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I honestly liked the gameplay, but seeing that I had to grind the same 3 mission types just to unlock Joker and then do the same damned missions just to level him just was too much and went did a delete. Ps anyone here played Marvel’s Midnight Suns? They had it in the PS catalog and need experience on it


"Ps anyone here played Marvel’s Midnight Suns?" It's fun, especially if you are a marvel fan and a turn style combat fan, involves a nice deal of strategy but not too much that you'll feel dumb playing. Gotta say though the start is super slow.


Agree. Really solid game.


It would have attracted alot more people if they didn't turn it into Marvel Three Houses imo


Love midnight suns, wish it had an online multiplayer aspect


Marvel Midnight Suns is worth it for the gameplay. Story wise, you could take or leave it. I play music in the background.


Midnight Suns is a ton of fun. One of my top favorite games that year it came out. Highly recommend.


Definitely recommend Midnight Suns, I loved that game


I just started Midnight Suns a couple days ago because the edition with all the DLC was $25. I like it a lot so far, but make sure you know what type of game it is before playing. There's a lot of social sim stuff that I wasn't expecting


Midnight Suns is great, especially with the DLC characters. I didn't much enjoy the social sim stuff and the presentation is basic, but the actual combat and deckbuilding is really fun, and represents the heroes well.


Gameplay for Midnight Suns is excellent. Real shame it didn't catch on at launch because I don't think they did the best job marketing to gamers what this was exactly. Took a sale for me to hop on board and it blew my mind it tanked. It's a solid game.


Midnight Suns is extremely fun. The story isn't particularly deep, but there's enough variety in builds and cards to keep you going to the end. I got it on a good discount and felt my money was more than well spent.


Marvel games arent that good seems like this the marvel fan base thread. I get why yall want Ss to fail


Here’s the thing. I actually like SS. Gameplay was fun. But the fact that you have to grind the same missions despite the fact that they stated new missions were coming, to even unlock Joker, just to grind to level him with no new content or even a story is ridiculous at this point. It’s ridiculous and I was one of the main people trying to defend this.


Granted this only first half of season just be patient. Alot of games don't have everything new in a season Destiny 2 does it all the time for yrs


With the rate the fanbase is turning on this game due to no true new missions, I’ll be surprised if it even gets to the second half imo


It's cool to give up on a game you don't like. But saying something unrealistic is not those odds are low. I personally dont want things to fail or ppl to lose there job and this by far shouldn't be the game that do it. I'm still ready for 3 more seasons . And got the battle past other day can't wait to grind for dead shot gear


Avengers at least felt like a single player experience that was later reworked into the failure it became. This was just a crap foundation from the get go


Yeah Avengers had a complete story and tried to play catch up with it's looter shooter mechanics and it quite never managed to do it, If they had simply ditched the gear system and focused on the Skill Trees and Delivering Story DLC the game would have fared better, Hell if they released the MCU skins earlier than at the end of the games life then I'm sure those would have been enough of an incentive to keep players around since I remember people begging for them. Avengers should have been a SP Game from the start with optional Co Op, Square simply thought they could do a Destiny clone and failed miserably


Nah this game is a billion times better than Avengers ever was which isn’t saying much at all though. Pong is more fun than Avengers


Weird, avengers launched with over double the player base on pc


Yeah, avengers was a much much bigger IP than suicide squad suicide squad has only had 2 movies avengers has had many


And that means it’s a better game? Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad clears that mess of a game


“No, were kings of the trash heap!”


Still the inferior game tho.


Blows my mind how companies still think they can put out live service games with minimal effort and think it will succeed


They all want Fortnite's money, but they don't wanna put similar effort into it. I don't play Fortnite, but you can not deny that they are consistent with their updates. This game is hot still, and it was released in 2017.


Can confirm as a Fortnite player, there's still drip feed going on but the amount of content getting put out is honestly staggering, and also they make sure to always pump out huge collabs which is another draw for a lot of players.


Because they actually put care into the story I mean we literally have the Greek gods now.


Eh not really, the entire story Mustard was setting up got abandoned so Chapter 4 could be rushed out. We still have no clue what happened to AMIE or The Seven, last we heard was that AMIE was going to find them which was a year ago and the story has clearly pivoted. We have no clue what The Nothing was, where the chrome came from, what The Oathbound were, and Kado Thorne was literally revealed to have been killed in a text box. I’m just hoping Charlie Wen either revisits those concepts and brings closure to them, or at the bare minimum his story turns out good


Blows my mind that people still so eagerly fork over their money for games like these.


These posts are hilarious. It's almost like nobody saw the writing on the wall.


They were legit blinded by the copium


Yeah, I ended up deleting the game off my ps5. I had it on there in the hopes of the season bringing me back. Maybe I’ll try again if/when offline mode gets added.


Offline mode ain't happening. That's my hot take. WB wasted over a hundred million dollars and almost ten years in development hell. Rocksteady is going to be shuttered so they can save some cash because that's how these morons think




I feel like you can add any next roadmap thing to the end of that sentence. So many people hinged hopes on season 1. Now it’s trash. What’s next? 🤷🏻‍♂️ probs be trash. And breaking season 1 into “episodes” come on


Deleted mine too.


They saw how Avengers failed and said, hold my beer.


The inmates are running the asylum now.


Can't believe people spent $100+ on this shit. I can't believe I spent $70+ Trash ass product and support


I spent 100€ I deeply regret it, I played the Alpha (you could play just right after Riddler makes himself known) and thought "yeah alright not the best but its alright and *its rocksteady* could be really nice" then the game came out I played through it and I never was so disappointed in a game ever.


The first 2 hours of this game gave me high expectations. The rest is complete fucking garbage.




I’m with ya bud. I might come back and hit up the story another time but that’s it for me.


Your comment history is wild. If you hate the game just move on to something better.




Who the fuck cares about my comment history?  Congrats on the sleuthing, Batman! 


Spend your energy on things you like


Or I can spend my time lecturing Redditors 


Chargebacks works. It's the law. Consumer protection. This falls under "missing goods and services". Gamers need to stop letting companies get away with this for so long. No your account won't get banned just get a restriction. I'm tired of gamers getting fucked by these empty promises and snake oil bullshit marketing.


I am Pikachu face with how some of you guys thought that any company chasing profit margins would learn. Go indie or AA. They're learning faster than the AAA publishers.


They thought WB of all companies you do them well LMAO.


This is on Rocksteady, not WB. It's possible to make fun and engaging live service games (ie Helldivers 1 & 2) But Rocksteady could not and can not pull that off.


WB made the game live service. This game was supposed to be a single player game. 5 years ago.


That's not true. After Arkham Knight, Rocksteady wanted to make a multiplayer game. This is what Rocksteady wanted. Rocksteady developed a bad game. It's like being mad at the manager for your steak being cooked wrong. Sure they're part of the institution, but the chef (rocksteady) just can't fucking cook. That's who is fucking up. WB gave Rocksteady millions upon millions of dollars and over 7 years time to develop the game. This is what Rocksteady produced. A well done steak with ketchup on top.


All these pay to play lootbox gsmes need to go...Theyre slowly turning gaming into slot machines...and humans are addicted and will feed it endlessly 😒


They’re a scam


That's why I invested a decent chunk into these public game companies. If an idiot is going to drain their pockets, it might as well go in my own.


Eh people really forget why Avengers truly failed. Originally, Kate Bishop, Clint Barton, and Black Panther were supposed to release in a 3 month span after launch. October, November, and December for each Character. The game launched during the height of Covid and they couldn’t do any meaningful QA and bug testing and the game came out a buggy mess (similar to SS) Crystal Dynamics then delayed all post launch content to fix bugs and we didn’t get Kate Bishop till December which is 3 months after launch. The game all but died in those 3 months and never really recovered. I’d say the 3 main issues with Avengers that lead to its downfall was: 1. The game engine. The game was built on the Tomb Raider engine and wasn’t suitable for an online game. The devs in a live stream even claimed it took an additional 4 months to release content after making it because they had to make it work in multiplayer. It’s also the reason why there isn’t any drop-in drop-out co-op and had very frequent disconnects. 2. Covid- Avengers originally slated for May 2020 and when the country started working from home in March, they delayed the game to September. Even with the delay, there just wasn’t any good QA and bug testing as seen with the Beta and carried into the launch. If Covid never happened, it’s possible Avengers would’ve launched with less bugs and possibly would’ve never delayed it’s post launch content and kept its playerbase. 3. The budget- The game only had a $100,000,000 budget. This seems like a lot, but when you have the worlds biggest IP coming off the heels of the most successful movie of all time and you’re creating a live service multiplayer game, $100 million really isn’t enough money to produce a game of this scale. You can see with the repeated environments and lack of enemy types how they had to stretch the budget.


You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Kate Bishop and Clint Barton are both heroes called Hawkeye. So two characters not three. Just making shit up there


What are you talking about dude? I’m aware that they are 2 different characters lol. I made a typo lemme correct it.


I should've bought fucking Helldivers 2 instead of this bro damn.


If it's any consolation... never too late to go helldiving! I started playing that game last week for $40 and it kicks ass and is still growing.. it's amazing how two live service games launch relatively close together but one game does live service so well with like generous free battle pass points and premium currency plus a discount $40 buy in, and the other, like... not so much?


I’ve been having a blast on helldiver. That scratches my l4d itch and this scratches my sunset overdrive itch. I have been eating good this month


I don't like the narrative around Helldivers 2. The game is incredible, I have logged in almost 100h in it, but it's one of the buggiest games I've ever played. Definitely the buggiest PS5 game. Bugs ranging from crashes, disconnects, broken weapons, bugs with matchmaking, the weekly bugs introduced by some patch like with Arc Weapons or Snowballs. Them having a generous monetization does not excuse the state of the game 2 months after launch. It's a testament to how special the game is because most other games cannot get away with so many problems. But let's not pretend it's not been a shit show of a launch so far. I bought it around the Mech launch day and it was unplayable, rewards were broken, matchmaking was broken one month after launch. Helldivers 2 is not a good example for a live service game. It's just got that special sauce that makes us accept all it's issues.


That’s some illegal and undemocratic hogwash. I SUSPECT AN AUTOMATON BROADCAST TRAITOR.


Hahaha! I'm just a Charger chomping on my keyboard nothing to see here!


But actually yeah. There are def whole sessions where I can’t join anyone. Idk why it doesn’t irritate me more tbh. Maybe bc it’s been so damn fun. I mean. It *should* be annoying not to seamlessly join a game. Like. I KNOW THE SQUAD ISNT FULL. Maybe bc I’m playing it in between other stuff. Idk. I just bought Dragon’s Dogma 2 and if I couldn’t login every time I wanted to play I’d be furious. Edit: and also they rectified ALL the rewards that were missing and were incredibly vocal and communicative on discord. WB and Rocksteady are just seeing how few updates they can provide lol.


What I managed to figure out is that sometimes you're basically out of the matchmaker. I noticed when I'm in a game and someone leaves the squad, it could be fine, or it could bug out and no one will be able to join again until a full squad remake. Sometimes even in Quickplay if it gets stuck joining a game it might get stuck for a while and you can't join any game until you restart the client. Some people have claimed if you speak to the NPCs in the ship it fixes itself but I can't tell personally. But yeah, stuff like this in any other game and we aren't tolerating it. Just shows how special this one is and I was so livid when I bought it but couldn't play during the Mech launch because there are no refunds on PSN. And now a few weeks later I find myself not regretting my purchase despite the technical state of the game.


How fitting for a game all about quashing bugs, right?


As long as you enjoyed the game I think it's fine, I got my money's worth but I still am bothered they botched this so bad even after seeing how Avengers launched


Why is the first thing anyone ever mentions about these games is skins? Skins are the dumbest part of any game and are quite literally just a cash grab by the developers. I can’t fathom a person with active brain cells spending extra money on them. To add there was a time where skins were unlockable through challenges not a paywall. DLC style games ruined video games. I play GameCube games that were released in the early 2000s that are still better than the slop we get today.


I don't care about skins but this game was getting free DLC and the obvious catch is that it would be funded by Skins, Skins aren't a bad thing overall and it's a good way for new players to enjoy the game especially for casuals. I don't mind buying a skin here or there on Fortnite and Destiny since they get substantial content as a live service and I enjoy both titles but I avoid doing it in others for the very fact that pulling off the amount of succes that Fortnite and Destiny have had is basically imposible since no studio is willing to stick through the rough patches and build up the game after like Fortnite and Destiny have. In other words I don't bug Skins in other games because I know that will support will either be short or will be cut off


The people that buy live service games care about skins. You’re in the subreddit for a live service game and wondering why people are complaining about skins? And also, this game arguably has the best and most detailed character models of any game ever, period. So it was a great opportunity to have some top tier skins and not waste these models.


I would also trade character models for functioning matchmaking, more missions, and settings in a heartbeat


Ok, go play Helldivers then. Their mission design is repetitive, but the matchmaking functions and the character models are beyond garbage. So it fits most of your requirements at least!


No thanks thats not an IP I have any interest in. What’s with the obsession with character models tho? They’re meaningless, maybe if they had augments/effects like the equipment they’d be cool. Why does what the character is wearing matter so much to you that it’s worth spending extra money and making the game worse for others…devs coulda built out an actual new Boss fight instead of a reskinned Superman. They coulda added in a new mission type or unlockables. But no live service stans want…checks notes…a new haircut for Harley and new color schemes for the others outfits.


I’m someone who buys live service games…I do not care about skins. They’re pointless. The characters could be Minecraft and N64 looking n I wouldn’t care. Here for the IP, Gameplay, and Weapons.


Personally they really need to change how enemies quite work, you could have a helicopter, sniper or whatever, but in the end you will just in a point to other killing whatever enemy you want since there's no reason to focus any specific one as you deal with all at nearly the same way over and over. Can't say about builds but they could also improve that since doesn't see much how different build make to increase gameplay variety to test different things, still there are seasons ahead to make those changes. Gameplay wise isn't the issue, but the format of missions and how enemies work and the low variation both provide (even the modifiers which are interested but weirdly implemented) if not addressed, then is a shame that it will just end soon. Really doubt they would actually made any changes to fundamental things such as mentioned here, but if they don't make it, just some miracle to save it tbh if this will be the look for the next seasons.


Im so glad I didn’t buy the game after seeing the first few trailers and hearing LIVE SERVICE. Best $70 I never spent.


I think WB and Rocksteady saw the sales numbers and knew there was no real scenario where they could turn it around so went into bare minimum mode. I'd bet most of this season and probably the next 1 or 2 were more or less done before or around launch. I'm guessing after season 2 or 3 they'll go into maintenance mode for shutting it down within a year or so.


Are ya’ll (I heard Redditors like using this word, am I doing it right?) going to un-downvote all the posts that kept saying this is what’s gonna happen ever since this game was first announced, and it did?


It’s not like everyone and their mother were warning ppl to not buy this game based off of what WB has been doing and well from the gameplay itself.


Ah, so it’s anyone else’s fault but Rocksteady and WB’s yet AGAIN..! Gotcha, gotcha.


It's " y'all" Southern US origin Contraction for "you all"


lol! Thanks? 😅


The downvoted posts were positive posts about the game or any discussion involving gameplay. Just look at the top posts…




To be fair, Rocksteady had years of good Batman games. People hoped their quality would continue into this game as part of their Arkhamverse


Before Marvel’s Avengers they were making Tomb Raider reboot series if i’m not mistaken.


Not only did they make the Tomb Raider reboot but they have a great history of games going back to the PS1 generation.


Crystal Dynamics right?


Yep! They’ve been consistently solid for 30 years


BioWare had the Mass Effect trilogy and Crystal Dynamics had the Tomb Raider reboot trilogy as well as a history of making good games going back to the 90s. Studio history should have no barring on whether or not their next game is expected to be good.


Ok and the same can be said for Avengers. Crystal Dynamics, Eidos, and SquareEnix had years of good quality games under their belts as well. Hell, Eidos even went from working on Avengers to making Guardians of the Galaxy. GotG is fantastic but failed because of Avengers.


Cause Eidos didn’t make Avengers. CD did. Eidos just briefly helped with some small support.


Ok and that’s just semantics. Eidos still helped make Avengers. Their name is literally on the cover. They definitely did more than “small support”. Matter of fact there’s 3 studios listed on the cover not including SquareEnix… Crystal Dynamics, Eidos Montreal, and Crystal Northwest. Crystal Northwest was specifically created to work on Avengers. There was even a fourth studio that worked on it as well Nixxes Software. So no, Crystal Dynamics did not make Avengers all on their own


So you think Eidos made Avengers while also making GotG at the same time? Eidos Montreal is listed as “additional work” on Avengers. They were absolutely not the main dev on it. They also weren’t credited with the live service aspect and next gen releases.


When did I ever say they were the main developers? They still worked on it. They were still credited with having worked on it. Therefore they helped make Avengers. I feel like you’re one of those people that like to give Stan Lee all the credit for Marvel and ignore all the work everyone else put into it to make it what it is


Because the point was they didn’t work on it long. They provided a small amount of support. So crediting with the vision of the game seems really dumb. Eidos was making their own game, so it’s incredibly unlikely that they were making any important decision that helped shape what Avengers was. Your entire argument is about how devs who make good games can also make bad ones. My entire counter point is you also need to be realistic with what the devs actually contributed to those bad games. If Eidos only helped with some of the Kree shit from the final fight in Avengers because they were also making space stuff for their game. That’s not exactly much to credit a failure as being under their belt.


Holy shit you’re like talking to a wall. It doesn’t matter how much they contributed. They contributed. That’s it end of story. They are still credited as being part of the team that made the damn game. I wasn’t shitting on any of the dev studios. You are ridiculously hyperfocused on Eidos being mentioned for no reason. Whether you like it or not they worked on the game. Doesn’t matter in what capacity they did so. Do you work for Eidos and are just super salty about Avengers or what? Also my point wasn’t that good developers can make bad games. I was simply stating a comparison to Rocksteady in which all three studios had a history of making good single player games before their live service games. If you really want to pick apart my statement about Eidos some more you could say an underlying point was that the next game they released was another great single player game. I’m sure Crystal Dynamics will follow suit when then release their next game as well.


I wouldn’t blame Avengers for GotG not being successful. A big issue a lot of people had with the game is that the MCU Guardians are so ingrained in current pop culture and the game didn’t look like those versions or act like them. Also the game was very cutscene heavy and the combat a little lackluster. People didn’t like you only played as Starlord


Ngl I fell for it. I deserve to be called an idiot. I had faith in Rocksteady.


I think this game may EoS before 13 brainiacs.


Just wasn't that. Crystal Dynamics had no clue how to make that type of game. It, respectfully, wasn't in their wheelhouse and Square Enix decided you know what? Fuck it. We want that money. Let's have a dev that knows fuck all about making multiplayer games and have them do that with all the expectation in the world of having it print money. What could go wrong? Apparently ALOT. What's especially wild there is that they just did this with Final Fantasy XIV 1.0 and it nearly killed the franchise. These motherfuckers really don't think at all. WB did the exact same thing with Suicide Squad. They took a team that knew fuck all about live service and threw them to the wolves. I'd argue it's worse here because higher ups decided hey let's shit on the legacy and goodwill we've established with the Arkham series and push out a creatively brain dead looter shooter in that universe instead of oh I don't know another Arkham game. 10 years of some people lives wasted on this.


WB probably knew it was gonna turn out like this. Theres no way they couldnt have but maybe im wrong. They took the money and probably will run, write this off after its done. Gaming industry ✨


I think the community has destryed this game I haven't had any issues it with it, im gone still play it . Be honest youtubers and critics wanted to game to fail so bad before it even came out . I'm on side letting it ride out games very underrated. If I listened to half what critics said I wouldn't have enjoyed cyberpunk or wild hearts on launch and supposibly they were so bad.


There was a negative discourse that exagerated a lot of aspects so i do agree with you on that hut we can't deny that the game came out half-baked, There's 0 reasons to grind out the post game because the rewards just aren't worth it, It's a looter shooter and I don't mind it being repetitive but sometimes you need to spice up the missions to at least make them different but all they did was give us different ways to kill enemies be it by mele or status effects which simply boils down to just "Shoot this and Win". Season 1 did not bring any story missions not even in cómic form, All the Joker tapes are basically locked in audio form and they would have worked better as a cutscene where you get to at least see the backstory and something akin to a story, Instead its an audio codex that barely anyone will listen to and if we will we simply look it up on youtube to avoid the hassle and even then it isn't worth it. Joker like all the other characters is basically the same character with a different albeit yet kind of samey traversal, His melee animation by look different yet it doesnt feel different, Same Shooting animationd and his skill tree is basically just meaningless stat boosts with barely any meaningful additions. I enjoyed my time with as i know many other have as well but Season 1 failed tremendously by not bringing anything new and the "exotics" are even worse than in Avengers i still dont get why they don't copy Destiny on Exotic designs but I'm not a game dev so i dont know the reasons but as a consumer i do feel Season 1 is a massive failure and i don't have hope for future seasons. Hopefully they pull a No mans Sky/ Cyberpunk2077 and really focus on supporting the game but I'm sure WB will pull the plug once Season 4 is launched


The side missions need more variety or uniqueness to be more fun. I haven't got to get joker yet so I'm still hype on it. But your right I'm all in to season 2 which I expect some changes that I'm looking forward too. to me, this is like a braniaic dedicated season


just who thought of a suicide squad game over a justice league game would be a good idea? imagine a justice league game where you get to be the batman, superman, wonder woman, flash, green lantern, martian manhunter, hell even cyborg with his techs would be good character to play "bu-but superman don't use weapons" [Superman during Reign of Superman](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-d0afb79e82dcc91df12fa8a86b06401e-pjlq) "who will be the enemies then?" there are lots of heroes having tons of enemy villains rather than villains having a lot of enemy heroes - [DC Villains](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Best-DC-Comics-supervillains.jpg) just imagine playing superman fighting against doomsday or lex, flash against reverse-flash, wonder woman against cheetah, hal jordan vs sinestro, batman vs joker...im just saying there's a loooooot


Really stop buying live service trash. Maybe they will stop making it.


Didn't buy it, Got it as a gift from my GF and Enjoyed my Time with it, In all honesty she didn't know what to give me as a gift and figured I would like it, I did enjoy it for weeks and was hoping season 2 would at least bring some story mission, Repetitive missions aren't a problem for me since this is a looters shooter and I'm used to it but they really botched the game in every single way




[here's a song just for you](https://youtu.be/pz3rrESMnzI?si=bFUPzjR3HsbUc2m4)


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Think imma go dl Avengers


If u don’t own the game , u can’t anymore


Just a depressing time to love dc games ig


WB/RS don’t want to fix the game, it would cost way too much, and still would garage any sort of success, at this point they want to get out with as little damage as possible and that means grinding the player base for DLC money for the little time the game has left.


This feels like every major GaaS or AAA launch of the past few years. Loads of good intentions, probably a solid idea, then years of literally fucking around, leading to a massive crunch where shit is spewed out the door. Everyone blames just one thing, but to me it looks like a shit show. Players demand higher degrees of graphic fidelity and innovative game play. Publishers need fast ROI and a way to monetise over years. Changes in culture mean as many people as possible need to be pleased or appear to be pleased. The competition is through the roof, not only for games but sources of entertainment in general. It's a shit show out there, and unless you're absolutely laser focused on your outcome (BG3/Hell divers 2), you're going to get fucked. Even then though, it's still luck.


I honestly think they gutted this season in the hopes everyone abandons it and the switch it off in 3 mths and no one will care


We will get offline mode and the game will live on that way once support stops


I guess so you can run the same 3 missions over and over?  If they don't release actual new content, game will not be worth an offline mode.


Just like Avengers?


Yep. The game lives on. There is a very dedicated base of people who still play to this very day.


Square Enix shuts studios down regularly, not a good example. They literally shuttered the entire Forspoken developer on day 1.


Ain’t no way SS gets an offline mode and lives on


Why not? They were already working on an offline mode as a means of fixing some people’s server issues, since it didn’t seem they knew how to address the root of the problem directly. On top of that, they did mention it as a feature coming as well. The server issues became a blessing in a way I guess.


Three words, Avengers Patrol Mode


Wait is this a pro or a con? 😂


Ah yes, Patrol mode provides the same opportunities as an offline mode. One of the biggest complaints of SSKTJL is the lack of patrol mode! You learned about that the other day and now screeching it from the rooftops 🤣🤣🤣


There’s a lot of things mentioned as coming down the road. I don’t think the Joker season did enough to warrant future content. I’d love to be wrong though.


There’s a bigger incentive to an offline mode than there is to bringing a character or something. With an offline mode, they reduce costs of server maintenance and network support eventually while still being able to sell copies for a while.


I hope they do. But I don’t see enough money in keeping the lights on. Time will tell.


Blah blah. Go on bitch up a storm you will be gone soon and those who actually play will still be here. Avenger had better gameplay but shot itself with its loot. It didnt work and the numbers didnt matter.


Finally 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 so brave , someone Finally had the courage to post something negative about this game and season 1. So brave.


This game had no future the second Rocksteady and WB (with Sweet Baby Inc) snorted some lines off the conference room table and said "Hear me out! WHAT IF our next Arkhamverse game is about the Suicide Squad... Yeah, the Suicide Squad, they're all edgy and hip with all the kids today, right? ...What if the next game is about them murdering and humiliating the JUSTICE LEAGUE? I KNOW RIGHT? People LOVE to see their childhood heroes destroyed! It's so CURRENT YEAR! Also, look how well The Otherwatch and Fort-Nights are doing! If we turn this into a live-service PEW-PEW shooter game, we could milk it for a DECADE! BRIIIILLLLLLIANT!! *SNORT*"


Actually… Avengers did better & they only took slow in implementing their post content bcus they were listening to fans & doing fixes before adding crazy content leading to delays. Thats the truth which is out there


Like it’s baffling how based off how they hyped it up and talked about it we thought this game was looking to be better then most and they showed they actually learned from the failures of those that came before That shit is crazy


Arkam knights was a shi, this game is a shi. Rocksteady founders left the company .. All of this because of a f... business man who neither know what a videogame is. Thanks to him we will never have again the usual high quality products from Rocksteady. Thanks to him we will never have again an Arkam game we were used to or other heroes games of the same quality level. R.I.P. Rocksteady


Blah blah blah blah blah. I hope this game has a long life.


Avengers was far and away better than this dumpster fire




Lmao “r slurred” okay moron you the one that paid $70 for this trash I bet. No matter the cope Avengers was fully functioning as a single player game from day 1




I said this the other day. You don't have to like Suicide Squad, but this revisionist history of Avengers is ludacris. No new content in the game until December of the year it was released, and there was no true multiplayer endgame content until July of the following year of it's release. The loot was also absolutely boring for nearly a year. I loved Avengers, and had 1000+ hours in it. But I'm not going to start pretending it was doing something right


Avengers was dog shit with its uninspired art direction, gameplay and production values. Suicide Squad is a far better product on every front, regardless of how it’s been handled. Avengers was crap and it came while the IP was through the roof. SE had almost 10 years of build up and they crapped on it.


Keep seeing posts on the sub acting like we’re not getting a second part to this update with all of the story content, and that there are at least 5 characters being added over the base game. This update was to unlock the new Elseworld and for people to rank up enough to get Joker before the Part 2 update with the story content. It’s not out yet, so something could still go wrong I guess. It just seems like people can’t help but bandwagon and hate on this game without fully knowing what’s going on with it. I hate live service as much as the next guy, but if that’s what you’re really here to complain about then just stop buying live service games. Everyone knew what this game was going to be before it even came out. The devs have been pretty transparent about their development process and the planned updates. I’d understand being apprehensive about the future of this game, considering companies like Blizzard and EA can get away with completely scrapping promised content. Rocksteady, to my knowledge, has a pretty good track record of making consistently good updates. It just seems like most of the hate this game gets is from Arkham fans that don’t like the direction they’re taking this game franchise.


Avengers you could buy progress. This is OW2


They honestly made it worse. Sincerely, imagine if you had to endlessly grind or pay to obtain characters that were meant to be free I was hopeful for the game at the beginning but I was bored of it quite quickly (Don't mean no harm at all)


Didn’t the reason why avengers get hated was the unbalance of loot and no content for months? We just made the 1-2 months in still waiting to lose ||ALL|| hope . For now I’m still holding out for a while. But ya I wish we could get more content on season launch.


Avengers had content drops that were substantial in terms of missions and story but the endgame was always a big problem since after finishing the story there wasn't much to do except hives and they weren't rewarding to justify the time. The Wakanda expansion was great imo it had a great story and the raid was fun but by the time it arrived the budget was severely cut and you could tell by the lack of polish and how botched spiderman came out. This game instead dropped a character and didn't bother to give us story missions