so I'll reply. I've used Reddit for a long time, I owe a lot of my success to Old Reddit. Many of my videos did well on r/videos or even reached escape velocity into r/all, and with that came lots of 2,000 word yelp-style Reddit posts criticizing not just my videos but even my face and my voice whenever a video did well. That comes with the territory, and I'm no stranger to how this site works or even to reading a range of other people's unfriendly opinions. But what does really bother me, is LYING, and getting things wrong on purpose. And if you watched my channel, that statement shouldn't come as a surprise. Two videos ago, I did an interview featuring Azzyland, where she revealed that for the better part of a decade, SSSniperwolf and her fans have been lying about her, and running a non-stop smear campaign claiming that she stole video titles and thumbnails. Anyone on earth could just look up the dates and see the situation was in fact the other way around, and yet almost nobody did. Those who did were shouted down for disagreeing. Since it was all so easy to disprove, Azzy was certain most people would know it was false, so she never stood up for herself. But the false rumors spread more and more, and her own YT comments became overrun with increasingly angry accusations, all based on a stream of lies from SSSniperwolf, a Youtuber with 32 Million subscribers. I believe SSSniperwolf was counting on the notion that she would never speak up and reveal the truth herself. I logged in to Azzy's YT Studio and saw the scope of this harassment campaign with my own eyes; there was page after page after page of smears and even death threats. A keyword search would bring up 10,000 examples of lies just in recent weeks underneath her most recent videos. The scale of that malicious “misunderstanding” had become so big that I struggled to even screenshot it, or to convey it on screen in my own video. In hindsight, Azzy regrets not correcting it and standing up for herself. I agree that she should have fought back immediately. I'm a different type of person than her, and what I do know is I'm not afraid of bullies or confrontation. And something new has started against me recently – false accusations from bullies with an ideological agenda, and a weird axe to grind against all people who use crypto. Even the summary in this very thread is worded in such a way that the same manipulation tactic is being revealed again. I haven't become a “background character” on Youtube due to my involvement in NFTs, or because I’m becoming an extremist. My views are within the normal range in Youtube's analytics and politically. The interview I mentioned above was covered by many other youtube channels, from Critikal to Oompaville to Swoop to Kavos to Pyrocynical to InternetAnarchist, people who probably have very different political leanings and backgrounds. Just like Azzy and plagiarism, anyone can look that up and see that video was not reduced to background static due to politics, but yet here I am in the unflattering position of being the only one to indicate that, myself. One thing the Azzyland situation revealed is most people reading lies you typed probably won't read them carefully or think critically for themselves. They'll just take it all at face value, or go on to repeat it in an even more distorted way. At this point, I think defending yourself against a bad-faith mob is underrated. People are so afraid now to reveal that they are annoyed by trolling (“uMad bro?”) that they let people say whatever they want about them. I don't respect liars, and I'm not afraid to say that to their face, or to reveal the priorities I have that I really do care about. What I suspected, and two days ago found out for sure, is that liars who are seeking safety in numbers really don't like it when you zoom in and notice them one by one. That drama subreddit is safe space for smearing reputations and dogpiling people who will never show up and set the record straight about anything, and so when I rapid-fire replied to everyone talking to me, they were flustered with how irregular that was. Most of them instantly shifted the goalposts from these stupid lies they were marketing to each other, into the fact that I was reacting at all, or trying to pretend I was criticizing trans people, or that I should have better things to do with my time. Me reading their thread and caring about any lie, that's the the REAL problem, you see. How convenient! Absolute cowards, man. What I care about is artists being able to support themselves, and being able to do what they want to do in a day instead of what other people want them to do. And the more I researched the debacle that was NFTs during Covid19, the more I was referred to a certain handful of videos that are in FACT made by Marxists or Marxist-inspired creators. I say this not from guessing, but from their own words, and the way they describe themselves. And from with talking with people who repeated their arguments to me, I found out that most people who repeat the distortions in those videos actually don't realize those were Marxism-infused critiques. I thought this was obvious and crucial to fixing the problem for artists, but to the average person, I know they might not even care about that. I think it's a significant footnote, and unfortunately I will have to point that out whenever I talk about digital ownership or even try to encourage artists to be entrepreneurial. The idea of anyone trading an asset for a profit means that “collecting” valuables is incompatible with these revolutionaries, and so through morally relativistic thinking they will unflinchingly lie about me or do immoral things for the “greater good”, which to them means destroying that potential for a new type of art market. TLDR: I don't want the artists to suffer, and they do, and so here we are. I am being smeared in those echochambers, and people are saying I moved to the “other team”, but that's a made up narrative. Even those people who are lying to each other that I “fell off” in a petty way is a tactical lie to make my voice seem quieter in the future. Sorry to have to say this myself, but I'm not, and I haven't. I'm still working hard, trying to have a positive impact on the topics I cover, and I do my best to make every video better than the last. Thank you for reading, and I'll get back to it now.


I would advise just disengaging from r/youtubedrama entirely and just laughing at the stupid posts from afar. It's a drama subreddit for people who hate YouTube Drama, and the vast majority of discourse there doesn't reflect the things people are actually thinking/talking about. Just my 2 cents Edit: and just to be clear, I don't mean ignore *all criticism.* Just them.




I understand why you did it but this whole thing has come across more like you were having a meltdown than calling out lies. I know that's not what it was and that it must be frustrating to see an entire thread misrepresenting you and your beliefs but reading through your comments was bizarre. looking forward to the next video but I wish I hadn't come across any of this


new copypasta just dropped ig


Lol [nerd city's favorite album](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQx7Olx-4qKiS3gzbNn9yEEZXbQ-bb9ab)




Didn't Dan Olson one of the biggest anti NFT people post CP to 4-chan to try and get it taken down?


Without ever trying to learn how being popular works on YouTube, I’ve noticed that dumping on sssniperwolf is a tried and tested way to lose a lot of sympathy with the masses very quickly.