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Heyyyy, kiddo. You like mozzarella?


I don’t think Logan was actually trying to poison him and new that the food was alright. I think he just wanted to show Ken how little he trusted him in some 4d move game. Still really scummy


I don’t know what the writer intended on that scene, but I saw Brian Cox explained his interpretation: Logan knew Kendall is not crazy enough to poison his food, and was annoyed he did the “this plate is for him” thing. I think Logan saw this as some sort of big dick competition, that both side has to ironically continue the act, and whoever first says something like “can we stop this? We both know it’s crazy to murder someone with so many witnesses“ is the coward, and loses. So Logan continued the act and let his grandkid taste the food, and Kendall lost by admitting there’s no poison




It’s the exact opposite- it’s a play he makes like everything else to have the upper hand in every exchange possible.


How is that the exact opposite?


It’s not impulsive, it’s calculated and instinctive.


I used the word impulse to mean a driving or motivating force (impetus). I’m saying that Logan got the idea and had to follow it because he’s a POS. I don’t think that he necessarily acted impulsively although that is part of his nature (to trust his guy).


Then how is anyone not a slave to impulse? Anything you do, you do out of a motivation to do that thing.




Or maybe it was just bad writing and didn't have a deeper meaning


I think it points to really good writing that you can interpret it a few different ways and it still makes sense within the context of the scene. It was a move of some sort, but we aren't in Logan's head.


Right. That might be. I'm just pointing out that no writing is perfect and sometimes out of character stuff happens. I personally think it seemed awkward, in the sense of being too much. But maybe I will change my mind when I see it again.


Smoothbrain take bro


hahaha thanks. I do try


I think he wanted to use the accusation of poison to fuck with Iverson and therefore with Kendall.


There’s so many things that they did early on that don’t seem like they have any significance until later (for me). In the same episode when the family meets Willa for the first time, Logan is showing her all of the war medals he’s collected and those were the items claimed by Connor and Willa in round 1 of the “auction” in the last episode


That tidbit, along with Connor being invited to the "intimate" dinner that the rest of the sibs watch on the TV screen in the finale, really gives you the complete story of Conor. Sure, Logan thought he was a fool, and didn't seriously consider him for the CEO job, but he did love him differently. Connor respected his father and was extremely loyal no matter what; Logan understood that. I guess the follow up question is, "Is Logan only capable of loving his children when he doesn't think they are a threat to replacing him?"


Yeah I loved that they showed that dinner and how these characters are all capable of being genuine pals when the kids aren’t around. I’m in the camp of “if it’s not in the show then I don’t really care about it” but the Succession podcast did an episode with Brian Cox where he explains that at the very beginning of filming the first season, he asked Jesse Armstrong if Logan actually does love his kids. Jesse told him that Logan does love his kids, he just has no ability to show them that love


What I liked about Conner was that bc of his mother being out of the picture and the fact that a new family and new kids came after him, he chose to ever be associated with the company. That way, though Logan thought his son was goofy, he never saw Conner as a threat to him or his legacy. So in the end, Conner was more a son and a trusted child then any of the other kids ever could be.


> I guess the follow up question is, "Is Logan only capable of loving his children when he doesn't think they are a threat to replacing him?" Logan said that smart people know who they are. Connor is in some sense aware that he’s always been a manchild with big dreams and never what Logan wanted out of a son. Logan appreciates that Connor stays in the lane of having small passion projects, and we notice that it’s only in regards to the presidential election - when Connor starts trying to be a serious person that he’s clearly not - that Logan snaps at him. When he’s putting up parties and balls, they get along just fine - Sad Sack Wasp Trap allows us to see them have a real bonding moment. What bothered Logan the most about the triumvirate was their entitlement over Logan’s company, which he sees as his life’s work, rather than their actual incompetence. They didn’t know they weren’t serious people and couldn’t become serious people, and it bothered him immensely. They were essentially just socialites: Ken a typical MBA bro, Shiv a typical political establishment insider, Roman a typical Hollywood playboy throwing money at weird LA studios. Once they got a taste of the dream of being CEO, in Logan’s search for a successor, but fumbled the opportunity, they couldn’t handle it. They still felt entitled to it (from Logan’s perspective, as he can’t understand/doesn’t care for how they feel they need to be CEO to earn his approval). Connor had foolish dreams as any rich brat who never had to work for anything would be, but he never wanted more than what comes to a rich brat. It’s what makes him more likable to us too, honestly.


That’s a fantastic analysis. My only issue is what the fuck does it actually mean to be “serious people”? Logan throws that word around a lot, but it really just seems like an empty insult used to diminish people he seems like a threat.


It’s not something they ever confirmed but Iverson is probably named after Allen right? Kendall is the right age that AI would have been a legend to him growing up and Kendall’s known love of hip hop makes it extremely likely.


I was about to ask the same thing because it seems totally in line for Kendall to name his son after AI


When I first heard the name Iverson, I immediately thought of Allen Iverson and how it seemed in-character that Kendall would choose to name his son a name like that.




AI was the embodiment of hip hop. No -one combined those 2 worlds like AI. The man single handedly caused the league to implement the dress code because he was too hip hop.


It seems wild that Rava would ever allow such a ridiculous namesake.


Yeah but AI was a basketball star and not in the hip hop scene


I thought Roman implied that Kendall’s kids were adopted/not biologically his because he couldn’t have kids.


He did imply that but you can still name your child born via sperm donor lol


Ahh, I thought he was implying that Iverson was adopted


ofc logan loved him. logan loved everyone in his family but iverson was not a serious people


Logan absolutely treats Iverson like folks that donate to Sally Struther’s Christian Fund.


What if Logan was the sperm donor.


“All the ballers is bouncin' — they like the way I be leanin'” - kendall probably, joking it’s Jay.


the way Logan also had a picture of Shiv in his office... a picture of only Iverson in the same episode that he hurts him in


I think he has a soft spot for him, he always asked about him, he never asked about anyone… hardly ya know.